17 research outputs found

    Determining a Correlation Between Financial Risk and Expected Return in Economics by Using Portfolio Optimization

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    Investing at the stock market is often considered as a way of gambling. That is because most people can’t manage the see the mathematics behind it. Someone with enough mathematical knowledge can see the algorithms in movements of stocks and find the correct function for it, basically optimize their portfolio. With the correct function one can foresee fate of their investments or when to invest on what. The aim of portfolio optimization is to find the set of efficient feasible portfolios. A portfolio is feasible if it satisfies a relevant set of relevant linear constraints; it is efficient if it provides less risk than any other feasible portfolio with the same expected return and more expected return than any other feasible portfolio with same risk. Thus, the research question of this Mathematics Extended Essay, “Is it possible to determine a correlation between financial risk and expected return in economics by using portfolio optimization?”arises. In order to answer the question first a scenario had to be selected. The scenario chosen for this extended essay was the Turkish Stock Market (more commonly known as its Turkish abbreviation IMKB) from January 2009 to September 2011. After that the statistical data needed for domains of functions is gathered from the Central Bank database. Then the objective function is created. To create the objective function, first the risk function had to be created. Portfolio risk is stated in terms of absolute deviation of rate of return. Risk function is a linear combination of the two semi-absolute deviations of return from the mean. (Spenza, 1993) The objective function is the function that minimizes the risk function depending on the nature of the investor, i.e. for a risk seeking investor higher interest rate investments would be chosen. To select the optimal portfolio, instead of Markowitz Model, a linear programming model (a model where functions are created as linear equations) is used because of computational difficulties caused by quadratic nature of the Markowitz Model. To solve the model LINDO optimization modeling software is used since the model contained 32 linear equations with 5 variables. At the end 12 different portfolios with different interest rates are produced for different types of investors

    Project Portfolio Management Software Use in Construction Industry

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    In recent years, a variety of software alternatives and capabilities have been made available for project and portfolio management (PPM). However, very little research has focused on the use of project and portfolio management software in the construction industry. Degree of adoption of PPM software and the reasoning behind these selections may vary among contractors, as each project’s unique situation may have an impact on the contractor’s decision. The objective of this research is to determine the current trends in PPM software use in the construction industry, and to investigate the reasoning behind the decisions that are related to the PPM software use. A practitioner survey is conducted to reveal the current project and portfolio management software trends of international contractors along with the adaptation of building information modelling in PPM. The questions of the survey are grouped under four sections; project management software practices, portfolio management software practices, evaluation of the PPM software, and BIM use and habits in PPM. The survey findings are presented and discussed to reveal the current trends in project and portfolio management software use within the construction industr

    Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3

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    Progresif familyal intrahepatik kolestaz, biliyer siroz ve kolestaz ile karakterize bir grup hastalıktır. Süt ço- cuğu döneminde başlar ve yaşamın ilk on yılında siroza ilerler. Klinik bulgular, laboratuvar incelemeleri ve morfolojik çalışmalarla diğer çocukluk çağı kolestatik karaciğer hastalıklardan ayrılmıştır. Son moleküler ve genetik çalışmalarla üç tipi için sorumlu genler tanımlanmıştır. Tip 3, yaşamın ilk aylarında görülen ve sonra biliyer siroza ilerleyen tekrarlayan kaşıntı ve/veya sarılık atakları ve artmış serum gama-glutamil transferaz ile karakterizedir. Karaciğer nakli bu hastalıkta tam tedavi sağlamaktadır. Ursodeoksikolik asit ve parsiyel eksternal biliyer diversiyon karaciğer nakline alternatif tedaviler olarak sunulmaktadır. Bu yazıda, sarılık nedeniyle hastanemize başvuran, progresif familyal intrahepatik kolestaz tip 3 tanısı alan ve ursodeoksikolik asit ile tedavi edilen iki aylık erkek hasta sunuldu.Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis is a group of diseases characterised by biliary cirrhosis and cholestasis. This disease begins in infancy and usually progresses to cirrhosis within the frst decade of life. It has been distinguished from other forms of cholestatic liver diseases in childhood by clinical fndings, labora- tory observations, and morphologic studies. Recent molecular and genetic studies have identifed the genes responsible for the three types. Type 3 is characterised by recurrent pruritus or jaundice and/or high serum gamma-glutamyl transferase levels. Liver transplantation is a curative modality of treatment in this disease. Ursodeoxycholic acid and partial external biliary diversion may represent alternatives to liver transplanta- tion. In this paper, we presented a 2-month-old male patient who admitted to our hospital because of jaundice, diagnosed as progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3, and treated with ursodeoxycholic acid

    Thoracoscopic diaphragmatic hernia repair in late onset congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Report of case

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    Konjenital diyafram hernisi yenidoğanda solunum sıkıntısı ve yüksek mortalitenin önemli nedenlerinden biri olup nadiren ileri yaşlarda bulgu verebilir. Geç başvurulu diyafram hernileri yenidoğanda görülen hernilerden klinik özellikler ve sonuçları açısından farklılık göstermekte ve klasik diyafram hernilerinin bir varyantı olarak kabul görmektedir. Aralıklı ortaya çıkan gastrointestinal sisteme ait yakınmalar ile başvuran ve geç bulgu veren konjenital diyafram hernisi tanısı konulan dokuz yaşında kız olgu, geç tanılı diyafram hernilerinin klinik özellikleri ve minimal invaziv tedavi yöntemlerinin kullanılabilirliğini tartışmak amacıyla sunulmuştur.Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is an important cause of respiratory distress and high mortality in neonates and rarely presents in older ages. Clinical features and results of late onset diaphragmatic hernia is different from hernias that encountered in newborns and considered as a variant of classical diaphragmatic hernia. A nine year old girl was who admitted with intermittent gastrointestinal symptoms and diagnosed as late onset congenital diaphragmatic hernia is presented to discuss the clinical features and the use of minimal invasive treatment modalities in late onset diaphragmatic hernia

