85 research outputs found

    Developing Marketing and Advertising Strategies Through Disruption Philosophy

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    Disruption is about finding the strategic idea, which breaks and overturns a convention in the marketplace, and then makes it possible to reach a new vision or to give new substance to an existing vision. A business strategy revolves around three basic constructs, namely, vision, core values and a business typology. When an organization must drastically change two of the three basic constructs in order to survive, it has been strategically disrupted. These basic constructs represent how the upper management of a business envision the future, how they are guided by their core values to benefit from that vision, and how they would organize the business to maintain these benefits. When the magnitude of change that causes strategic disruption is significant, it is literally a make or break experience for that business or organization. A proactive strategy can help a company to overcome significant disruption. Therefore, this paper explores how disruption philosophy affects strategic marketing and advertising decision-making process. Keywords: Marketing Strategy, Advertising, Business Strategy, Disruption Philosophy, Branding DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/54-05 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Colour cosmetics consumption among Moroccan women: Examining the Nexus of Attitudes, Religion, and The media

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    This paper examines colour cosmetic consumption of Morrocan women in relation to the influence of attitudes, religion, and the media. With data from 498 women and using the theory of planned behavior, this study shows that attitude and Perceived behavior control (PBC) affect positively consumer intention to buy colour cosmetics. It also shows that intrinsic or personal religiosity does not affect customer intention to purchase cosmetic products while extrinsic religiosity is negatively correlated to the intention to use these products. Besides, the study demonstrates how different types of media influence the respondents’ consumption of these products. For example, as respondents spend more time watching TF1- the first national French channel - where a more natural look is displayed, the intention to buy color cosmetics decreases by 41.6%. Concerning the socio-demographic factors, the study shows that older women mainly with high income are more likely to consider color cosmetics consumption. The implications of the study are highlighted in the paper

    Mining Exceptional Social Behaviour

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    Essentially, our lives are made of social interactions. These can be recorded through personal gadgets as well as sensors adequately attached to people for research purposes. In particular, such sensors may record real time location of people. This location data can then be used to infer interactions, which may be translated into behavioural patterns. In this paper, we focus on the automatic discovery of exceptional social behaviour from spatio-temporal data. For that, we propose a method for Exceptional Behaviour Discovery (EBD). The proposed method combines Subgroup Discovery and Network Science techniques for finding social behaviour that deviates from the norm. In particular, it transforms movement and demographic data into attributed social interaction networks, and returns descriptive subgroups. We applied the proposed method on two real datasets containing location data from children playing in the school playground. Our results indicate that this is a valid approach which is able to obtain meaningful knowledge from the data.This work has been partially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) project “MODUS” (under grant AT 88/4-1). Furthermore, the research leading to these results has received funding (JG) from ESRC grant ES/N006577/1. This work was financed by the project Kids First, project number 68639

    Current trends in the global tourism industry: evidence from the United States

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    Tourism is one of the largest U.S. industries, serving millions of international and domestic tourists yearly. Tourists visit the U.S. to see natural wonders, cities, historic landmarks, and entertainment venues. Americans seek similar attractions as well as recreation and vacation areas. Tourism competes in the global market, so it is important to understand current trends in the U.S. travel industry. Therefore, this article offers insight into important trends and suggests strategies for policy makers involved in the travel and tourism industry

    Prepearing solutions of containing iron oxide nanoparticles to improve heat transfer

