954 research outputs found

    Validity of a contact mat and accelerometric system to assess countermovement jump from flight time

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    Countermovement jump (CMJ) height is an important parameter in physical performance. This study compared CMJ height measured using ChronoJump contact mat (CJ) and Myotest accelerometer (MT) systems with a force platform (FP). Thirty recreationally active adults (32.1 ± 10.4 years, 75.9 ± 12.0 kg, 173.2 ± 6.3 cm) completed a CMJ protocol where height was simultaneously recorded using the three systems. CJ and MT measures were strongly and significant correlated (r = 0.65, 0.66, respectively; p  0.05), yet MT-derived measures were significantly different from those obtained using the FP (p < 0.05). Systematic bias was observed between FP and the CJ and between FP and MT. This study demonstrates the validity of CJ and MT systems for the assessment of CMJ height. Systematic bias and between-device differences in measurement should be considered when interpreting and comparing data from these devices

    The renewed role of sweep functions in noisy shortcuts to adiabaticity

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    We study the robustness of different sweep protocols for accelerated adiabaticity following in the presence of static errors and of dissipative and dephasing phenomena. While in the noise-free case, counterdiabatic driving is, by definition, insensitive to the form of the original sweep function, this property may be lost when the quantum system is open. We indeed observe that, according to the decay and dephasing channels investigated here, the performance of the system becomes highly dependent on the sweep function. Our findings are relevant for the experimental implementation of robust shortcuts-to-adiabaticity techniques for the control of quantum systems

    The clustering and bias of radio-selected AGN and star-forming galaxies in the COSMOS field

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    Dark matter haloes in which galaxies reside are likely to have a significant impact on their evolution. We investigate the link between dark matter haloes and their constituent galaxies by measuring the angular two-point correlation function of radio sources, using recently released 3 GHz imaging over $\sim 2 \ \mathrm{deg}^2oftheCOSMOSfield.WesplittheradiosourcepopulationintoStarFormingGalaxies(SFGs)andActiveGalacticNuclei(AGN),andfurtherseparatetheAGNintoradiativelyefficientandinefficientaccreters.Restrictingouranalysisto of the COSMOS field. We split the radio source population into Star Forming Galaxies (SFGs) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), and further separate the AGN into radiatively efficient and inefficient accreters. Restricting our analysis to z<1,wefindSFGshaveabias,, we find SFGs have a bias, b = 1.5 ^{+0.1}_{-0.2},atamedianredshiftof, at a median redshift of z=0.62.Ontheotherhand,AGNaresignificantlymorestronglyclusteredwith. On the other hand, AGN are significantly more strongly clustered with b = 2.1\pm 0.2atamedianredshiftof0.7.ThissupportstheideathatAGNarehostedbymoremassivehaloesthanSFGs.Wealsofindlow−accretionrateAGNaremoreclustered( at a median redshift of 0.7. This supports the idea that AGN are hosted by more massive haloes than SFGs. We also find low-accretion rate AGN are more clustered (b = 2.9 \pm 0.3)thanhigh−accretionrateAGN() than high-accretion rate AGN (b = 1.8^{+0.4}_{-0.5})atthesameredshift() at the same redshift (z \sim 0.7),suggestingthatlow−accretionrateAGNresideinhighermasshaloes.ThissupportspreviousevidencethattherelativelyhotgasthatinhabitsthemostmassivehaloesisunabletobeeasilyaccretedbythecentralAGN,causingthemtobeinefficient.Wealsofindevidencethatlow−accretionrateAGNappeartoresideinhalomassesof), suggesting that low-accretion rate AGN reside in higher mass haloes. This supports previous evidence that the relatively hot gas that inhabits the most massive haloes is unable to be easily accreted by the central AGN, causing them to be inefficient. We also find evidence that low-accretion rate AGN appear to reside in halo masses of M_{h} \sim 3-4 \times 10^{13}h^{-1}MM_{\odot}atallredshifts.Ontheotherhand,theefficientaccretersresideinhaloesof at all redshifts. On the other hand, the efficient accreters reside in haloes of M_{h} \sim 1-2 \times 10^{13}h^{-1}MM_{\odot}atlowredshiftbutcanresideinrelativelylowermasshaloesathigherredshifts.Thiscouldbeduetotheincreasedprevalenceofcoldgasinlowermasshaloesat at low redshift but can reside in relatively lower mass haloes at higher redshifts. This could be due to the increased prevalence of cold gas in lower mass haloes at z \ge 1comparedto compared to z<1$.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted by MNRA

