3,272 research outputs found

    From social contract to 'social contrick' : the depoliticisation of economic policy-making under Harold Wilson, 1974–75

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    The 1974-79 Labour Governments were elected on the basis of an agreement with the TUC promising a redistribution of income and wealth known as the Social Contract. However, the Government immediately began to marginalise these commitments in favour of preferences for incomes policy and public expenditure cuts, which has led the Social Contract to be described as the 'Social Contrick'. These changes were legitimised through a process of depoliticisation, and using an Open Marxist framework and evidence from the National Archives, the paper will show that the Treasury's exchange rate strategy and the need to secure external finance placed issues of confidence at the centre of political debate, allowing the Government to argue there was no alternative to the introduction of incomes policy and the reduction of public expenditure

    The Labour Government, the Treasury and the £6 pay policy of July 1975

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    The 1974-79 Labour Government was elected in a climate of opinion that was fiercely opposed to government intervention in the wage determination process, and was committed to the principles of free collective bargaining in its manifestoes. However, by December 1974 the Treasury was advocating a formal incomes policy, and by July 1975 the government had introduced a £6 flat rate pay norm. With reference to archival sources, the paper demonstrates that TUC and Labour Party opposition to incomes policy was reconciled with the Treasury's advocacy by limiting the Bank of England‟s intervention in the foreign exchange market when sterling came under pressure. This both helped to achieve the Treasury's objective of improving the competitiveness of British industry, and acted as a catalyst for the introduction of incomes policy because the slide could be attributed to a lack of market confidence in British counter-inflation policy

    The Dynamics of Poor Systems of Galaxies

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    We assemble and observe a sample of poor galaxy systems that is suitable for testing N-body simulations of hierarchical clustering (Navarro, Frenk, & White 1997; NFW) and other dynamical halo models (e.g., Hernquist 1990). We (1) determine the parameters of the density profile rho(r) and the velocity dispersion profile sigma(R), (2) separate emission-line galaxies from absorption-line galaxies, examining the model parameters and as a function of spectroscopic type, and (3) for the best-behaved subsample, constrain the velocity anisotropy parameter, beta, which determines the shapes of the galaxy orbits. The NFW universal profile and the Hernquist (1990) model both provide good descriptions of the spatial data. In most cases an isothermal sphere is ruled out. Systems with declining sigma(R) are well-matched by theoretical profiles in which the star-forming galaxies have predominantly radial orbits (beta > 0); many of these galaxies are probably falling in for the first time. There is significant evidence for spatial segregation of the spectroscopic classes regardless of sigma(R).Comment: 36 pages, 20 figures, and 5 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Using Online Role-playing Games for Entrepreneurship Training

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    This edited collection of chapters explores the application, potential and challenges of game-based learning and gamification across multiple disciplines and sectors, including psychology, education, business, history, languages and the ..

    Polynomial Kernels and User Reductions for the Workflow Satisfiability Problem

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    The Workflow Satisfiability Problem (WSP) is a problem of practical interest that arises whenever tasks need to be performed by authorized users, subject to constraints defined by business rules. We are required to decide whether there exists a plan -- an assignment of tasks to authorized users -- such that all constraints are satisfied. The WSP is, in fact, the conservative Constraint Satisfaction Problem (i.e., for each variable, here called task, we have a unary authorization constraint) and is, thus, NP-complete. It was observed by Wang and Li (2010) that the number k of tasks is often quite small and so can be used as a parameter, and several subsequent works have studied the parameterized complexity of WSP regarding parameter k. We take a more detailed look at the kernelization complexity of WSP(\Gamma) when \Gamma\ denotes a finite or infinite set of allowed constraints. Our main result is a dichotomy for the case that all constraints in \Gamma\ are regular: (1) We are able to reduce the number n of users to n' <= k. This entails a kernelization to size poly(k) for finite \Gamma, and, under mild technical conditions, to size poly(k+m) for infinite \Gamma, where m denotes the number of constraints. (2) Already WSP(R) for some R \in \Gamma\ allows no polynomial kernelization in k+m unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses.Comment: An extended abstract appears in the proceedings of IPEC 201

    The effect of prolonged monocular occlusion on latent nystagmus in the treatment of amblyopia

