12 research outputs found

    Incidencia de Escherichia coli O157:H7 en heces de rumiantes lactantes con síndrome diarreico

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    Objective. To identify Escherichia coli 0157:H7 present in diarrheal feces of lactating ruminants with diarrheal syndrome and safety of colostrum intake. Materials and methods. A feces sampling of 316 ruminants was carried out during the period of August 2015 to March 2016 in the municipalities of Río Grande, General Enrique Estrada, Morelos and Calera de Victor Rosales of the state of Zacatecas, obtained from 67 cattle, 183 sheep and 66 goats. Results. The following were identified in CHROMagarTM chromogenic medium: 260 coliforms, 78 Escherichia coli 0157:H7, 16 Proteus spp. and 25 colonies of unidentified bacteria, finding an incidence of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 of 22.03% in the four municipalities. Conclusions. Escherichia coli 0157:H7 is the second bacteria found in ruminant feces with an incidence of 22%, which is a mortality risk factor in lactating ruminants (less than 21 days old), causing economic loss and health risk for the population of the state of Zacatecas.Objetivo. Identificar Escherichia coli O157:H7 presente en heces diarreicas de rumiantes lactantes con síndrome diarreico y seguridad de ingesta de calostro. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un muestreo de 316 rumiantes durante el período de agosto 2015 a marzo 2016 en los municipios de Río Grande, General Enrique Estrada, Morelos y Calera de Víctor Rosales del estado de Zacatecas, 67 de bovinos, 183 de ovinos y 66 de caprinos. Resultados. Se identificaron en medio cromogénico CHROMagarTM: 260 coliformes, 78 Escherichia coli O157:H7, 16 Proteus spp., y 25 colonias de bacterias sin identificar con este medio, encontrándose una incidencia de Escherichia coli O157:H7 de 22.03% en los cuatro municipios. Conclusiones. Escherichia coli O157:H7 es la segunda bacteria encontrada en heces de rumiantes con un 22% de incidencia, la cual es un factor de riesgo de muerte en rumiantes lactantes (menos de 21 días de nacidos) causando pérdidas económicas y riesgo para la salud de la población del estado de Zacatecas

    Caracterização microbiológica e físico-química do queijo curado denominado Añejo comercializado em estabelecimentos de Zacatecas, Zac. México