    Atomic interactions for qubit-error compensation

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    Experimental imperfections induce phase and population errors in quantum systems. We present a method to compensate unitary errors affecting also the population of the qubit states. This is achieved through the interaction of the target qubit with an additional control qubit. We show that our approach works well for single-photon and two-photon excitation schemes. In the first case, we study two reduced models: (i) a two-level system in which the interaction corresponds to an effective level shift and (ii) a three-level one describing two qubits in the Bell triplet subspace. In the second case, a double Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage process is presented with comparable compensation efficiency with respect to the single-photon case

    B cells in the formation of Tertiary Lymphoid Organs in autoimmunity, transplantation and tumorigenesis.

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    TLS develop in target organs of autoimmune diseases, transplantation and cancer. ‱ TLS can function as germinal centres supporting B-cell selection/differentiation. ‱ TLS can be destructive or have beneficial effects at the site of inflammation/disease. ‱ Therapeutic targeting of TLS results in beneficial effects in patients, though inhibition may lead to immune suppression while stimulation may lead to autoimmunity. Tertiary lymphoid organs named also tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) often occur at sites of autoimmune inflammation, organ transplantation and cancer. Although the mechanisms for their formation/function are not entirely understood, it is known that TLS can display features of active germinal centres supporting the proliferation and differentiation of (auto)-reactive B cells. In this Review, we discuss current knowledge on TLS-associated B cells with particular reference on how within diseased tissues these structures are linked to either deleterious or protective outcomes in patients and the potential for therapeutic targeting of TLS through novel drugs

    Sodium fraction excretion rate in nocturnal enuresis correlates with nocturnal polyuria and osmolality

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    Abstract: Purpose: We verify the sodium fraction excretion rate (FE Na) and potassium fraction excretion WE K) rates in monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. We also correlate FE Na and FE K to urinary osmolality, nocturnal polyuria and vasopressin in the same population. Materials and Methods: A total of 438 children 6 to 15 years old (mean age 9.7) presenting with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis were recruited from different centers. Inclusion criteria were 3 or greater wet nights a week, no daytime incontinence and no treatment in the previous 2 months. Exclusion criteria were cardiopathy, endocrinopathy, psychiatric problems and urinary tract abnormalities. Micturition chart, diurnal (8 am to 8 pm) and nocturnal (8 pm to 8 am) urine collection, including separate diuresis volumes, (Na, K and Ca) electrolytes and osmolality were evaluated, as well as serum electrolytes, creatinine and nocturnal (4 am) vasopressin. Diurnal and nocturnal FE K and FE Na were calculated. ANOVA test, chi-square test, Student's t test and Pearson correlation test were used for statistical analysis. Results: Nocturnal polyuria (diurnal to nocturnal diuresis ratio less than 1) was found in 273 children (62.3%, group I and nocturnal urine volumes were normal in 165 with enuresis (37.7%, group 2). Nocturnal FE Na was abnormal in 179 children (40.8%), including 118 in group 1 (43.2%) and 61 in group 2 (36.9%) (chi-square not significant). FE Na was also increased in nocturnal versus daytime diuresis (Student's t test p < 0.001). In group 1 nocturnal FE Na correlated with nocturnal diuresis (Pearson correlation p = 0.003, r = +0.175), while daytime FE Na and nocturnal FE Na correlated with diurnal diuresis (Pearson correlation p = 0.001, r = +0.225 and Pearson correlation p = 0.001, r = +0.209, respectively). In group 2 nocturnal FE Na did not correlate with diuresis (Pearson correlation p = 0.103, r = +0.128) but correlated with vasopressin values (Pearson correlation p = 0.042, r = -0.205). Urine osmolality was reduced in 140 children (31.9%) and correlated with nocturnal diuresis (Pearson correlation p = 0.003, r = -0.321). Vasopressin was decreased in 332 children (75.8%, 62.6% in group 1 and 13.2% in group 2). No significant difference was found between sexes and age of enuretic subgroups. Conclusions: Nocturnal FE Na correlates with nocturnal diuresis, whereas daytime FE Na does not. FE K in daytime and nighttime diuresis does not statistically differ in nocturnal polyuric and nonpolyuric enuretic groups. Osmolality correlates with nocturnal diuresis, and vasopressin at 4 am was lower in the nocturnal polyuric group. The hypothesis of a subset of enuretic patients presenting with nocturnal polyuria associated with high nocturnal natriuria and low vasopressin values has been confirmed

