11 research outputs found

    Microsatellite markers-based characterisation of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) harvested from selected locations in South-West Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to characterise Pennisetum purpureum harvested from some selected locations in S outh-W estern Nigeria using microsatellite markers. Leaf parts of growing young elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) were harvested and immediately preserved in ethanol solution before DNA extraction. Two (2) SSR primers (CTM59 and Xtxp278) were used to assess genetic diversity in Pennisetum purpureum. The result shows that 72% of the molecular variations in the elephant grass exists within the population with 28% among the population; there were no unique characteristics among the Nine (9) populations. Nei genetic index ranged from 0.067 (lowest) observed between Isokan and Odeda populations to 0.158 (highest), between Ifedore and Ikoyi Populations. Morphological characterization showed moderate diversity with two major clusters and one minor cluster. Keyword: Elephant grass; cultivars; locations; marker

    Comparative performance of fertilizer types on growth, yield of Panicum maximum var. Ntchisi (JAC) and Andropogon tectorum during early rainy season in Abeokuta South West, Nigeria

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    An experiment was conducted to examine comparative performance of fertilizer types on growth and yield of Panicum maximum and Andropogon tectorum during the early rainy season in Abeokuta. It consists of three factors namely: 4 fertilizer types, 2 grass species and 2 age at harvest allotted to main plots, sub plots and sub-sub-plots respectively. It is therefore factorial experimental arrangement (4 x 2 x 2) laid out in a split-split-plot design with three replicates having a total number of sixteen (16) treatments. The fertilizer types were N.P. K. 20:10:10 (NPK), Aleshinloye organo-mineral (AOM) and poultry manure (PM) and a control. These were applied at the rate of 120 kgN/ha based on their nitrogen content. The grasses were Panicum maximum (Ntchisi) and Andropogon tectorum which, were harvested at 6 and 8 weeks after cut back (i.e. 6 WAC and 8WAC) for determination of dry matter yield. Growth parameters such as leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW), number of tillers (TN) and number of leaves (LN) were estimated from 2 to 6 weeks after cut back in the early rainy season following the year of establishment. The results show that fertilizer types did not significantly affect (P>0.05) the LL and LW of A. tectorum and P. maximum. There were significant differences (P<0.05) among the mean values of LL and LW due to effect of grass species. Similarly, the mean values obtained for TN and LN were not different (P>0.05) under the influence of fertilizer types, but TN and LN were (P<0.05) affected by grass species. There were no significant differences among the mean values of LW but the mean values of LL were different (P<0.05) as a result of interaction effects of fertilizer types and grass species. The mean values of TN and LN were different (P<0.05), though not in a specific trend. However, the mean values of LN were (P>0.05) differed at 4 and 6 WAC.The fertilizer types and grass species did not influence (P>0.05)the mean values of dry matter yield (DMY), forage proportion (FP) and weed proportion (WP). The mean values presented in the result indicated that age at harvest affected (P<0.05) DMY, FP and WP. The highest DMY and FP (29.89 t/ha and 99.82 %, respectively) were observed at 8 weeks. The highest WP (0.89%) was recorded at 6 weeks. It could be concluded that when moisture content is inadequate, fertilizer application may not elicit any significant influence on the growth and biomass production of forage plants.Keynote: Comparative performance, fertilizer types, early rainy season, Panicum maximum, Andropogon tectoru

    Effects of proportion and ensiling duration on nutrient digestibility and fermentation characteristics of Pennisetum purpureum and Enterolobium cyclocarpum seeds silage using invitro gas production technique

