62 research outputs found

    Dialogues from Texts: How to Generate Answers from a Discourse Model

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    In this paper, we shall deal with a system for text generation and understanding called GETA_RUN (GEneration of Text and Analysis for Reference Understanding). Dialogues in our system may be regarded as a sequence of question-answering actions with the aim to retrieve as much information as possible from a text. In a certain sense the system acts as a very intelligent information retrieval system which allows to recover the contents of a text on the basis of what is actually being linguistically expressed. No implicit information is recoverable from the system, however. The system works by encoding the linguistic contents of a text fully analyzed in the Discourse Model where all entities, properties and relations are recorded. Further semantic properties and relations are then transferred into a Knowledge Representation Module running under KL-One to be used for consistency check whenever the dialogue is started up

    Binding Pronominals with an LFG Parser

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    This paper describes an implemented algorithm for handling pronominal reference and anaphoric control within an LFG framework. At first there is a brief description of the grammar implemented in Prolog using XGs(extraposition grammars) introduced by Pereira(1981;1983). Then the algorithm mapping binding equations is discussed at length. In particular the algorithm makes use of f-command together with the obviation principle, rather than c-command which is shown to be insufficient to explain the facts of binding of both English and Italian. Previous work (Ingria,1989;Hobbs,1978) was based on English and the classes of pronominals to account for were two: personal and possessive pronouns and anaphors - reflexives and reciprocals. In Italian, and in other languages of the world, the classes are many more. We dealt with four: a.pronouns - personal and independent pronouns, epithets, possessive pronouns; b.clitic pronouns and Morphologically Unexpressed PRO/pros; c.long distance anaphors; short distance anaphors. Binding of anaphors and coreference of pronouns is extensively shown to depend on structural properties of fstructures, on thematic roles and grammatical functions associated with the antecedents or controller, on definiteness of NPs and mood of clausal f-structures. The algorithm uses feature matrices to tell pronominal classes apart and scores to determine the ranking of candidates for antecedenthood, as well as for restricting the behaviour of proforms and anaphors

    Seasonality and Sleep: A Clinical Study on Euthymic Mood Disorder Patients

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    Background. Research on mood disorders has progressively focused on the study of seasons and on the mood in association with them during depressive or manic episodes yet few studies have focused on the seasonal fluctuation that characterizes the patient's clinical course both during an illness episode and during euthymic periods. Methods. 113 euthymic outpatients 46 affected by major recurrent depression and 67 affected by bipolar disorder were recruited. We evaluated the impact of clinical “rhythmical” factors: seasonality, sleep disturbance, and chronotype. Patients completed the SPAQ+ questionnaire, the MEQ questionnaire, and the medical outcomes study (MOS) sleep scale. We used t-test analyses to compare differences of clinical “rhythmical” and sociodemographic variables and of differences in the assessment scales among the diagnostic groups. Results. Patients reporting a family history for mood disorders have higher fluctuations throughout seasons. Sleep disturbance is more problematic in unipolars when compared to bipolars. Conclusions. Sleep, light, and seasonality seem to be three interconnected features that lie at the basis of chronobiology that, when altered, have an important effect both on the psychopathology and on the treatment of mood disorders

    Cryoconite as a temporary sink for anthropogenic species stored in glaciers

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    Cryoconite, the typical sediment found on the surface of glaciers, is mainly known in relation to its role in glacial microbiology and in altering the glacier albedo. But if these aspects are relatively well addressed, the same cannot be said about the geochemical properties of cryoconite and the possible interactions with glacial and peri-glacial environment. Current glacier retreat is responsible for the secondary emission of species deposited in high-altitude regions in the last decades. The role played by cryoconite in relation to such novel geochemical fluxes is largely unknown. Few and scarce observations suggest that it could interact with these processes, accumulating specific substances, but why, how and to what extent remain open questions. Through a multi-disciplinary approach we tried to shed lights. Results reveal that the peculiar composition of cryoconite is responsible for an extreme accumulation capability of this sediment, in particular for some, specific, anthropogenic substances

    Nationwide consensus on the clinical management of treatment-resistant depression in Italy: a Delphi panel

