2,150 research outputs found

    Revisiting Feminism: Who’s Afraid of the F Word?

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    While preparing for today I discovered that I had already used the \u27F\u27 word in a panel presentation at Sarah Lawrence College almost 15 years ago. This was something I had completely forgotten. But that time I was questioning feminism itself: what’s wrong with the \u27F\u27 word

    The Shift of Minangkabau Cultural Values in the Novel Persiden by Wisran Hadi (a Genetic Structuralism Approach)

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    PERGESERAN NILAI-NILAI BUDAYA MINANGKABAU DALAM NOVEL PERSIDEN KARYA WISRAN HADI (KAJIAN STRUKTURALISME GENETIK)AbstractThis study aims obtaining an understanding of the shifting of Minangkabau cultural values. It uses qualitative descriptive through genetic structuralism approach. Issues covered are: (1) description of the intrinsic elements; (2) shift in cultural values in terms of social structure; (3) shift in cultural values in terms of the author\u27s view. Data are sentences or paragraphs, dialogue and monologue taken from the novel Persiden written by Wisran Hadi. The intrinsic elements are themes, plots, characters, and background. Shifting social structure includes the nature of man and fellow covering courtesy, consensus, reconciliation, and responsibility. The life nature involves religious culture. The work nature includes the independence and human nature against time includes discipline value. The author\u27s view includes change or inclusion of something that will shift the cultural values that already exist in society. When people grasp hold these values then everything can be controlled. On the contrary, cultural values would be destroyed if the society does not hold values that already exist. The study recommends the renewal and improvement of teaching materials by teachers. Through introducing literature to students will help students to improve their understanding of literature and broaden the perspective of students about the culture as a whole. Key Word: shift, culture values, Minangkabau, structuralism genetic. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman tentang pergeseran nilai-nilai budaya Minangkabau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan strukturalisme genetik. Masalah yang dibahas adalah: (1) gambaran unsur intrinsik novel Persiden karya Wisran Hadi; (2) pergeseran nilai-nilai budaya ditinjau dari struktur sosial masyarakat; (3) pergeseran nilai-nilai budaya ditinjau dari pandangan dunia pengarang. Data penelitian berupa kalimat atau paragraf, dialog, dan monolog yang terdapat dalam novel Persiden karya Wisran Hadi. Berdasarkan analisis unsur instrinsik ditemukan tema, alur, tokoh/penokahan dan latar. Ditinjau dari struktur sosial ditemukan pergeseran nilai-nilai budaya Minangkabau, yaitu pergeseran hakikat manusia dengan sesama meliputi budaya sopan santun, musyawarah, kerukunan, dan tanggung jawab. Hakikat hidup meliputi budaya keagamaan. Hakikat karya meliputi budaya kemandirian dan hakikat manusia terhadap waktu meliputi budaya kedisiplinan. Ditinjau dari pandangan dunia pengarang; suatu Perubahan atau masuknya sesuatu yang baru akan menggeser nilai-nilai budaya yang sudah ada pada masyarakat. Apabila masyarakat memegang kuat nilai-nilai tersebut maka semuanya dapat dikendalikan. Namun sebaliknya, nilai-nilai budaya akan hancur apabila masyarakat tidak memegang kuat nilai-nilai yang sudah ada. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan pembaharuan dan peningkatan materi ajar oleh guru. Melalui kegiatan memperkenalkan sastra kepada siswa akan membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap sastra dan memperluas perspektif siswa mengenai budaya secara keseluruhan

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Berita dengan Strategi Story Writing Map

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis berita pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di STKIP Rokania dengan menggunakan strategi story writing map. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia yang terdaftar pada tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes dan non tes. Instrumen yang digunakan, yaitu berupa tes menulis berita dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan keterampilan menulis berita dengan menggunakan strategi story writing map. Hal ini dibuktikan dari nilai rata-rata mahasiswa pada setiap siklusnya. Nilai rata-rata mahasiswa pada prasiklus sebesar 62,00 kemudian mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I menjadi 72,16 dan pada siklus II nilai rata-rata mahasiswa meningkat menjadi 84,70