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    ÖZETIsı Transferi İyileştirmesi Amacıyla Demir Oksitlerin Nanopartiküllerini İçeren Çözeltilerin HazırlanmasıBu çalışmada demir oksit nanopartiküllerinin sentezi, karakterizasyonu, ısıl iletkenlik ölçümleri ve teorik modellerle karşılaştırılmaları ile ilgilenilmiştir. Bu çalışmada demir oksit nanopartikülleri olarak Fe2O3 ve Fe3O4 seçilmiştir.Fe3O4 nanopartikülleri belirli bir sıcaklı ve pH değerinde demir tuzları kullanılarak kimyasal sentez yöntemiyle elde edilmişlerdir. Yaklaşık parçacık boyutu dağılımına sahip nanopartiküller mikrodalga kullanılarak sentezlenmiştir. Mikrodalga sistemi sentez boyunca sıcaklığın ani olarak yükselmesini sağlar. Demir tuzlarının ve oksitlerinin istenmeyen bileşimleri mikrodalgada sentez süresince oluşmaz. Sentez koşullarını sabit tutabilmek için bir kamera sentez balonunu ve içindeki çözeltiyi göstermiştir. Sıcaklık 700C’de sabitlenmiş ve pH amonyum çözeltisi ile 9’a ayarlanmıştır. Nanopartikülleri yüksek saflıkta elde etmek için kullanılan cam malzemelerin temizliğine çok dikkat edilmiştir. Bu yaklaşımlarla, sentezlenen Fe3O4 nanopartiküllerinin parçacık boyutları 33 – 77 nm arasında değişim gösterirken kıyaslama ve karşılaştırma için 50 nm civarındaki ticari Fe2O3 nanopartikülleri satın alınmıştır. Parçacık boyutlarını, şekillerini ve içeriklerini elde edebilmek için XRD, SEM ve EDS analizleri, boyut analizi ve parçacıkların stabilizasyon kararlılıklarını elde edebilmek için de Zeta potansiyel ölçümü yapılmıştır. Isıl iletkenlik iyileşmelerinin araştırılması için Fe3O4 nanopartikülleri; su, etilen glikol, gliserin ve bunların suyla %50’lik karışımları içerisinde dağıtılmıştır. Ayrıca Fe2O3 nanopartikülleri su, etilen glikol ve gliserin içerisinde dağıtılmıştır. Stabil nanoakışkanlar elde edebilmek için polivinilpirolidon su nanoakışkanı içinde stabilizatör olarak kullanılmıştır. Diğer nanoakışkanlarda stabilizatör kullanılmamıştır. Isıl iletkenlik katsayısı KD2 Pro Analiz cihazıyla ölçülmüştür. Kütlesel ve hacimsel yüzdeye ve pH’a bağlı iyileştirmeler incelenmiş, Fe2O3 nanoakışkanlarında en fazla artış %5 kütlesel yüzdede %5.95 ile etilen glikolde gerçekleşmiştir. Fe3O4 nanoakışkanlarında en fazla artış %5 kütlesel yüzdede %4.82 ile suda gerçekleşmiştir. Gliserin ve etilen glikol stabil yapıdadır suyun ise dağıtıcı katkı yardımıyla stabilitesi iyileştirilmiştir. pH derecesinin nanoakışkanın ısıl iyileştirmesine etkisi gözlenmemiştir.ABSTRACTPrepearing Solutions of Containing Iron Oxide Nanoparticles to Improve Heat TransferThis study deals with the synthesis, characterization, thermal conductivity measurements, and theoritical model comparisons of iron oxide nanoparticles. Iron oxide nanoparticles choosed in this study are Fe2O3 and Fe3O4.Fe3O4 nanoparticles were obtained by chemical synthesis method using iron salts at a certain temperature and pH. Nanoparticles with an approximate particle size distribution were synthesized by using microvawe irridation. Microvawe system provide rapid temperature increse during synthesis. Unwanted complexes of iron salts and oxides do not exist while synthesizing in microvawe. While preperation of nanoparticles a camera showed the rounded flask and mixture in it to keep synthesis conditions stable. Temperature kept at 700C and pH adjusted to 9 with ammonia solution. To achive high purity nanoparticles glass materials cleaned very carefully. With these considerations particle sizes of synthesized Fe3O4 nanoparticles varied from 33 - 77 nm. For comparison commercial Fe2O3 nanoparticles (50nm) used in measurements and Zeta Potential, XRD, and SEM used for characterization to achieve particles sizes, shapes and compozitions. To investigate the thermal conductivity enhancements, Fe3O4 nanoparticles dispersed in water, ethylene glycol, glycerol and 50% mixtures of water. Also Fe2O3 nanoparticles dispersed in water, ethylene glycol, glycerol. To get stable nanofluids polyvnylpyrollidone used as dispersing agent in water nanofluids. Other nanofluids didn’t have dispersant. Nanofluids mixed in an ultrasonicator at least 1 hour. Thermal conductivity coefficents measured by a KD2 Pro Analyzer. Enhancements with mass and volume fractions, and pH were investgated. In Fe2O3 nanofluids the highest enhancement was 5.95% at 5% mass fraction in ethylene glycol. In Fe3O4 nanofluids the highest enhancement was 4.85% at 5% mass fraction in water. Glycerol and ethylene glycol nanofluids had good stability and adding dispersant in water nanofluids helped to get stable. At low and high pH degrees nanofluids showed higher thermal conductivity and around 6-7 pH degrees nanofluids showed lower thermal conductivity because of their lower colloidal stability at these pH degrees

