67 research outputs found

    Computing automorphic forms on Shimura curves over fields with arbitrary class number

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    We extend methods of Greenberg and the author to compute in the cohomology of a Shimura curve defined over a totally real field with arbitrary class number. Via the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, we thereby compute systems of Hecke eigenvalues associated to Hilbert modular forms of arbitrary level over a totally real field of odd degree. We conclude with two examples which illustrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.Comment: 15 pages; final submission to ANTS I

    Facteurs Explicatifs de la Pratique Contraceptive Moderne des Femmes Fréquentant les Formations Sanitaires du District de Youwarou au Mali

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    Objectif : Mettre en exergue les déterminants de la pratique contraceptive moderne des femmes fréquentant les centres de santé du district de Youwarou au Mali. L’étude part du constat que la situation sanitaire est non satisfaisante avec un faible taux de fréquentation des centres de santé qui est de 15 %, exacerbée par la crise sécuritaire déclenchée en 2012. Ainsi, le taux d’utilisation des méthodes contraceptives modernes est également très faible soit 1,07%. En effet, l’utilisation de la contraception moderne selon la cinquième Enquête Démographique et de Santé du Mali (EDSM-5) est de 9,6% au niveau national et de 2,7% dans la région de Mopti. Méthode : Etude transversale quantitative dont l’enquête fut réalisée du 1er mai au 30 juin 2015, et a porté sur 200 femmes âgées de 15-49 ans fréquentant les 07 centres de santé dans le district de Youwarou. Les données collectées par un questionnaire ont été vérifiées, compilées à l’aide du logiciel le Sphinx Plus² version 4.5, puis transférées sur le logiciel stata 10 pour l’analyse statistique. Pour l’analyse des données, nous avons eu recours à deux méthodes dans ce travail : la méthode d’analyse descriptive (analyse bivariée) et la méthode d’analyse explicative (analyse multivariée). Résultats : L’étude montrent que la prévalence contraceptive moderne est de 8,8%. Les femmes de centre de Guidio-sare utilisent les contraceptives modernes plus que leurs consoeurs du district. Enfin les déterminants de la pratique contraceptive sont notamment l’ethnie, l’âge et le statut matrimonial de la femme. Conclusion : A la lumière de cette étude, nous suggérons qu’un accent particulier doit être mis sur les déterminants révélés afin de promouvoir les méthodes contraceptives modernes. Objective: Highlight the determinants of modern contraceptive practice among women attending health centers in the Youwarou health district of Mali. The study was carried out based on the observation that the health situation is unsatisfactory with a low utilization rate of health centers is 15%, exacerbated by the security crisis triggered in 2012. Thus, the rate of use of modern contraceptive methods is also very low is 1.07%. Indeed, the use of modern contraception according to the fifth Demographic and Health Survey of Mali (EDSM-5) is 9.6% at the national level and 2.7% in the Mopti region. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out from May 1th to June 30th 2015, and covered 200 women aged 15-49 attending the 07 health centers in the district of Youwarou. The data collected by a questionnaire was verified, compiled using the software Sphinx Plus² version 4.5, and then transferred to the Stata 10 software for statistical analysis. For data analysis, two methods were used in this work: the descriptive analysis method (bivariate analysis) and the explanatory analysis method (multivariate analysis). Results: The study shows that modern contraceptive prevalence is 8.8%. women of Guidio-sare Center use modern contraceptives more than their sisters of district. Finally, the determinants of contraceptive practice include the ethnicity, age and marital status of women. Conclusion: In the light of this study, we suggest that emphasis should be placed on the identified determinants in order to promote modern contraceptive methods

    Promoter effect on the reduction behavior of wuestite-based catalysts for ammonia synthesis

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    Ammonia synthesis remains one of the most important catalytic processes since it enables efficient hydrogen storage and provides the basis for the production of fertilizers. Herein, complementary bulk and local analytical techniques were combined to investigate the effect of selected promoters (Al, K, Ca) on the reduction of wuestite into α-iron and their catalytic performance for ammonia synthesis. The use of promoters appears to have a positive effect on the wuestite-derived catalyst in ammonia synthesis. The promoters seemingly act as a binder for wuestite grains and impede the reduction and disproportionation events of wuestite precursors resulting in an increased catalytic performance. This effect is associated with an increase of surface area and mesoporosity. The study delivers new insights into the interplay of structure and promoters in wuestite-based catalysts

    A Comparative Study of the Spatial Distribution of Schistosomiasis in Mali in 1984–1989 and 2004–2006

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    Geostatistical maps are increasingly being used to plan neglected tropical disease control programmes. We investigated the spatial distribution of schistosomiasis in Mali prior to implementation of national donor-funded mass chemotherapy programmes using data from 1984–1989 and 2004–2006. The 2004–2006 dataset was collected after 10 years of schistosomiasis control followed by 12 years of no control. We found that national prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni was not significantly different in 2004–2006 compared to 1984–1989 and that the spatial distribution of both infections was similar in both time periods, to the extent that models built on data from one time period could accurately predict the spatial distribution of prevalence of infection in the other time period. This has two main implications: that historic data can be used, in the first instance, to plan contemporary control programmes due to the stability of the spatial distribution of schistosomiasis; and that a decade of donor-funded mass distribution of praziquantel has had no discernable impact on the burden of schistosomiasis in subsequent generations of Malians, probably due to rapid reinfection

    Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity

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    Herbivores alter plant biodiversity (species richness) in many of the world’s ecosystems, but the magnitude and the direction of herbivore effects on biodiversity vary widely within and among ecosystems. One current theory predicts that herbivores enhance plant biodiversity at high productivity but have the opposite effect at low productivity. Yet, empirical support for the importance of site productivity as a mediator of these herbivore impacts is equivocal. Here, we synthesize data from 252 large-herbivore exclusion studies, spanning a 20-fold range in site productivity, to test an alternative hypothesis—that herbivore-induced changes in the competitive environment determine the response of plant biodiversity to herbivory irrespective of productivity. Under this hypothesis, when herbivores reduce the abundance (biomass, cover) of dominant species (for example, because the dominant plant is palatable), additional resources become available to support new species, thereby increasing biodiversity. By contrast, if herbivores promote high dominance by increasing the abundance of herbivory-resistant, unpalatable species, then resource availability for other species decreases reducing biodiversity. We show that herbivore-induced change in dominance, independent of site productivity or precipitation (a proxy for productivity), is the best predictor of herbivore effects on biodiversity in grassland and savannah sites. Given that most herbaceous ecosystems are dominated by one or a few species, altering the competitive environment via herbivores or by other means may be an effective strategy for conserving biodiversity in grasslands and savannahs globally