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    We recorded eye movements in 5 patients with latent nystagmus (LN) before and after 2 days of occlusion of the better eye. The slow-phase speed of the nystagmus (SPS) was in general, before occlusion, lower when the better eye fixated but, after occlusion, lower when the worse eye fixated. However, the sum of SPS during right fixation and SPS during left fixation remained constant. Oscillopsia complaints gradually disappeared during the period of occlusion. These findings indicate that the difference between the SPS during fixation with the right eye and the SPS during fixation with the left eye in LN patients is caused by a compensatory drift that decreases LN during fixation with the better eye but increases LN during fixation with the worse eye. During occlusion, this compensatory drift changes its direction and magnitude slowly over days. Hence, occlusion of the better eye in children with amblyopia and LN should be prescribed only in days per week, not in hours per day

    Correlated two-particle diffusion in dense colloidal suspensions at early times: Theory and comparison to experiment

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    The spatially resolved diffusive dynamic cross correlations of a pair of colloids in dense quasi-two-dimensional monolayers of identical particles are studied experimentally and theoretically at early times where motion is Fickian. In very dense systems where strong oscillatory equilibrium packing correlations are present, we find an exponential decay of the dynamic cross correlations on small and intermediate length scales. At large separations where structure becomes random, an apparent power law decay with an exponent of approximately -2.2 is observed. For a moderately dense suspension where local structural correlations are essentially absent, this same apparent power law decay is observed over all probed interparticle separations. A microscopic nonhydrodynamic theory is constructed for the dynamic cross correlations which is based on interparticle frictional effects and effective structural forces. Hydrodynamics enters only via setting the very short-time single-particle self-diffusion constant. No-adjustable-parameter quantitative predictions of the theory for the dynamic cross correlations are in good agreement with experiment over all length scales. The origin of the long-range apparent power law is the influence of the constraint of fixed interparticle separation on the amplitude of the mean square force exerted on the two tagged particles by the surrounding fluid. The theory is extended to study high-packing-fraction 3D hard sphere fluids. The same pattern of an oscillatory exponential form of the dynamic cross correlation function is predicted in the structural regime, but the long-range tail decays faster than in monolayers with an exponent of -3open

    A Spitzer/IRAC Survey of Massive Star-Forming Regions

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    We are conducting a survey of several regions of high-mass star formation to assess their content and structure. The observations include Spitzer observations, ground-based optical and near-IR imaging surveys, and optical and IR spectra of objects and locations in the molecular clouds. The goal of the survey is to gain a better understanding of the processes involved in high mass star formation by determining the characteristics of the stars detected in these regions and investigating the properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) environment in which these stars form. In this contribution, we present results on the identification and spatial analysis of young stars in three clusters, W5/AFGL 4029, S255, and S235. First we show how the IRAC data are used to roughly segregate young stars according to their mid-infrared colors, into two groups corresponding the SED Class I and Class II young stellar objects. Then using the IRAC data in combination with 2MASS, we show how more young stars can be identified. Finally, we examine the spatial distributions of young stars in these clusters and find a range of morphologies and of peak surface densities.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 227, Massive Starbirth: A Crossroads of Astrophysic

    Modular and duality properties of surface operators in N=2* gauge theories

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    We calculate the instanton partition function of the four-dimensional N = 2* SU(N) gauge theory in the presence of a generic surface operator, using equivariant localization. By analyzing the constraints that arise from S-duality, we show that the effective twisted superpotential, which governs the infrared dynamics of the two-dimensional theory on the surface operator, satisfies a modular anomaly equation. Exploiting the localization results, we solve this equation in terms of elliptic and quasi-modular forms which resum all non-perturbative corrections. We also show that our results, derived for monodromy defects in the four-dimensional theory, match the effective twisted superpotential describing the infrared properties of certain two-dimensional sigma models coupled either to pure N = 2 or to N = 2* gauge theories

    Interaction Diversity Maintains Resiliency in a Frequently Disturbed Ecosystem

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    Frequently disturbed ecosystems are characterized by resilience to ecological disturbances. Longleaf pine ecosystems are not only resilient to frequent fire disturbance, but this feature sustains biodiversity. We examined how fire frequency maintains beta diversity of multi-trophic interactions in longleaf pine ecosystems, as this community property provides a measure of functional redundancy of an ecosystem. We found that beta interaction diversity at small local scales is highest in the most frequently burned stands, conferring immediate resiliency to disturbance by fire. Interactions become more specialized and less resilient as fire frequency decreases. Local scale patterns of interaction diversity contribute to broader scale patterns and confer long-term ecosystem resiliency. Such natural disturbances are likely to be important for maintaining regional diversity of interactions for a broad range of ecosystems