19,250 research outputs found

    DGSAT: Dwarf Galaxy Survey with Amateur Telescopes II. A catalogue of isolated nearby edge-on disk galaxies and the discovery of new low surface brightness systems

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    The connection between the bulge mass or bulge luminosity in disk galaxies and the number, spatial and phase space distribution of associated dwarf galaxies is a discriminator between cosmological simulations related to galaxy formation in cold dark matter and generalized gravity models. Here, a nearby sample of isolated Milky Way class edge-on galaxies is introduced, to facilitate observational campaigns to detect the associated families of dwarf galaxies at low surface brightness. Three galaxy pairs with at least one of the targets being edge-on are also introduced. About 60% of the catalogued isolated galaxies contain bulges of different size, while the remaining objects appear to be bulge-less. Deep images of NGC 3669 (small bulge, with NGC 3625 at the edge of the image) and NGC 7814 (prominent bulge), obtained with a 0.4-m aperture, are also presented, resulting in the discovery of two new dwarf galaxy candidates, NGC3669-DGSAT-3 and NGC7814-DGSAT-7. Eleven additional low surface brightness galaxies are identified, previously notified with low quality measurement flags in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Integrated magnitudes, surface brightnesses, effective radii, Sersic indices, axis ratios, and projected distances to their putative major hosts are displayed. At least one of the galaxies, NGC3625-DGSAT-4, belongs with a surface brightness of approximately 26 mag per arcsec^2 and effective radius >1.5 kpc to the class of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs). NGC3669-DGSAT-3, the galaxy with lowest surface brightness in our sample, may also be an UDG.Comment: 12 pages including 6 figures, 4 tables, a brief appendix, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A). Paper slightly modified after A&A language editing, updating very few references and correcting a small typo at the start of the Appendi

    Quantum control on entangled bipartite qubits

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    Ising interaction between qubits could produce distortion in entangled pairs generated for engineering purposes (as in quantum computation) in presence of parasite magnetic fields, destroying or altering the expected behavior of process in which is projected to be used. Quantum control could be used to correct that situation in several ways. Sometimes the user should be make some measurement upon the system to decide which is the best control scheme; other posibility is try to reconstruct the system using similar procedures without perturbate it. In the complete pictures both schemes are present. We will work first with pure systems studying advantages of different procedures. After, we will extend these operations when time of distortion is uncertain, generating a mixed state, which needs to be corrected by suposing the most probably time of distortion.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Numerical semigroups problem list

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    We propose a list of open problems in numerical semigroups.Comment: To appear in the CIM Bulletin, number 33. (http://www.cim.pt/) 13 page

    Staircase to Higher-Order Topological Phase Transitions

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    We find a series of topological phase transitions of increasing order, beyond the more standard second-order phase transition in a one-dimensional topological superconductor. The jumps in the order of the transitions depend on the range of the pairing interaction, which is parametrized by an algebraic decay with exponent α\alpha. Remarkably, in the limit α=1\alpha = 1 the order of the topological transition becomes infinite. We compute the critical exponents for the series of higher-order transitions in exact form and find that they fulfill the hyperscaling relation. We also study the critical behaviour at the boundary of the system and discuss potential experimental platforms of magnetic atoms in superconductors.Comment: 5+5pages, 7 figures. Accepted as a Rapid Communicatio

    Raman-scattering study of the phonon dispersion in twisted bi-layer graphene

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    Bi-layer graphene with a twist angle \theta\ between the layers generates a superlattice structure known as Moir\'{e} pattern. This superlattice provides a \theta-dependent q wavevector that activates phonons in the interior of the Brillouin zone. Here we show that this superlattice-induced Raman scattering can be used to probe the phonon dispersion in twisted bi-layer graphene (tBLG). The effect reported here is different from the broadly studied double-resonance in graphene-related materials in many aspects, and despite the absence of stacking order in tBLG, layer breathing vibrations (namely ZO' phonons) are observed.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, research articl

    Warped Fermions and Precision Tests

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    We analyze the behavior of Standard Model matter propagating in a slice of AdS_5 in the presence of infrared-brane kinetic terms. Brane kinetic terms are naturally generated through radiative corrections and can also be present at tree level. The effect of the brane kinetic terms is to expell the heavy KK modes from the infrared-brane, and hence to reduce their coupling to the localized Higgs field. In a previous work we showed that sizable gauge kinetic terms can allow KK mode masses as low as a few TeV, compatible with present precision measurements. We study here the effect of fermion brane kinetic terms and show that they ameliorate the behavior of the theory for third generation fermions localized away from the infrared brane, reduce the contribution of the third generation quarks to the oblique correction parameters and mantain a good fit to the precision electroweak data for values of the KK masses of the order of the weak scale.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, latex2

    From stellar to planetary composition: Galactic chemical evolution of Mg/Si mineralogical ratio

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    The main goal of this work is to study element ratios that are important for the formation of planets of different masses. We study potential correlations between the existence of planetary companions and the relative elemental abundances of their host stars. We use a large sample of FGK-type dwarf stars for which precise Mg, Si, and Fe abundances have been derived using HARPS high-resolution and high-quality data. A first analysis of the data suggests that low-mass planet host stars show higher [Mg/Si] ratios, while giant planet hosts present [Mg/Si] that is lower than field stars. However, we found that the [Mg/Si] ratio significantly depends on metallicity through Galactic chemical evolution. After removing the Galactic evolution trend only the difference in the [Mg/Si] elemental ratio between low-mass planet hosts and non-hosts was present in a significant way. These results suggests that low-mass planets are more prevalent around stars with high [Mg/Si]. Our results demonstrate the importance of Galactic chemical evolution and indicate that it may play an important role in the planetary internal structure and composition.Comment: Accepted by A&A (Letter to the Editor

    Unifying parameter estimation and the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm for continuous variables

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    We reveal a close relationship between quantum metrology and the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm on continuous-variable quantum systems. We develop a general procedure, characterized by two parameters, that unifies parameter estimation and the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. Depending on which parameter we keep constant, the procedure implements either the parameter-estimation protocol or the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. The parameter-estimation part of the procedure attains the Heisenberg limit and is therefore optimal. Due to the use of approximate normalizable continuous-variable eigenstates, the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm is probabilistic. The procedure estimates a value of an unknown parameter and solves the Deutsch-Jozsa problem without the use of any entanglement

    Quantum simulation of Anderson and Kondo lattices with superconducting qubits

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    We introduce a mapping between a variety of superconducting circuits and a family of Hamiltonians describing localized magnetic impurities interacting with conduction bands. This includes the Anderson model, the single impurity one- and two-channel Kondo problem, as well as the 1D Kondo lattice. We compare the requirements for performing quantum simulations using the proposed circuits to those of universal quantum computation with superconducting qubits, singling out the specific challenges that will have to be addressed.Comment: Longer versio
