74 research outputs found

    Traffic Centralization and Digital Sovereignty: An Analysis Under the Lens of DNS Servers

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    The Domain Name System (DNS) service is one of the pillars of the Internet. This service allows users to access websites on the Internet through easy-to-remember domain names rather than complex numeric IP addresses. DNS acts as a directory that translates the domain names into a corresponding IP address, allowing communication between computers on different networks. However, the concentration of DNS service providers on the Internet affects user security, privacy, and network accessibility. The reliance on a small number of large DNS providers can lead to (a) risks of data breaches and disruption of service in the event of failures and (b) concerns about the digital sovereignty of countries regarding DNS hosting. In this sense, this work approaches this issue of DNS concentration on the Internet by presenting a solution to measure DNS hosting centralization and digital sovereignty in countries. With the data obtained through these measurements, relevant questions are answered, such as which are the top-10 DNS providers, if there is DNS centralization, and how dependent countries are on such providers.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Efeitos de ethephon e uréia na maturação de frutos e abscisão foliar do cafeeiro (Coffea arábica L.)

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    A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of ethephon and urea on ripening of fruits and leaf abscission of coffee plant. Ethephon (2-chloroethane phosphonic acid) sprays were applied to green Coffea arábica berries 26 days before counting date in concentrations of 0.5 and 0.25 ml/1 from Ethrel (240 a.i./l). The chemical accelerated the onset of fruit ripening at both concentrations. The efficacy of ethephon was increased adding urea. Ethephon 0.5 ml/1 promoted abscission of leaves and low concentration reduced shedding of leaves. The treatments did not affect the growth and production on the next harvest.Como o ethephon pode melhorar a uniformidade na maturação dos frutos e uréia pode aumentar a eficácia do regulador vegetal, estes compostos foram utilizados no estudo da maturação e abscisão foliar em cafeeiro. E-thephon (ácido 2-cloroetilfosfônico) foi pulverizado em Coffea arábica cv. CatuaT Vermelho com frutos verdes, nas dosagens de 0,5 e 0,25 ml/l de Ethrel (240g i.a./l). 0 regulador vegetal acelerou a maturação dos frutos em ambas dosagens e adicionando-se uréia 2%, conforme determinações realizadas 26 dias após os tratamentos. A eficiência do ethephon foi incrementada com adição de uréia. Ethephon 0,5 ml/l provocou absci são foi iar, sendo que a dosagem de 0,25 ml/1 reduziu a queda das folhas do cafeeiro. Os tratamentos não afetaram o desenvolvimento dos ramos e a frutificação na safra seguinte

    Detecção de padrões espaciais na ocorrência do tripes (Thrips tabaci) na cultura da cebola

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    Onion (Allium cepa) is one of the most cultivated and consumed vegetables in Brazil and its importance is due to the large laborforce involved. One of the main pests that affect this crop is the Onion Thrips (Thrips tabaci), but the spatial distribution of this insect, although important, has not been considered in crop management recommendations, experimental planning or sampling procedures. Our purpose here is to consider statistical tools to detect and model spatial patterns of the occurrence of the onion thrips. In order to characterize the spatial distribution pattern of the Onion Thrips a survey was carried out to record the number of insects in each development phase on onion plant leaves, on different dates and sample locations, in four rural properties with neighboring farms under different infestation levels and planting methods. The Mantel randomization test proved to be a useful tool to test for spatial correlation which, when detected, was described by a mixed spatial Poisson model with a geostatistical random component and parameters allowing for a characterization of the spatial pattern, as well as the production of prediction maps of susceptibility to levels of infestation throughout the area.A cebola é uma das hortaliças mais cultivadas e consumidas no Brasil e sua importância social se deve à grande demanda por mão-de-obra. Uma das principais pragas que afeta essa cultura é o tripes do prateamento (Thrips tabaci) e sua distribuição espacial, embora importante, não tem sido considerada nas recomendações de manejo da cultura, planejamento de experimentos ou estudos amostrais. O objetivo desse artigo foi considerar métodos estatísticos para detectar e modelar padrões espaciais na ocorrência do tripes do prateamento da cebola. Para caracterizar o padrão espacial da dispersão do tripes do prateamento da cebola foi feito um levantamento anotando-se o número de insetos por fase de desenvolvimento em folhas de plantas de cebola, em diferentes datas e pontos amostrais dentro de quatro propriedades com fazendas vizinhas apresentando diferentes níveis de infestação e métodos de plantio. O teste de aleatorização de Mantel mostrou-se útil para testar a presença de padrão espacial, que quando detectado foi descrito por um modelo de Poisson misto espacial com componente aleatório geoestatístico com parâmetros que possibilititam a caracterização do padrão espacial, bem como a obtenção de mapas de predição dos níveis de susceptibilidade à infestação na área.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Spatial pattern detection modeling of thrips (Thrips tabaci) on onion fields