    The Spin Structure of the Nucleon

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    This article reviews our present understanding of QCD spin physics: the proton spin puzzle and new developments aimed at understanding the transverse structure of the nucleon. We discuss present experimental investigations of the nucleon's internal spin structure, the theoretical interpretation of the different measurements and the open questions and challenges for future investigation.Comment: Review, 43 pages, 23 figures, to appear in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Energy conditions for a generally coupled scalar field outside a reflecting sphere

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    We calculate the stress-energy tensor for a scalar field with general curvature coupling, outside a perfectly reflecting sphere with Dirichlet boundary conditions. For conformal coupling we find that the null energy condition is always obeyed, and therefore the averaged null energy condition (ANEC) is also obeyed. Since the ANEC is independent of curvature coupling, we conclude that the ANEC is obeyed for scalar fields with any curvature coupling in this situation. We also show how the spherical case goes over to that of a flat plate as one approaches the sphere.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Tari Marhaban di Sanggar Nongsari Kabupaten Serang Banten

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    This study called “Marhaban Dance at Sanggar Nongsari Kabupaten Serang Banten”. The goal was to introduce one of Bantenese dance artform. This study employs the analysis descriptive methods to describe the essence of Marhaban Dance. This Study using observation, interviews, literature study and document study as its collecting data technique. All of the information that\u27ve been gathered are arranged sistematically. The result is that Marhaban Dance was created on 2006 to enrich the variations of art that has been rooted to the society of Serang.The coreograhy was easy and simple enough remember. The female dancers are using long-sleeved kebaya, manset and sinjang. As for the male dancers they\u27re using traditional clothes called Takwa. The make ups for Marhaban Dance are called Corrective Make up. The male ones are only using the simple make up

    Pengaruh Komponen Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Tingkat Stres Kerja Auditor (Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik (Kap) di Pekanbaru dan Medan)

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    This study to examine the influence of emotional intellegence, they are introduction of self, self-control,motivation, emphaty and social skills in auditors work stress.The samples in this study were auditors working at public accountants office (KAP) which registered in Pekanbaru and Medan. Methods of data collection in this study is the method of quesionnaire survey using instruments that are delivered directly to the public accountants office which registered in Pekanbaru and Medan. The respondents are used in the analysis were 55 respondents (42.3%). Methods of Analysis is conducted with a multiple regression a analysis using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 17.The results of this study, concluded introduction of self, self-control, motivation, social skills were have negative effect to auditors work stress. Whereas empathy was have positive effect to auditors work stress.Keywords: Auditors Work Stress, Introduction Self, Self-control, Motivation, Empathy, and Social skills

    Mediated Grassroots Collective Action: Negotiating Barriers of Digital Activism

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    While so far social media have been largely constructed as the quintessential tools of collective action and praised for their potential to empower individuals to act as civic agents, this paper foregrounds the tension between expectations created by public discourse and citizens’ own involvement with digital activism. This study adds to an understanding of barriers by examining how they are experienced by participants in mobilizations at the individual level. Looking at how obstacles of digital activism are experienced by citizens reveals the processes through which the structures of digital mediation impose limits over those who depend on them for their organization. By examining three regional Canadian cases, this research discusses the significant barriers mobilizers experience and finds that many of the obstacles organizers face point to an enduring need for a wellorganized, tech-savvy, collaborative network as an organizing body to reflectively handle the challenges posed by digital grassroots civic mobilization

    The personalization of engagement: the symbolic construction of social media and grassroots mobilization in Canadian newspapers

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    This article explores the symbolic construction of civic engagement mediated by social media in Canadian newspapers. The integration of social media in politics has created a discursive opening for reimagining engagement, partly as a result of enthusiastic accounts of the impact of digital technologies upon democracy. By means of a qualitative content analysis of Canadian newspaper articles between 2005 and 2014, we identify several discursive articulations of engagement: First, the articles offer the picture of a wide range of objects of engagement, suggesting a civic body actively involved in governance processes. Second, engagement appears to take place only reactively, after decisions are made. Finally, social media become the new social glue, bringing isolated individuals together and thus enabling them to pressure decision-making institutions. We argue that, collectively, these stories construct engagement as a deeply personal gesture that is nevertheless turned into a communal experience by the affordances of technology. The conclusion unpacks what we deem as the ambiguity at the heart of this discourse, considering its implications for democratic politics and suggesting avenues for the further monitoring of the technologically enabled personalization of engagement
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