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    Ripe cheese, also called aged cheese, is made by hand from raw cow's milk in the semi-arid-temperate region of the state, and sold in establishments in Zacatecas. The objective of this work is to know the microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of these cheeses, called aged, which are sold in commercial establishments in the municipality of Zacatecas, Mexico. 30 enchiladas mature cheeses called aged cheeses were obtained, identifying their origin and provenance when obtaining them in the main establishments of the municipality, from the period of January-April 2022. They were transported in sterile plastic bags in a thermal container at 4°C for their analysis in the laboratory (microbiological and physicochemical). The parameters were evaluated according to the norm NOM-121-SSA1-1994, microbiological analysis of Coliforms, (0.03- 11NMP/g) Fungi (0.082 – 5.17 log CFU/g) and (1.75 – 5.9 log CFU/g) yeasts, analysis Physicochemical: pH (4.79- 5.74), acidity (0.035- 0.169%), humidity (35.13- 51.08%), ashes (3.31- 10.01%), NaCl (1.2- 9.67%), fat (23- 44.5%), crude protein (32.45-45.7%), coliforms are within the regulations, while fungi and yeasts exceed its values. Regarding the physical-chemical parameters, the protein percentage exceeds the norm and the fat and moisture parameters comply with the norm. It is concluded that the mature cheese called aged and marketed in the municipality of Zacatecas, does not comply with most of the microbiological regulatory parameters, while its physicochemical qualities exceed what is established in said standard.El queso maduro, también llamado queso añejo es elaborado de manera artesanal a partir de leche cruda de vaca en la región semiárida-templada del estado, comercializado en establecimientos de Zacatecas, con el fin de conocer las características microbiológicas y fisicoquímicas de estos quesos, denominados añejo, los cuales son expendido en establecimientos comerciales del municipio de Zacatecas México. Metodología: se obtuvieron 30 quesos maduros enchilados denominados quesos añejos, identificando el origen y procedencia de ellos al obtenerlos en los principales establecimientos del municipio, del periodo de enero- abril de 2022. Fueron transportados en bolsas plásticas estériles en un contenedor térmico a 4°C para su análisis en el laboratorio (microbiológico y fisicoquímico). Resultados: los rangos de los parámetros evaluados obtenidos de acuerdo con la norma NOM-121-SSA1-1994, fueronꓽ análisis microbiológico de Coliformes, (0.03- 11NMP/g) Hongos (7 - 148,000 UFC/g) y (56 – 817,333 UFC/g) levaduras, análisis fisicoquímico:  pH (4.79- 5.74), acidez de (0.035- 0.169 %), humedad (35.13- 51.08 %), cenizas (3.31- 10.01%), NaCl (1.2- 9.67%), grasa (23- 44.5 %), proteína cruda (32.45- 45.7 %). Considerando los parámetros microbiológicos principales con referencia a la norma citada, los coliformes están dentro de la normativa, mientras que los hongos y levaduras exceden los valores de ésta, en lo referente a los parámetros físico-químicos, el porcentaje de proteína sobrepasa la norma y los parámetros de grasa y humedad cumplen con la norma, por lo que se concluye que el queso maduro denominado añejo y comercializado en el municipio de Zacatecas, en el aspecto microbiológico no cumple con la mayoría de los parámetros normativos, mientras que sus cualidades fisicoquímicas rebasan lo establecido en dicha norma.O queijo curado, também chamado de envelhecido, é produzido artesanalmente com leite cru de vaca na região semiárida temperada do estado e vendido em estabelecimentos de Zacatecas. O objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer as características microbiológicas e físico-químicas destes queijos, denominados envelhecidos, que são comercializados em estabelecimentos comerciais do município de Zacatecas, México. Foram obtidos 30 enchiladas de queijos maduros denominados queijos envelhecidos, identificando sua origem e procedência ao obtê-los nos principais estabelecimentos do município, no período de janeiro a abril de 2022. Eles foram transportados em sacos plásticos estéreis em recipiente térmico a 4°C para sua análise em laboratório (microbiológica e físico-química). Os parâmetros foram avaliados de acordo com a norma NOM-121-SSA1-1994, análise microbiológica de Coliformes, (0,03- 11NMP/g) Fungos (0.082 – 5.17 log UFC/g) e (1.75 – 5.9 log UFC/g) leveduras, análise físico-química : pH (4,79- 5,74), acidez (0,035- 0,169%), umidade (35,13- 51,08%), cinzas (3,31- 10,01%), NaCl (1,2- 9,67%), gordura (23- 44,5%), proteína bruta (32,45-45,7%), coliformes estão dentro da norma, enquanto fungos e leveduras superam seus valores. Quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos, o percentual de proteína supera a norma e os parâmetros de gordura e umidade dentro da norma. Conclui-se que o queijo maduro denominado envelhecido e comercializado no município de Zacatecas, não cumpre a maioria dos parâmetros microbiológicos regulamentares, enquanto suas qualidades físico-químicas superam o estabelecido no referido padrão

    Análisis fitoquímico y evaluación de la actividad antioxidante y antifúngica de Asphodellus fistulosus L.

