11 research outputs found

    Improvement Options of a Social Housing Prototype in Different Climate Zones in Ecuador

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    Ecuador is a country with several climate zones. The zones’ characteristics are very different; however, there are social housing prototypes used in all the territories. This study constitutes the second part of the analysis of a social housing prototype in four zones (Cfb, Af, Aw, and BSh) in both the current climate situation (2020) and its projection to 2050. Improvement measures from the original dwelling block have been proposed according to the initial diagnosis, considering seven passive performance variants. A total of 56 dynamic simulations have been performed for both the current and 2050 climate scenario. The results have shown that, depending on the climate zone, improvement measures differently influence comfort ranges. In addition, the behaviour of the dwellings on the upper floor is different from those on the ground floor. This study is a starting point to show that prototype solutions of social housing should be adapted with various improvement measures and should be based on specific requirements according to their location to achieve acceptable comfort levels

    Optimización energética de un bloque de viviendas de interés social en Ecuador

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    El presente trabajo parte de la premisa de que la vivienda es el espacio de refugio para el ser humano, donde pueda sentirse seguro y confortable, de tal manera que se enfoca en el comportamiento energético de las viviendas sociales del programa de la República del Ecuador “Casa para Todos”, desde el punto de vista del confort térmico. Se ha considerado este estudio debido a que el programa de viviendas presenta un prototipo único que se implanta en distintas regiones del país, obviando en algunos casos las condiciones climatológicas de la localidad, lo que se traduce en situaciones de inconformidad en los usuarios de las mismas. Se ha realizado un estudio del comportamiento de la vivienda prototipo en cuatro localidades del Ecuador, basado en la distribución de las zonas climáticas del país, considerando aquellas que reúnen la mayor cantidad de viviendas del programa. El estudio comprende el modelado del edificio en un software especializado en la simulación ambientaly energética de edificios en cada localidad, en donde se analiza su comportamiento respecto al confort térmico en la situación climática actual, así como en un escenario proyectado al cambio climático en 2050. Se proponen, además, alternativas de mejora para cada situación, considerando recomendaciones bioclimáticas nacionales e internacionales, mismas que también han sido analizadas en cada zona climática en los escenarios climáticos actuales y con la proyección a 2050. Se estudia y describe así aquellas que son más o menos favorables según cada localidad.This work starts from the consideration that a house is a refuge space for people, the place where they can feel security and comfort, in this way, it is focus on the energy behavior of social housing at the “Casa para Todos” national program of the Republic of Ecuador, from the point of view of thermal comfort. This study has been considered because the national housing program has only one type of house that is built in all country regions, forgetting in some cases, the climatologic conditions of each location, that means discomfort in the users. A study of the behavior of prototype houses has been carried out in four locations in Ecuador, based in the country climatic distribution, considering which of them have more unities of homes at the program. The study includes a modeling of the building in a specific software of environmental and energetic simulation in each location, analyzing the behavior based in thermal comfort at the actual climatic situation, and a projected scenario for climatechange at 2050. In addition, improvement alternatives are proposed in each situation, considering national and international bioclimatic recommendations, which also have been analyzed in each climatic region in actual and projected scenarios. Those that are more or less favorable according to each locality are studied and described.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Gestión Integral de la Edificació

    Neumonía grave por infección con candida krusei: Reporte de caso

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    La neumonía por Candida Krusei es una patología rara, pero con reciente aumento de su incidencia. Se asocia a una alta mortalidad, y se presenta especialmente en pacientes inmunocomprometidos y pacientes geriátricos. El diagnóstico de esta entidad clínica es dificultoso debido a presentación clínica inespecífica. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 90 años de edad, que debutó con cuadro respiratorio agudo, que no evolucionó de forma favorable tras la administración de antibióticos de amplio espectro, pero con remisión completa del cuadro clínico luego de la administración de voriconazol debido a la sospecha clínica de micosis pulmonar, y que posteriormente se llegó al diagnóstico definitivo de neumonía por Candida Krusei al confirmarse el crecimiento de este germen en cultivo de muestra de lavado broncoalveolar. El diagnóstico de neumonías por Candida se debe considerar en pacientes con sintomatología respiratoria especialmente en inmunocomprometidos y pacientes geriátricos. El tratamiento oportuno permitirá evitar complicaciones que pongan en riesgo la vida del paciente

    Improvement Options of a Social Housing Prototype in Different Climate Zones in Ecuador

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    Ecuador is a country with several climate zones. The zones’ characteristics are very different; however, there are social housing prototypes used in all the territories. This study constitutes the second part of the analysis of a social housing prototype in four zones (Cfb, Af, Aw, and BSh) in both the current climate situation (2020) and its projection to 2050. Improvement measures from the original dwelling block have been proposed according to the initial diagnosis, considering seven passive performance variants. A total of 56 dynamic simulations have been performed for both the current and 2050 climate scenario. The results have shown that, depending on the climate zone, improvement measures differently influence comfort ranges. In addition, the behaviour of the dwellings on the upper floor is different from those on the ground floor. This study is a starting point to show that prototype solutions of social housing should be adapted with various improvement measures and should be based on specific requirements according to their location to achieve acceptable comfort levels

    Adaptive comfort potential in different climate zones of Ecuador considering global warming

