4 research outputs found

    Poly-phased fluid flow in the giant fossil pockmark of Beauvoisin, SE basin of France

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    The giant Jurassic-aged pockmark field of Beauvoisin developed in a 800 m wide depression for over 3.4 Ma during the Oxfordian; it formed below about 600 m water depth. It is composed of sub-sites organized in clusters and forming vertically stacked carbonate lenses encased in marls . This fine-scale study is focused on a detailed analysis of petrographical organization and geochemical signatures of crystals that grew up in early to late fractures of carbonate lenses, surrounding nodules, and tubes that fed them. The isotopic signature (C, O and Sr) shows that at least three different episodes of fluid migration participated to the mineralization processes. Most of the carbonates precipitated when biogenic seepage was active in the shallow subsurface during the Oxfordian. The second phase occurred relatively soon after burial during early Cretaceous and thermogenic fluids came probably from underlying Pliensbachian, Late Toarcian or Bajocian levels. The third phase is a bitumen-rich fluid probably related to these levels reaching the oil window during Mio-Pliocene. The fluids migrated through faults induced by the emplacement of Triassic-salt diapir of Propiac during the Late Jurassic and that remained polyphased drain structures over time

    Recherche, politique et pratiques en éducation : services rendus et questions posées d’un univers à l’autre

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    À l’occasion de son 200e numéro, la Revue française de pédagogie, revue généraliste de recherche en éducation de référence dans le monde francophone, a souhaité renouer avec l’une des interrogations fondamentales qui la caractérisent depuis sa création en 1967 : celle des rapports entre recherche, politique, administration et pratique professionnelle en éducation. Fondé sur un appel à contributions inédit, ce numéro a la particularité de ne pas regrouper uniquement des articles émanant de chercheurs, mais de croiser ceux-ci avec des contributions d’acteurs aux profils divers. Les analyses présentées permettent ainsi de couvrir une grande diversité de situations nationales et institutionnelles, notamment : rôle et fonctionnement de différents « Conseils supérieurs » en France ou au Québec, débats et controverses médiatiques et scientifiques à propos d’une loi sur « l’école inclusive » en République tchèque, construction de séquences didactiques fondées sur la recherche au Mexique, accompagnement d’établissements scolaires par la recherche dans le canton de Vaud en Suisse ou encore place de la recherche dans des revues d’interface. Deux axes majeurs structurent le numéro : l’étude de divers espaces, supports ou acteurs assurant une fonction de médiation entre les univers étudiés ; l’analyse de la place et des transformations de la recherche en contexte non strictement académique (situations d’expertise ou de formation par exemple). En cela, ce numéro apporte une contribution fondamentale aux nombreux questionnements actuels sur les rôles et la structuration de la recherche en éducation dans une société dite de la connaissance. For its 200th issue, the Revue française de pédagogie, a generalist journal of research in education and one of the leading publication on the subject in the French-speaking world, decided to take a fresh look at one the fundamental questions which have defined it since it was first published in 1967: the relationship between academic research, politics, administration and professional practice in education. Based on a new call for papers, this issue consists of articles by scholars and contributions from stakeholders from a range of backgrounds (experts, policy makers, activists etc.). The articles cover a wide variety of domestic and institutional situations including: the role and functioning of “High Councils” for education in France and Quebec; media and academic debate and controversy surrounding an "inclusive education" law in the Czech Republic; the design of teaching sequences in Mexico; research-based support for schools in the Swiss canton of Vaud; or the place of research in some professional journals which interface with the academic world. Two main themes run through the issue: the study of various spaces, resources or stakeholders which perform a mediating role between academic research and other areas, and the analysis of the place of and changes in research in a non-academic context (expertise or training situations, for instance). In this regard, this issue makes a significant contribution to the many current studies on the role of academic research and how it is organised in a so-called knowledge society