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    The purpose of this research is to characterize the main phytochemical components of Asphodellus fistulosus L. and to evaluate the antifungal and antioxidant activity, by obtaining extracts of the plant of interest, which were obtained through a system of solvents composed of methanol: water: formic acid with the help of maceration and sonication. A total of 22 tests were carried out to know the phytochemical content of the extracts, with flavonoids and sesquiterpelactones being some of the compounds found. The extracts present a DPPH in fruit of 11.85 ± 0.132%, in root of 9.38 ± 0.097% and in stem: 11.10 ± 0.105%. The reducing power according to FRAP showed that the extracts of A. fistulosus present an activity in stem 156.78 ± 0.0063 mg Eq Trolox / g DW, in fruit of 138.6 ± 0.0078 mg Eq Trolox / g DW and in root 125.1 mg Eq Trolox / g DW. The total phenol test showed that the fruit extract has a concentration of 3,994 mg Eq GAE / 100 g DW, the stem extract 3,563 mg Eq GAE / 100 g DW and the root extract a concentration 2,908 mg Eq GAE / 100 g DW. For total flavonoids, the fruit extract reported a concentration of 2,049 mg Eq GAE / 100 g DW, that of the stem a concentration of 1,634 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF and the root concentration of 1.5 mg Eq GAE / 100 g DW. The content of condensed tannins showed that the fruit extract has a concentration of 3,128 mg Eq GAE / 100 g FW, the stem extracts a concentration of 2,453 mg Eq GAE / 100 g FW and the root extract a concentration of 2,201 mg Eq GAE / 100 g FW. Unsaturated compounds, some alcohols and phenolic derivatives were identified. Some of those compounds were 1,2-Benzenediol, 3,5-bis (1,1-dimet hylethyl)- and 2-Phenyl-4-chloromethyl-5-methyl-1 ,2,3-triazole, identified by GC/MS. It was not possible to demonstrate an antifungal activity against the fungi Aspergillus spp, Fusarium spp and Thricoderma harzianum, on the contrary, the extracts have an apparent biostimulant effect on the development of fungal strains.El objetivo de esta investigación es realizar la caracterización de los principales componentes fitoquímicos de la Asphodellus fistulosus L. y realizar la evaluación de la actividad antifúngica y antioxidante, mediante la obtención de extractos de la planta de intereses, los cuales se obtuvieron mediante un sistema de disolventes compuesto por metanol: agua: ácido fórmico con ayuda de una maceración y una sonicación. Se realizaron un total de 22 pruebas para conocer el contenido fitoquímico de los extractos, siendo los flavonoides y sesquiterpelactonas algunos de los compuestos encontrados. Los extractos presentan un DPPH en fruto de 11.85±0.132%, en raíz de 9.38±0.097% y en tallo: 11.10±0.105%. El poder reductor según FRAP demostró que los extractos de A. fistulosus presentan una actividad en tallo 156.78±0.0063 mg Eq Trolox/ g PF, en de fruto de 138.6 ±0.0078 mg Eq Trolox/ g PF y en de raíz 125.1 mg Eq Trolox/ g PF. El ensayo de fenoles totales demostró que el extracto de fruto tiene una concentración de 3.994 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF, el extracto tallo de 3.563 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF y el de raíz una concentración 2.908 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF. Para flavonoides totales el extracto de fruto reportó una concentración de 2.049 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF, el de tallo una concentración de 1.634 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF y el de raíz concentración de 1.5 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF. El contenido de taninos condensados arrojó que el extracto de fruto tiene una concentración de 3.128 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF, el extracto de tallo una concentración de 2.453 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF y el de raíz una concentración de 2.201 mg Eq GAE / 100 g PF. Se identificaron compuestos insaturados, algunos alcoholes y derivados fenólicos como el 1,2-Benzenediol, 3,5-bis (1,1-dimet hylethyl)- y el 2-Phenyl-4- chloromethyl-5-methyl-1 ,2,3-triazole con ayuda de la GC/MS. No se demostró una actividad antifúngica en contra de los hongos Aspergillus spp, Fusarium spp y Thricoderma harzianum, por el contrario, los extractos tienen un aparente efecto bioestimulante en el desarrollo de las cepas fúngicas

    Fermentação ruminal in vitro e produção de AGVS, metano e dióxido de carbono com a inclusão de extratos vegetais do semi-deserto de Zacatecas.

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    The objective of this review is to touch on some aspects currently facing the world population increase and the demand for foods of animal origin, both meat, milk and other by-products, which in turn require a consequent increase in the nutritional category and depending on the status of optimal condition or good health. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the generation of AGVs, a situation that leads to an increase in the production of methane and carbon dioxide, for which extraordinary efforts are made by researchers and scientists using different methods and resources which are described below trying to reduce the production of these gases without disrupting the ruminal balance.El objetivo de esta revisión es tocar algunos aspectos que enfrenta actualmente el incremento poblacional mundial y la demanda de alimentos de origen animal tanto de carne leche y otros subproductos, que a su vez requieren un consecuente aumento en el rubro nutricional y en función del estatus de condición optima o buena salud. Por lo cual es necesario incrementar la generación de AGVs situación que conlleva a el incremento en la producción de metano y bióxido de carbono, por lo cual se realizan esfuerzos extraordinarios por los investigadores y científicos utilizando diferentes métodos y recursos los cuales se describen a continuación intentando abatir la producción de dichos gases sin trastocar el equilibrio ruminal.The objective of this review is to touch on some aspects currently facing the world population increase and the demand for foods of animal origin, both meat, milk and other by-products, which in turn require a consequent increase in the nutritional category and depending on the status of optimal condition or good health. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the generation of AGVs, a situation that leads to an increase in the production of methane and carbon dioxide, for which extraordinary efforts are made by researchers and scientists using different methods and resources which are described below trying to reduce the production of these gases without disrupting the ruminal balance

    Incidencia de Escherichia coli O157:H7 en heces de rumiantes lactantes con síndrome diarreico

