3,388 research outputs found

    Analogue Film, Ghostly Ontologies and Fairy-tale in Bella e perduta and Lazzaro felice

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    As the ecological crisis intensifies, the blurring of boundaries between the natural and the artificial is becoming increasingly obvious. Therefore, the question of the simulacrum, as it was posed by Baudrillard and the postmodern debate, is now being re-opened and signified. In the two Italian films Bella e perduta [Lost and Beautiful] (2015) and Lazzaro felice [Happy as Lazzaro] (2018), the impossibility of establishing a distinction between nature and culture, virtual and real, human and non-human finds expression in a cinematographic form. In these films, the clash is no longer located between reality and hyperreality but in a phantasmatic dialectic that rediscovers the value of the biological body by placing it in a network of historical, social and technological relations. Starting from the organic element, the two films unsettle the epistemological and cognitive frontiers of modernity by addressing the filmic support, the ontological status of the characters and the choice of narrative genre.Alors que la crise Ă©cologique s'intensifie, l'opposition entre le naturel et l'artificiel devient de plus en plus tĂ©nue. C'est pourquoi la question du simulacre, telle que posĂ©e par Baudrillard et le dĂ©bat postmoderne, est aujourd'hui rouverte et re-signifiĂ©e. Dans les deux films italiens Bella e perduta (2015) et Lazzaro felice (2018), l'impossibilitĂ© d'Ă©tablir une distinction entre nature et culture, entre virtuel et rĂ©el, entre humain et non-humain trouve son expression sous forme cinĂ©matographique. Dans ces films, l'affrontement ne se situe plus entre rĂ©alitĂ© et hyperrĂ©alitĂ© mais dans une dialectique fantasmatique qui redĂ©couvre la valeur du corps biologique en l'insĂ©rant dans un rĂ©seau de relations historiques, sociales et technologiques. Partant de l'Ă©lĂ©ment organique, les deux films perturbent les frontières Ă©pistĂ©mologiques et cognitives de la modernitĂ© en intervenant sur le support filmique, le statut ontologique des personnages et le choix du genre narratif.Con l'intensificarsi della crisi ecologica, la contrapposizione tra naturale e artificiale si fa  sempre piĂą tenue. Per questo la questione del simulacro, così come era stata posta da Baudrillard e dal dibattito postmoderno, viene ora riaperta e risignificata. Nei due film italiani Bella e perduta (2015) e Lazzaro felice (2018), l'impossibilitĂ  di stabilire una distinzione tra natura e cultura, tra virtuale e reale, tra umano e non umano trova espressione in forma cinematografica. In questi film, lo scontro non si situa piĂą tra realtĂ  e iperrealtĂ  ma in una dialettica fantasmatica che riscopre il valore del corpo biologico inserendolo in una rete di relazioni storiche, sociali e tecnologiche. Partendo dall'elemento organico, i due film scompaginano le frontiere epistemologiche e cognitive della modernitĂ  intervenendo sul supporto filmico, sullo statuto ontologico dei personaggi e sulla scelta del genere narrativo

    governance and the stakeholders engagement in city logistics the sulpiter methodology and the bologna application

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    Abstract Many actors are involved in the urban freight delivery system. They hold different visions, perceptions, goals. However, city logistics affects a well-defined set of subjects: their acceptance of (and even positive contribution to) policy can be enhanced by continuing consultation. This evidence stresses the need for the stakeholders' engagement as a strategic factor of any decision-making process. The paper presents the guidelines of the EU-funded project SULPiTER (Interreg Central Europe Programme) for the stakeholders' involvement (both public and private) in the definition of city logistics policies. In particular, the FQP (Freight Quality Partnership) tool is analyzed and discussed. After an overview of the institutional references and the implemented experiences, a methodological approach is presented, describing the steps for an effective FQP implementation. The case of the Metropolitan city of Bologna is presented as the local application of the SULPiTER methodology, considering two aspects: the way of defining the governance for combining horizontally different public authorities, and the tool for e ngaging the private stakeholders in the definition of Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULPs)

    Montes argentum mihi dant (il Trentino Alto Adige di fronte alla globalizzazione)

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    l’articolo pone a confronto il modello di sviluppo del Trentino Alto Adige con quello generale del Nord-Est cercando di isolarne le determinanti specifiche in modo da valutare la sostenibilità nel tempo del modello di sviluppo seguito dalla regione alpina. A tal fine vengono analizzate in particolare le specializzazioni produttive, la dinamica imprenditoriale e l’attività di innovazione

    Studi Korelasi Gaya Hidup terhadap Efektivitas Obat Antihipertensi pada Pasien di Salah Satu Puskesmas di Wilayah Surabaya Selatan

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    Hipertensi atau penyakit darah tinggi merupakan peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik lebih dari 140 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastolik lebih dari 90 mmHg pada dua kali pengukuran dengan selang waktu lima menit dalam keadaan cukup istirahat atau tenang. Penyakit hipertensi juga disebut sebagai “the silent diseases” karena karakter dari penyakit hipertensi tidak menampakkan tanda dan gejala yang jelas. Gaya hidup sehat menggambarkan pola perilaku sehari-hari yang mengarah pada upaya memelihara kondisi fisik, mental dan sosial berada dalam keadaan positif. Modifikasi gaya hidup dapat menurunkan tekanan darah serta meningkatkan efektivitas terapi farmakologik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pengetahui pengaruh gaya hidup terhadap efektivitas terapi antihipertensi pada pasien di Puskesmas “X” Wilayah Surabaya Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non-eksperimental menggunakan rancangan penelitian cross sectional dan dilakukan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Gaya hidup diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan tekanan darah diambil dari rekam medis. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien dengan diagnosis penyakit hipertensi yang datang berobat ke Puskesmas “X” Wilayah Surabaya Selatan pada periode bulan Februari-Maret 2020 sebanyak 67 pasien. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan atau korelasi antara gaya hidup saat menggunakan obat antihipertensi dengan efektivitas terap

    Montes Argentum Mihi Dant (Il Trentino Alto Adige di fronte alla globalizzazione).

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    L'articolo pone a confronto il modello di sviluppo del Trentino Alto Adige con quello generale del Nord-Est cercando di isolarne le determinanti specifiche in modo da valutare la sostenibilitĂ  nel tempo del modello di sviluppo seguito dalla regione alpina. A tal fine vengono analizzate in particolare le specializzazioni produttive, la dinamica imprenditoriale e le attivitĂ  di innovazione.

    Coordination of unmanned marine vehicles for asymmetric threats protection

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    A coordination protocol for systems of unmanned marine vehicles is proposed for protection against asymmetric threats. The problem is first mod- elled in a game theoretic framework, as a potential game. Then an extension of existing learning algo- rithms is proposed to address the problem of tracking the possibly moving threat. The approach is evaluated in scenarios of different geometric complexity such as open sea, bay, and harbours. Performance of the approach is evaluated in terms of a security index that will allow us to obtain a tool for team sizing. The tool provides the minimum number of marine vehicles to be used in the system, given a desired security level to be guaranteed and the maximum threat velocity
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