535 research outputs found

    Territorial structure of the denominational space of the South-East Baltic

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    The South-East Baltic is a meeting place of three branches of Christianity: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Lutheranism. Dominant in the Baltic region, these religious confessions define the cultural landscape of the area. At the same time, they have an indirect effect on socio-economic development. In this study, we aim to identify the main components of the territorial structure and the formation and transformation factors of the denominational space in the South-East Baltic. The complexity of the denominational structure of the local population stems from the centuries-long position of this region as a political buffer zone. We calculate the potential denominational structure and the potential religious fractionalisation index at the level of basic territorial units and regions southeast of the Baltic Sea. Based on this, we identify the main components of the territorial structure of the denominational space, which includes three denominational shields and contact zones between them. From a practical viewpoint, these components suggest a new variant of the territorial differentiation of the Baltic region. This variant has only limited relevance to ethnic and socioeconomic zoning

    Physical education and human health

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    Physical education is an organic part of human culture, its special and independent field. Health is the most important treasure not only for an individual, but for the whole society as well. Physical education can be considered a special activity that provides useful results for an individual and the society. It is a very important way of raising students’ efficiency in study and in their social activityФизическая культура - органическая часть общечеловеческой культуры, ее особая самостоятельная область. Здоровье - бесценное достояние не только каждого человека, но и всего общества. Физическая культура рассматривается как особая деятельность, результаты которой полезны для общества и человека. Она является крайне важным средством повышения работоспособности студентов в учебном процессе и их общественной активност

    The effect of tillage methods on the cellulose-decomposing activity of the soil and on crop yields in crop rotations

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    In the conditions of the Chuvash Republic in a long-term stationary experiment there has been studied the effect of crop rotations (grain- fallow and green manure) and methods of primary tilling of soil (by the plow PLN-3-35 to the depth of 24-26 cm; by the combined unit KOS-3.0 to 14-16 cm; by the disc header BDM-4-3.2 to 10-12 cm without autumn tilling) on the cellulose-decomposing activity of the soil by the method of setting up flax linen and on the crop yield. The article provides 2016-2020 data. It has been established that plowing increased the total soil porosity (55.3…63.5 %) and provided maximum decomposing of flax linen (42.9…51.3 %). Absence of primary soil tilling led to the statistically significant decrease in the porosity (50.8…59.3 %) and cellulose-decomposing activity (36.1…43.9 %). Maximum yield of crops in crop rotation was obtained by cultivation according to traditional plowing. When replacing plowing by subsoil tillage the use of combined stubble cultivator KOS-3.0 was the best variant. Primary tillage of soil to the depth of 14-16 cm using KOS-3.0 unit instead of plowing led to the significant yield decrease (by 0.29 t/ha) of spring vetch only. Among other cultures of crop rotation there was no significant yield decrease. Complete rejection of autumn soil tillage led to 16-25 % yield loss in grain crops. Plowing to the depth of arable layer (24-26 cm) as primary autumn tillage of soil increased the fertility indicators of dark-gray wooded soil (its total porosity, cellulose-decomposing activity) and yield of cultures in crop rotation. But when changing over to resource saving technologies for primary autumn tilling of soil under grain crops the combined unit stubble cultivator KOS-3.0 should be used

    Modeling of radiative - conductive heat transfer in compositing materials

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    A layer of composite material is investigated, which is heated one-sidedly with one-dimensional energy transfer accounting for thermal conductivity and radiation. A mathematical model is suggested for non-stationary coefficient thermophysical problem under radiative-conductive heat transfer in a material layer. Temperature dependencies of thermal capacity and thermal conductivity coefficient of composite radio-transparent material have been determined through numerical modeling by solving the coefficient reverse problem of thermal conductivity

    ESdiGital-Transformation of Russian Oil and Gas Companies: Risks and Assessments

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    The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the role and significance of the results of the processes of ESG-transformation and digital transformation (ESdiGital-transformation) of the sectors of the mineral resource complex of Russia. This is of particular relevance for companies in the oil and gas sector, which is one of the triggers for the development of Russia’s industrial potential. The purpose of the study is to study the risks and evaluate the achieved results of the ESdiGital transformation of oil and gas companies in the current conditions of their functioning. Research objectives: to identify the risks of a resource project, including the risks of developing oil and gas fields on the Arctic shelf; identify ESG risk generation factors and propose their grouping; to classify the factors of formation of ESdiGital risks at the micro level; propose a methodical approach to the assessment and perform an assessment of the ESdiGital transformation of key companies in the Russian oil and gas sector. Methodological basis of the research: a systematic approach, logical analysis, synthesis. Research methods: empirical rating method, Harrington’s generalized desirability function, content analysis of open sources of information. Results obtained: to evaluate the results of the ESdiGital transformation of Russian oil and gas companies in Russia, it is advisable to use the integral indicator of the ESdiGital transformation; to assess the company’s ESG level, the ESG transformation index is calculated, which allows to determine the existing potential for the implementation of the “green” agenda; the level of the company’s ESG transformation is determined based on the use of RAEX Europe rating indicators and the generalized desirability function of E.K. Harrington; to assess the level of digital transformation, it is advisable to use the index of the use of digital technologies. Main conclusions: ESdiGital risks are caused by the use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence tools that reduce the uncertainty and risk of business processes, as well as the need to implement the “green” agenda; the factors that form the company’s ESdiGital risks are represented by three groups of factors (economic, technological, organizational); Of the oil and gas companies in the top 30 of the RAEX Europe ESG rating, PJSC LUKOIL has the highest level of ESdiGital transformation, which also achieved the highest level of ESG transformation (60,7%)

