62 research outputs found

    Glial Processes at the Drosophila Larval Neuromuscular Junction Match Synaptic Growth

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    Glia are integral participants in synaptic physiology, remodeling and maturation from blowflies to humans, yet how glial structure is coordinated with synaptic growth is unknown. To investigate the dynamics of glial development at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ), we developed a live imaging system to establish the relationship between glia, neuronal boutons, and the muscle subsynaptic reticulum. Using this system we observed processes from two classes of peripheral glia present at the NMJ. Processes from the subperineurial glia formed a blood-nerve barrier around the axon proximal to the first bouton. Processes from the perineurial glial extended beyond the end of the blood-nerve barrier into the NMJ where they contacted synapses and extended across non-synaptic muscle. Growth of the glial processes was coordinated with NMJ growth and synaptic activity. Increasing synaptic size through elevated temperature or the highwire mutation increased the extent of glial processes at the NMJ and conversely blocking synaptic activity and size decreased the presence and size of glial processes. We found that elevated temperature was required during embryogenesis in order to increase glial expansion at the nmj. Therefore, in our live imaging system, glial processes at the NMJ are likely indirectly regulated by synaptic changes to ensure the coordinated growth of all components of the tripartite larval NMJ

    Hippocampus specific iron deficiency alters competition and cooperation between developing memory systems

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    Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common gestational micronutrient deficiency in the world, targets the fetal hippocampus and striatum and results in long-term behavioral abnormalities. These structures primarily mediate spatial and procedural memory, respectively, in the rodent but have interconnections that result in competition or cooperation during cognitive tasks. We determined whether ID-induced impairment of one alters the function of the other by genetically inducing a 40% reduction of hippocampus iron content in late fetal life in mice and measuring dorsal striatal gene expression and metabolism and the behavioral balance between the two memory systems in adulthood. Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice had similar striatum iron content, but 18% lower glucose and 44% lower lactate levels, a 30% higher phosphocreatine:creatine ratio, and reduced iron transporter gene expression compared to wild type (WT) littermates, implying reduced striatal metabolic function. Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice had longer mean escape times on a cued task paradigm implying impaired procedural memory. Nevertheless, when hippocampal and striatal memory systems were placed in competition using a Morris Water Maze task that alternates spatial navigation and visual cued responses during training, and forces a choice between hippocampal and striatal strategies during probe trials, Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice used the hippocampus-dependent response less often (25%) and the visual cued response more often (75%) compared to WT littermates that used both strategies approximately equally. Hippocampal ID not only reduces spatial recognition memory performance but also affects systems that support procedural memory, suggesting an altered balance between memory systems

    Oligodendrocytes: biology and pathology

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    Oligodendrocytes are the myelinating cells of the central nervous system (CNS). They are the end product of a cell lineage which has to undergo a complex and precisely timed program of proliferation, migration, differentiation, and myelination to finally produce the insulating sheath of axons. Due to this complex differentiation program, and due to their unique metabolism/physiology, oligodendrocytes count among the most vulnerable cells of the CNS. In this review, we first describe the different steps eventually culminating in the formation of mature oligodendrocytes and myelin sheaths, as they were revealed by studies in rodents. We will then show differences and similarities of human oligodendrocyte development. Finally, we will lay out the different pathways leading to oligodendrocyte and myelin loss in human CNS diseases, and we will reveal the different principles leading to the restoration of myelin sheaths or to a failure to do so

    Neuregulin and BDNF Induce a Switch to NMDA Receptor-Dependent Myelination by Oligodendrocytes

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    <div><p>Myelination is essential for rapid impulse conduction in the CNS, but what determines whether an individual axon becomes myelinated remains unknown. Here we show, using a myelinating coculture system, that there are two distinct modes of myelination, one that is independent of neuronal activity and glutamate release and another that depends on neuronal action potentials releasing glutamate to activate NMDA receptors on oligodendrocyte lineage cells. Neuregulin switches oligodendrocytes from the activity-independent to the activity-dependent mode of myelination by increasing NMDA receptor currents in oligodendrocyte lineage cells 6-fold. With neuregulin present myelination is accelerated and increased, and NMDA receptor block reduces myelination to far below its level without neuregulin. Thus, a neuregulin-controlled switch enhances the myelination of active axons. <i>In vivo</i>, we demonstrate that remyelination after white matter damage is NMDA receptor-dependent. These data resolve controversies over the signalling regulating myelination and suggest novel roles for neuregulin in schizophrenia and in remyelination after white matter damage.</p></div

    Leukodystrophies: a proposed classification system based on pathological changes and pathogenetic mechanisms

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    Leukodystrophies are genetically determined disorders characterized by the selective involvement of the central nervous system white matter. Onset may be at any age, from prenatal life to senescence. Many leukodystrophies are degenerative in nature, but some only impair white matter function. The clinical course is mostly progressive, but may also be static or even improving with time. Progressive leukodystrophies are often fatal, and no curative treatment is known. The last decade has witnessed a tremendous increase in the number of defined leukodystrophies also owing to a diagnostic approach combining magnetic resonance imaging pattern recognition and next generation sequencing. Knowledge on white matter physiology and pathology has also dramatically built up. This led to the recognition that only few leukodystrophies are due to mutations in myelin- or oligodendrocyte-specific genes, and many are rather caused by defects in other white matter structural components, including astrocytes, microglia, axons and blood vessels. We here propose a novel classification of leukodystrophies that takes into account the primary involvement of any white matter component. Categories in this classification are the myelin disorders due to a primary defect in oligodendrocytes or myelin (hypomyelinating and demyelinating leukodystrophies, leukodystrophies with myelin vacuolization); astrocytopathies; leuko-axonopathies; microgliopathies; and leuko-vasculopathies. Following this classification, we illustrate the neuropathology and disease mechanisms of some leukodystrophies taken as example for each category. Some leukodystrophies fall into more than one category. Given the complex molecular and cellular interplay underlying white matter pathology, recognition of the cellular pathology behind a disease becomes crucial in addressing possible treatment strategies

    Induction of myelination in the central nervous system by electrical activity.

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    The oligodendrocyte is the myelin-forming cell in the central nervous system. Despite the close interaction between axons and oligodendrocytes, there is little evidence that neurons influence myelinogenesis. On the contrary, newly differentiated oligodendrocytes, which mature in culture in the total absence of neurons, synthesize the myelin-specific constituents of oligodendrocytes differentiated in vivo and even form myelin-like figures. Neuronal electrical activity may be required, however, for the appropriate formation of the myelin sheath. To investigate the role of electrical activity on myelin formation, we have used highly specific neurotoxins, which can either block (tetrodotoxin) or increase (alpha-scorpion toxin) the firing of neurons. We show that myelination can be inhibited by blocking the action potential of neighboring axons or enhanced by increasing their electrical activity, clearly linking neuronal electrical activity to myelinogenesis