6,907 research outputs found

    Firm productivity, exchange rate movements, sources of finance and export orientation

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    We investigate the level and volatility effects of exchange rates on the productivity growth of manufacturing firms with heterogenous access to debt, and domestic and foreign equity markets in Turkey. We find that while exchange rate volatility affects productivity growth negatively, having access to foreign or domestic equity, or debt markets does not alleviate these effects. Furthermore, foreign owned or publicly traded companies do not appear to perform significantly better than the rest. We detect, however, that firm productivity is positively related to having access to external credit. Additionally, we find that while export (inward) oriented firms are affected less (more) by exchange rate appreciations, they are more (less) sensitive to exchange rate volatility

    Trade Flows, Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Financial Depth: Evidence from 28 Emerging Countries

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    We investigate the effects of real exchange rate uncertainty and financial depth on manufactures exports from 28 emerging economies to the North and South over 1978-2005. We estimate a dynamic panel model using system GMM approach and show that for the majority of countries in our sample exchange rate uncertainty affects both South-South and South-North trade negatively. Furthermore, for several cases we discover that this effect is unidirectional, that is South-South or South-North. In addition, we find that while financial depth plays a trade-enhancing role, exchange rate shocks can negate this effect. We also show that trade among developing economies is likely to enhance export growth

    Waveform Design for 5G and Beyond

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    5G is envisioned to improve major key performance indicators (KPIs), such as peak data rate, spectral efficiency, power consumption, complexity, connection density, latency, and mobility. This chapter aims to provide a complete picture of the ongoing 5G waveform discussions and overviews the major candidates. It provides a brief description of the waveform and reveals the 5G use cases and waveform design requirements. The chapter presents the main features of cyclic prefix-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CP-OFDM) that is deployed in 4G LTE systems. CP-OFDM is the baseline of the 5G waveform discussions since the performance of a new waveform is usually compared with it. The chapter examines the essential characteristics of the major waveform candidates along with the related advantages and disadvantages. It summarizes and compares the key features of different waveforms.Comment: 22 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables; accepted version (The URL for the final version: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781119333142.ch2

    The roles of products in product emotions an explorative study

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    Although several theoretical frameworks that aim to explain the emotional impact of product design have been introduced in design research literature, none of these frameworks clearly specifies the role of the product in these emotions. This paper reports a study that was designed to explore the variety of roles that products can play in emotional experiences. In a three staged experience sampling study, 29 participants produced 170 records of emotions experienced while interacting with products. Each case was examined in order to identify the antecedent event (the event triggering the emotion) and the mental object (what the emotion is about). The results indicated that several types of events involved in the user-product interaction can elicit an emotional experience: noticing a product; an event occurring during product usage; an entire usage episode; an external agent mentioning the product; and a change in the relationship between a user and a product . It was also found that the resulting emotional responses can be about (can be attributed to) several types of mental objects: a physical object, such as the particular product involved; the user or some other person; the actions of the user or the designer; the antecedent event itself. The results are used to identify and discuss eight distinct roles that products can play in the experience of emotions. In addition, examples are provided to illustrate how these roles can facilitate a structured approach to design for emotion. Keywords: Design and emotion, user-product interaction</p

    Q-ball formation in the MSSM with explicit CP violation

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    Q-balls generically exist in the supersymmetric extensions of the standard model. Taking into account the additional sources of CP violation, which are naturally accomodated by the supersymmetric models, it is shown that the Q-ball matter depends additively on individual CP phases, whereas mass per unit charge in the Q-ball depends only on the relative phases. There are regions of the parameter space where there is no stable Q-ball solution in the CP-conserving limit whereas finite CP phases induce a stable Q-ball.Comment: 6 p

    The Constraints on CP Violating Phases in models with a dynamical gluino phase

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    We have analyzed the electric dipole moment and the Higgs mass constraints on the supersymmetric model which offers dynamical solutions to the \mu and strong CP problems. The trilinear coupling phases, and \tan\beta-|\mu| are strongly correlated, particularly in the low-\tan\beta regime. Certain values of the phases of the trilinear couplings are forbidden, whereas the CP violating phase from the chargino sector is imprisoned to lie near a CP conserving point, by the Higgs mass and electric dipole moment constraints.Comment: 19 pages, 11 eps fig

    Investigation of timber harvesting mechanization progress in Turkey

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    This study was aimed at investigating different timber transportation methods and harvesting mechanization progress level of Turkey. Furthermore, major problems of timber harvesting in Turkey and the future principles and objectives were defined. Timber harvesting in Turkey is still carried out by manual methods due to economical, social and environmental constraints. Almost 80% of harvesting activities are mechanized in many developed countries while this value is only 13% in Turkey. Overall ratio of mechanization is relatively low. Approximate percentage of man power, animal power, machine power and skyline harvesting are 72, 15, 8 and 5%, respectively. Turkish General Directorate of Forestry&#8217;s timber harvesting machines total amount was 448 in 1982, 859 in 1998, 457 in 2005 and 376 in 2009. Timber harvesting machines amount was reduced to 20 tractors (4 x 4 and assembled shovel), 133 skidding winches, 5 tractors with equipment of snow cleaner, 38 forklifts, 18 loaders, 30 skylines, 61 agricultural tractors, 3 agricultural tractors with shovel, 67 trucks, 1 barking machines as at 2009. In spite of existence of substantial number of harvesters, the amount of modern harvesting processor in Turkey is not sufficient. Different type and marked machines have not been taken into consideration to improve mechanization, and a poor standardization in harvesting is another problem in Turkey. Total machine park amount has been reduced to 56.2% between 1998 - 2009. Forest main repair shops should be opened again in Turkey

    Identification of the Atomic Scale Structures of the Gold-Thiol Interfaces of Molecular Nanowires by Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    We examine theoretically the effects of the bonding geometries at the gold-thiol interfaces on the inelastic tunneling spectra of propanedithiolate (PDT) molecules bridging gold electrodes and show that inelastic tunneling spectroscopy combined with theory can be used to determine these bonding geometries experimentally. With the help of density functional theory, we calculate the relaxed geometries and vibrational modes of extended molecules each consisting of one or two PDT molecules connecting two gold nanoclusters. We formulate a perturbative theory of inelastic tunneling through molecules bridging metal contacts in terms of elastic transmission amplitudes, and use this theory to calculate the inelastic tunneling spectra of the gold-PDT-gold extended molecules. We consider PDT molecules with both trans and gauche conformations bound to the gold clusters at top, bridge and hollow bonding sites. Comparing our results with the experimental data of Hihath et al. [Nano Lett. 8, 1673 (2008)], we identify the most frequently realized conformation in the experiment as that of trans molecules top-site bonded to both electrodes. We find the switching from the 42 meV vibrational mode to the 46 meV mode observed in the experiment to be due to the transition of trans molecules from mixed top-bridge to pure top-site bonding geometries. Our results also indicate that gauche molecular conformations and hollow site bonding did not contribute significantly to the experimental inelastic tunneling spectra. For pairs of PDT molecules connecting the gold electrodes in parallel we find total elastic conductances close to twice those of single molecules bridging the contacts with similar bonding conformations and small splittings of the vibrational mode energies for the modes that are the most sensitive to the molecule-electrode bonding geometries.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. arXiv admin note: significant text overlap with arXiv:1103.2378; http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v136/i1/p014703_s