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    Ecuador is a country with several climate zones. However, their behaviour is similar throughout the year, with no peaks of extreme temperatures in the various seasons. This paper is a first approach to study the adaptive comfort behaviour in several areas and populations of the country. Considering the ASHRAE 55-2020 model, energy simulation programmes are applied not just to the current climate scenario but also to the climate change scenarios of 2050 and 2100. The results of locations are analysed and compared to determine their performance. Thanks to their climate characteristics, adaptive comfort models could be applied as a passive strategy, using natural ventilation for building indoor comfort improvement, particularly social dwellings. According to previous studies, some prototypes have not considered the climate determinants in each region. Given the geographic situation of the study areas, the adaptive comfort model could be applied in all cases. Percentages of application of natural ventilation and heating and cooling degree hours have similar behaviours according to the climatic region, with a variation greater than 30% among them

    Comparative study on acoustic behavior between light multi-layeredand traditional façades

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    Los sistemas de fachadas multicapas ligeras acústicamente, en general han sido poco estudiados. Los primeros datos que se tienen es que no suelen alcanzar los valores de aislamiento acústico requeridos en el Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE) en entornos especialmente ruidosos. Los objetivos principales de esta investigación son obtener fachadas multicapas ligeras con un alto grado de aislamiento acústico, que puedan ser empleados en entornos ruidosos. Al mismo tiempo que presenten excelentes características térmicas, sin descuidar aspectos tan importantes como la sostenibilidad, industrialización, costes, etc. En este artículo se explicará el proceso que se ha llevado a cabo para realizar una investigación relacionada con el comportamiento acústico de fachadas multicapas ligeras. Para ello se han empleado los métodos de medida del comportamiento acústico a ruido aéreo e intensimetría sonora. Una vez obtenidos estos resultados se realiza una comparativa entre las fachadas multicapas ligeras y las fachadas tradicionales.Light multi-layered facade systems in general have been acoustically little studied. The data available suggests they do not usually fulfil the sound insulation values required in the Technical Building Code (CTE) in particularly in noisy environments. Therefore the main objectives of this study, is to obtain light multi-layeredfaçade systems with a high degree of acoustic insulation that can be used in noisy environments. While in turnshowing excellent thermal characteristics, without neglecting important aspects such as the sustainability of materials, industrialization, costs, among others. This article will explain the process that has been followed to carry out an investigation on the acoustic behaviour of light multi-layered facades. For this purpose acoustic behaviour and sound intensimetry measurement methods have been used. After obtaining these results, a comparison between light multi-layered and traditional facades was made

    Origin, Evolution, and Application of Energy Poverty Indicators in Ibero-America

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    La Pobreza Energética es un concepto multifacético con connotaciones locales y efectos adversos. La mayoría de las revisiones se han enfocado en las definiciones y los enfoques metodológicos, dado el interés creciente por conceptualizar y medir. El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar la evolución y origen de indicadores de PE en los países de Iberoamérica por su cercanía en las características climáticas, culturales y socioeconómicas. Se hizo una revisión utilizando el marco analítico SALSA (Search, Appraisal, Synthesis, Analysis). Se encontraron 61 artículos, 150 evaluaciones y 49 indicadores que fueron catalogados según su evolución, etapa inicial (n = 7), expansión (n = 12) y multidimensional (n = 30). Los resultados muestran un crecimiento de estudios en los últimos cinco años, destacando España y Chile como los países de Iberoamérica que han desarrollado más investigación e indicadores de PE. La mayoría de las mediciones, que se han empleado de forma continua y en múltiples ocasiones, provienen del Reino Unido. Es posible inferir que los investigadores prefieren indicadores sencillos desarrollados en otras realidades por la falta de información o la dificultad para conseguirla.Energy Poverty (EP) is a multifaceted concept with local connotations and adverse effects. However, most reviews have focused on definitions and methodological approaches given the growing interest in conceptualizing and measuring. This research aims to study and describe the evolution and origin of EP indicators in Ibero-American countries, given the similarity of their climatic, cultural, and socioeconomic characteristics. A review was made using the SALSA (Search, Appraisal, Synthesis, and Analysis) analytical framework, finding 61 articles, 150 assessments, and 49 indicators and cataloging them considering their evolution, initial (n = 7), expansion (n = 12), and multidimensional (n = 30) stages. The results show a rise in studies in the last five years, particularly in Spain. Most measurements have been used continuously, and often come from the United Kingdom. It is possible to infer that the researchers prefer simple indicators developed in other realities, due to a lack of information or difficulty obtaining it. This delays the implementation or evaluation of local energy policies and, consequently, an in-depth study of the Ibero-American realities is needed to address this issue

    Ecuadorian social housing: energetic analysis based on thermal comfort to reduce energy poverty

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    This document analyzes the energy behavior based on the thermal comfort of a sample house from the Ecuadorian program “Casa para Todos” in four cities of the country. It includes the modeling of the block in a software specialized in the environmental and energy simulation of buildings, DesignBuilder, studying its behavior in each locality with respect to thermal comfort in the current climate situation and in the projection of climate change in 2050

    Analysing the effectiveness of the energy conservation measures to reduce energy poverty cases in the Southern regions of Spain

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    Reducing energy poverty is among the main current concerns. Deficient energy performance could contribute to energy poverty cases, so energy rehabilitation in buildings is essential to take action from a technical perspective. However, the limitations related to the use of energy conservation measures in warm climates could prevent from reducing energy poverty cases. This study analyses the effectiveness of applying energy conservation measures in buildings located in warm climates. A case study in Seville was selected, and 20 combinations of energy conservation measures were analysed. The results showed the suitability of using approaches combining the envelope and systems to obtain favourable results and reduce energy poverty