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    The nutritive value of Pennisetum purpureum grass with treated Enterolobium cyclocarpum seeds silage at varying proportions and at different ensiling periods was evaluated based on their chemical composition and in vitro fermentation. The study was a 7×2 factorial experiment with three replications. The factors were seven different proportions (100:0) as control, 85:15; 70:30) for boiled, toasted and raw E. cyclocarpum seeds ensiled with P. purpureum grass at varying proportions (85:15; 70:30 respectively) and two ensiling periods (30 and 60 days).The results revealed that crude protein (CP) contents of the silage ranged from 9.92 to 15.47 %, with 30% boiled seed+70% grass showing the highest CP contents. Silage that was ensiled for 60 days had significantly (P<0.05) higher CP content than in 30days period. The range of volatile fatty acids in the supernatant of the silage after in vitro incubation for 48h were: acetate (0.74 to 1.90 %); propionate (0.49 to 1.26 %) and butyrate (0.07 to 0.19 %). In vitro digestibility of silage ranged between60.33 and 81.67 % for dry matter, 58.12 and 84.98 % for crude proteinand neutral detergent fibre between68.17 and 88.13 %. Silage with 30% raw seeds + 70% grass had significantly (p>0.05) higher total anaerobic bacteria counts. Ensiling of the seeds and grass at 60 days produced higher total anaerobic bacteria counts than in silage that was ensiled for 30 days. In conclusion, high CP, moderate fibre and better in vitro fermentation characteristics in P. purpureum ensiled with treated E. cyclocarpum seeds at varying proportions and at different ensiling periods suggests better nutritive alternatives to sole P. purpureum grass silage, as well as an appropriate feeding strategy which can improve ruminants’ performance especially during the dry seasonKeywords: Enterolobium cyclocarpum seeds, fermentation, nutritive value, processing, proportion, Pennisetum purpureum. Evaluation des effets de la proportion et de la duree d'ensilage sur la digestibilite et les caracteristiques on fermentaion des elements nutritifs des ensilages de pennisetum purpureum et d'enterlobium cyclocarpum en utilisant la technique de production de gaz invitroLa valeur nutritive de l’herbe de Pennisetum purpureum avec ensilage de graines d’Enterolobium cyclocarpum traitées à des proportions variables et à différentes périodes d’ensilage a été évaluée sur la base de leur composition chimique et de leur fermentation in vitro. L’étude consistait en une expérience factorielle 7 × 2 avec trois répétitions. Les facteurs étaient sept proportions différentes - (100: 0) comme contrôle, 85:15; 70:30) pour des graines de E. cyclocarpum bouillies, grillées et crues ensilées avec de l’herbe  de P. purpureum à des proportions variables (85:15, 70:30 respectivement) et deux périodes d’ensilage (30 et 60 jours). Les résultats ont révélé que la teneur en protéines brutes (PB) de l’ensilage variait de 9,92 à 15,47%, les pourcentages 30% de graines bouillies + 70% d’herbe montrant les plus fortes teneurs en protéine brute. L’ensilage de 60 jours avait une teneur en PB significativement plus élevée (P <0,05) par rapport à celui de 30 jours. La gamme d’acides gras volatils dans le surnageant de l’ensilage après incubation in vitro pendant 48h était : acétate (0,74 à 1,90%) ; propionate (0,49 à 1,26%) et butyrate (0,07 à 0,19%). La digestibilité in vitro de l’ensilage variait entre 60,33 et 81,67% pour la matière sèche, 58,12 et 84,98% pour la fibre brute et la fibre détergente neutre entre 68,17 et 88,13%. L’ensilage avec 30% de graines crues + 70% d’herbe avait des nombres totaux de bactéries anaérobies significativement plus élevés (p> 0,05). L’ensilage des graines et de l’herbe à 60 jours a produit des nombres de bactéries anaérobies totaux plus élevés par rapport à l’ensilage de 30 jours. En conclusion, une PB élevée, une teneur modérée en fibres et de meilleures caractéristiques de fermentation in vitro chez P. purpureum ensilées avec des graines d’E. Cyclocarpum traitées à des proportions variables et à différentes périodes d’ensilage semblent indiquer de meilleures alternatives nutritives par rapport à l’ensilage d’herbe pure P. purpureum, ainsi qu’une stratégie d’alimentation appropriée qui peut améliorer la performance des ruminants en particulier pendant la saison sèche.Mots-clés: graines d’Enterolobium cyclocarpum, fermentation, valeur nutritive, traitement, proportion, Pennisetum purpureum

    Genetic Diversity Of Andropogon Species With Different Microsatellite Markers For Better Selection And Improvement

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    Pastures have over the years been selected for important traits and their breeding has resulted in some high yielding forage grasses with great adaptive and population expansion traits. The research was carried out to study genetic diversity of nine Andropogon spp. sourced from Remo zone of Ogun State using four microsatellite markers (Phil227562, Xcup63, CTM59, and Xcup14). Genomic DNA was extracted from succulent leaf part of Andropogon grass using DNA extraction procedure of Zymo spin™ technology. Every one of the loci–populace is in with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrum. A sum of eight alleles were noticed and the quantity of alleles per locus has an estimation of 2.00, while the number of alleles ranged from 1.528 (Phil227562) to 1.946 (Xcup63). The viable number of alleles was lesser than noticed number at all the loci. The Shannon's Information Index differed among the loci with 0.530 (Phil227562) to 0.679 (Xcup63) though Inbreeding coefficient across the Andropogon grass clones was negative (mean = - 0.429), going from 0.07 (Phil 227562) to 0.714 (Xcup63) with 100% polymorphic loci. The noticed heterozygosity was higher than expected heterozygosity for all markers of the grass considered

    Effect of additives on fermentation of cassava leaf silage and ruminal fluid of west african dwarf goats

