63 research outputs found

    Pemaknaan Bong Pay pada Warga Keturunan Tionghoa di Kelurahan Sudiroprajan Surakarta

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    Chinese culture is one of the oldest in the world. Chinese people have many interesting culture from their ancestor which they keep to preserved until today, and one of it is the making of bong pay. Bong pay is a tomb which a Chinese people called it, is a construction that build on top of the grave give a meaning that somebody has died. For Chinese people, bong pay is not just a sign but also have another hidden symbolic meaning. The purpose of this research is (1) to describe the meaning of Bong Pay to Chinese descendent at Village Sudiroprajan of Surakarta, (2) describe the shift thing of bong pay meaning at present.This research is using a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach to obtain the source of information and data from descendants. The samples that had been taken were 4 people of Chinese descendants from Sudiroprajan village. The sampling technique is using purposive sampling. The data source that being used primary data that included the informant, places and the research location which is Sudiroprajan village. Another research is secondary which is data or records that supporting this research.The results of this research is (1) Chinese descendent people give a meaning to bong pay is a prove of love and respect to ancestor because ancestry is most glorifield in Confucianism, to Christian Chinese descent is a sign that a person has died not forgotten. As symbolic bong pay is describe as prestige ad social status for someone has died, because it's take a lot of money to make it. Bong pay is given meaning as a symbol of identity because it can be identified with culture and tradition of Chinese. (2) there is shifting on the meaning of bong pay at the present. It happen because the changing of the religion from Chinese descendent people. That changing is affecting their behavior and acting on giving the meaning of bong pay. Key world : Bong Pay, Chinese Descendent People, Symboli

    Social Development of Children Under-Five as the Impact of Extramarital Pregnancy

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    Background: Teenagers have a great curiosity of something have never been experienced before. This characteristic affect their sexual and dating behaviors. This eventually may lead to unwantted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, sexual transmitted disease (STD) infection, and even mortality. This study aimed to determine the social development of children under-five as the impact of extramarital pregnancy. Subjects and Method: This was an explorative qualitative study. It was carried out in Jaten Subdistrict, Karanganyar District, Central Java. The key informants in this study included Head of the Office of Marital Affairs, Jaten Subdistrict, Karanganyar District. Other key informants included extramarital offsprings, their parents and grandparents. Results: Couples with extramarital pregnancy experience hard life. They tend to refuse the extramarital pregnancy and atempt to abort it. This situation affects parenting pattern. Social support system had an important role in parenting pattern. Couples lacking in social support system were not able to nurture the offsprings optimally. The offsprings received minimal stimuli required for the social development. In effect, their offsprings became shy and fearful. Conclusion: Social support system has an important role in parenting pattern. It is required for the extramarital couples to raise their offsprings normally. Keywords: extramarital pregnancy, offsprings, social development, parenting patter

    Interaksi Sosial Umat Hindu dan Muslim dalam Upacara Keagamaan dan Tradisi Perang Topat di Lombok

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    Relationship between different religion and ethnic can pose disintegration between each other, even inflict horizontal conflict. But this is different with Sasak tribe society in PerangTopat tradition until this is done by ethnic Bali\u27s Hindu People and Muslim (Sasak\u27s Islam). The aim of this research is to analyze the interaction relationship between ethnic Bali\u27s Hindu adherents and Sasak\u27s Islam in Topat War in Lingsar Village, sub distirct Lingsar, West Lombok. This research using qualitative methods with case study approach, processing the qualitative data that has been collected in the field by observation, in-depth interview and documentation.The results in this research is, ethnic Bali\u27s Hindu People and Islam believes nghilahang kaoqritualand activitiesPerangTopat as ancestral heritage to be carried out together in the War Topar tradition. That ritual activities as a form of rational and irrational interaction between the differences of religion and ethnic to keep the togetherness in Perang Topat tradition

    Health Belief Model on Sexual Behavior Issues Among Prisoners at Prison in Pekalongan, Central Java

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    Bacground: One of the basic human needs to be fulfilled is sexual need. Prisoners face problem in their sexual need fulfilment and freedom, due to the prison's diciplinary system, including supervison, strict disciplinary mechanism, and enactment of spatial division between men and women. As a consequence, there often occur perverted sexual behaviors, including homosexuality. This study aimed to analyze the sexual behavior issues among prisoners at prison using Health Belief Model.Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative descriptive study with phenomenological approach. The main key informants in this study were prisoners having imprisoned for one year or more and officers at Class IIA prison, in Pekalongan, Central Java. The supporting informants included health personnel (doctors and nurses) at Class IIA prison clinic.Results: All informants reported that they were susceptible to engage in risky sexual behaviors in order to fulfil their sexual need, such as masturbation and homosexuality. The psychological adverse effects they had experienced included fear and feeling of embarrassment their perverted sexual behaviors were recognized by others. The informants reported that they did not have self-efficacy in coping with sexual need issues while in prison.Conclusion : The imprisonment system has an impact on the way inmates meet their sexual needs through masturbation. The role of prison officials is urgently needed to enable prisoners to address the problems of their biological needs through beneficial activities while in prison.Keywords: prisoners, sexual behaviors, Health Belief ModelCorrespondence: Liliana Dwi Pranita. Masters Program in Public Heath, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6285647000303.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2017), 2(3): 232-241https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2017.02.03.0

    Rasionalitas Wisatawan Wisata Pilgrim (Studi Fenomenologi terhadap Wisatawan di Kawasan Wisata Pilgrim Desa Gunungpring Kecamatan Muntilan Kabupaten Magelang)

