362 research outputs found

    Wynagrodzenie współwłaściciela z tytułu wyłącznego korzystania z rzeczy wspólnej przez innego współwłaściciela i jego domownika. Glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 11 stycznia 2018 r. (III CSK 349/16)

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    The findings presented in the commentary aim at assessing the legitimacy of the Supreme Court’s view expressed in the decision of 11 January 2018 (III CSK 349/16), according to which the co-owner is obliged towards other co-owners excluded from holding and using the item being the object of fractional ownership to pay the compensation for the use of this item by his household member. The discussion covers the concept and civil-law status of the household member and the admissibility of accepting the household member by the co-owner of a property owned as a fractional ownership. The problems of the co-owner’s liability for the behaviour of the household member and the liability of the household member for his/her own behaviour towards the co-owners deprived of the use of the joint property were also discussed.Ustalenia zawarte w glosie zmierzają do oceny zasadności poglądu Sądu Najwyższego wyrażonego w postanowieniu z dnia 11 stycznia 2018 r. (III CSK 349/16), zgodnie z którym współwłaściciel jest zobowiązany wobec współwłaścicieli wyłączonych od posiadania i używania rzeczy będącej przedmiotem współwłasności ułamkowej do zapłaty wynagrodzenia za korzystanie z tej rzeczy przez jego domownika. W ramach rozważań omówiono pojęcie i status cywilnoprawny domownika oraz dopuszczalność przyjęcia domownika przez współwłaściciela nieruchomości objętej współwłasnością ułamkową. Poruszony został także problem odpowiedzialności współwłaściciela za zachowanie domownika oraz odpowiedzialności domownika za własne zachowanie w stosunku do współwłaścicieli odsuniętych od korzystania z rzeczy wspólnej

    Uczestnictwo współwłaścicieli nieruchomości lokalowej w podejmowaniu uchwał dotyczących zarządu nieruchomością wspólną

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    Owners of separated premises, being at the same time co-owners of a common property, participate in the management of a common property in accordance with the principles set by the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Act of 24 June, 1994, on the ownership of premises. The afore-mentioned provisions do not regulate the rules of such participation in the event of  co-ownership of separated premises. In this respect interpretive doubts arise whether in passing resolutions on the managementof a common property, the co-owners of separated premises have one common vote, or whether they may vote individually. The present article attempts to determine the above question, by referring to the regulations under the act on the ownership of premises, concerning the relation between the separate ownership of premises and the shared co-ownership, and the Civil Code regulations on co-ownership. As a result of the findings, an interpretive conclusion is drawn in accordance with which co-owners of separated premises who participate in passing resolutions on the management of a common property, have one common vote carrying weight equal to their indivisible share in the  co-ownership of a common property. The discussion offers a series of arguments for the validity of the present thesis, and presents views on the problem discussed, as expressed in the science of civil law and judicial decisions.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Locating resistance/resisting location : a feminist literary analysis of supernatural women in contemporary fantastic fiction

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    In this thesis I examine the ways in which feminist and human geographies intersect with contemporary women-centred fantasy fiction. In particular, I consider space and place to be significant to female characters in their role as a physical presence as well as an intangible location. Thus I explore the forest, the body and the mind as territories occupied by the supernatural women. These various spatial themes, I suggest, outline distinctive locations for supernatural female characters and enable them to engage in a position of resistance from patriarchal ideologies. Through a spatial analysis of selected fiction, I reflect on challenges to notions that construct identity, gender and sexuality as well as conflict among women. I argue that the supernatural woman in fiction has been frozen in one-dimensional representation within traditional male-centred texts. This one-dimensionally, I suggest, hinges on the juxtaposition of the overly simplistic good/bad binary that has often illustrated female characters within fantasy fiction. As fantasy is a genre typically more concerned with worlds than characters, the women-centred fantasy text is unique in its exploration and pursuit of the literary character. Given the contemporary and interdisciplinary nature of this thesis, I have drawn upon filmic adaptations of texts at times to illustrate a further level of cultural awareness. The main emphasis is, however, on literary texts and, thus, reference to film is meant to supplement my textual analysis

    Structure of a volume-regulated heteromeric LRRC8A/C channel

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    Volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) participate in the cellular response to osmotic swelling. These membrane proteins consist of heteromeric assemblies of LRRC8 subunits, whose compositions determine permeation properties. Although structures of the obligatory LRRC8A, also referred to as SWELL1, have previously defined the architecture of VRACs, the organization of heteromeric channels has remained elusive. Here we have addressed this question by the structural characterization of murine LRRC8A/C channels. Like LRRC8A, these proteins assemble as hexamers. Despite 12 possible arrangements, we find a predominant organization with an A:C ratio of two. In this assembly, four LRRC8A subunits cluster in their preferred conformation observed in homomers, as pairs of closely interacting proteins that stabilize a closed state of the channel. In contrast, the two interacting LRRC8C subunits show a larger flexibility, underlining their role in the destabilization of the tightly packed A subunits, thereby enhancing the activation properties of the protein

    A dynamical system approach to higher order gravity

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    The dynamical system approach has recently acquired great importance in the investigation on higher order theories of gravity. In this talk I review the main results and I give brief comments on the perspectives for further developments.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, talk given at IRGAC 2006, July 200

    Patterns of Pathomorphological Changes in Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis

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    Acinar necrosis is the basic microscopic sign of acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). Microcirculation disorder is one of the major factors in the pathogenesis and morphogenesis of ANP besides free radicals and damage of enzymatic origin. This study is dedicated to the description of microscopic changes in the pancreatic stroma in ANP, which leads to destruction of the exocrine pancreas with a putative mechanism of endocrine function preservation. This study has been carried out on histological samples of pancreas from 224 patients with ANP. Histological staining was performed with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E), Masson, Gomori methods, and PAS. Microscopy was performed with magnifications of 40×, 100×, and 400×. Vascular endothelial desquamation, stasis, and sludge are typical changes in microcirculation observed in early stages of ANP. Initially, parietal circular intravascular microthrombosis accompanied by endothelial desquamation as early as stromal swelling occurs with no detectable necrosis. Residual stroma appears between areas of necrosis and intact pancreatic tissue. Mucoid swelling is first seen in the perivascular spaces extending to the parenchyma and changing into fibrinoid imbibition causing further necrosis. Reticulin argyrophilic backbone surrounding the pancreatic acini and small ducts decompose. Pancreatic structures, which may be preserved in necrotic tissue, include nerves, major ducts, and Langerhans islets

    Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as State: The Role of New Media in Modern Conflicts

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    The relevance of the study lies in the fact that Ukraine is under the influence of military aggression, and ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language under such conditions is a fundamental guarantee of its national security and state sovereignty. The purpose of the study is to examine the peculiarities of the Ukrainian language as the state language in two aspects: as a sign and communication system and as a system that performs a practical social role in society. The subject of the study is the state language as an important element of the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people and a prerequisite for the formation of its national identity. The methodological basis of the study is general (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and special (methods of collecting information and processing it, methods of forecasting and modeling) means of scientific knowledge. The research resulted in the argumentation that an extremely important factor in solving the problem of achieving national unity is the national language, which should be spoken by the entire population of the country, since the language in which a person not only communicates but also thinks, at the subconscious level, also forms spiritual values corresponding to a particular language. It is the unity of language, spiritual values, and cultural heritage that is a prerequisite for ensuring the national unity of a country and the formation of its nation's identity. The conclusion of the study is that the State language is the most important part of the national wealth of Ukraine and therefore should be under special protection by the State as one of the objects of the system of ensuring the national security of the country