54 research outputs found

    The real-time earthquake monitoring system in Italy

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    As regards the transmission vectors – one of the most critical points of a seismic network – we adopted a mixed strategy: half of the stations are connected through satellite links, and half through cable links. The use of satellite transmission presents several advantages: the link is very robust, the constraints for site selection are weak, and the cost is lower than telephone lines. As regards the terrestrial cable links, we use INGV digitizers (named GAIA), protected IP connections of the Italian Public Administration Network (RUPA): site selection is more delicate, and a compromise must be found between low environmental noise and availability of network infrastructures

    Estructuras espaciales para la representación de mapas

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    Unos pocos años atrás la información geográfica se representaba en mapas de papel y la manipulación de esta información estaba limitada a un proceso manual no interactivo. El rápido desarrollo de la digitalización de la información geográfica junto con una demanda creciente de manipulación y análisis de estos datos ha generado la necesidad de software dedicado. La información geográfica está constituida por grandes volúmenes de información espacial y se hace necesario contar con métodos eficientes para almacenarla y recuperar datos relevantes. Los datos espaciales consisten de objetos espaciales basados en puntos, líneas, superficies, volúmenes y otros datos de mayor dimensión. Ejemplo de datos espaciales son ciudades, rutas, ríos, etc. En un mapa, estos objetos espaciales combinados con ciertos atributos no espaciales tales como nombres de ciudades, nombres de calles, numeración de rutas, etc. conforman la información geográfica. Las bases de datos espaciales facilitan el almacenamiento y el procesamiento eficiente de información espacial y no espacial, idealmente sin favorecer una sobre otra. Una propuesta para la representación de datos espaciales es separar estructuralmente los datos no espaciales de los espaciales manteniendo apropiadamente la relación entre ambos. Esto nos permite agilizar las consultas sobre los datos espaciales (las operaciones espaciales son realizadas directamente sobre la estructura de datos espaciales) y nos da la libertad de elegir una estructura de datos espacial más apropiada de las que nos impone la estructura no espacial. Existen muchos estudios teóricos dedicados al tratamiento de información espacial; no obstante, la mayoría de los trabajos de alcance público se basan en la utilización de bases de datos relacionales las cuales no resultan adecuadas debido a la naturaleza de la información subyacente. En este contexto, se están estudiando distintas técnicas que permitan representar y manejar adecuadamente datos espaciales, restringiendo la atención a objetos cuyas componentes estén definidas en el plano 2D. Como parte de este estudio se está desarrollando un prototipo para la recuperación y visualización de información espacial que sirva de base para el diseño de distintas aplicaciones de planeamiento urbano.Eje: Computación gráfica. VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The INGV Mobile Telemetered Network (Re.Mo.Tel.): long-term monitoring analysis.

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    Since 2008, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) developed a temporary real-time telemetered seismic network infrastructure (Re.Mo.Tel.) to densify the Italian National Seismic Network in epicentral area, thus improving the location of the aftershocks distribution after a mainshock. This infrastructure consists of various mobile and autonomous seismic stations that in group of three are telemetered to a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT). Using a dedicated bandwidth on UHF, Wi-Fi and satellite frequency, the system is able to stream real-time data to the INGV acquisition centers in Rome and Grottaminarda. The deployment of the seismic network is supported by a geographical information system (GIS) that visualizes, for the epicentral area, information about instrumental seismicity, seismic risk, macroseismic felts and territorial data. The April, 6th, 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila destructive earthquake represented the first real-case where the entire Re.Mo.Tel. infrastructure has been deployed. Less than 6 hours after the earthquake occurrence, a first accelerometric station was streaming data to the INGV seismic monitoring headquarters. A total number of 9 seismic stations was installed within 4 days after the main event, with the aim of recording continuous data to contribute in the aftershocks detection. In detail the first day a number of 3 stations was installed, surrounding the mainshock. Then the rest of the stations was deployed on the third and the fourth day to the south and the north, following the post-seismic evolution. A project funded by the Dipartimento di Protezione Civile (DPC-Civil Defense) gave the opportunity to maintain some of the deployed stations throughout the duration of the project of one year (although the stations are still installed) to assure the long-term monitoring of the triggered seismic sequence. In this work, we investigate: • The impact of the Re.Mo.Tel. on earthquakes detection and real-time monitoring of the sequence evolution; • The location improvement due to the deployment of stations closer to the epicentral area (with installations that followed the early evolution and complexity of fault fractures); • The network reliability in terms of data stored throughout the working period

