140 research outputs found

    Ferro ghisa e metalli nell’architettura del primo Novecento a Legnano: uno studio per la salvaguardia e la conservazione

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    The diffusion of iron and others metals, while belonging to an ancient tradition, between XIX and XX century experienced a growing scientiphic and tecnical innovation which has given rise to various applications with a progressively widespread use on a large scale, whose value is not generally recognized, especially in the case of structural, degraded or obsolete elements. The paper, based on an archival research in comparison with the reality, is aimed at analyzing the diffusion and the applications of metals at the beginning of XX century in Legnano, a little-known provincial town, which has lost much of its architectural heritage, in order to understand what has been produced with this material and to create an useful instrument of knowledge for designers, technicians and workers, to allow the recognition of its value and properly address interventions on it. Legnano, in fact, a former agricultural village which became an industrial town in the XX century, had a huge and sudden urban expansion characterized by the use of a combination of traditional and innovative techniques and materials. Here metal structures were primarily used by local industry in the industrial and utilitarian buildings, with a crescent use of these materials in all typologies of architecture, as constructive and decorative elements or street furniture, with additional applications, by making them protagonists of a tecnological season that must be protected and can not be forgotten

    La diffusione e le applicazioni del calcestruzzo ai primi del '900 nei centri di provincia: studi per la conservazione - Il caso di Legnano (MI)

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    The diffusion of cement and concrete since the end of the XIX century has given rise to various applications with a progressively widespread use on a large scale. The paper is aimed at analyzing the diffusion and the applications of the concrete at the beginning of the XX century in a provincial town, in order to understand what has been produced with this material outside the major cities, and to allow the recognition of its value and properly address interventions on it. The analyzed case is Legnano, a former agricultural village which became an industrial town in the XX century, with a consequent urban expansion characterized by the use of both traditional and innovative techniques and materials. Between these the reinforced concrete was imported in the 1901 from Milan and used for bridges on the Olona river, water tanks or industrial buildings, but also for civil architectures, albeit limited to the floors. It started a slow evolution of ceiling systems and patents and encouraged debate on local journals. The use of decorative concrete was also massive: Legnano did not experience an artistic season generating new languages, but had more "epidermal" features with basic and simplified shapes, often related to "utilitarian" buildings


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    Isabelle Eberhardt est une écrivaine-voyageuse, protagoniste d'une exploration du territoire algérien réalisée entre la fin du XIXe et le début du XXe siècle. La démarche eberhardtienne est intéressante en raison de sa complexité. En effet, le voyage d'Eberhardt prévoit une étude ethnologique du milieu, une activité d'écriture et un processus formatif qui consiste dans la création de sa propre personnalité. Ces objectifs sont poursuivis au Maghreb à travers une participation complète : la jeune Isabelle adopte les coutumes et les traditions arabes, elle se convertit à l'Islam, elle parle l'arabe et elle fréquente quotidiennement les habitants de la région. À travers la lecture de ses textes, des concepts tels que le nomadisme, la quête identitaire et la recherche du Divers assument une signification précise. En particulier, le discours identitaire doit être mis en relation avec la forte affirmation de sa propre libre détermination individuelle : plus que renoncer à l'Europe, Isabelle Eberhardt choisit l'Afrique. Cette liberté s'élargit de la dimension géographique à celle culturelle. Le nomadisme en revanche aboutit souvent à l'exploration de lieux bien connus : il se rapproche dans ce sens d'un mouvement conscient, fait par quelqu'un qui est à même d'apprécier les changements continus du paysage. Isabelle Eberhardt is a travel writer who explores the Maghreb from 1897 up to 1904. Academic and professional researches have always concentrated on the biography of this eccentric woman, which has contributed to the creation of a legendary figure that goes by the name of Isabelle Eberhardt. The complexity of the process makes it intersting: Eberhardt's journey provides for an ethnological study of the environment as well as the writing and a personal training, that consists in the creation of her own personality. These aims are pursued in the Maghreb through a total participation: the young Isabelle adopts arabic customs and traditions, she converts to Islam, she speaks Arabic and she spends her time with the inhabitants of the region. Thanks to the study of her texts, some concepts, such as nomadism, the quest of identity and the research of the Different, assume a specific meaning. Particularly, the identity matter should be related to the strong affirmation of her own free individual determination: more than renouncing to Europe, Isabelle Eberhardt chooses Africa. This kind of freedom extends to a geographic and cultural dimension. For example, nomadism usually interests well-known places: it reflects a conscious movement done by someone who can appreciate the constant mutation of the landscape. landscape, Isabelle Eberhardt, female Travel, Maghreb, unknow