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    Background: Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is defined by the European Medicines Agency as a lack of clinically meaningful improvement after treatment, with at least two different antidepressants. Individual, familiar, and socio-economic burden of TRD is huge. Given the lack of clear guidelines, the large variability of TRD approaches across different countries and the availability of new medications to meet the need of effective and rapid acting therapeutic strategies, it is important to understand the consensus regarding the clinical characteristics and treatment pathways of patients with TRD in Italian routine clinical practice, particularly in view of the recent availability of esketamine nasal spray. Methods: A Delphi questionnaire with 17 statements (with a 7 points Likert scale for agreement) was administered via a customized web-based platform to Italian psychiatrists with at least 5 years of experience and specific expertise in the field of depression. In the second-round physicians were asked to answer the same statements considering the interquartile range of each question as an index of their colleagues' responses. Stata 16.1 software was used for the analyses. Results: Sixty panellists, representative of the Italian territory, answered the questionnaire at the first round. For 8/17 statements more than 75% of panellists reached agreement and a high consensus as they assigned similar scores; for 4 statements the panellists assigned similar scores but in the middle of the Likert scale showing a moderate agreement with the statement, while for 5 statements there was indecision in the agreement and low consensus with the statement. Conclusions: This Delphi Panel showed that there is a wide heterogeneity in Italy in the management of TRD patients, and a compelling need of standardised strategies and treatments specifically approved for TRD. A high level of consensus and agreement was obtained about the importance of adding lithium and/or antipsychotics as augmentation therapies and in the meantime about the need for long-term maintenance therapy. A high level of consensus and agreement was equally reached for the identification of esketamine nasal spray as the best option for TRD patients and for the possibility to administrate without difficulties esketamine in a community outpatient setting, highlighting the benefit of an appropriate educational support for patients

    Nationwide consensus on the clinical management of treatment-resistant depression in Italy: a Delphi panel

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    Background: Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is defined by the European Medicines Agency as a lack of clinically meaningful improvement after treatment, with at least two different antidepressants. Individual, familiar, and socio-economic burden of TRD is huge. Given the lack of clear guidelines, the large variability of TRD approaches across different countries and the availability of new medications to meet the need of effective and rapid acting therapeutic strategies, it is important to understand the consensus regarding the clinical characteristics and treatment pathways of patients with TRD in Italian routine clinical practice, particularly in view of the recent availability of esketamine nasal spray. Methods: A Delphi questionnaire with 17 statements (with a 7 points Likert scale for agreement) was administered via a customized web-based platform to Italian psychiatrists with at least 5 years of experience and specific expertise in the field of depression. In the second-round physicians were asked to answer the same statements considering the interquartile range of each question as an index of their colleagues' responses. Stata 16.1 software was used for the analyses. Results: Sixty panellists, representative of the Italian territory, answered the questionnaire at the first round. For 8/17 statements more than 75% of panellists reached agreement and a high consensus as they assigned similar scores; for 4 statements the panellists assigned similar scores but in the middle of the Likert scale showing a moderate agreement with the statement, while for 5 statements there was indecision in the agreement and low consensus with the statement. Conclusions: This Delphi Panel showed that there is a wide heterogeneity in Italy in the management of TRD patients, and a compelling need of standardised strategies and treatments specifically approved for TRD. A high level of consensus and agreement was obtained about the importance of adding lithium and/or antipsychotics as augmentation therapies and in the meantime about the need for long-term maintenance therapy. A high level of consensus and agreement was equally reached for the identification of esketamine nasal spray as the best option for TRD patients and for the possibility to administrate without difficulties esketamine in a community outpatient setting, highlighting the benefit of an appropriate educational support for patients

    EVALITA Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian - December 17th, 2020

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    Welcome to EVALITA 2020! EVALITA is the evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. EVALITA is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC, http://www.ai-lc.it) and it is endorsed by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA, http://www.aixia.it) and the Italian Association for Speech Sciences (AISV, http://www.aisv.it)


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    GETARUNS, the system for text and reference understanding which is currently used for summarization and text generation has a highly sophisticated linguistically based semantic module which is used to build up the Discourse Model. Semantic processing is strongly modularized and distributed amongst a number of different submodules which take care of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning, Discourse Level Anaphora Resolution, and other subsidiary processes like Topic Hierarchy which cooperate when creating semantic individuals. These are then asserted in the Discourse Model (hence the DM), which is then the sole knowledge structure for the reasoning processes which is used to answer linguistically advanced queries on “when” and “where”. A version of the system runs under web