    Estructuras espaciales para la representación de mapas

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    Unos pocos años atrás la información geográfica se representaba en mapas de papel y la manipulación de esta información estaba limitada a un proceso manual no interactivo. El rápido desarrollo de la digitalización de la información geográfica junto con una demanda creciente de manipulación y análisis de estos datos ha generado la necesidad de software dedicado. La información geográfica está constituida por grandes volúmenes de información espacial y se hace necesario contar con métodos eficientes para almacenarla y recuperar datos relevantes. Los datos espaciales consisten de objetos espaciales basados en puntos, líneas, superficies, volúmenes y otros datos de mayor dimensión. Ejemplo de datos espaciales son ciudades, rutas, ríos, etc. En un mapa, estos objetos espaciales combinados con ciertos atributos no espaciales tales como nombres de ciudades, nombres de calles, numeración de rutas, etc. conforman la información geográfica. Las bases de datos espaciales facilitan el almacenamiento y el procesamiento eficiente de información espacial y no espacial, idealmente sin favorecer una sobre otra. Una propuesta para la representación de datos espaciales es separar estructuralmente los datos no espaciales de los espaciales manteniendo apropiadamente la relación entre ambos. Esto nos permite agilizar las consultas sobre los datos espaciales (las operaciones espaciales son realizadas directamente sobre la estructura de datos espaciales) y nos da la libertad de elegir una estructura de datos espacial más apropiada de las que nos impone la estructura no espacial. Existen muchos estudios teóricos dedicados al tratamiento de información espacial; no obstante, la mayoría de los trabajos de alcance público se basan en la utilización de bases de datos relacionales las cuales no resultan adecuadas debido a la naturaleza de la información subyacente. En este contexto, se están estudiando distintas técnicas que permitan representar y manejar adecuadamente datos espaciales, restringiendo la atención a objetos cuyas componentes estén definidas en el plano 2D. Como parte de este estudio se está desarrollando un prototipo para la recuperación y visualización de información espacial que sirva de base para el diseño de distintas aplicaciones de planeamiento urbano.Eje: Computación gráfica. VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Sequenze sismiche: La nuova struttura di Pronto Intervento dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

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    Fin dai primi anni ‘70, l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, ex ING) si avvale di una struttura di Pronto Intervento in occasione di eventi sismici rilevanti garantendo in tempi relativamente brevi il monitoraggio di dettaglio in area epicentrale. Dal suo primo intervento (terremoto di Ancona 1972) ad oggi, la struttura di Pronto Intervento si è evoluta costantemente implementando migliorie tecnologiche e logistiche. In questo lavoro prensentiamo la nuova struttura impiegata per la prima volta durante l’ ”Operazione Blue Mountains 2008”, l'esercitazione di Protezione Civile sul rischio sismico organizzata dalla Regione Marche il 23-25 maggio 2008

    La Rete Sismica Mobile del Centro Nazionale Terremoti

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    Il monitoraggio sismico e vulcanico del territorio nazionale rappresenta uno dei principali compiti istituzionali dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). L’INGV svolge tale importante funzione attraverso la gestione e la manutenzione di reti sismiche di diversa tipologia e a differente scala che consentono di monitorare il territorio nazionale in tempo reale. Tre sale di sorveglianza, una sismica presso la sede centrale di Roma e due vulcaniche presso la Sezione di Catania e l’Osservatorio Vesuviano di Napoli, con personale qualificato in turno H24, consentono di elaborare e comunicare tempestivamente al Dipartimento della Protezione Civile Nazionale (DPC) e alle sue strutture regionali eventuali stati di allarme e il livello dell’emergenza. Il Centro Nazionale Terremoti (CNT) è la sezione dell’INGV preposta al monitoraggio sismico del territorio italiano ed interviene in questo importante servizio attraverso la gestione e la manutenzione della Rete Sismica Nazionale (RSN) in collaborazione con le altre sedi dell’INGV dislocate sul territorio e con gli uffici tecnici locali. Competenza del CNT è anche la rete sismica euro-mediterranea (MedNet): una rete di stazioni sismiche a larga banda dislocate nei Paesi che circondano il Mediterraneo in condivisione con molti istituti geofisici. Negli ultimi anni tali reti sono cresciute sia come numero di stazioni che come tecnologia, consentendo di controllare in maniera estesa lo spettro di frequenze emesse dalla sorgente sismica e la ciclicità delle strutture sismogenetiche. In alcune aree del territorio nazionale l’alta densità di tali reti sismiche rende possibile una soglia di detezione degli eventi molto bassa e localizzazioni di elevata precisione che permettono di associare la micro-sismicità alle strutture sismo-genetiche. Tuttavia questo non è tecnicamente ed economicamente possibile in maniera omogenea su tutto il territorio nazionale. Per tale motivo si fa spesso ricorso all’uso di reti temporanee in esperimenti mirati allo studio di aree a peculiare rischio sismico e vulcanico o, in caso di forti terremoti, per aumentare la densità della rete già presente e migliorare il monitoraggio in real-time in modo tale da analizzare con maggior dettaglio l’evoluzione della sequenza. Unità specializzate nella gestione di reti sismologiche temporanee sono presenti in diverse sedi dell’INGV. Esse lavorano in completa autonomia sul territorio di competenza ma sono in grado di realizzare un buon livello di sinergia là dove esperimenti ed emergenze sismiche richiedano una stretta collaborazione. La struttura più grande, sia come numero di strumenti a disposizione (più di 200 tra digitalizzatori e sensori) che come personale impegnato, è la Rete Sismica Mobile (RSM) del CNT che è organizzata in modo da rendere possibile l’impiego della strumentazione in più esperimenti mantenendo una quota di strumenti riservata per gli interventi di emergenza. In questo rapporto tecnico presentiamo la struttura organizzativa ed operativa della RSM del CNT, la strumentazione in uso presso di essa e le diverse configurazioni possibili per le stazioni sismometriche temporanee con l’obiettivo di fornire un manuale d’uso ai ricercatori, tecnologi e tecnici che si interfacciano con la RSM, sia durante l’attività scientifica ordinaria (esperimenti di sismica passiva e attiva) che straordinaria (emergenze sismiche)

