1,126 research outputs found

    Strain induced band gap deformation of H/F passivated graphene and h-BN sheet

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    Strain induced band gap deformations of hydrogenated/fluorinated graphene and hexagonal BN sheet have been investigated using first principles density functional calculations. Within harmonic approximation, the deformation is found to be higher for hydrogenated systems than for the fluorinated systems. Interestingly, our calculated band gap deformation for hydrogenated/fluorinated graphene and BN sheets are positive, while those for pristine graphene and BN sheet are found to be negative. This is due to the strong overlap between nearest neighbor {\pi} orbitals in the pristine sheets, that is absent in the passivated systems. We also estimate the intrinsic strength of these materials under harmonic uniaxial strain, and find that the in-plane stiffness of fluorinated and hydrogenated graphene are close, but larger in magnitude as compared to those of fluorinated and hydrogenated BN sheet.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Systematic computation of crystal field multiplets for X-ray core spectroscopies

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    We present a new approach to computing multiplets for core spectroscopies, whereby the crystal field is constructed explicitly from the positions and charges of surrounding atoms. The simplicity of the input allows the consideration of crystal fields of any symmetry, and in particular facilitates the study of spectroscopic effects arising from low symmetry environments. The interplay between polarization directions and crystal field can also be conveniently investigated. The determination of the multiplets proceeds from a Dirac density functional atomic calculation, followed by the exact diagonalization of the Coulomb, spin-orbit and crystal field interactions for the electrons in the open shells. The eigenstates are then used to simulate X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering spectra. In examples ranging from high symmetry down to low symmetry environment, comparisons with experiments are done with unadjusted model parameters as well as with semi-empirically optimized ones. Furthermore, predictions for the RIXS of low-temperature MnO and for Dy in a molecular complex are proposed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Electronic structure and physical properties of the spinel-type phase of BeP2N4 from all-electron density functional calculations

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    Using density-functional-theory-based ab initio methods, the electronic structure and physical properties of the newly synthesized nitride BeP2N4 with a phenakite-type structure and the predicted high-pressure spinel phase of BeP2N4 are studied in detail. It is shown that both polymorphs are wide band-gap semiconductors with relatively small electron effective masses at the conduction-band minima. The spinel-type phase is more covalently bonded due to the increased number of P-N bonds for P at the octahedral sites. Calculations of mechanical properties indicate that the spinel-type polymorph is a promising superhard material with notably large bulk, shear, and Young’s moduli. Also calculated are the Be K, P K, P L3, and N K edges of the electron energy-loss near-edge structure for both phases. They show marked differences because of the different local environments of the atoms in the two crystalline polymorphs. These differences will be very useful for the experimental identification of the products of high-pressure syntheses targeting the predicted spinel-type phase of BeP2N4

    Crystal Structures and Electronic Properties of Haloform-Intercalated C60

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    Using density functional methods we calculated structural and electronic properties of bulk chloroform and bromoform intercalated C60, C60 2CHX3 (X=Cl,Br). Both compounds are narrow band insulator materials with a gap between valence and conduction bands larger than 1 eV. The calculated widths of the valence and conduction bands are 0.4-0.6 eV and 0.3-0.4 eV, respectively. The orbitals of the haloform molecules overlap with the π\pi orbitals of the fullerene molecules and the p-type orbitals of halogen atoms significantly contribute to the valence and conduction bands of C60 2CHX3. Charging with electrons and holes turns the systems to metals. Contrary to expectation, 10 to 20 % of the charge is on the haloform molecules and is thus not completely localized on the fullerene molecules. Calculations on different crystal structures of C60 2CHCl3 and C60 2CHBr3 revealed that the density of states at the Fermi energy are sensitive to the orientation of the haloform and C60 molecules. At a charging of three holes, which corresponds to the superconducting phase of pure C60 and C60 2CHX3, the calculated density of states (DOS) at the Fermi energy increases in the sequence DOS(C60) < DOS(C60 2CHCl3) < DOS(C60 2CHBr3).Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Evolution of the interfacial structure of LaAlO3 on SrTiO3

