8 research outputs found

    Betty Neuman Systems Model

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    Hemşirelik, bireyi yaşamı boyunca sağlık ya da hastalık durumlarında destekleyen bir meslektir. Hemşirelerin mesleklerini profesyonel anlamda gerçekleştirebilmeleri için geniş bakış açısına sahip olmaları ve sistematik bir yol izlemeleri gerekmektedir. Sistematik bir yol izlemek ancak analitik düşünmekle ve hemşirelik bakım sürecini takip etmekle mümkün olmaktadır. Hemşirelik bakım sürecini planlarken yol gösterici hemşirelik teori ve modellerinden yararlanmak bakımın kalitesini de arttırmaktadır. Bu durumda hemşireler sağlığı korumak ve geliştirmek adına bireyin ya da toplumun gereksinimlerini belirlerken hemşirelik teorilerini temel alarak yol izlemelidirler. Bu modellerden biride Neuman Sistemler Modelidir. Birey, sağlık/hastalık, hemşirelik ve çevre kavramlarını bir arada alan bu model, yalnızca sağlık ya da hastalık değil insan odaklı bir holistik ve bütüncü yaklaşım kavramına değinmiştir. Model, stres ve stresörleri temel alarak tüm girişimlerin planlanması gerektiği üzerine odaklanmıştır. Bu derlemenin amacı; Neuman Sistemler Modeli’nin daha iyi kavranmasına yardımcı olmak, profesyonel bakım sağlamada hemşirelere yol gösterici bir kaynak sağlamak ve sağlık hizmetlerindeki önemini incelemektirNursing is a profession that supports individuals throughout their life in states of health and illness. Nurses need to have a wide perspective and follow their way systematically in order to meet the requirements of their profession. Systematic course, in turn, requires analytical thinking and keeping track of the nursing process. The quality of care is higher if existing nursing theories and models are utilized in the process. To protect and improve the health status of individuals, nurses must take nursing theories as basis while identifying the needs of individuals or communities. The Neuman Systems Model is one of the models that nurses must consider. The model taking the concepts of individual, health/illness, nursing and environment together in fact denotes a human-focused and holistic approach going beyond specific cases of health and illness. The model focuses on the need to plan for all initiatives on the basis of stress and stressors. The objective of this compilation is to help in grasping the model better, provide guide to nurses in professional care and to examine the importance of nursing in health service

    A Case Evaluation Based On the Neuman Open Systems Model

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    Hastalık bireyin yaşamında stres yaratan bir süreçtir. Özellikle süreşen hastalıklar bireylerde yaşam kalitesini düşürmekte, saşlık kurumlarına başımlılışı arttırmakta ve farklı bireylerde farklı stresörler yaratmaktadır. Hasta bireylerin tedaviden yarar saşlamaları ve yeni duruma uyum saşlamalarını kolaylaştırmak için hemşireler çeşitli hemşirelik modellerine dayanarak hemşirelik bakımı sunabilmeleri şereklidir. Bu modellerden biri de Neuman Açık Sistemler Modelidir. Bu çalışmada, hemodiyaliz tedavisi şören bir bayan hastanın alşıladışı stresörler ve etkilenme durumu Neuman Açık Sistemler Modeline şöre izlenmiş ve hemşirelik bakım planı oluşturulmuştur. Hemodiyaliz şibi süreşen hastalıklarda bu modelin kullanımı uyşun bir yol şösterici olabilir. Bu vaka çalışması, Neuman Açık Sistemler Modelinin farklı tanılarda, farklı bireylerde ve farklı yaşam olaylarında rahatlıkla kullanılabilir olduşunu ortaya koymaktadır.Disease is a condition that causes stress in humans’ lives. Chronic diseases in particular reduce people’s quality of life, aşşravate their dependence on health institutions and produce different stressors amonş different people. It is necessary for nurses to provide nursinş care by usinş different nursinş models so that sick individuals can benefit from treatment and adapt into the new situation. One of these models is Neuman’s Systems Model. In this study, stressors and exposure level experienced by a female patient who received hemodialysis treatment were observed accordinş to Neuman’s Systems Model and a nursinş care plan was desişned. In chronic disease like hemodialysis, usinş this model may be an appropriate şuide. This case study proved that Neuman’s Systems Model can comfortably be used in different diaşnosis, different individuals and different life event

    Branding places: applying brand personality concept to cities

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    Purpose - In recent years, brand personality as a branding construct has received considerable interest, which has led to a significant effort to develop tools to measure the personality of brands. Although the majority of these studies have focused on the brand personality of conventional product brands, the new boundaries of marketing obviously necessitate the application of branding constructs to non-traditional products such as places. This study aims to focus on brand personalities of places, and to examine the applicability of this concept for city brands

