42 research outputs found

    Õpilaste kaasamine STEM-haridusse

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    In this manuscript we focus on how to develop STEM learning environments, and how STEM can be implemented in K-12 schools. We focus on the following question: “How can we support students in building a deep, integrated knowledge of STEM so that they have the practical knowledge and problem solving skills necessary to live in and improve the world?” We also discuss criteria for evaluating STEM learning environments and the challenges teachers face in implementing STEM. We define STEM as the integration of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics to focus on solving pressing individual and societal problems. Engaging students in STEM also means engaging learners in the design process. Design is integral to student thinking in the STEM world. The design process is very non-linear and iterative in its nature but requires clearly articulating and identifying the design problem, researching what is known about the problem, generating potential solutions, developing prototype designs (artifacts) that demonstrate solutions, and sharing and receiving feedback. With the integration of design, STEM education has the potential to support students in learning big ideas in science and engineering, as well as important scientific and engineering practices, and support students in developing important motivational outcomes such as ownership, agency and efficacy. Moreover, students who engage in STEM learning environments will also develop 21st century capabilities such as problem solving, communication, and collaboration skills

    Abrupt Shift or Caught Off Guard: A Systematic Review of K-12 Engineering and STEM Education’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In the past hundred years, there have been a number of pandemics that have affected the entire world, including the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic, the 1957 H2N2 influenza pandemic, and the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. While responses to the most recent H1N1 influenza pandemic remained local, the COVID-19 pandemic, on the other hand, resulted in long-term school closures all around the world, prompting a sudden shift to distant education by compelling K-12 educators and students to do so. The purpose of this study is to find out how K-12 education studies reacted to the sudden shift in supporting engineering and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education during the COVID-19 pandemic. To accomplish this goal, we conducted two separate searches in different databases and reviewed 25 articles. These articles were classified into four categories: (1) adaptation to online learning and the effects of a sudden shift, (2) implementing new strategies and tools, (3) STEM education in informal learning environments, and (4) teacher professional development. Our analysis indicated that engineering and STEM education research primarily focused on higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The limited number of studies examining K-12 engineering and STEM first investigated the adaptation to online learning by utilizing various resources that elementary and secondary teachers could easily access. Blended learning, flipped learning, and maker pedagogy were encouraged in K-12 engineering and STEM studies. Movies were the most commonly used tool in K-12 engineering and STEM studies. It is encouraging that studies also examined informal learning contexts (outreach initiatives, museums) and inequities in STEM and engineering education. However, the small number of studies in each category reminds us that there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of the future of K-12 engineering education, especially considering that distant education may become a permanent part of K-12 education

    Õpilaste kaasamine STEM-haridusse

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    Artiklis käsitletakse STEM-õpikeskkonna arendamise võimalusi ning STEMi rakendamist põhi- ja keskkooliastmes, keskendudes järgmisele küsimusele: kuidas aidata õpilastel omandada põhjalikke ja integreeritud STEM-valdkonna teadmisi, et neil oleks praktilised teadmised ja probleemilahendusoskused, mis aitaks neil maailmas hakkama saada ja seda paremaks muuta? Lisaks tutvustatakse STEMõppeks sobiva keskkonna hindamise kriteeriume ning käsitletakse probleeme, millega õpetajatel tuleb STEM-ainete õpetamisel kokku puutuda. Meie määratluse järgi on STEM loodusteaduste, tehnoloogia, inseneriteaduse ja matemaatika ühendamine eesmärgiga lahendada pakilisi isiklikke ja ühiskondlikke probleeme. Õpilaste kaasamine STEM-valdkonda tähendab nende kaasamist disainiprotsessi. STEM-maailmas on disain õpilaste mõttemaailma lahutamatu osa. Disainiprotsess on mittelineaarne ja oma olemuselt korduv, kuid nõuab disainiprobleemi kindlaksmääramist ja selget sõnastamist, probleemi kohta juba teada oleva teabe uurimist, võimalike lahenduste pakkumist, prototüüpide (tehisesemete) väljatöötamist, et lahendusi demonstreerida, ning tagasiside jagamist ja saamist. Disainile keskenduva STEM-hariduse kaudu on võimalik toetada õpilasi suurte loodus- ja inseneriteaduslike ideede ning oluliste praktiliste loodus- ja inseneriteaduslike teadmiste omandamisel. Samuti võimaldab STEM-haridus motiveerida õpilasi, et neil tekiks omanikutunne ning vajadus oma ideid tutvustada ja tulemuslikult tegutseda. Enamgi veel, STEM-õpikeskkonda kaasatud õpilased saavad arendada selliseid 21. sajandil vajalikke oskusi nagu probleemilahendus- ja suhtlemisoskus ning koostöövõime.  Full tex