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    Onion (Allium cepa) is one of the most cultivated and consumed vegetables in Brazil and its importance is due to the large laborforce involved. One of the main pests that affect this crop is the Onion Thrips (Thrips tabaci), but the spatial distribution of this insect, although important, has not been considered in crop management recommendations, experimental planning or sampling procedures. Our purpose here is to consider statistical tools to detect and model spatial patterns of the occurrence of the onion thrips. In order to characterize the spatial distribution pattern of the Onion Thrips a survey was carried out to record the number of insects in each development phase on onion plant leaves, on different dates and sample locations, in four rural properties with neighboring farms under different infestation levels and planting methods. The Mantel randomization test proved to be a useful tool to test for spatial correlation which, when detected, was described by a mixed spatial Poisson model with a geostatistical random component and parameters allowing for a characterization of the spatial pattern, as well as the production of prediction maps of susceptibility to levels of infestation throughout the area.A cebola é uma das hortaliças mais cultivadas e consumidas no Brasil e sua importância social se deve à grande demanda por mão-de-obra. Uma das principais pragas que afeta essa cultura é o tripes do prateamento (Thrips tabaci) e sua distribuição espacial, embora importante, não tem sido considerada nas recomendações de manejo da cultura, planejamento de experimentos ou estudos amostrais. O objetivo desse artigo foi considerar métodos estatísticos para detectar e modelar padrões espaciais na ocorrência do tripes do prateamento da cebola. Para caracterizar o padrão espacial da dispersão do tripes do prateamento da cebola foi feito um levantamento anotando-se o número de insetos por fase de desenvolvimento em folhas de plantas de cebola, em diferentes datas e pontos amostrais dentro de quatro propriedades com fazendas vizinhas apresentando diferentes níveis de infestação e métodos de plantio. O teste de aleatorização de Mantel mostrou-se útil para testar a presença de padrão espacial, que quando detectado foi descrito por um modelo de Poisson misto espacial com componente aleatório geoestatístico com parâmetros que possibilititam a caracterização do padrão espacial, bem como a obtenção de mapas de predição dos níveis de susceptibilidade à infestação na área

    Community Structure of Leaf-Litter Ants in a Neotropical Dry Forest: A Biogeographic Approach to Explain Betadiversity

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    This paper describes habitat and geographic correlates of ant diversity in Serra da Bodoquena, a poorly surveyed region of central-western Brazil. We discuss leaf-litter ant diversity on a regional scale, with emphasis on the contribution of each of the processes that form the evolutionary basis of contemporary beta diversity. The diversity of leaf-litter ants was assessed from a series of 262 Winkler samples conducted in two microbasins within a deciduous forest domain. A total of 170 litter-dwelling ant species in 45 genera and 11 subfamilies was identified. The data showed that the study areas exhibited different arrangements of ant fauna, with a high turnover in species composition between sites, indicating high beta diversity. Our analysis suggests that the biogeographic history of this tropical dry forest in the centre of South America could explain ant assemblage structure more than competitive dominance. The co-occurrence analysis showed that species co-occur less often than expected by chance in only two of the localities, suggesting that, for most of the species, co-occurrences are random. The assessment of the structure of the diversity of litter-dwelling ants is the first step in understanding the beta diversity patterns in this region of great biogeographic importance

    Arqueologia Visual: o Uso das Imagens Fotográficas na Produção do Conhecimento Arqueológico e Historiografia da Arqueologia

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    Este artigo apresenta algumas perspectivas para o estudo de dados visuais produzidos por arqueólogos durante suas pesquisas. O uso consciente das imagens fotográficas como variações de um sistema de registro arqueológico mais amplo, incluindo a sua produção sistemática, disseminação e contexto na produção do conhecimento científico são revistas neste estudo preliminar. Desde as primeiras fotografias arqueológicas produzidas no século XIX, em atlas, catálogos e manuais, e até recentemente, com o acelerado desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais de captação e produção de imagens visuais ao potencial analítico e interpretativo de antigos photoworks, este trabalho contribui para a compreensão sobre o uso científico das fotografias de campo e laboratório e o seu vínculo com a produção da historiografia arqueológica e seu aporte para o desenvolvimento de uma Arqueologia Visual.This paper presents perspectives for the study of visual data produced by archaeologists during their research. The conscious use of photographic images as variations of a broader archaeological record system, including its systematic production, dissemination and context in the production of scientific knowledge are reviewed in this preliminary study. From the earliest archaeological photographs produced in the nineteenth century, scientific catalogs and manuals, and until recently, with the accelerated development of digital technologies to capture and produce visual images of old photoworks with analytical potential and interpretive perspectives, this work contributes to the understanding about the scientific use of field and laboratory photographs with its relationship with the historiography of archaeology with contribution to Visual Archaeology