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    The evolution of the atomic structure of LaAlO3 grown on SrTiO3 was investigated using surface x-ray diffraction in conjunction with model-independent, phase-retrieval algorithms between two and five monolayers film thickness. A depolarizing buckling is observed between cation and oxygen positions in response to the electric field of polar LaAlO3, which decreases with increasing film thickness. We explain this in terms of competition between elastic strain energy, electrostatic energy, and electronic reconstructions. The findings are qualitatively reproduced by density-functional theory calculations. Significant cationic intermixing across the interface extends approximately three monolayers for all film thicknesses. The interfaces of films thinner than four monolayers therefore extend to the surface, which might affect conductivity

    Spatial Distribution and Magnetism in Poly-Cr-doped GaN from First Principles

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    Large scale density-functional theory calculations have been performed to understand the spatial distribution and magnetic coupling of Cr-doped GaN, in which exhaustive structural and magnetic configurations have been investigated by doping of up to five Cr atoms in large supercells. Our results provide direct evidence that the distribution of the doped magnetic ions is neither homogeneous nor random as widely assumed previously. Rather, under both Ga-rich and N-rich growth conditions, the Cr atoms have a strong tendency to form substitutional, embedded clusters with short-range magnetic interactions maintaining the wurtzite structure. Significantly, while the ferromagnetic state is favored for pair doping, for more than two-Cr-atom clustering configurations, states containing antiferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic coupling with net spins in the range of 0.06-1.47µB/Cr are preferred. The formation of embedded clusters leads to notable local structural distortions and considerable magnetic moments on the Cr-bonded N atoms. Also importantly, the electrical properties (metallic, half-metallic, or semiconducting) are found to strongly depend on the dopant concentration. We propose a picture where various cluster configurations coexist and the statistical distribution and associated magnetism depend sensitively on sample growth details. The results obtained are in agreement with recent experiments. Such a view can explain many hitherto puzzling experimental observations, e.g., the much lower value of the measured mean saturation magnetic moment on Cr as compared to the theoretically predicted value for the isolated dopants; the anomalous lattice constant change in relation to the dopant concentration and temperature; and the strong dependence of the magnetization on the Cr concentration, growth temperature, and annealing. We find a similar behavior for Mn in GaN and Cr and Mn in AlN and argue that such a scenario may also hold for other dilute magnetic semiconductor systems

    Bulk electronic structure of superconducting LaRu2P2 single crystals measured by soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    We present a soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES) study of the stoichiometric pnictide superconductor LaRu2P2. The observed electronic structure is in good agreement with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. However, it is significantly different from its counterpart in high-temperature superconducting Fe-pnictides. In particular the bandwidth renormalization present in the Fe-pnictides (~2 - 3) is negligible in LaRu2P2 even though the mass enhancement is similar in both systems. Our results suggest that the superconductivity in LaRu2P2 has a different origin with respect to the iron pnictides. Finally we demonstrate that the increased probing depth of SX-ARPES, compared to the widely used ultraviolet ARPES, is essential in determining the bulk electronic structure in the experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 supplemental material. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Role of Embedded Clustering in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors: Cr Doped GaN

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    Results of extensive density-functional studies provide direct evidence that Cr atoms in Cr:GaN have a strong tendency to form embedded clusters, occupying Ga sites. Significantly, for larger than 2-Cr-atom clusters, states containing antiferromagnetic coupling with net spin in the range 0.06-1.47 µB/Cr are favored. We propose a picture where various configurations coexist and the statistical distribution and associated magnetism will depend sensitively on the growth details. Such a view may elucidate many puzzling observations related to the structural and magnetic properties of III-N and other dilute semiconductors

    Origin of anomalously long interatomic distances in suspended gold chains

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    The discovery of long bonds in gold atom chains has represented a challenge for physical interpretation. In fact, interatomic distances frequently attain 3.0-3.6 A values and, distances as large as 5.0 A may be seldom observed. Here, we studied gold chains by transmission electron microscopy and performed theoretical calculations using cluster ab initio density functional formalism. We show that the insertion of two carbon atoms is required to account for the longest bonds, while distances above 3 A may be due to a mixture of clean and one C atom contaminated bonds.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Postscript figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter
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