    Farklı Ülkelerde Fen Eğitimi: Türkiye’de ve Farklı Bölgelerde Gözlenen Eğilimler Arasındaki Farklılıklar

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    This review aimed to understand how trends in science education have changed from 2000 to 2021 and how these patterns are studied in different regions. We investigated science education articles published in Web of Science (WoS) database and grouped them into five regions: North America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and South America & Africa. From 2000 to 2010, there were 2159 published articles, with North America accounting for 51% of these. From 2011 to 2021, the number of publications increased to 7186 articles, with North America accounting for 43% of the articles. From 2000 to 2010, Asia published fewer studies than Australia, but from 2011 to 2021, Asian countries published more. The top journal analysis revealed that local journals and technology related journals were instrumental in non-English speaking countries. The number of common keywords appearing in different regions increased concurrently with the number of studies. Conceptual change and scientific literacy appeared as frequently used keywords in four different regions from 2000 to 2010. On the other hand, teacher education, professional development, scientific literacy, argumentation and nature of science appeared as frequently used keywords in four different regions from 2011 to 2021. Scientific literacy was a common theme across different periods, and the emphasis on inquiry shifted to argumentation. While presenting the changing dynamics across different spans and our review also included evidence that scholars in different countries started to investigate similar ideas in different contexts from 2011 to 2021.Bu derleme çalışması, fen eğitimindeki eğilimlerin 2000'den 2021'e nasıl değiştiğini ve bu eğilimlerin farklı bölgelerde nasıl araştırıldığını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında Web of Science (WoS) veritabanında yayınlanan fen eğitimi makalelerini incelenmiştir ve yayın yapan ülkeler beş bölgeye ayrılmıştır: Kuzey Amerika, Avrupa, Avustralya, Asya ve Güney Amerika ve Afrika. 2000'den 2010'a kadar 2159 yayınlanmış makaleye ulaşılmıştır ve bu çalışmaların %51'i Kuzey Amerika’daki ülkelerde yayınlanmıştır. 2011'den 2021'e kadar yayın sayısı 7186 makaleye yükselmektedir ve makalelerin %43'ünü Kuzey Amerika ülkelerinin çalışmaları oluşturmaktadır. 2000'den 2010'a kadar Asya ülkelerinde, Avustralya'dan daha az çalışma yayınlandığı, ancak Asya ülkelerinin 2011-2021 yılları arasında daha fazla makale yayınladığı tespit edilmiştir. En çok yayın yapılan dergi analizi, yerel dergilerin ve teknoloji ile ilgili dergilerin ana dili İngilizce olmayan ülkelerdeki araştırmacılar tarafından sık tercih edilen dergiler olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Farklı bölgelerde ortaya çıkan ortak anahtar kelimelerin sayısının, çalışma sayısıyla eş zamanlı olarak arttığı görülmektedir. 2000'den 2010'a kadar dört farklı bölgede kavramsal değişimin ve fen okur yazarlığının en sık kullanılan anahtar kelimeler olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Diğer yandan, öğretmen eğitimi, hizmet içi eğitim, fen okuryazarlığı, argümantasyon ve bilimin doğası anahtar kelimeleri, 2011'den 2021'e kadar olan zaman aralığında dört bölgede yüksek frekanslı anahtar kelimeler olarak bulunmuştur. Fen okuryazarlığı, her iki zaman aralığında da ortak bir eğilim olarak ortaya çıkarken, kavramsal değişime yapılan vurgu daha sonraki dönemde argümantasyona ve bilimin doğasına yönelmiştir. Bu derleme, iki farklı zaman aralığında değişen dinamikleri ortaya koyarken, farklı ülkelerdeki akademisyenlerin 2011'den 2021'e kadar farklı bölgelerde benzer fikirleri araştırdıklarına yönelik bulgular da sunmaktadır

    Designing During the Pandemic: Understanding Teachers’ Challenges in eTwinning Projects