    Political Communication in Social Networks in the Election Period: Experience Yaroslavl

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    The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the analysis of the electoral behavior of citizens in the online space of the Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram and Twitter will help the candidates to speak with their electorate more thorough and more openly. This will give the candidates more support in the Election Day. The described model can be used for building an effective political communication. Our research was conducted using content analysis, event analysis. Our study shows that content analysis method can be applied not only in examination of social influence of electoral behavior in terms of Russian Federation president candidates election campaign or Yaroslavl oblast Duma deputies election campaign. It can be also applied as a tool for studying political agenda formed by social networks users themselves. Thanks to Popsters program we discovered the most actual communities for placing the political agitation in Yaroslavl.Практическая значимость исследования заключается в следующем: анализ электорального поведения граждан в online-пространстве в сетях Facebook, «ВКонтакте», Instagram, Twitter поможет кандидатам, участвующим в выборах, тщательнее и более открыто вести диалог со своими избирателями, что даст им дополнительную поддержку в день голосования. Данная модель может быть использована для построения эффективной политической коммуникации. В исследовании применены методы контент-анализа, ивент-анализа. Проведенное исследование показывает, что метод контент-анализа в online-пространстве применим не только к рассмотрению социального действия электорального поведения в фокусе предвыборной кампании кандидатов в президенты РФ и предвыборной кампании депутатов в Ярославскую областную думу. Контент-анализ можно применить в качестве изучения политической повестки дня, формируемой пользователями социальных сетей. Благодаря программе Popsters были выявлены наиболее актуальные сообщества для размещения политической агитации в Ярославле

    Краудфандинг в российской политике

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    The article deals with the process of a political сrowdfunding. The study highlighted the reasons for the emergence of this phenomenon. The authors carried out a comparative analysis of four fund-raising campaign: second campaign to raise funds for the Alexei Navalny’s project “Rospil” in 2013, raising funds of the Moscow Helsinki Group, fundraising to the Eugene Chirikov’s election fund, fundraising in support of Pussy Riot. Authors prove choice of the Russian politicians mechanism to collect funds to a political campaign. The paper characterizes the trends of political сrowdfunding in Russia.Встатьерассматриваетсяпроцессстановленияполитическогокраудфандинга. Выделяютсяпричиныпоявлениеданногофеномена. Осуществляетсясравнительныйанализчетырехкампанийпосборусредств: втораякампанияпосборусредствнапроект “РосПил” АлексеемНавальнымв 2013 г., сборсредствМосковскойХельсинкскойгруппой, сборсредстввизбирательныйфондЕвгенииЧириковой, атакжесборсредстввподдержку Pussy Riot. Обосновываетсявыборроссийскимиполитикамимеханизмасборасредстввполитическойкампании. ХарактеризуютсятенденцииразвитияполитическогокраудфандингавРоссии

    The satellite images restoring and estimating of parameters by complex structure models

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    This work considers the algorithm of recovering lost areas on satellite images. It is proposed to use a model with variable parameters because such models can describe real images more adequately. Algorithms based on different models and "start-end" points choice are compared. It is shown that the complex structure models provide more accurate recovery in comparison with the models having constant parameters. It was supposed the simplified algorithm of parameters pseudogradient estimating in doubly stochastic models.В данной работе рассматривается алгоритм восстановления потерянных областей спутниковых изображений. При этом предлагается использовать модели с изменяющимися параметрами, чтобы учесть сложную структуру реальных изображений. Проводится сравнение работы алгоритмы для различных путей восстановления и для моделей различной сложности. Показано, что модели со сложной структурой обеспечивают большую точность восстановления по сравнению с моделями с постоянными параметрами. Предложен упрощенный алгоритм псевдоградиентного оценивания параметров дважды стохастических моделей

    A novel Bacillus intermedius extracellular alkaline phosphatase: Isolation, physico-chemical and catalytic characteristics

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    A new alkaline phosphatase was obtained as homogeneous preparation from culture filtrate of the spore-forming Bacillus intermedius. B. intermedius phosphatase was shown to be monomer with molecular weight of 47 kDa. The enzyme possesses phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase activities and exhibits a broad specificity towards a wide variety of substrates. The purified phosphatase had an optimum temperature of 50°C, optimum pH of 9.5 and was stable until 60°C at pH 8-10. The effect of divalent metal ions and thiol reagents on catalytic activity of the enzyme was studied