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    Objetivo. Identificar Escherichia coli O157:H7 presente en heces diarreicas de rumiantes lactantes con síndrome diarreico y seguridad de ingesta de calostro. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un muestreo de 316 rumiantes durante el período de agosto 2015 a marzo 2016 en los municipios de Río Grande, General Enrique Estrada, Morelos y Calera de Víctor Rosales del estado de Zacatecas, 67 de bovinos, 183 de ovinos y 66 de caprinos. Resultados. Se identificaron en medio cromogénico CHROMagarTM: 260 coliformes, 78 Escherichia coli O157:H7, 16 Proteus spp., y 25 colonias de bacterias sin identificar con este medio, encontrándose una incidencia de Escherichia coli O157:H7 de 22.03% en los cuatro municipios. Conclusiones. Escherichia coli O157:H7 es la segunda bacteria encontrada en heces de rumiantes con un 22% de incidencia, la cual es un factor de riesgo de muerte en rumiantes lactantes (menos de 21 días de nacidos) causando pérdidas económicas y riesgo para la salud de la población del estado de Zacatecas

    Composición química y efecto antibacteriano in vitro de extractos de larrea tridentata, origanum vulgare, artemisa ludoviciana y ruta graveolens

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    Abstract Introduction: Plant extracts have been shown to have antimicrobial properties related to certain chemical compounds such as thymol, carvacrol, limonene, linalool and terpinene. The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of these compounds in the extracts of Larrea tridentata, Origanum vulgare, Artemisa ludoviciana and Ruta graveolens; as well as to evaluate the antimicrobial effect in Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomona sp and Staphylococcus aureus. Method: The extracts were obtained by simple distillation using ethyl alcohol as solvent, the chemical composition was evaluated by gas chromatography. The antimicrobial activity of each of the plant extracts was performed by well diffusion and disk diffusion methods. Results: The bacteria showed different degrees of sensitivity to the extracts, S. aureus inhibition of growth with the extract of O. vulgare and R. graveolens, while the bacterium Pseudomona sp. showed inhibition with the extract of A. ludoviciana, L. tridentate and O. vulgare. Discussion: The highest concentration of thymol and carvacrol was found in the extracts of O. vulgare and L. tridentata. The compound linalool was found in a higher proportion in O. vulgare and to a lesser extent in A. ludoviciana. Limonene was found in the extracts of O. vulgare and R. graveolens. Of the four plants evaluated, L. tridentata extract was better because it had the highest inhibition compared to the other extracts; and with an effect similar to the oils used as control. The disk diffusion technique allowed better observation of the inhibitory effects of the extracts and oils on each of the bacteria used in comparison to the well diffusion method.Resumen Introducción: Los extractos de algunas plantas han demostrado tener propiedades antimicrobianas relacionadas a ciertos compuestos químicos como son el timol, carvacrol, limoneno, linalol y terpineno. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la concentración de estos compuestos en los extractos de Larrea tridentata, Origanum vulgare, Artemisa ludoviciana y Ruta graveolens; así como evaluar su efecto antimicrobiano en Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomona sp y Staphylococcus aureus. Método: Los extractos se obtuvieron por destilación simple empleando alcohol etílico como solvente, la composición química se evaluó mediante cromatografía de gases. La actividad antimicrobiana de cada uno de los extractos de plantas se realizó por los métodos difusión en pozo y difusión en disco. Resultados: Las bacterias mostraron diferentes grados de sensibilidad a los extractos, presentando inhibición de crecimiento S. aureus con el extracto de O. vulgare y R. graveolens, mientras que la bacteria Pseudomona sp., con los extractos de A. ludoviciana, L. tridentata y O. vulgare. Discusión: La mayor concentración de timol y carvacrol se encontró en los extractos de O. vulgare y L. tridentata. El compuesto linalol se encontró en una proporción mayor en O. vulgare y en menor proporción en A. ludoviciana. Limoneno se encontró en los extractos de O. vulgare y R. graveolens. De las cuatro plantas evaluadas, el extracto de L. tridentata fue mejor, debido a que presenta la mayor inhibición en comparación con los otros extractos; y con un efecto similar a los aceites empleados como control. La técnica de difusión en disco, permitió observar mejor los efectos inhibitorios de los extractos y los aceites sobre cada una de las bacterias empleadas en comparación con el método de difusión en pozo


