443 research outputs found

    Identification of new candidate genes associated with metabolic traits applying a multiomics approach in the obese mouse model BFMI861

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    Hintergrund: Die Berlin Fat Mouse Inzuchtlinie (BFMI) ist ein Modell für Adipositas und das metabolische Syndrom. Diese Studie zielte darauf ab, genetische Varianten zu identifizieren, die mit dem gestörten Glukosestoffwechsel assoziiert sind, indem die fettleibigen Linien BFMI861-S1 und BFMI861-S2 verwendet wurden, die genetisch eng verwandt sind, sich aber in mehreren Merkmalen unterscheiden. BFMI861-S1 ist insulinresistent und speichert ektopisches Fett in der Leber, während BFMI861-S2 insulinsensitiv ist. Methoden: Die QTL-Analyse wurde in zwei fortgeschrittenen Intercross-Linien (AIL) in der Generation durchgeführt. Eine AIL wurde aus der Kreuzung BFMI861-S1 x BFMI861-S2 und die zweite AIL aus der Kreuzung BFMI861-S1 x BFMI861-B6N erhalten. Für beide AILs wurden Phänotypen über 25 bzw. 20 Wochen gesammelt. Zur Priorisierung von positionellen Kandidatengenen wurden Gesamtgenomsequenzierung und Genexpressionsdaten der Elternlinien verwendet. Ergebnisse: Für den AIL BFMI861-S1 x BFMI861-S2 wurden überlappende QTL für das Gonadenfettgewebegewicht und die Blutglukosekonzentration auf Chromosom (Chr) 3 (95,8–100,1 Mb) und für das Gonadenfettgewebegewicht, Lebergewicht und Blut nachgewiesen Glukosekonzentration auf Chr 17 (9,5–26,1 Mb). Für die AIL BFMI861-S1 x BFMI861-B6N zeigte ein hochsignifikanter QTL auf Chromosom (Chr) 1 (157–168 Mb) einen Zusammenhang mit dem Lebergewicht. Ein QTL für das Körpergewicht nach 20 Wochen wurde auf Chr 3 (34,1 – 40 Mb) gefunden, der sich mit einem QTL für das scAT-Gewicht überlappte. In einem multiplen QTL-Mapping-Ansatz wurde ein zusätzliches QTL, das das Körpergewicht bei 16 Wochen beeinflusste, auf Chr 6 (9,5–26,1 Mb) identifiziert. Schlussfolgerungen: Die QTL-Kartierung zusammen mit einem detaillierten Priorisierungsansatz ermöglichte es uns, Kandidatengene zu identifizieren, die mit Merkmalen des metabolischen Syndroms in beiden AILs assoziiert sind.Background: The Berlin Fat Mouse Inbred line (BFMI) is a model for obesity and the metabolic syndrome. This study aimed to identify genetic variants associated with the impaired glucose metabolism using the obese lines BFMI861-S1 and BFMI861-S2, which are genetically closely related, but differ in several traits. BFMI861-S1 is insulin resistant and stores ectopic fat in the liver, whereas BFMI861-S2 is insulin sensitive. Methods: QTL-analysis was performed in two advanced intercross lines (AIL) in generation. One AIL obtained from the cross BFMI861-S1 x BFMI861-S2 and the second AIL from the cross BFMI861-S1 x BFMI861-B6N. For both AILs phenotypes were collected over 25 and 20 weeks, respectively. For prioritization of positional candidate genes whole genome sequencing and gene expression data of the parental lines were used. Results: For the AIL BFMI861-S1 x BFMI861-S2 overlapping QTL for gonadal adipose tissue weight and blood glucose concentration were detected on chromosome (Chr) 3 (95.8-100.1 Mb), and for gonadal adipose tissue weight, liver weight, and blood glucose concentration on Chr 17 (9.5-26.1 Mb). For the AIL BFMI861-S1 x BFMI861-B6N one highly significant QTL on chromosome (Chr) 1 (157–168 Mb) showed an association with liver weight. A QTL for body weight at 20 weeks was found on Chr 3 (34.1 – 40 Mb) overlapping with a QTL for scAT weight. In a multiple QTL mapping approach, an additional QTL affecting body weight at 16 weeks was identified on Chr 6 (9.5-26.1 Mb). Conclusions: QTL mapping together with a detailed prioritization approach allowed us to identify candidate genes associated with traits of the metabolic syndrome in both AILs

    Asthma as a Model for Placebo Effects in Modern Medicine

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    Many a clinical intervention thrives on placebos. Lack of consensus — both definitional and methodological — however, contributes to general confusion and specious conclusions regarding the legitimacy and relevance of placebos in modern medicine. The apparent divergence between objective and subjective treatment outcomes, moreover, renders placebos clinically meaningless. Asthma provides a clinical model for studying placebos because it highlights how psychology works in concert with pharmacology. Here we examine placebos as valuable adjuncts to, rather than replacements for, pharmacological treatments

    Clues of in vivo nuclear gene regulation by mitochondrial short non-coding RNAs.

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    Gene expression involves multiple processes, from transcription to translation to the mature, functional peptide, and it is regulated at multiple levels. Small RNA molecules are known to bind RNA messengers affecting their fate in the cytoplasm (a process generically termed \u2018RNA interference\u2019). Such small regulatory RNAs are well-known to be originated from the nuclear genome, while the role of mitochondrial genome in RNA interference was largely overlooked. However, evidence is growing that mitochondrial DNA does provide the cell a source of interfering RNAs. Small mitochondrial highly transcribed RNAs (smithRNAs) have been proposed to be transcribed from the mitochondrion and predicted to regulate nuclear genes. Here, for the first time, we show in vivo clues of the activity of two smithRNAs in the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. Moreover, we show that smithRNAs are present and can be annotated in representatives of the three main bilaterian lineages; in some cases, they were already described and assigned to a small RNA category (e.g., piRNAs) given their biogenesis, while in other cases their biogenesis remains unclear. If mitochondria may affect nuclear gene expression through RNA interference, this opens a plethora of new possibilities for them to interact with the nucleus and makes metazoan mitochondrial DNA a much more complex genome than previously thought
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