    Geç bulgu veren konjenital diyafram hernisinde torakoskopik diyafram onarimi: Olgu sunumu

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    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is an important cause of respiratory distress and high mortality in neonates and rarely presents in older ages. Clinical features and results of late onset diaphragmatic hernia is different from hernias that encountered in newborns and considered as a variant of classical diaphragmatic hernia. A nine year old girl was who admitted with intermittent gastrointestinal symptoms and diagnosed as late onset congenital diaphragmatic hernia is presented to discuss the clinical features and the use of minimal invasive treatment modalities in late onset diaphragmatic hernia

    Mushroom poisoning in children: analyses of 26 patients

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    Amaç: Amanita phalloides (A phalloides) türü ile olan mantar zehirlenmeleri en tehlikeli mantar zehirlenmeleri olup, ölüme yol açabilmektedir. Fakat, A. Phalloides zehirlenmeleri erken tanı ve etkin tedavi ile kurtarılabilir. Biz uygun veri kaynaklarını kullanarak Ankara’daki mantar zehirlenmelerini araştırdık. Materyal ve Metot: Bu çalışma, Ocak 1998’den Haziran 2001’e kadar Dr. Sami Ulus Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde yatan hasta ve acil servis verilerinden rapor edilen mantar zehirlenmesi olan 26 hastada yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Hastaların yaş dağılımları 2-16 (ortalama 10) yaş arasında değişiyordu. Önemli belirtiler kusma, bulantı, karın ağrısı ve ishal gibi gastrointestinal sistemle ilgiliydi. En sık saptanan patolojik laboratuvar testleri: 6 (%23) hastada karaciğer enzimleri yüksek, 4 (%15,3) hastada protrombin/aktive parsiyel tromboplastin zamanı uzamış ve 3 (%11,5) hastanın böbrek fonksiyon testleri bozulmuştu. Hastaneye başvurudan sonraki ilk 36 saat içinde hastalara mide yıkama, aktif kömür, damar içine sıvı ve penisilin G infüzyonu uygulandı. Spesifik amatoksin antidotu olan silibinin 2001 yılında hastaneye başvuran 10 (%38,4) hastaya verildi. Fulminan hepatik yetmezlik gelişen 2 ve hepatorenal yetmezlik gelişen 1 hastaya ileri tedavi olarak plazmaferez ve hemodiyaliz uygulandı. Hastaların 22 (%84,3) tam iyileşmiş olarak taburcu edildi. Dört hasta (%15,7) ise komplikasyonlara bağlı olarak hastanede öldü. Sonuç: Halk yabani mantar alımıyla oluşabilecek tehlikeler hakkında bilgilendirilmelidir. Toksikoloji merkezlerinde vücut sıvılarından etken mantar türü saptanmalı ve ciddi mantar zehirlenmesi olan hastalara etkin antidot verilmelidir, ancak Türkiye koşullarında bu mümkün değildir.Objective: Exposure to Amanita phalloides is the most dangerous mushroom poisoning and can lead to death. However, early diagnosis and effective treatment can be recovered the poisoning with A. phalloides. We described mushroom poisonings in Ankara using available data sources. Material and Methods: We performed the study of 26 patients with mushroom poisoning reported in Dr. Sami Ulus Children’s Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital inpatient and emergency department data from January 1998 through June 2001. Results: The patients' age ranged between 2 and 16 years, with a median of 10 years of age. Major symptoms were related with the gastrointestinal system such as vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. The most frequently reported pathological laboratory tests were increased liver enzymes (23%), prolonged prothrombin/activated partial thromboplastin time (15.3%), and impaired renal functions (11.5%) in the patients. In the first 36 hours after admission to the hospital, the patients were managed with gastric lavage, activated charcoal, intravenous fluid, and penicillin Ginfusion. Silibinin, a specific antidote of amatoksin, was given to 10 patients (38.4%) admitted to the hospital in 2001. Plasmapheresis and hemodialysis were administered as further treatment to the patients who developed fulminant hepatic failure in two and acute hepatorenal failure in one. Twenty-two (84.3%) of the patients were discharged with recovery. Four patients (15.7%) died in the hospital due to complications. Conclusions: The public should be informed about the probable hazards of wild mushroom ingestion. The species of active fungus should be detected in body fluids by the toxicology center and active antidote is given to not possible in throughout Turkey in actuel conditions

    A rare condition associated with celiac disease: Evans syndrome

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    Celiac disease (CD) is one of the most common chronic disorders in childhood. Autoimmune and nonauto-immune disorders including dermatitis herpetiformis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and autoimmune thyroiditis can be encountered associated with CD. Common hematologic manifestations of CD include anemia owing to iron, folate, or vitamin B-12 deficiency. We report a case with CD associated with Evans syndrome of whom to our knowledge, is the first child to be reported in the literature