27 research outputs found

    Technology to enable new paradigms of teaching/learning in mathematics: the digital interactive storytelling case

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    This paper concerns the design and implementation of a particular methodology for mathematics teaching/learning which exploits an interactive and immersive metaphor of storytelling. This research aims to promote processes such as inquiring, conjecturing, formalizing, proving in mathematics, and to investigate which is the best way to organize ICT tools to achieve that purpose. We also report the findings of an ongoing experimentation at the K12 school level

    Il paradigma della logica, problem solving e la risoluzione di triangoli. Il programma Geologic

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    Si descrive una sperimentazione didattica per lo studio e la risoluzione di un triangolo rettangolo, con l’ausilio di un software didattico il Geologic elaborato interamente dai ricercatori afferenti al gruppo di ricerca didattica della matematica presso l’Università di Salerno. Tale programma indaga sulle potenzialità in didattica della matematica della logica classica per l’elaborazione di strategie risolutive di problemi, in particolare geometrici. Le nozioni di “sistema di assiomi” e “teorema” vengono reinterpretate rispettivamente in termini di “informazione disponibile” (in generale non sempre completa) e “conseguenze” che si possono ricavare da tale informazione. Si parte da uno stato iniziale, sia generato automaticamente dal sistema che inserito direttamente dall’utente (in questo caso il programma effettua una verifica preliminare di congruità dei dati inseriti), per arrivare ad uno stato finale, la soluzione (goal), in base a delle regole che il sistema quantizza nel caso del triangolo rettangolo in sette

    Structured online teachers’ collaboration for fostering professional development.

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    This work illustrates the design and the outcomes of online activities for supporting teachers’ collaboration within a professional development course for in-service secondary mathematics teachers. For this aim specific tools from the general purposes e-learning platform Moodle have been exploited to support virtual structured collaboration. Then the outcomes of the collaboration are analyzed and discussed, as well as of the answers to a post-questionnaire submitted to the trainees

    An Online Collaborative Approach for Fostering Argumentative Thinking in Mathematics

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    Many literature studies point out how the process that moves the student from personal reasoning to the arrangement of fruitful argument could help her in the development of mathematical argumentative thinking. Starting from the above assumptions, in this paper we investigate the interaction among teacher/researcher and students in a Digital Interactive Storytelling in Mathematics (DIST-M) environment. The students, by interacting with their peers through the e-learning environment, explain their own reasoning and conjectures concerning the solution of an algebraic modelling problem. A qualitative analysis, starting from an experimentation with high school students, show how tools and participants (acting as mediators in the interaction with the DIST-M environment) contribute to improving the students critical mathematical thinking and to developing argumentative mathematical competence

    A technological storytelling approach to nurture mathematical argumentation

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    This research deals with how to foster the attitude of the mathematician facing a problem. In this regard, we identified some fundamental steps, from the initial understanding to its solution, and some key attitudes, such as critical thinking and insight. The steps have been translated into the phases of a digital interactive storytelling in mathematics (DIST-M), while the attitudes have been embodied as characters/roles within the story. The whole didactic design is based on collaborative scripts, and evolves according to the interactions between the characters and the stimuli coming from the expert. In the paper we briefly report the design, it’s implementation using ICT tools, a taste of the analysis conducted and the results arising from a DIST-M trial involving 26 first-year high school students

    Progettare attivitĂ  di apprendimento matematiche in ambiente online

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    Questo lavoro descrive l'uso di un modello sistemico per progettare attività di apprendimento della matematica in ambienti tecnologici avanzati. Il modello prevede quattro ruoli coinvolti nel processo di apprendimento e questi possono essere svolti da attori diversi nel corso del processo. La tecnologia è una di questi