1,098 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Corbett, Delia I. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Computing Optimal Shortcuts for Networks

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    We study augmenting a plane Euclidean network with a segment, called shortcut, to minimize the largest distance between any two points along the edges of the resulting network. Questions of this type have received considerable attention recently, mostly for discrete variants of the problem. We study a fully continuous setting, where all points on the network and the inserted segment must be taken into account. We present the first results on the computation of optimal shortcuts for general networks in this model, together with several results for networks that are paths, restricted to two types of shortcuts: shortcuts with a fixed orientation and simple shortcuts

    More cat than cute? Interpretable Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs

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    The increasing availability of affect-rich multimedia resources has bolstered interest in understanding sentiment and emotions in and from visual content. Adjective-noun pairs (ANP) are a popular mid-level semantic construct for capturing affect via visually detectable concepts such as "cute dog" or "beautiful landscape". Current state-of-the-art methods approach ANP prediction by considering each of these compound concepts as individual tokens, ignoring the underlying relationships in ANPs. This work aims at disentangling the contributions of the `adjectives' and `nouns' in the visual prediction of ANPs. Two specialised classifiers, one trained for detecting adjectives and another for nouns, are fused to predict 553 different ANPs. The resulting ANP prediction model is more interpretable as it allows us to study contributions of the adjective and noun components. Source code and models are available at https://imatge-upc.github.io/affective-2017-musa2/ .Comment: Oral paper at ACM Multimedia 2017 Workshop on Multimodal Understanding of Social, Affective and Subjective Attributes (MUSA2

    Continuous mean distance of a weighted graph

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    We study the concept of the continuous mean distance of a weighted graph. For connected unweighted graphs, the mean distance can be defined as the arithmetic mean of the distances between all pairs of vertices. This parameter provides a natural measure of the compactness of the graph, and has been intensively studied, together with several variants, including its version for weighted graphs. The continuous analog of the (discrete) mean distance is the mean of the distances between all pairs of points on the edges of the graph. Despite being a very natural generalization, to the best of our knowledge this concept has been barely studied, since the jump from discrete to continuous implies having to deal with an infinite number of distances, something that increases the difficulty of the parameter. In this paper we show that the continuous mean distance of a weighted graph can be computed in time quadratic in the number of edges, by two different methods that apply fundamental concepts in discrete algorithms and computational geometry. We also present structural results that allow a faster computation of this continuous parameter for several classes of weighted graphs. Finally, we study the relation between the (discrete) mean distance and its continuous counterpart, mainly focusing on the relevant question of the convergence when iteratively subdividing the edges of the weighted graph

    Evaluation of the UAEH’s well-rounded development / personal development strategic program and its impact on the teaching practice

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    La Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo reconoce la importancia que la formación docente representa para impulsar el trabajo áulico y el aumento de la eficiencia en los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Por tal motivo, implementa un Programa Estratégico de Formación Integral (ProEFI) que considera innovaciones que respondan a los tiempos actuales. En el presente trabajo, se informa sobre los resultados de evaluación del ProEFI y del impacto de los cursos impartidos por el Centro Universitario de Formación (CUF). Es importante precisar, que bajo la denominación de evaluación del impacto se entiende el proceso evaluatorio orientado a medir los resultados de las intervenciones, en cantidad, calidad y extensión según las reglas preestablecidas. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio en el que participaron 516 profesores y 2101 alumnos respondiendo los cuestionarios a través de la página Web de la UAEH. Además se incluyó un apartado en el que 188 profesores emitieron comentarios, mismos que fueron agrupados en categorías para su análisis. Con base en los resultados, se emiten recomendaciones con respecto a los instructores, los cursos y la posibilidad de definir niveles de formación docente (profesores novatos y profesores con mayor experiencia en el ámbito de la docencia).A Universidade Autônoma do Estado de Hidalgo reconhece a importância dessa formação de professores representa a digno trabalho e aumentar a eficiência nos processos de aprendizagem dos alunos. Por esse motivo, implementa um programa estratégico de formação Integral (ProEFI) que considera a inovações que respondem aos tempos atuais. Nos relatórios de papel presente nos resultados da avaliação do ProEFI e o impacto dos cursos oferecidos pelo centro da Universidade para a formação (CUF). É importante salientar, que a denominação da avaliação de impacto refere-se ao processo de baixo orientada para a avaliação para medir o impacto das intervenções, em quantidade, qualidade e comprimento de acordo com as regras pré-estabelecidas. Amostragem aleatória envolvendo 516 professores e alunos de 2101 foi conduzida respondendo questionários através da página Web da Universidade. Também incluiu uma seção na qual 188 professores emitidas comentários próprios foram agrupados em categorias para análise. Com base nos resultados, são emitidas recomendações aos formadores, os cursos e a possibilidade de definir os níveis de formação de professores (professores iniciantes e professores) com maior experiência no campo do ensino.The Autonomous University of Hidalgo State recognizes the importance of teacher training is to enhance the work courtly and increased efficiency in the processes of student learning. Therefore, implementing a Comprehensive Strategic Training Program (ProEFI) considering innovations that respond to current times. In the present study reports the assessment results and impact ProEFI of courses offered by the University College of Education (CUF). It is important to note that under the term impact assessment means the assessment process designed to measure outcomes of interventions, in quantity, quality and extent according to prescribed rules. Random sampling was conducted involving 516 teachers and 2101 students answered the questionnaire through the website UAEH. Also included is a section in which 188 teachers issued comments, which were grouped into categories for analysis. Based on the results issued recommendations for instructors, the courses and the ability to define levels of training teachers (beginning teachers and teachers with more experience in the field of teaching

    Comorbid Anxiety in Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder

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    There is some evidence that antipsychotic medication (Quetiapine) is somewhat efficient in reducing anxiety in schizophrenic patients
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