    Prepearing solutions of containing iron oxide nanoparticles to improve heat transfer

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    Isı Transferi İyileştirmesi Amacıyla Demir Oksitlerin Nanopartiküllerini İçeren Çözeltilerin Hazırlanması Bu çalışmada demir oksit nanopartiküllerinin sentezi, karakterizasyonu, ısıl iletkenlik ölçümleri ve teorik modellerle karşılaştırılmaları ile ilgilenilmiştir. Bu çalışmada demir oksit nanopartikülleri olarak Fe2O3 ve Fe3O4 seçilmiştir. Fe3O4 nanopartikülleri belirli bir sıcaklı ve pH değerinde demir tuzları kullanılarak kimyasal sentez yöntemiyle elde edilmişlerdir. Yaklaşık parçacık boyutu dağılımına sahip nanopartiküller mikrodalga kullanılarak sentezlenmiştir. Mikrodalga sistemi sentez boyunca sıcaklığın ani olarak yükselmesini sağlar. Demir tuzlarının ve oksitlerinin istenmeyen bileşimleri mikrodalgada sentez süresince oluşmaz. Sentez koşullarını sabit tutabilmek için bir kamera sentez balonunu ve içindeki çözeltiyi göstermiştir. Sıcaklık 700C’de sabitlenmiş ve pH amonyum çözeltisi ile 9’a ayarlanmıştır. Nanopartikülleri yüksek saflıkta elde etmek için kullanılan cam malzemelerin temizliğine çok dikkat edilmiştir. Bu yaklaşımlarla, sentezlenen Fe3O4 nanopartiküllerinin parçacık boyutları 33 – 77 nm arasında değişim gösterirken kıyaslama ve karşılaştırma için 50 nm civarındaki ticari Fe2O3 nanopartikülleri satın alınmıştır. Parçacık boyutlarını, şekillerini ve içeriklerini elde edebilmek için XRD, SEM ve EDS analizleri, boyut analizi ve parçacıkların stabilizasyon kararlılıklarını elde edebilmek için de Zeta potansiyel ölçümü yapılmıştır. Isıl iletkenlik iyileşmelerinin araştırılması için Fe3O4 nanopartikülleri; su, etilen glikol, gliserin ve bunların suyla %50’lik karışımları içerisinde dağıtılmıştır. Ayrıca Fe2O3 nanopartikülleri su, etilen glikol ve gliserin içerisinde dağıtılmıştır. Stabil nanoakışkanlar elde edebilmek için polivinilpirolidon su nanoakışkanı içinde stabilizatör olarak kullanılmıştır. Diğer nanoakışkanlarda stabilizatör kullanılmamıştır. Isıl iletkenlik katsayısı KD2 Pro Analiz cihazıyla ölçülmüştür. Kütlesel ve hacimsel yüzdeye ve pH’a bağlı iyileştirmeler incelenmiş, Fe2O3 nanoakışkanlarında en fazla artış %5 kütlesel yüzdede %5.95 ile etilen glikolde gerçekleşmiştir. Fe3O4 nanoakışkanlarında en fazla artış %5 kütlesel yüzdede %4.82 ile suda gerçekleşmiştir. Gliserin ve etilen glikol stabil yapıdadır suyun ise dağıtıcı katkı yardımıyla stabilitesi iyileştirilmiştir. pH derecesinin nanoakışkanın ısıl iyileştirmesine etkisi gözlenmemiştir. ABSTRACT Prepearing Solutions of Containing Iron Oxide Nanoparticles to Improve Heat Transfer This study deals with the synthesis, characterization, thermal conductivity measurements, and theoritical model comparisons of iron oxide nanoparticles. Iron oxide nanoparticles choosed in this study are Fe2O3 and Fe3O4. Fe3O4 nanoparticles were obtained by chemical synthesis method using iron salts at a certain temperature and pH. Nanoparticles with an approximate particle size distribution were synthesized by using microvawe irridation. Microvawe system provide rapid temperature increse during synthesis. Unwanted complexes of iron salts