5 research outputs found

    Modification des gels de mucus par la délivrance de molécules composées de domaines CYS

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    Mucus is a gel conserved among vertebrates and invertebrates. Its major functions arethe protection and hydration of non-keratinized epithelia. Gel-forming mucins are multidomainproteins, which self-associate together to form linear and entangled polymers toform the mucus glycoprotein matrix. The well-characterized covalent interactions, but alsonon-covalent (reversible) links, are responsible for the viscoelastic character of mucus. Themucin CYS domain is found in mucus on the surface of all secretory human mucosae. Itis very well conserved in vertebrates and very hydrophobic. Thus, it is one of the bestcandidates for establishing reversible hydrophobic bonds.The aim of this work is to study the impact of CYS domain enrichment on propertiesof mucus gels. For this, a transgenic mouse model (Tg222) and a mucus-secretingcell line (HT29-MTX E12), constitutively secreting a recombinant molecule made of 12consecutive CYS domains (rCYSx12), were developed. The effect of endogenous deliveryof rCYSx12 on mucus gel permeability, cellular motility and rheological properties wasstudied (micro- and macro-scale). Cellular models secreting a molecule made up of CYSdomains (poly-CYS) have also been developed in order to consider the exogenous deliveryof this molecule, and to study its effect in a pathological context.Endogenous delivery of rCYSx12 into the mucus of the HT29-MTX E12 cell linedecreased the permeability of the mucus gel. The secretion of rCYSx12 was also associatedwith a decrease in bacterial motility (velocity and linearity of displacement) in the mucusof the cellular and mouse models. The rheological properties of the colonic mucus weredetermined at multi-scale levels. The delivery of rCYSx12 leads to a remodeling of the mucus protein matrix by reducing its mesh size. The production of a poly-CYS moleculewas developed in the yeast Pichia pastoris and in the human cell line HEK293. UnlikeP. pastoris, the HEK293 cell line produced and secreted the poly-CYS molecule withoutapparent modifications.The rCYSx12 is of great therapeutic interest for strengthening mucus gels in pathologicalcontexts such as ulcerative colitis or intrauterine infections. The development ofmodels stably secreting the poly-CYS molecule will make it possible to carry out exogenousdelivery tests, and thus to evaluate the therapeutic potential of this molecule.Le mucus est un gel conservĂ© chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s et les invertĂ©brĂ©s. Ses fonctions majeures sont la protection et l’hydratation des Ă©pithĂ©liums non kĂ©ratinisĂ©s. Les mucines gĂ©lifiantes sont des protĂ©ines multi-domaines qui s’associent en polymĂšres linĂ©aires et enchevĂȘtrĂ©s pour former la matrice glycoprotĂ©ique du mucus. Les interactions covalentes bien caractĂ©risĂ©es des mucines, mais aussi les associations non covalentes (rĂ©versibles),sont responsables du caractĂšre viscoĂ©lastique du mucus. Le domaine CYS des mucines est retrouvĂ© dans le mucus Ă  la surface de toutes les muqueuses sĂ©crĂ©toires humaines. Il est trĂšs conservĂ© chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s et trĂšs hydrophobe. De ce fait, il est l’un des meilleur scandidats pour l’établissement de liaisons hydrophobes rĂ©versibles.L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier l’impact d’un enrichissement en domaine CYS sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s des gels de mucus. Pour cela, un modĂšle murin transgĂ©nique (Tg222) e tune lignĂ©e cellulaire muco-sĂ©crĂ©tante (HT29-MTX E12), sĂ©crĂ©tant constitutivement une molĂ©cule recombinante composĂ©e de 12 domaines CYS consĂ©cutifs (rCYSx12), ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s. L’effet de la dĂ©livrance endogĂšne de rCYSx12 sur la permĂ©abilitĂ© du gel de mucus, la motilitĂ© cellulaire et les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques du gel ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Des modĂšles cellulaires sĂ©crĂ©tant des molĂ©cules constituĂ©es de domaines CYS (poly-CYS) ont aussi Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s afin d’envisager la dĂ©livrance exogĂšne de cette molĂ©cule, et d’étudier son effet dans un contexte pathologique.La dĂ©livrance endogĂšne de rCYSx12 dans le mucus de la lignĂ©e cellulaireHT29-MTX E12 diminue la permĂ©abilitĂ© du gel de mucus. La sĂ©crĂ©tion de rCYSx12est Ă©galement associĂ©e Ă  une diminution de la motilitĂ© bactĂ©rienne (vitesse et linĂ©aritĂ© du dĂ©placement) dans les mucus des modĂšles cellulaire et murin. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques du mucus colique murin ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es Ă  plusieurs Ă©chelles. La dĂ©livrance derCYSx12 entraĂźne un remodelage de la matrice protĂ©ique du mucus en rĂ©duisant la taille des mailles que forment les mucines gĂ©lifiantes. La production d’une molĂ©cule poly-CYS aĂ©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e chez la levure Pichia pastoris et dans la lignĂ©e cellulaire d’origine humaineHEK293. Contrairement Ă  P. pastoris, la lignĂ©e HEK293 produit et sĂ©crĂšte la molĂ©cule poly-CYS sans modifications importantes apparentes.La molĂ©cule rCYSx12 revĂȘt un grand intĂ©rĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique pour renforcer les gels de mucus dans des contextes pathologiques, comme la rectocolite hĂ©morragique ou les infections intra-utĂ©rines. Le dĂ©veloppement de modĂšles sĂ©crĂ©tant stablement une molĂ©cule poly-CYS permettra de rĂ©aliser des tests de dĂ©livrance exogĂšne, et ainsi dĂ©terminer le potentiel thĂ©rapeutique de cette molĂ©cule