    On the Electronic Structure of a Recently Synthesized Graphene-like BCN Monolayer from bis-BN Cyclohexane: A DFT Study

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    Since the rising of graphene, boron nitride monolayers have been deeply studied due to their structural similarity with the former. A hexagonal graphene-like boron-carbon-nitrogen (h-BCN) monolayer was synthesized recently using bis-BN cyclohexane (B2N2C2H12) as a precursor molecule. Herein, we investigated the electronic and structural properties of this novel BCN material, in the presence of single-atom (boron, carbon, or nitrogen) vacancies, by employing density functional theory calculations. The stability of these vacancy-endowed structures is verified from cohesion energy calculations. Results showed that a carbon atom vacancy strongly distorts the lattice leading to breaking on its planarity and bond reconstructions. The single-atom vacancies induce the appearance of flat midgap states. A significant degree of charge localization takes place in the vicinity of these defects. It was observed a spontaneous magnetization only for the boron-vacancy case, with a magnetic dipole moment about 0.87 mu_B. Our calculations predicted a direct electronic bandgap value of about 1.14 eV, which is in good agreement with the experimental one. Importantly, this bandgap value is intermediate between gapless graphene and insulating h-BN.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    LICAVAL: combination therapy in acute and maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The challenge of Bipolar Disorder (BD) treatment is due to the complexity of the disease. Current guidelines represent an effort to help clinicians in their everyday practice but still have limitations, specially concerning to long term treatment. LICAVAL (e<it>fficacy and tolerability of the combination of <b>LI</b>thium and <b>CA</b>rbamazepine compared to lithium and <b>VAL</b>proic acid in the treatment of young bipolar patients</it>) study aim to evaluate acute and maintenance phase of BD treatment with two combined drugs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>LICAVAL is a single site, parallel group, randomized, outcome assessor blinded trial. BD I patients according to the DSM-IV-TR, in depressive, manic,/hypomanic or mixed episode, aged 18 to 35 years are eligible. After the diagnostic assessments, the patients are allocated for one of the groups of treatment (lithium + valproic acid or lithium + carbamazepine). Patients will be followed up for 8 weeks in phase I (acute treatment), 6 months in phase II (continuation treatment) and 12 months in phase III (maintenance treatment). Outcome assessors are blind to the treatment. The main outcome is the evaluation of changes in mean scores on CGI-BP-M between baseline and endpoint at the end of each phase of the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>LICAVAL is currently in progress, with patients in phase I, II or III. It will extended until august 2012.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Trials comparing specific treatments efficacy in BD (head to head) can show relevant information in clinical practice. Long term treatment is an issue of great important and should be evaluated carefully in more studies as long as BD is a chronic disease.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00976794</p

    Action potentials in abscisic acid-deficient tomato mutant generated spontaneously and evoked by electrical stimulation

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    Action potentials generated spontaneously (SAPs) and evoked by electrical stimulation (APs) in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv. Micro-Tom ABA-deficient mutants (sitiens—MTsit) and its wild type (MTwt) were characterized by continuous monitoring of electrical activity for 66 h and by application of an electrical stimulation supplied extracellularly. MTsit generated SAPs which spread along the stem, including petioles and roots with an amplitude of 44.6 ± 4.4 mV, half-time (t½) of 33.1 ± 2.9 s and velocity of 5.4 ± 1.0 cm min−1. Amplitude and velocity were 43 and 108 % higher in MTsit than in MTwt, respectively. The largest number of SAPs was registered in the early morning in both genotypes. MTsit was less responsive to electrical stimuli. The excitation threshold and the refractory period were greater in MTsit than in MTwt. After current application, APs were generated in the MTwt with 21.2 ± 2.4 mV amplitude and propagated with 5.6 ± 0.5 cm min−1 velocity. Lower intensity stimuli did not trigger APs in these plants. In MTsit APs were measured with amplitude of 26.8 ± 4.8 mV and propagated with velocity of 8.5 ± 0.1 cm min−1
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