    The impact of diabetes in implant oral rehabilitations: A bibliometric study and literature review

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    Introduction: Diabetes represents a potential risk factor for bone healing and dental implant treatment predictability. The aim of the present investigation was to perform a bibliometric evaluation of articles on the topic of the impact of diabetes on implant oral rehabilitations. Material and methods: A Boolean keywords search was performed on Scopus database and recorded the list of articles, authors and affiliations. The journal impact factor was calculated by the Journal Citation Report Clarivate electronic database. The total papers, number of citations and journal impact factors were calculated. Results: a total of 476 papers and 162 authors were assessed. The mean authors total citations were 2880.11± 4070.24 and the mean impact factor value was 1.942±1.15 Conclusions: uncontrolled diabetes impacts on dental implant rehabilitation with an increased risk of implant failure and periimplant disease in long-term rehabilitation

    Star-forming galaxies versus low- and high-excitation radio AGN in the VLA-COSMOS 3GHz Large Project

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    We study the composition of the faint radio population selected from the VLA-COSMOS 3GHz Large Project, a radio continuum survey performed at 10 cm wavelength. The survey covers the full 2 square degree COSMOS field with mean rms∌2.3rms\sim2.3 ÎŒ\muJy/beam, cataloging 10,899 source components above 5×rms5\times rms. By combining these radio data with UltraVISTA, optical, near-infrared, and Spitzer/IRAC mid-infrared data, as well as X-ray data from the Chandra Legacy, and Chandra COSMOS surveys, we gain insight into the emission mechanisms within our radio sources out to redshifts of z∌5z\sim5. From these emission characteristics we classify our souces as star forming galaxies or AGN. Using their multi-wavelength properties we further separate the AGN into sub-samples dominated by radiatively efficient and inefficient AGN, often referred to as high- and low-excitation emission line AGN. We compare our method with other results based on fitting of the sources' spectral energy distributions using both galaxy and AGN spectral models, and those based on the infrared-radio correlation. We study the fractional contributions of these sub-populations down to radio flux levels of ∌\sim10 ÎŒ\muJy. We find that at 3 GHz flux densities above ∌\sim400 ÎŒ\muJy quiescent, red galaxies, consistent with the low-excitation radio AGN class constitute the dominant fraction. Below densities of ∌\sim200 ÎŒ\muJy star-forming galaxies begin to constitute the largest fraction, followed by the low-excitation, and X-ray- and IR-identified high-excitation radio AGN.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges, Bologna 20-23 October 201

    Herschel Far-IR counterparts of SDSS galaxies: Analysis of commonly used Star Formation Rate estimates

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    We study a hundred of galaxies from the spectroscopic Sloan Digital Sky Survey with individual detections in the Far-Infrared Herschel PACS bands (100 or 160 ÎŒ\mum) and in the GALEX Far-UltraViolet band up to z∌\sim0.4 in the COSMOS and Lockman Hole fields. The galaxies are divided into 4 spectral and 4 morphological types. For the star forming and unclassifiable galaxies we calculate dust extinctions from the UV slope, the Hα\alpha/HÎČ\beta ratio and the LIR/LUVL_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm UV} ratio. There is a tight correlation between the dust extinction and both LIRL_{\rm IR} and metallicity. We calculate SFRtotal_{total} and compare it with other SFR estimates (Hα\alpha, UV, SDSS) finding a very good agreement between them with smaller dispersions than typical SFR uncertainties. We study the effect of mass and metallicity, finding that it is only significant at high masses for SFRHα_{H\alpha}. For the AGN and composite galaxies we find a tight correlation between SFR and LIR_{IR} (σ∌\sigma\sim0.29), while the dispersion in the SFR - LUV_{UV} relation is larger (σ∌\sigma\sim0.57). The galaxies follow the prescriptions of the Fundamental Plane in the M-Z-SFR space.Comment: 24 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
