69 research outputs found

    Uşak'da Bir Köprü Kitabesi Çanlı Köprü (H. 653 - M. 1255)

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    Enzymes play the most important role in the decomposition and deterioration of organic matter inthe soil. Most of the microbial activity in the soil is determined by measuring the activities of theenzymes. The aim of this study is to examine the changes in dehydrogenase enzyme activity indifferent pedological development soils formed on the same parent material, but with differentslopes, land cover and land use under semihumid climatic conditions. It was carried out on the soilformed on the basaltic parent material in different topographical positions within the Dağköy area ofEngiz district, which is located at the south of the Samsun-Bafra Highway. In this study,dehydrogenase enzyme activity was assessed in order to reveal the biological properties of the soilof the study area and it was investigated the dehydrogenase enzyme activity in terms of soilbiological property. For this aim, six soil profiles formed on weathered basaltic parent material andlocated on toposequence of north-south transect were described according to genetic horizon andclassified as Lithic Ustorthent, Vertic Haplustept, Typic Haplustept and Typic Haplustert.

    Cerebral palsy: Etiology, epidemiology and clinical specifications

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    Bu çalışma, 8-12 Ekim 1989 tarihlerinde Bursa[Türkiye]'da düzenlenen XXXIII. Milli Pediatri Kongresi'nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.Bursa ve çevresinde oturan ve pediatrik nöroloji polikliniğine gelen 120 beyin felçli olgu incelendi. Olguların % 62.5'u erkek ve erkek/kız oranı 1.66/1 bulundu. Etyolojilerinin % 62 perinatal, % 33 prenatal, % 5 postnatal orijinli olduğu saptandı. Olguların % 25'i prematare, % 20'si düşük doğum ağırlıklı idi. Ortalama yaşlan 3.5 - 3.2 yıl tanı konma yaşlan 15.2 + 14 ay bulundu. Klinik olarak % 44'ü spastik kuadriplejik, % 17'si spastik hemiptejik ve % 17'si atonik diplejik idi. Spastik kuadriplejik olguların termde, spastik diplejik olguların preterm doğanlarda sık olduğu görüldü. Tanının geç konması nedeniyle % 60 oranında kontraktür ve deformite saptandı.Totally 120 cases with cerebral palsy who were admitted to our polyclinic of pediatric neurology were involved in this study. 62.5 % of the cases were boy and the rate of boy/girl was 1.66/1. it was found that 62 % of the cases originated perinatally, 33 % of the cases prenatally and 5 % of the cases postnatally. Prematures were 25 %, cases with low birth weight were 20 %. The mean age of the cases was 3.5 + 3.2 years and the mean age of establishment of the diagnosis of cerebral palsy was 15.2 + 14 months. Clinically 44 % of the cases were spastic quadriplegic, 17 % were spastic hemiplegic and 17 % were atonic diplegic. It was found that spastic quadiplegic cases were common in temı infants but spastic diplegic cases were common in prematures. Defomıities and contractures were found in 60 % of the cases because of delaying the diagnosis


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    Bu çalışmanın amacı Çankırı-Yapraklı Ovacıkyaylası Deresi Havzası orman topraklarının temel özelliklerini ortaya koymak ve havza yönetimine yardımcı olacak bilgiler sunmaktır. Araştırma alanı 2474.2 ha olup, Çankırı-Yapraklı ilçesinde bulunmaktadır. Bölgeye ait arazi kullanımı, topoğrafik, jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik haritaların incelenmesi ve arazi gözlemleri sonucunda, araştırma alanında 14 adet profil açılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları ve arazi çalışmaları sonucu 6 farklı toprak serisi belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen toprakların 2 tanesi genç olmaları nedeniyle Entisol ordosuna, 3 tanesi Mollisol ve 1 tanesi ise Inceptisol ordosuna dahil edilmişlerdir. Araştırma alanında en fazla alana sahip topraklar Humic Dystroxerept (%28.5) iken en az alan %3.5 ile Typic Haploxeroll topraklardır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çankırı, Ovacıkyaylası, Toprak özellikleri, Toprak sınıflandırması


