587 research outputs found

    Advanced radar absorbing ceramic-based materials for multifunctional applications in space environment

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    In this review, some results of the experimental activity carried out by the authors on advanced composite materials for space applications are reported. Composites are widely employed in the aerospace industry thanks to their lightweight and advanced thermo-mechanical and electrical properties. A critical issue to tackle using engineered materials for space activities is providing two or more specific functionalities by means of single items/components. In this scenario, carbon-based composites are believed to be ideal candidates for the forthcoming development of aerospace research and space missions, since a widespread variety of multi-functional structures are allowed by employing these materials. The research results described here suggest that hybrid ceramic/polymeric structures could be employed as spacecraft-specific subsystems in order to ensure extreme temperature withstanding and electromagnetic shielding behavior simultaneously. The morphological and thermo-mechanical analysis of carbon/carbon (C/C) three-dimensional (3D) shell prototypes is reported; then, the microwave characterization of multilayered carbon-filled micro-/nano-composite panels is described. Finally, the possibility of combining the C/C bulk with a carbon-reinforced skin in a synergic arrangement is discussed, with the aid of numerical and experimental analyses

    Energy diffusion in hard-point systems

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    We investigate the diffusive properties of energy fluctuations in a one-dimensional diatomic chain of hard-point particles interacting through a square--well potential. The evolution of initially localized infinitesimal and finite perturbations is numerically investigated for different density values. All cases belong to the same universality class which can be also interpreted as a Levy walk of the energy with scaling exponent 3/5. The zero-pressure limit is nevertheless exceptional in that normal diffusion is found in tangent space and yet anomalous diffusion with a different rate for perturbations of finite amplitude. The different behaviour of the two classes of perturbations is traced back to the "stable chaos" type of dynamics exhibited by this model. Finally, the effect of an additional internal degree of freedom is investigated, finding that it does not modify the overall scenarioComment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    A new advanced railgun system for debris impact study

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    The growing quantity of debris in Earth orbit poses a danger to users of the orbital environment, such as spacecraft. It also increases the risk that humans or manmade structures could be impacted when objects reenter Earth's atmosphere. During the design of a spacecraft, a requirement may be specified for the surviv-ability of the spacecraft against Meteoroid / Orbital Debris (M/OD) impacts throughout the mission; further-more, the structure of a spacecraft is designed to insure its integrity during the launch and, if it is reusable, during descent, re-entry and landing. In addition, the structure has to provide required stiffness in order to allow for exact positioning of experiments and antennas, and it has to protect the payload against the space environment. In order to decrease the probability of spacecraft failure caused by M/OD, space maneuver is needed to avoid M/OD if the M/OD has dimensions larger than 10cm, but for M/OD with dimensions less than 1cm M/OD shields are needed for spacecrafts. It is therefore necessary to determine the impact-related failure mechanisms and associated ballistic limit equations (BLEs) for typical spacecraft components and subsys-tems. The methods that are used to obtain the ballistic limit equations are numerical simulations and la-borato-ry experiments. In order to perform an high energy ballistic characterization of layered structures, a new ad-vanced electromagnetic accelerator, called railgun, has been assembled and tuned. A railgun is an electrically powered electromagnetic projectile launcher. Such device is made up of a pair of parallel conducting rails, which a sliding metallic armature is accelerated along by the electromagnetic effect (Lorentz force) of a cur-rent that flows down one rail, into the armature and then back along the other rail, thanks to a high power pulse given by a bank of capacitors. A tunable power supplier is used to set the capacitors charging voltage at the desired level: in this way the Rail Gun energy can be tuned as a function of the desired bullet velocity. This facility is able to analyze both low and high velocity impacts. A numerical simulation is also performed by using the Ansys Autodyn code in order to analyze the damage. The experimental results and numerical simulations show that the railgun-device is a good candidate to perform impact testing of materials in the space debris energy range

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: numerical analysis

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    We study heat transport in a chain of harmonic oscillators with random elastic collisions between nearest-neighbours. The equations of motion of the covariance matrix are numerically solved for free and fixed boundary conditions. In the thermodynamic limit, the shape of the temperature profile and the value of the stationary heat flux depend on the choice of boundary conditions. For free boundary conditions, they also depend on the coupling strength with the heat baths. Moreover, we find a strong violation of local equilibrium at the chain edges that determine two boundary layers of size N\sqrt{N} (where NN is the chain length), that are characterized by a different scaling behaviour from the bulk. Finally, we investigate the relaxation towards the stationary state, finding two long time scales: the first corresponds to the relaxation of the hydrodynamic modes; the second is a manifestation of the finiteness of the system.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and Theoretica

    Effects of atomic oxygen and UV rays ageing on the reflection coefficient of carbon/carbon plates in the 12-18 GHz frequency range