    Cochlear electrophysiology and histopathology of rats exposed to intratympanic silica nanoparticles

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    WOS:000497661000015Toxic effects of silica nanoparticle of rats exposed intratympanically for 7 days were investigated using brainstem auditory evoked potential and distortion product otoacoustic emission techniques. The histopathological changes were evaluated with light microscopy and field emission-scanning electron microscopy were demonstrated in cochleas using based energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The reduction in the amplitude and prolongation at the peak latency and interpeak latencies of brainstem auditory evoked potential were observed. Silica nanoparticles significantly reduced distortion product otoacoustic emission amplitude in the 2, 3 and 4 kHz frequencies. In the light microscopic evaluation, the samples obtained from the experimental group showed a significant loss of hair cells. Field emission scanning electron microscope analysis of experimental group showed considerable hair cell damage compared to control group. The findings of this study show that intratympanic administration of silica nanoparticles may lead to hearing impairment by causing structural changes in cochlear hair cells.Research Fund of Mersin University in TurkeyMersin University [BAP- 2017-1-TP2-2143]This study was supported by the Research Fund of Mersin University in Turkey with Project Number: BAP- 2017-1-TP2-2143

    Pulmonary Rehabilitation Principles After SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19): A Guideline for the Management of Acute and Subacute Course

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious infection disease, which may cause respiratory, physical, psycological and generalised systemic dysfunction. The severity of disease ranges from an asymptomatic infection, mild illness, mild or severe pneumonia with respiratory failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome and/or death. COVID-19 affects the pulmonary system crucially. There is a lack of knowledge about the longterm outcomes of the disease and the possible sequeles and rehabilitation, as well. This clinical practice guideline includes pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) recommendations for adult COVID-19 patients and is developed in the light of the guides on the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 provided by World Health Organisation and Turkish Republic Ministery of Health, and recently published scientific literature, PR recommendations for COVID-19 regarding basic principles of PR. In this guideline, the contagiousness of COVID-19, recommendations on limited contact of patient with health care providers, and the evidence about possible benefits of PR were taken into consideration.Coronavirus Hastalığı 2019 (COVID-19) solunumsal, fiziksel, psikolojik ve yaygın sistemik işlev bozukluğuna yol açabilen bulaşıcı bir hastalıktır. Hastalığın ciddiyeti asemptomatik enfeksiyondan, hafif hastalık, pnömoni, ciddi pnömoni, akut solunum sıkıntısı sendromu, solunum yetmezliği ve ölüme kadar değişebilmektedir. COVID-19 solunum sistemi önemli şekilde etkilenmektedir. Hastalığın uzun dönem sonuçları ve muhtemel sekellerine ilişkin yeterli bilgi olmadığı gibi, rehabilitasyonu konusunda da henüz kanıt yoktur. Bu klinik uygulama rehberi erişkin COVID-19 hastaları için pulmoner rehabilitasyon önerileri içermektedir ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü ile T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından hazırlanan COVID-19 tanı ve tedavi rehberleri, yakın zamanlı bilimsel yayınlar, uzman görüşü olarak yayınlanan COVID-19 için pulmoner rehabilitasyon önerileri ışığında ve pulmoner rehabilitasyonun temel prensipleri doğrultusunda hazırlanmıştır Bu öneriler geliştirilirken, COVID-19’un bulaşıcılığı, sınırlı sayıda personelin hasta ile teması ilkeleri ile pulmoner rehabilitasyonun sağlayacağı yararların düzeyi göz önünde bulundurulmuştur

    Pulmonary rehabilitation principles in SARS-COV-2 infection (COVID-19): A guideline for the acute and subacute rehabilitation

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious infection disease, which may cause respiratory, physical, psychological, and generalized systemic dysfunction. The severity of disease ranges from an asymptomatic infection or mild illness to mild or severe pneumonia with respiratory failure and/or death. COVID-19 dramatically affects the pulmonary system. There is a lack of knowledge about the long-term outcomes of the disease and the possible sequelae and rehabilitation. This clinical practice guideline includes pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) recommendations for adult COVID-19 patients and has been developed in the light of the guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 provided by the World Health Organization and Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Health, recently published scientific literature, and PR recommendations for COVID-19 regarding basic principles of PR. In this guideline, the contagiousness of COVID-19, recommendations on limited contact of patient with healthcare providers, and the evidence about possible benefits of PR were taken into consideration