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    eTwinning projects support teachers and students from different countries to engage with each other through online learning. In 2020, the world started to battle with the pandemic and this shifted all educational practices from face to face to online learning. In this study, we tried to understand how the pandemic influenced the activity planning, design process, teacher connections, and in-class interactions from the teachers' viewpoint. To achieve this goal, we worked with a core group of eight elementary teachers who conducted eTwinning projects before and during the pandemic. These elementary teachers started developing eTwinning projects in 2019 by using a book designed to support interdisciplinary thinking with an emphasis on design with second grade students. When we examined the activities developed by these teachers, their emphasis on design and interdisciplinary connections continued during the pandemic with the same group of students when they were in third grade. While the mindset did not change for activity planning, the complete shift to online learning created several challenges for teachers. Teachers stated that their support for the design had decreased during the pandemic and they were more comfortable with assisting their students in face-to-face classes. The pandemic also reduced the connections among teachers and supporting group work became a challenge. When these aspects were combined, students had to complete an individual design experience during the pandemic and this resulted in several students missing the interdisciplinary connections in their design products

    İmâm Mâturîdî’nin Âlemin Ontolojik Yapısı Hakkında Filozofları Eleştirisi, Tahir Uluç

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    Uluç, Tahir. İmâm Mâturîdî’nin Âlemin Ontolojik Yapısı Hakkında Filozofları Eleştirisi (İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 2017)

    Kadı Abdülcebbar’ın Sâbiîliğe Tevhid Eksenli Yönelttiği Eleştiriler

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    Bu makalede Mutezile mezhebinin önemli isimlerinden Kadı Abdülcebbar’ın tevhîd inancı merkezli Sabîiliğe yöneltmiş olduğu eleştirileri ele alınmaktadır. Kelam âlimleri tevhîd ilkesini Kur’an merkezli tespit ettikleri gibi, aynı zamanda karşılaşılan yeni dinî akımlara karşı bunu ispat etmeye, savunmaya ve bu inanç ilkesine ters buldukları akımları da eleştiriye tabi tutmaya gayret göstermişlerdir. Kadı Abdülcebbar’ın görüşleri de tevhîd eksenli gelişen bu tartışmalar içerisinde önemli bir yer teşkil etmektedir. Kadı Abdülcebbar Sabiîliğin inanç esaslarını ele almış, çeşitli yönlerden tenkit etmiştir. Temel olarak vurguladığı nokta cisimlerin kadim olamayacağı gibi kadim bir varlığın da hâdislik emerasi taşıyamayacağıdır. Genel anlamda cisimlere kadimlik izafe edilmesi noktasında tevhîd ilkesinden sapmalar başlamaktadır.This study focuses on Qadi ‘Abd Al-Jabbar’s tawheed-centered criticism of Sabians. Qadi ‘Abd Al-Jabbar is an important thinker of Mu’tazilah. Scholars of Ilm al-Kalam defined the principle of the tawheed according to Qur’an, they strived to defend this principle against new theological movements and criticize ideas that are against the principle of the tawheed. Qadi ‘Abd Al-Jabbar’s position was very important during these negotiations about the tawheed. He focused on Sabians. He used to emphasize that objects cannot be eternal and an eternal being cannot have a sign of being created. Deviations from the tawheed principle generally start with attributing eternity to the materials

    A Critical Edition of the Risāla Ḥablullah al-Metîn fī Akīde eš- Šayḫ al-Ekber Muḥyī l-Dīn by Ḥusayn b. Ṭuʿma al- Beytumānî