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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, aluviyal araziler üzerinde oluşmuş Çankırı-Kenbağ orman fidanlığı topraklarının fiziksel, kimyasal ve morfolojik özelliklerin incelenmesidir. Araştırma alanı Çankırı il merkezine 6 km uzaklıkta olup deniz seviyesinden ortalama yüksekliği 710 m dir. İklim yazları sıcak ve kurak kışları ise soğuk ve serttir. Çalışma bölgesindeki topraklar, özellikle Tatlı çayının değişik taşkın zamanlarında getirmiş olduğu sedimanlar üzerinde ve yamaç arazilerin etkileri sonucu oluşmuştur. Bölgeye ait topografik harita ve krokilerin incelenmesi, grit yöntemi ve burgu yoklamaları ile gerçekleştirilen arazi gözlemlerinden sonra, araştırma sahasında 9 profil kazılmıştır. Açılan profillerin her birinden horizon esasına göre örnekler alınmış ve labaratuvarda analizleri yapılmıştır. Analizlerden elde edilen sonuçların ve arazi gözlemlerinin değerlendirilmesi ile 7 farklı toprak serisi tanımlanmıştır. Bunlardan 2 tanesi Aridisol ve 5 tanesi Entisol olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Morfoloji, Genesis, Taksonomi, Etü

    Basic soil properties and soil classification of hazelnut cultivation area in the eastern black sea region, case study; Ünye-Tekkiraz district

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    The objective of this research was to investigate physical, chemical and morphological properties, classification and mapping of soils of hazelnut cultivation in Ünye-Tekkiraz district of The Eastern Black Sea Region. The study area is located between west of the Ordu and south of the Samsun provinces, at coordinates 4542495- 4537485 N and 342549-347523 E and total area is approximately 31.5 km2. Average annual precipitation and temperature are 1162.4 mm and 14.2 oC, respectively. Elevation varies from 200 m to 550 m above sea level. According to soil taxonomy, the soil temperature regime and moisture regime were classified as mesic and ustic, respectively. Most of the study areas have been commonly used for hazelnut cultivation, whereas southern part of the study area generally cover small forest and pasture lands. In the study area, distribution of geological pattern is palaeocene and eocene rocks consisting of sandstone, siltstone and marl including widely distributed and altered eocene aged volcano-clastics which are composed of basalt and andesite. After examination of topographic, land use, geologic and geomorphologic maps and land observation, 15 profile places were excavated in the study area. The soil samples were taken from each profile based on genetic horizons and their analyses were done in the laboratory. According to the results of laboratory analyses by taking into consideration of soil taxonomy, 11 different soil series were classified and described. Two them were classified as Entisol due to their young age and five are Inceptisol, three are Alfisol, and one is Vertisol. Whereas Hatipler seri has the largest area (14.7 %), Yenicuma Dere soil seri has the smallest area in the study area (3.2 %)

    Assessment of the relationship between some physico-chemical properties of soil and some erodibility parameters in micro basin scale