    Mucus gel modifications through the delivery of molecules made up of CYS domains

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    Le mucus est un gel conservĂ© chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s et les invertĂ©brĂ©s. Ses fonctions majeures sont la protection et l’hydratation des Ă©pithĂ©liums non kĂ©ratinisĂ©s. Les mucines gĂ©lifiantes sont des protĂ©ines multi-domaines qui s’associent en polymĂšres linĂ©aires et enchevĂȘtrĂ©s pour former la matrice glycoprotĂ©ique du mucus. Les interactions covalentes bien caractĂ©risĂ©es des mucines, mais aussi les associations non covalentes (rĂ©versibles),sont responsables du caractĂšre viscoĂ©lastique du mucus. Le domaine CYS des mucines est retrouvĂ© dans le mucus Ă  la surface de toutes les muqueuses sĂ©crĂ©toires humaines. Il est trĂšs conservĂ© chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s et trĂšs hydrophobe. De ce fait, il est l’un des meilleur scandidats pour l’établissement de liaisons hydrophobes rĂ©versibles.L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier l’impact d’un enrichissement en domaine CYS sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s des gels de mucus. Pour cela, un modĂšle murin transgĂ©nique (Tg222) e tune lignĂ©e cellulaire muco-sĂ©crĂ©tante (HT29-MTX E12), sĂ©crĂ©tant constitutivement une molĂ©cule recombinante composĂ©e de 12 domaines CYS consĂ©cutifs (rCYSx12), ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s. L’effet de la dĂ©livrance endogĂšne de rCYSx12 sur la permĂ©abilitĂ© du gel de mucus, la motilitĂ© cellulaire et les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques du gel ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Des modĂšles cellulaires sĂ©crĂ©tant des molĂ©cules constituĂ©es de domaines CYS (poly-CYS) ont aussi Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s afin d’envisager la dĂ©livrance exogĂšne de cette molĂ©cule, et d’étudier son effet dans un contexte pathologique.La dĂ©livrance endogĂšne de rCYSx12 dans le mucus de la lignĂ©e cellulaireHT29-MTX E12 diminue la permĂ©abilitĂ© du gel de mucus. La sĂ©crĂ©tion de rCYSx12est Ă©galement associĂ©e Ă  une diminution de la motilitĂ© bactĂ©rienne (vitesse et linĂ©aritĂ© du dĂ©placement) dans les mucus des modĂšles cellulaire et murin. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques du mucus colique murin ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es Ă  plusieurs Ă©chelles. La dĂ©livrance derCYSx12 entraĂźne un remodelage de la matrice protĂ©ique du mucus en rĂ©duisant la taille des mailles que forment les mucines gĂ©lifiantes. La production d’une molĂ©cule poly-CYS aĂ©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e chez la levure Pichia pastoris et dans la lignĂ©e cellulaire d’origine humaineHEK293. Contrairement Ă  P. pastoris, la lignĂ©e HEK293 produit et sĂ©crĂšte la molĂ©cule poly-CYS sans modifications importantes apparentes.La molĂ©cule rCYSx12 revĂȘt un grand intĂ©rĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique pour renforcer les gels de mucus dans des contextes pathologiques, comme la rectocolite hĂ©morragique ou les infections intra-utĂ©rines. Le dĂ©veloppement de modĂšles sĂ©crĂ©tant stablement une molĂ©cule poly-CYS permettra de rĂ©aliser des tests de dĂ©livrance exogĂšne, et ainsi dĂ©terminer le potentiel thĂ©rapeutique de cette molĂ©cule.Mucus is a gel conserved among vertebrates and invertebrates. Its major functions arethe protection and hydration of non-keratinized epithelia. Gel-forming mucins are multidomainproteins, which self-associate together to form linear and entangled polymers toform the mucus glycoprotein matrix. The well-characterized covalent interactions, but alsonon-covalent (reversible) links, are responsible for the viscoelastic character of mucus. Themucin CYS domain is found in mucus on the surface of all secretory human mucosae. Itis very well conserved in vertebrates and very hydrophobic. Thus, it is one of the bestcandidates for establishing reversible hydrophobic bonds.The aim of this work is to study the impact of CYS domain enrichment on propertiesof mucus gels. For this, a transgenic mouse model (Tg222) and a mucus-secretingcell line (HT29-MTX E12), constitutively secreting a recombinant molecule made of 12consecutive CYS domains (rCYSx12), were developed. The effect of endogenous deliveryof rCYSx12 on mucus gel permeability, cellular motility and rheological properties wasstudied (micro- and macro-scale). Cellular models secreting a molecule made up of CYSdomains (poly-CYS) have also been developed in order to consider the exogenous deliveryof this molecule, and to study its effect in a pathological context.Endogenous delivery of rCYSx12 into the mucus of the HT29-MTX E12 cell linedecreased the permeability of the mucus gel. The secretion of rCYSx12 was also associatedwith a decrease in bacterial motility (velocity and linearity of displacement) in the mucusof the cellular and mouse models. The rheological properties of the colonic mucus weredetermined at multi-scale levels. The delivery of rCYSx12 leads to a remodeling of the mucus protein matrix by reducing its mesh size. The production of a poly-CYS moleculewas developed in the yeast Pichia pastoris and in the human cell line HEK293. UnlikeP. pastoris, the HEK293 cell line produced and secreted the poly-CYS molecule withoutapparent modifications.The rCYSx12 is of great therapeutic interest for strengthening mucus gels in pathologicalcontexts such as ulcerative colitis or intrauterine infections. The development ofmodels stably secreting the poly-CYS molecule will make it possible to carry out exogenousdelivery tests, and thus to evaluate the therapeutic potential of this molecule