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    Advanced carbon-based ceramic materials, such as Carbon/Carbon (C/C) are commonly employed in aerospace industry to face the thermo-mechanical stress suffered by the spacecraft external structures during re-entry in earth atmosphere. Thanks to very low thermal expansion and outstanding chemical stability at extreme temperatures, in fact, such materials represent the ideal candidates for re-usable space integrated systems, such as TPS, nozzles and ablation thermal-proof structures. In long-time missions, on the other hand, issues related to continuous and extended exposure of the spacecraft surfaces to the detrimental space environment must be carefully considered. In this frame, also the tracking of satellites by mean of radar systems is a vital aspect for a safe stay in space. In LEO working conditions, the combined effects induced by severe thermal cycles, ultra-high vacuum and UV/Atomic Oxygen(AO) irradiation can be of impediment for the use of C/C as re-entry protection material, since a significant surface oxidation leads to so high TPS damaging as to compromise its main functionality. This surface oxidation can also affect the radar visibility of satellites. Aim of this paper is to evaluate the effects of the AO/UV ageing on C/C plates reflection coefficient, in order to avoid misfunctioning in the radar visibility

    Simulation of heat transport in low-dimensional oscillator lattices

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    The study of heat transport in low-dimensional oscillator lattices presents a formidable challenge. Theoretical efforts have been made trying to reveal the underlying mechanism of diversified heat transport behaviors. In lack of a unified rigorous treatment, approximate theories often may embody controversial predictions. It is therefore of ultimate importance that one can rely on numerical simulations in the investigation of heat transfer processes in low-dimensional lattices. The simulation of heat transport using the non-equilibrium heat bath method and the Green-Kubo method will be introduced. It is found that one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) momentum-conserving nonlinear lattices display power-law divergent, logarithmic divergent and constant thermal conductivities, respectively. Next, a novel diffusion method is also introduced. The heat diffusion theory connects the energy diffusion and heat conduction in a straightforward manner. This enables one to use the diffusion method to investigate the objective of heat transport. In addition, it contains fundamental information about the heat transport process which cannot readily be gathered otherwise.Comment: Article published in: Thermal transport in low dimensions: From statistical physics to nanoscale heat transfer, S. Lepri, ed. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 921, pp. 239 - 274, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2016

    Fluctuations of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas

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    Momentum-conserving one-dimensional models are known to exhibit anomalous Fourier's law, with a thermal conductivity varying as a power law of the system size. Here we measure, by numerical simulations, several cumulants of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas. We find that the cumulants, like the conductivity, vary as power laws of the system size. Our results also indicate that cumulants higher than the second follow different power laws when one compares the ring geometry at equilibrium and the linear case in contact with two heat baths (at equal or unequal temperatures). keywords: current fluctuations, anomalous Fourier law, hard particle gasComment: 5 figure

    Anomalous transport and relaxation in classical one-dimensional models

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    After reviewing the main features of anomalous energy transport in 1D systems, we report simulations performed with chains of noisy anharmonic oscillators. The stochastic terms are added in such a way to conserve total energy and momentum, thus keeping the basic hydrodynamic features of these models. The addition of this "conservative noise" allows to obtain a more efficient estimate of the power-law divergence of heat conductivity kappa(L) ~ L^alpha in the limit of small noise and large system size L. By comparing the numerical results with rigorous predictions obtained for the harmonic chain, we show how finite--size and --time effects can be effectively controlled. For low noise amplitudes, the alpha values are close to 1/3 for asymmetric potentials and to 0.4 for symmetric ones. These results support the previously conjectured two-universality-classes scenario

    Production of benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid by yeasts and Botrytis cinerea isolated from grape musts and wines

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    The capacity of 100 yeast strains - isolated from grape musts and wines from the Istituto Sperimentale per l'Enologia collection - to produce benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid was verified by inoculation into a synthetic nutrient medium (MNS). Schizosaccharomyces and Zygosaccharomyces were strongest in producing benzaldehyde (maximal amount found 1200 µg/l) and benzyl alcohol (maximally 523 µg/l). Zygosaccharomyces was also most effective in the production of benzoic acid (maximally 536 µg/l), followed by Saccharomyces, Cryptococcus, Kloeckera and Torulaspora. The hypothesis was verified that yeasts can be an exogenous source of the benzyl alcohol oxidizing enzyme in grape musts and wines. Wine yeast strains of Saccharomyces spp., Zygosaccharomyces spp. and Schizosaccharomyces spp. fermenting MNS containing 150 g/l glucose, with benzyl alcohol added, transformed this into benzoic acid only when glucose was disappearing, but not into benzaldehyde. No difference was observed between aerobic and anaerobic fermentation conditions. The uptake of benzyl alcohol was rapid in fermentation essays in presence of only 10 g/l glucose and in assimilation essais performed in yeast nitrogen base broth with assimilable carbon compounds added. A catabolic repression by glucose appears likely. Botrytis cinerea was able to transform benzyl alcohol into benzaldehyde and benzoic acid on Czapek-Dox broth with 30 g/l sucrose added. Benzyl alcohol was transformed by wine yeasts into benzoic acid when the concentration of glucose in the mineral medium was less than 10 g/l, but no production of benzaldehyde was observed. A catabolic repression of this transformation by glucose is likely. Botrytis cinerea was able to produce benzaldehyde in a mineral medium with benzyl alcohol and sucrose added
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