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    Pilgrim tour is a religious tour or frequently called pilgrimage tour.Pilgrimage tour is undertaken as the manifestation of action the visitors or thetourists do. The objective of research was to find out the tourist type,knowledge on pilgrimage tour, the factors encouraging and attracting thetourists to undertake pilgrimage tour, and the tourists' rationality action inpilgrimage tour. The theory employed as the instrument of analysis was MaxWeber's social action theory and Stephen Kalberg's rationality type. This study was taken place in pilgrimage tour area in Gunungpring,Muntilan Subdistrict, Magelang Regency. The type of study was qualitativewith phenomenological strategy. The sampling technique used was accidentalsampling, while the data collection was conducted using direct observationand in-depth interview methods. The data validation was carried out using datatriangulation technique and data analysis was conducted using data collection,data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The result of research showed that the pilgrimage tourists were dividedinto two types: existential and recreational tourists. The tourists' knowledge on pilgrimage tour could be classified into two: modern pilgrimage and searchfor pleasure. The factors encouraging and attracting the tourists to undertake pilgrimage tour were: modern pilgrimage and search for pleasure. The factorencouraging modern pilgrimage was self-fulfillment, while the attracting one was culture. The factors encouraging the search for pleasure were socialinteraction, educational opportunity, leisure activity, while the attracting onewas location climate. The tourists' action and rationality in pilgrimage tourincluded some action undertaken originating from traditional element, thepresent, life ideology values, and psychological conditions affecting anindividual to perform pilgrimage tour, either pilgrimage or non-pilgrimageactions. The tourists who had undertaken social action in pilgrimage tour, therationality would be apparent and contained the meaning in the visitors whoconducted a variety of activity in pilgrimage tour. The rationality existing inpilgrimage tourists included practice rationality, theoretical rationality, andsubstantive rationality

    Phenomenology Study: Community Non Acceptance of Children with HIV/AIDS in Surakarta

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    Background: There were 13 cases of children with HIV/AIDS in Surakarta in 2016. They were infected from their mothers. These children got stigma and discrimination from the community due to their HIV positive status. This study aimed to describe stigma and discrimination from the community to the children with HIV/AIDS.Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study with phenomenology approach. This study was conducted at Rumah Singgah Lentera (Halfway House Lentera), Surakarta. The key informants for this study included managers of Rumah Singgah Lentera, fulltime secretary, children with HIV, and community members living in the neighborhood. The data were collected by in-depth interview, and then grouped into coding units and described and analyzed.Results: The community surrounding Rumah Singgah Lentera, Surakarta, viewed children with HIV/AIDS as a disgrace. Various kinds of discrimination such as non-acceptance, alienation, restriction have been addressed by the community to the children with HIV/AIDS. The community has also stigmatized managers of Rumah Singgah Lentera, Surakarta, that they were also HIV infected and made profit of HIV/AIDS donation they received. This stigma occured because of lacking in HIV/AIDS knowledge, particulary its mode of transmission. Stigma and discrimination have caused psychological disorder among children with HIV/AIDS. They often feel sad, alienated, and cry, so that they often withdraw from their social environment. In term they feel dispair and decline to take ARV drugs.Conclusion: there is a need to enhance knowledge in HIV/AIDS, its mode of transmission, method of prevention, and its treatment for the community, in order to repress stigma and discrimination from the community.Keywords: HIV/AIDS, children, stigma, discrimination.Correspondence: Fetty Rosyadia Wachdin. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email: [email protected] of Epidemiology and Public Health, 1(3): 148-153https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2016.01.03.0

    Effect of Sexual Knowledge and Attitude, Exposure to Electronic Media Pornography, Peer Group, and Family Intimacy, on Sexual Behaviors Among Adolescents in Surakarta

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    Background: Globalization has tremendous impact on adolescent behaviors, including sexual behavior. Sexual behaviors that exceed socially accepted norms may result in undesireable impact adolescent health. Many factors can affect the sexual behavior of adolescents, both from within and from outside the adolescent self. This study aimed to investigate the effect of sexual knowledge and attitude, exposure to electronic media pornography, peer group, and family intimacy, on sexual behaviors among adolescents.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study using cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at SMA Negeri Kota Surakarta, Central Java, from March to April 2017. A sample of 100 students were selected for this study by multi-stage sampling. The dependent variable was sexual behaviour. The independent variables were sexual knowledge, attitude toward sex, exposure to electronic pornography, peer group, and family intimacy. The data were collected by a set of pre-tested questionnaire. Path analysis was employed for data analysis.Results: Adolescent sexual behavior was affected by sexual knowledge (b=0.16; SE=0.05; p=0.006), attitude toward sex (b=0.18; SE=0.06; p= 0.005), exposure to electronic pornography (b=-0.13; SE=0.05; p=0.026), peer group (b=0.06; SE=0.03; p= 0.042), and family intimacy (b=0.07; SE=0.03; p=0.038). Sexual knowledge was affected by exposure to electronic pornography (b=-0.20; SE=0.09; p=0.037), and peer group (b=0.14; SE=0.05; p=0.005). Attitude toward sex was affected by exposure to electronic pornography (b=-0.21; SE=0.08; p=0.013), sexual knowledge (b=0.14; SE=0.08; p=0.110), and group (b=0.12; SE=0.05; p=0.009). Conclusion: Sexual behavior of adolescents is directly affected by their sexual knowledge, attitude toward sex, exposure to electronic pornography, peer group, and family intimacy.Keywords: sexual behavior, exposure to electronic pornography, PRECEDE PROCEED model, path analysisCorrespondence: Yeni Wardhani. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6285244390776.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2017), 2(2): 138-147https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2017.02.02.0
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