    Non-C-mannosylable mucin CYS domains hindered proper folding and secretion of mucin

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    International audienceThe CYS domain occurs in multiple copies in many gel-forming mucins. It is believed that CYS domains can interact with each other in a reversible manner, suggesting a key role of the domain in gel formation. This domain always contains in its amino-terminal sequence the C-mannosylation motif WXXW, but whether the CYS domain is C-mannosylated is debated, and the putative role of C-mannosylation of the domain is unclear. We prepared recombinant CYS domains of the human mucin MUC5B with (WXXW→AXXW) and without a single amino acid mutation and mini-5B mucins made of a large Ser/Thr/Pro region flanked by two CYS domains with the WXXW motif or with the mutated AXXW motif on the first, second or both CYS domains. We found that the single CYS domain and the two CYS domains of mini-5B mucin must be C-mannosylable for the efficient maturation and secretion of the recombinant molecules; otherwise, they are retained in the cell and co-localized with a resident enzyme of the endoplasmic reticulum

    Mucin CYS domain stiffens the mucus gel hindering bacteria and spermatozoa.

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    Mucus is the first biological barrier encountered by particles and pathogenic bacteria at the surface of secretory epithelia. The viscoelasticity of mucus is governed in part by low energy interactions that are difficult to assess. The CYS domain is a good candidate to support low energy interactions between GFMs and/or mucus constituents. Our aim was to stiffen the mucus from HT29-MTX cell cocultures and the colon of mice through the delivery of a recombinant protein made of hydrophobic CYS domains and found in multiple copies in polymeric mucins. The ability of the delivery of a poly-CYS molecule to stiffen mucus gels was assessed by probing cellular motility and particle diffusion. We demonstrated that poly-CYS enrichment decreases mucus permeability and hinders displacement of pathogenic flagellated bacteria and spermatozoa. Particle tracking microrheology showed a decrease of mucus diffusivity. The empirical obstruction scaling model evidenced a decrease of mesh size for mouse mucus enriched with poly-CYS molecules. Our data bring evidence that enrichment with a protein made of CYS domains stiffens the mucin network to provide a more impermeable and protective mucus barrier than mucus without such enrichment

    La structure des mucines conditionne les propriétés viscoélastiques des gels de mucus

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    Le mucus reprĂ©sente la premiĂšre ligne de dĂ©fense innĂ©e chez les mammifĂšres. Les mucines gĂ©lifiantes qui le constituent forment un rĂ©seau protĂ©ique au sein duquel coexistent des rĂ©gions hydrophiles et hydrophobes. Il est maintenu par des interactions covalentes et rĂ©versibles qui dĂ©finissent les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques du gel. Cette revue dĂ©crit la structure et les fonctions du mucus en se focalisant sur les interactions protĂ©ine-protĂ©ine, ou interactome, des mucines gĂ©lifiantes. Du fait de leur nature rĂ©versible et de leur dĂ©pendance vis-Ă -vis de l’environnement physico-chimique, le rĂŽle des interactions de faible Ă©nergie n’est pas totalement compris. Cependant, ce type de liaisons constitue une cible thĂ©rapeutique prometteuse pour contrebalancer les anormalitĂ©s du mucus observĂ©es dans les pathologies associĂ©es aux muqueuses