    Desarrollo de innovaciones pedagógico-didácticas en la formación universitaria: implementación de nuevas estrategias de intervención pedagógica en las clases prácticas de la asignatura Teorías Territoriales de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo

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    El presente Trabajo Final Integrador plantea generar una propuesta que permita configurar una adecuada articulación entre teoría y práctica, entendida como proceso dialéctico permanente en la construcción del conocimiento, reformulando la forma en que actualmente se concibe el aprendizaje de la teoría, es decir, aislada en sí misma, y no como sostén y soporte conceptual, referente del aprendizaje de los procedimientos prácticos. El proyecto de intervención que se propone, consiste en la elaboración del diseño de propuestas metodológicas para las clases denominadas “prácticas” de la asignatura Teorías Territoriales, que partan de experiencias de trabajo con el conocimiento que requiera la puesta en juego de las categorías teóricas abordadas en el marco de la misma. Esto supone también la revisión de los modos en que se desarrolla el espacio de las clases “teóricas”, sobre las que se generan asimismo interrogantes y preguntas que desafían a esta integración.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Exercise-Induced Hypoglycemic Hemiplegia in a Child with Type 1 Diabetes: A Rare Find with Multiple Potential Causative Mechanisms

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    A 10-year-old boy known to have type 1 diabetes presented to the emergency department with history of sudden onset of right-sided hemiplegia after exercise. He did not respond to oral glucose administration, but had an almost immediate resolution of symptoms with intravenous bolus of dextrose. Hemiplegic hypoglycemia is a rare complication in diabetic children, mostly affects the right side of the body, and is rarely recurrent. Children have normal brain imaging and angiography testing, and electroencephalogram may show slow-wave activity. The recovery takes place within 24 hours, and the prognosis is excellent with no focal neurological deficits noted. Our patient responded within minutes to intravenous dextrose, which is unusual and has not been reported previously. The mechanisms leading to development of hypoglycemic hemiplegia are unclear, but may involve effects of hypoglycemia on intracellular signaling pathways or molecules on motor neurons, as recent studies have shown normal brain cell glucose uptake and metabolism in hypoglycemia. While hypoglycemic hemiplegia is rare, it is a frightening experience to caregivers, and efforts should concentrate on its prevention by preventing hypoglycemia

    Polyaniline (PANI): an innovative support for sampling and removal of VOCs in air matrices

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    Polyaniline (PANI)-based materials for both removal and sampling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air by rapid adsorption/desorption processes have been developed. The polymer was synthesized in form of emeraldine as both salt and base using different synthetic approaches, a traditional one and a "green" one. VOCs adsorption/desorption efficiency was evaluated for all the materials analyzing the desorbed VOCs fractions by GC/MS technique and obtaining results similar to the presently adopted method employing commercial activated carbon. Most important, in this work it has been demonstrated for the first time that the use of PANI-based sorbents allowed the substitution of the toxic CS2, recommended in official methods, with the less hazardous CH3OH as the VOCs extraction solvent. Moreover, a complete regeneration of the polymers could be realized by a few rapid washing steps. Finally, the best PANI-based material was subjected to recycling tests thereby showing a high adsorption/desorption efficiency retention up to four runs