2,147 research outputs found

    An assesment for UAS traffic awareness operations

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    Technology evolution in the field of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) will affect the Air Traffic Management (ATM) performance regarding to new military and civil applications. UAS, as new airspace users, will represent new challenges and opportunities to design the ATM system of the future. The goal of this future ATM network is to keep intact (or improve) the network in terms of security, safety, capacity and efficiency level. On the other hand, most UAS are, at present, designed for military purposes and very few civil applications have been developed mainly because the lack of a regulation basis concerning their certification, airworthiness and operations. Therefore, UAS operations have always been solutions highly dependent on the mission to be accomplished and on the scenario of flight. The generalized development of UAS applications is still limited by the absence of systems that support the development of the actual operations. Moreover, the systematic development of UAS missions leads to many other operational risks that need to be addressed. All this elements may delay, increase the risk and cost in the implementation of a new UAS application

    Practical Evaluation of a Network Mobility Solution

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    IFIP International Workshop on Networked Applications, Colmenarejo, Madrid/Spain, 6–8 July, 2005As the demand of ubiquitous Internet access and the current trend of all-IP communications keep growing, the necessity of a protocol that provides mobility management increases. The IETF has specified protocols to provide mobility support to individual nodes and networks. The Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support protocol is designed for providing mobility at IP level to complete networks, allowing a Mobile Network to change its point of attachment to the Internet, while maintaining ongoing sessions of the nodes of the network. All the mobility management is done by the mobile router whilst the nodes of the network are not even aware of the mobility. The main aim of this article is evaluating the performance of the NEMO Basic Support protocol by using our implementation. We also discuss the design of an implementation of the NEMO Basic Support protocol.Publicad

    UAS pilot support for departure, approach and airfield operations

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    Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have great potential to be used in a wide variety of civil applications such as environmental applications, emergency situations, surveillance tasks and more. The development of Flight Control Systems (FCS) coupled with the availability of other Commercial Off-The Shelf (COTS) components is enabling the introduction of UAS into the civil market. The sophistication of existing FCS is also making these systems accessible to end users with little aeronautics expertise. However, much work remains to be done to deliver systems that can be properly integrated in standard aeronautical procedures used by manned aviation

    An assessment for UAS depart and approach operations

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    Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have great potential to be used in a wide variety of civil applications such as environmental applications, emergency situations, surveillance tasks and more. The development of Flight Control Systems (FCS) coupled with the availability of other Commercial Off-The Shelf (COTS) components is enabling the introduction of UAS into the civil market. The sophistication of existing FCS is also making these systems accessible to end users with little aeronautics expertise. However, much work remains to be done to deliver systems that can be properly integrated in standard aeronautical procedures used by manned aviation. In previous research advances have been proposed in the flight plan capabilities by offering semantically much richer constructs than those present in most current UAS autopilots. The introduced flight plan is organized as a set of stages, each one corresponding to a different flight phase. Each stage contains a structured collection of legs inspired by current practices in Area Navigation (RNAV). However, the most critical parts of any flight, the depart and approach operations in an integrated airspace remain mostly unexplored. This paper introduces an assessment of both operations for UAS operating in VFR and IFR modes. Problems and potential solutions are proposed, as well as an automating strategy that should greatly reduce pilot workload. Although th

    La medicalización de la infancia como optimización de la fuerza laboral en España. Higienismo, población infantil y biopolítica (1800-1850)

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    La intención de este trabajo es analizar las dinastías recurrentes de ciertos discursos (la mayor parte de ellos de inspiración médica y legal, aunque no solo) que comenzaron a irrumpir en el escenario político de nuestro país desde el último cuarto del siglo XVIII. Desde entonces, la atención por el estado de salud de la población fue aumentando: el elevado número de mortalidad infantil, el aumento en la propagación de enfermedades contagiosas, el alto índice de criminalidad, provocaron el fenómeno de lo que fue denominado como la “degradación de la población”. En este caso nos vamos a centrar en el análisis de un conjunto de estas propuestas de reforma dirigidas al cuidado de la población infantil, planteadas por el polo más liberal del marco sociopolítico español de la época. Aplicando un examen arqueogenealógico, pretendemos mostrar cómo la atención hacia la “población débil” (mujeres y menores) facilitó la transformación del viejo modelo disciplinar en un nuevo modelo de organización biopolítica que colonizó el espacio privado de las familias de manera absoluta. Con el “lucro por las anomalías” emergió un discurso sobre la economía familiar inédito hasta entonces, que consiguió rápidamente introducir reformas en los códigos civil y penal. Hasta entonces no se habían contemplado medidas orientadas hacia la población infantil en estos campos.