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    Dünya’nın birçok yerinde, verimli toprak katmanlarını taşıyıp, taşındığı yerde toprağın ekosistem içerisindeki fonksiyonel özelliğinin yitirmesinin yanı sıra, eğim doğrultusunda hareket ederek biriktiği yerde çevresel, ekonomik ve tarımsal yönden zarar oluşturan erozyon olayı önemli bir çevresel sorun oluşturmaktadır. Toprakların aşınmaya karşı göstermiş oldukları direnç ve strüktürel açıdan dayanıklılıkları, erozyona uğrama eğilimini göstermekte ve bu sebeple erozyonun yönü ve boyutu belirlenebilmektedir. Toprağın aşınabilirlik karakterlerinin belirlenmesi, erozyona uğrama eğiliminin tespit edilmesi açısından önemli bir yaklaşım olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde Rize ili sınırları içerisinde yer alan mikro havzaya ait çay tarımı yapılan toprakların bazı fiziko-kimyasal özellikler ile erozyona duyarlılık parametreleri olan dispersiyon oranı (DO) ve agregat stabilitesi (AS) arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesidir. Bu amaçla, mikro havza içerisinde çay tarımı yapılan arazilerden 28 farklı noktadan toprak örneği alınmıştır. Laboratuvar analizlerinden sonra elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, mikro havza içerisinde çay tarımı yapılan tarım arazilerinden alınan toprakların erozyona karşı hassasiyetleri değişkenlik göstermektedir. Toprakların DO değerleri %3.85 ile %18.14 arasında değişirken, AS değerleri %55.52 ile %92.02 arasında değişim göstermiştir. AS, DO ve diğer toprak özellikleri ilişkisinde en yüksek pozitif korelasyon organik madde ile azot (0.89**) görülürken, en yüksek negatif korelasyon kum ile silt (-0.83**) arasında belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca yapılan korelasyon testinde DO ve AS arasında önemli düzeyde negatif ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur.In many parts of the world, soil erosion causes losing of soil functional features in ecosystem by carrying surface depth which is fertile layer and gives environmental, economic, and agricultural damages by means of transporting along with the slope due to accumulating process is one of the most environmental problems. Resistance of soils against to erosion in terms of their structural stability shows a tendency for vulnerability of erosion, thus, it is possible to determine the direction and size of the erosion. In addition, it can be said that determination of soil erodibility characteristics is an important approach to detect tendency of soil erosion. The aim of this study was to evaluate relationships between some erodibility factors (dispersion ratio (DR) and aggregate stability (AS)) and some physico-chemical properties of soils used for tea cultivation in micro basin located at Rize province at Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. For this purpose, 28 soil samples were taken from different location points of tea cultivated land in micro basin. After laboratory studies, the data obtained were tested statistically. According to the analysis, results show variability against erosion of the soils. It was found that DR values of soils changed between 3.85% and 18.14% while, AS values were determined between 55.52% and 92.02%. Moreover, it was determined the highest positive correlation relationship between AS, DR and organic matter and nitrogen (0.89**), whereas the highest negative correlation relationship was found between sand and silt (-0.83**). Also, there was detected significantly negative relationship between DO and AS in the correlation test

    Effect of Septorhinoplasty on Olfactory Function: Assessment Using the Brief Smell Identification Test

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    Objective:Septorhinoplasty (SRP), one of the most commonly performed rhinologic surgery procedures, can affect olfactory function; however, the findings of studies investigating smell following SRP are controversial. We used a culturally adapted modified Brief Smell Identification Test (B-SIT) to investigate the long- and short-term effects of SRP on olfactory function.Methods:We enrolled 59 patients admitted to the Ear- Nose-Throat Clinic, who were complaining of external nasal deformity and nasal obstruction. Functional SRP was performed on all cases. The B-SIT was administered prior to surgery and at 4 and 12 weeks post-surgery. The smell identification score (SIS) reflected the number of correct answers. In addition, we investigated the effects of gender and smoking on olfactory function and whether the SRP procedure changed these associations.Results:The mean preoperative, 4-week, and 12-week postoperative SISs were 10.15±1.30, 10.21±1.52, and 10.92±0.95, respectively. The difference between the preoperative and 4-week postoperative SISs was not statistically significant; however, the 12-week postoperative score was significantly different from the preoperative and 4-week postoperative scores. Furthermore, the repeated measures analysis according to gender and smoking habit revealed a significant difference between the 4- and 12-week postoperative SISs. One patient developed postoperative anosmia; however, the patient recovered in the 12-week postoperative period.Conclusion:SRP surgery is a safe procedure in terms of olfactory function. In addition, olfactory function may increase following surgery as a result of improved nasal airflow

    Determination of Land Productivity Dynamic Trend for Land Degradation in Two Adjacent Micro Catchments

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