and oxides do not exist while synthesizing in microvawe. While preperation of nanoparticles a camera showed the rounded flask and mixture in it to keep synthesis conditions stable. Temperature kept at 700C and pH adjusted to 9 with ammonia solution. To achive high purity nanoparticles glass materials cleaned very carefully. With these considerations particle sizes of synthesized Fe3O4 nanoparticles varied from 33 - 77 nm. For comparison commercial Fe2O3 nanoparticles (50nm) used in measurements and Zeta Potential, XRD, and SEM used for characterization to achieve particles sizes, shapes and compozitions. To investigate the thermal conductivity enhancements, Fe3O4 nanoparticles dispersed in water, ethylene glycol, glycerol and 50% mixtures of water. Also Fe2O3 nanoparticles dispersed in water, ethylene glycol, glycerol. To get stable nanofluids polyvnylpyrollidone used as dispersing agent in water nanofluids. Other nanofluids didn’t have dispersant. Nanofluids mixed in an ultrasonicator at least 1 hour. Thermal conductivity coefficents measured by a KD2 Pro Analyzer. Enhancements with mass and volume fractions, and pH were investgated. In Fe2O3 nanofluids the highest enhancement was 5.95% at 5% mass fraction in ethylene glycol. In Fe3O4 nanofluids the highest enhancement was 4.85% at 5% mass fraction in water. Glycerol and ethylene glycol nanofluids had good stability and adding dispersant in water nanofluids helped to get stable. At low and high pH degrees nanofluids showed higher thermal conductivity and around 6-7 pH degrees nanofluids showed lower thermal conductivity because of their lower colloidal stability at these pH degrees


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    Universities and colleges are expected not only to create knowledge, improve equity, and respond to student needs, but to do so more efficiently and effectively. Hence, to capture the advantage of this more central focus and role, institutions of higher education need to transform their structures, missions, leadership, and processes and programs in order to be more flexible and more responsive to changing social needs. Pivotal to institutional success in achieving this transformation is effective leadership, a critical factor in sustaining and improving universities’ quality and performance. This paper, therefore, examines whether the leaders of higher education are indeed taking the path to success and whether, in doing so, they are implementing a transformational or transactional leadership style. Specifically, this paper aims to systematically review the key findings in the existing literature investigating the styles of and approaches to leadership behaviors that are associated with effectiveness in higher education. The discussion includes a synthesis of the theoretical literature on leadership in higher education and concludes with an overview of potential strategies for educational leaders

    The Status Of Black And White Women In Central Administrative Positions In Michigan Public Schools.

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    PhDSchool administrationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/189583/2/7707987.pd