    An Assessment for UAS Traffic Awareness Operations

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    Technology evolution in the field of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) will affect the Air Traffic Management (ATM) performance regarding to new military and civil applications. UAS, as new airspace users, will represent new challenges and opportunities to design the ATM system of the future. The goal of this future ATM network is to keep intact (or improve) the network in terms of security, safety, capacity and efficiency level. On the other hand, most UAS are, at present, designed for military purposes and very few civil applications have been developed mainly because the lack of a regulation basis concerning their certification, airworthiness and operations. Therefore, UAS operations have always been solutions highly dependent on the mission to be accomplished and on the scenario of flight. The generalized development of UAS applications is still limited by the absence of systems that support the development of the actual operations. Moreover, the systematic development of UAS missions leads to many other operational risks that need to be addressed. All this elements may delay, increase the risk and cost in the implementation of a new UAS application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Depart and approach procedures for UAS in a VFR environment

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    This paper assesses the depart and approach operations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in one of the most challenging scenarios: when flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). Inspired by some existing procedures for (manned) general aviation, some automatic and predefined procedures for UAS are proposed. Hence, standardized paths to specific waypoints close to the airport are defined for depart operations, just before starting the navigation phase. Conversely, and for the approach maneuvers, it is foreseen a first integration into a holding pattern near the landing runway (ideally above it) followed by a standard VFR airfield traffic pattern. This paper discusses the advantages of these operations which aim at minimizing possible conflicts with other existing aircraft while reducing the Pilot-in-Command workload. Finally, some preliminary simulations are shown where these procedures have been successfully tested with simulated surrounding traffic

    Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Route Optimisation Solution for NEMO

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    An important requirement for Internet protocol (IP) networks to achieve the aim of ubiquitous connectivity is network mobility (NEMO). With NEMO support we can provide Internet access from mobile platforms, such as public transportation vehicles, to normal nodes that do not need to implement any special mobility protocol. The NEMO basic support protocol has been proposed in the IETF as a first solution to this problem, but this solution has severe performance limitations. This paper presents MIRON: Mobile IPv6 route optimization for NEMO, an approach to the problem of NEMO support that overcomes the limitations of the basic solution by combining two different modes of operation: a Proxy-MR and an address delegation with built-in routing mechanisms. This paper describes the design and rationale of the solution, with an experimental validation and performance evaluation based on an implementation.Publicad

    An assessment for UAS depart and approach operations

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    Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have great potential to be used in a wide variety of civil applications such as environmental applications, emergency situations, surveillance tasks and more. The development of Flight Control Systems (FCS) coupled with the availability of other Commercial Off-The Shelf (COTS) components is enabling the introduction of UAS into the civil market. The sophistication of existing FCS is also making these systems accessible to end users with little aeronautics expertise. However, much work remains to be done to deliver systems that can be properly integrated in standard aeronautical procedures used by manned aviation. In previous research advances have been proposed in the flight plan capabilities by offering semantically much richer constructs than those present in most current UAS autopilots. The introduced flight plan is organized as a set of stages, each one corresponding to a different flight phase. Each stage contains a structured collection of legs inspired by current practices in Area Navigation (RNAV). However, the most critical parts of any flight, the depart and approach operations in an integrated airspace remain mostly unexplored. This paper introduces an assessment of both operations for UAS operating in VFR and IFR modes. Problems and potential solutions are proposed, as well as an automating strategy that should greatly reduce pilot workload. Although the Document type: Conference objec