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    İbnü’l-Arabî’nin sıkı takipçisi olan ve döneminin önde gelen sufilerinden kabul edilen Abdülganî b. İsmâîl en-Nâblusî’nin öğrencisi tarafından kaleme alınan “Risâle Hablullahi’l-Metîn fî Ak?detiş-Şeyhi’l-EkberMuhyiddîn” adlı bu risale 18. yy da İbnü’l-Arabî’nin görüşleri etrafındatoplanmış Şam’daki önemli bir sufî hareketin konumunu gözler önünesermektedir. Risalenin baş tarafından anladığımız kadarıyla Şam’daİbnü’l-Arabî’nin itikadi görüşlerini okutmak amacıyla Nâblusî’nin özelbir ders halkasının olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bu ders halkasında İbnü’lArabî’nin itikadi görüşlerinin okutulup daha sonra şeriate uygun olduğunun tekid edilmeye ve delillendirilmeye çalışıldığı anlaşılmaktadır.Bu bize o dönemde Şam’da olan tasavvufi ortamın en önemli özelliğinigöstermektedir ki o tarikatle şeriatın bir götürülmesi veya diğer bir ifade ile aralarının bulunmasıdır. Bu nedenle Şam Tasavvuf çevresindediğer tasavvufi mecralarda ortaya çıkan ayinler/uygulamalar gözükmemektedir. Yazarın dönemindeki bazı sufilerin Allah’a ulaşmak amacıyla şer’î emirlere muhalif bazı tasarruflarını eleştirmesi de bunu destekler mahiyettedir. Bu hassasiyetinden dolayı -şer’î naslara bağlılığı veverdiği önemin ortaya çıkması amacıyla- fikri sorulduğunda ayet vehadislerle delillendirmeye özen gösterdiğini görüyoruz. Şam’da önemlitarikat şeyhlerinden birisi olan müellif -risalenin başında da beyan ettiği üzere- yanlış algıları düzeltmek, müridlerine tasavvuf eğitimine başlamadan sahih itikadi bilgileri öğretmek ve sufilerin sahih inanç sistemini müdellel olarak ifade etmek amacıyla bu risaleyi kaleme almıştır.Buradan anlıyoruz ki o avamın ve havassın inancını ayırmakta müridlerine İbnü’l-Arabî’nin ulaştığı havas seviyesine ulaşmalarını nasihat etmektedir. Müellif müridlerin gönüllerine sahih inanç esaslarının yerleşmesi amacıyla salihlerin sohbetine önem göstermelerini tavsiye etmekte ve onların sorunlu gördüğü hal, davranış ve söylemleri karşısında doğruyu açıklamaktadır. Müellif risalenin sonunda -sahih akaidiuyguladıktan sonra- müride gereken salih amellerden ayet ve hadislerle müdellel bir şekilde bahsederek risalesine son vermektedir.Abd al-Ghan? ibn Ism???l al-N?blus? who is a strict follower of Ibn al-Arab?, is accepted as one of the leading sufis of his time. The treatise “Ris?la ?ablullah al-Metîn f? Ak?de eš- Šay? al-Ekber Mu?y? l-D?n” - which was written by one of his students- shows the position of a significant sufi movement in Damascus gathered around the views of Ibn alArab? in the 18th century. It is understood from the beginning of the risalah that Nâblusî had a special lecture circle in Damascus in order to teach theological views of Ibn al-Arab?. In this circle, Ibn al-Arab?’s views were read and tried to be proved as they are appropriate to Sharia’h. This shows us the most important feature of sufi environment in Damascus at that time; that al-tariqah and al-sharia’h were taken together, in other words they were compromised. For this reason, in Sufi environments of Damascus we cannot witness rituals / practices which appeared in other sufi movements. The fact that the author criticizes behaviours of some sufis of his time -which they exhibited with the aim of reaching Allah although they contradict to Sharia’h- also confirms this situation. Due to this sensitivity, when he was asked about his opinion, he was attentive to evidence it with the verses of Quran and narrations of Prophet (pbuh), to present his loyalty to Islamic legal texts. The author who was one of the significant sheikhs of Damascus, wrote the aforementioned manuscript-as he also stated at the beginning- in order to correct misperceptions, to teach his disciples authentic knowledge about faith before they take sufi training and to express the true belief sytem of sufis in the light of evidences. We understand that he recommends his disciples to reach the khawas rank which Ibn alArab? reached, to be able to divide the faith of awam (commons) and khawas (exclusives). The author emphasizes the importance of conversation with righteous believers in order to settle true principles of faith in the hearts of disciples and explain the truth in the face of their troublesome situations and discourses. After applying the true faith, the author concludes his treatise by mentioning righteous deeds which a sufi disciple needs, by documenting them with the verses and ahadith

    The Usability of E-learning Platforms in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    The use of e-learning in higher education has increased significantly in recent years, which has led to several studies being conducted to investigate the usability of the platforms that support it. A variety of different usability evaluation methods and attributes have been used, and it has therefore become important to start reviewing this work in a systematic way to determine how the field has developed in the last 15 years. This paper describes a systematic mapping study that performed searches on five electronic libraries to identify usability issues and methods that have been used to evaluate e-learning platforms. Sixty-one papers were selected and analysed, with the majority of studies using a simple research design reliant on questionnaires. The usability attributes measured were mostly related to effectiveness, satisfaction, efficiency, and perceived ease of use. Furthermore, several research gaps have been identified and recommendations have been made for further work in the area of the usability of online learning