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    In Mexico there is a great diversity of species and varieties of chile with great cultural, gastronomic and economic importance. The domesticated species Capsicum annuum groups most of the cultivated types and is the most important in Mexico and the world; it is important to consider the genetic richness, therefore, there is a need to study it through molecular techniques of genetic analysis. For that reason, the objective was to analyze C. annuum varieties of free pollination and creole varieties among themselves, using RAPD markers (random amplified DNA polymorphism), to measure the efficiency of OPA primers and the detection of polymorphisms. Six varieties of C. annuum of the "ancho" and "mirasol" types we used, classified in free pollination and criollas varieties. The varieties they submitted to a RAPD analysis with the initiators OPA 02, OPA 11 and OPA 20. The results showed little variability between the six varieties of C. annuum and the dendogram showed two main groups, classifying them according to their technological level. Therefore, the RAPD are a useful tool in the detection of variation and have great power for the estimation of the genetic similarities in C. annuum

    Bovine mastitis, a worldwide impact disease: Prevalence, antimicrobial resistance, and viable alternative approaches

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    Bovine mastitis is globally considered one of the most important diseases within dairy herds, mainly due to the associated economic losses. The most prevalent etiology are bacteria, classified into contagious and environmental, with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae being the most common pathogens associated with mastitis cases. To date these pathogens are resistant to the most common active ingredients used for mastitis treatment. According to recent studies resistance to new antimicrobials has increased, which is why developing of alternative treatments is imperative. Therefore the present review aims to summarize the reports about bovine mastitis along 10 years, emphasizing bacterial etiology, its epidemiology, and the current situation of antimicrobial resistance, as well as the development of alternative treatments for this pathology. Analyzed data showed that the prevalence of major pathogens associated with bovine mastitis varied according to geographical region. Moreover, these pathogens are classified as multidrug-resistant, since the effectiveness of antimicrobials on them has decreased. To date, several studies have focused on the research of alternative treatments, among them vegetal extracts, essential oils, or peptides. Some other works have reported the application of nanotechnology and polymers against bacteria associated with bovine mastitis. Results demonstrated that these alternatives may be effective on bacteria associated with bovine mastitis

    Phytochemical Compounds and Pharmacological Properties of Larrea tridentata

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    For centuries, traditional medicine from plants (phytotherapy) was the only treatment for infectious and non-infectious diseases. Although it is still practiced in several countries with excellent therapeutic results, it is frequently underestimated because, unlike Western medicine, it is not based on an empirical scientific foundation. However, interest in the search for plant-based therapeutic resources has been stimulated by disciplines such as phytochemistry and the side effects of conventional pharmacological therapies. For example, Larrea tridentata is a perennial shrub used in traditional medicine in northern Mexico and the southern United States to treat infertility, rheumatism, arthritis, colds, diarrhea, skin problems, pain, inflammation and excess body weight. Scientific research has revealed its beneficial effects—antioxidant, antitumor, neuroprotective, regenerative, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anthelmintic, antiprotozoal and insecticidal—although reports indicate that some compounds in Larrea tridentata may be hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic. Therefore, the aim of this review was to highlight the updates regarding phytochemical compounds and the pharmacological properties of Larrea tridentata

    Antibacterial Potential of Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq) Willd Fruit against Aeromonas spp. of Aquaculture Importance

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    Aquaculture is an important source of food and livelihood for hundreds of millions of people around the world, however, aquaculture systems are affected by different factors, among them the appearance of resistant or multiresistant bacteria to antimicrobials. The secondary metabolites of plants have been proposed as alternatives for the treatment of these bacteria. The aim of the present study was to determine the antibacterial activity of Caesalpinia coriaria fruit hydroalcoholic extract and gallic acid over Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas veronii,  and Aeromonas dhakensis to identify new molecules for the treatment of diseases caused by Aeromonas spp. The C. coriaria fruit hydroalcoholic extract (HECc) was obtained by hydroalcoholic maceration and subjected to bipartition with ethyl acetate and water to obtain an aqueous fraction (Ac-FrCc) and an organic fraction (Ac-FrEtCc); gallic acid was purchased commercially. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC), MBC/MIC ratio, and cytotoxicity of HECc, its fractions, and gallic acid were determined. The results indicate that HECc fractions (Ac-FrCc and Ac-FrEtCc) and gallic acid have bactericidal activity against A. hydrophila and A. dhakensis, but only gallic acid showed bactericidal activity against A. veronii. The HECc and Ac-FrCc showed no toxicity, Ac-FrEtCc showed low toxicity, and gallic acid showed medium toxicity. The HECc, Ac-FrCc, and Ac-FrEtCc may be alternatives for the treatment of diseases caused by the genus Aeromonas, however, in vivo assays are necessary to corroborate these results