    Cognitive robotics in a soccer game domain: a proposal for the e-league competition

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    In this work, we will discuss the design of a team of robots to play soccer at RoboCup E-League. This task is being carried out in the Cognitive Robotics group of the Laboratory of Research and Development in Artificial Intellgence (LIDIA), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Sur. The RoboCup competition provides a great opportunity to develop a multi-agent system in which we can test and apply new ideas and results. In the following sections, we will briefly describe the league in which we will participate, and our proposal for the implementation of a team.Eje: Inteligencia artificial distribuida, aspectos teóricos de la inteligencia artificial y teoría de computaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Cognitive robotics in a soccer game domain: a proposal for the e-league competition

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    In this work, we will discuss the design of a team of robots to play soccer at RoboCup E-League. This task is being carried out in the Cognitive Robotics group of the Laboratory of Research and Development in Artificial Intellgence (LIDIA), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Sur. The RoboCup competition provides a great opportunity to develop a multi-agent system in which we can test and apply new ideas and results. In the following sections, we will briefly describe the league in which we will participate, and our proposal for the implementation of a team.Eje: Inteligencia artificial distribuida, aspectos teóricos de la inteligencia artificial y teoría de computaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Preliminary results from seismic monitoring at Nyiragongo Volcano through telemetered seismic network, Goma Volcano Observatory (Gvo, Democratic Republic Of Congo).

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    Following the catastrophic eruption of Volcano Nyiragongo on January 17, 2002, a great effort has been devoted to the seismic surveillance of volcanoes Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira located at the North of Lake Kivu in the Western branch of the east African rift. The relatively small loss of life in the January 2002 eruption (less than 100 deaths in a population of 500,000) was remarkable, and psychological stress was reportedly the main health consequence in the aftermath of the eruption. In fact, after 2002 january eruption, which was triggered by tectonic spreading of the Kivu rift causing the ground to fracture and allow lava to flow from ground fissures out of the crater lava lake and possibly from a deeper conduit nearer Goma, was installed a telemetered seismic network of 6 permanent stations. Scientists agree that volcano monitoring and contingency planning are essential for forecasting and responding to future trends.OGS TRIESTEUnpublishedROMA1.2. TTC - Sorveglianza geochimica delle aree vulcaniche attiveope

    Preliminary results from seismic monitoring at Nyiragongo Volcano (Democratic Republic Of Congo) through telemetered seismic network, Goma Volcano Observatory

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    Following the January 17, 2002 catastrophic eruption of the Nyiragongo Volcano (Democratic Republic of Congo) located in the western branch of the East African Rift, a great effort has been devoted to the seismic surveillance of this volcanic area. The 2002 eruption destroyed one/tenth of the city of Goma, leaving more than 100,000 homeless. In order to correctly monitor the seismic activity at Nyiragongo volcano for both scientific and civil defence purposes, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia in cooperation with GVO (Goma Volcanological Observatory), between November 2003 and May 2004 installed a new telemetered seismic network consisting of seven digital stations. The network is operational and seismic signals are continuously recorded at the GVO. In this study, we focus mainly on two aspects: (1) the deployment, in the field, of this new digital seismic network and the related real-time data acquisition system, and (2) the first results from a preliminary data analysis based on 6-month seismic recordings. Based on the waveforms and spectral analysis, long-period and very long period events (both, tectonic and volcanic-tectonic earthquakes), have been detected. Furthermore, we succeeded in locating more than 100 earthquakes. These results should strongly encourage the use of such a network data for seismotectonic studies of the area.Published117-1271.4. TTC - Sorveglianza sismologica delle aree vulcaniche attiveN/A or not JCRreserve