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    A study was conducted to investigate the effects of different additives on the fermentation quality of ensiled cassava leaves and its effects on the ruminal fluid parameters using eighteen West African dwarf goats. Cassava leaves were ensiled alone (ECF), with 5 % (w/w) molasses (ECFM) and caged layer waste (ECFP) respectively as additives for 30 days. Results of chemical composition of the additive and non-additive silages indicated that ensiling with 5 % molasses reduced the DM content from 252.4 g/kg in ECF to 238.9 g/ kg in ECFM and increased with 5 % caged layer waste (ECFP) to 267.6 g/kg. The CP content of ECF was 207.6 g/kg and this decreased to 198.5 g/kg DM in ECFM. Addition of molasses and caged layer waste caused a reduction in the HCN contents from 95.8 mg/kg in non-additive silage (ECF) to 89.3 mg/kg in ECFP and 84.7 mg/kg in ECFM. The mean pH of non-additive silage of 3.66 was significantly (p<0.05) different from the value of 4.29 in ECFP. Animals fed silage ensiled with molasses (ECFM) had a DM intake of 503.42 g/d, followed by values of 485.17 g/d and 458.43 g/d for animals fed ECF and ECFP respectively. Crude protein intake was similar in ECF and ECFM but higher (p<0.05) than ECFP and ranged from 161.28- 172.71 g/d. The ruminal fluid parameters indicated no significant differences (p>0.05) in the pH, BC and lactic acid concentration in both the non- additive and additive silages. Ammonia-nitrogen concentration (NH 3 -N) however, ranged signi- ficantly (p<0.05) from 15.93 ± 0.20 (mg/dL) in ECF to 22.43 ± 0.61 (mg/dL) in ECFP. The study showed that ensiling cassava leaves with 5 % molasses and caged layer waste improved the silage conditions and the ruminal fluid parameters of West African Dwarf goats.Se realizó un estudio para investigar los efec- tos de diferentes aditivos sobre la calidad de la fermentación de ensilaje de hojas de yuca y sus efectos sobre los parámetros del fluido ruminal en dieciocho cabras Enanas de África Occidental. Las hojas de yuca fueron ensiladas, durante 30 días, solas (ECF) y con adición de 5 % de melaza (ECFM) o excretas de ponedoras en batería (ECFP) como aditivos. La adición de 5 % de melaza redujo el contenido de materia seca, 252,4 g/kg en ECF, a 238,9 g/kg en ECFM; con adición de 5 % de excretas (ECFP) la MS aumentó hasta 267,6 g/kg. El nivel de PB (207,6 g/kg en ECF) disminuyó a 198,5 g/kg en ECFM. Tanto la adición de melazas o excretas determinaron la reducción del conteni- do de HCN desde 98,5 g/kg en ECF (sin aditivos) a 89,3 en ECFP y 84,7 g/kg en ECFM. El pH medio del ensilaje sin aditivos (3,66) fue menor (p<0,05) que el de ECFP (4,29). La ingesta en los animales alimentados con ensilado melazado (ECFM) fue de 503,43 g/d; 485,17 g/d para ECF y 458,43 g/d para ECFP. La ingestión de PB varió entre 161,28 y 172,71 g/d, siendo similar en ECF y ECFM y más baja (p<0,05) en EFCP. Los parámetros del fluido ruminal no mostraron diferencias significativas en pH, capacidad tampón o concentración de ácido láctico para ninguno de los tipos de ensilado. Sin embargo, la concentración de nitrógeno amoniacal (NH 3 -N) varió (p<0,05) entre 15,93 ± 0,20 (mg/dL) en ECF a 22,43 ± 0,61 (mg/dL) en ECFP. El trabajo demostró que el ensilaje de hojas de yuca con 5 % de melazas o excretas de aves en batería, mejoró su calidad y repercutió favorablemente sobre los parámetros ruminales de cabras Enanas de África Occidental

    Effect of storage place and storage period on nutritive quality of hay produced from three forage grasses

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    A study was conducted to investigate the effect of storage place and storage period on the proximate composition, in vitro gas production and post incubation parameters of hay produced from A. gayanus, B. decumbens and P. pedicellatum. The two storage places were in the room and in the shed while the storage periods were 4, 8 and 12 weeks. Results of this study showed that the dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF) and ash of the hays produced from the three grasses were significantly affected (P&lt;0.05) by the interactive effect of the storage place, storage period and species. Brachiariadecumbens produced higher (P&lt;0.05) DM (99.50%) in the shed at 4 weeks of storage (WS) and a lower DM (86.20%) in the room at 12 WS. Ether extract of Andropogongayanus and B. decumbens significantly (P&lt;0.05) differed at both storage places and at the three storage periods. Brachiariadecumbens produced higher (P&lt;0.05) (14.50%) and lower (4.50%) EE contents in the room at 4 and 12 WS respectively. Similarly, ash contents of the hays significantly (p&lt;0.05) ranged from 3.50% in the storage of B. decumbens in the shed for 12weeks to 36.33% for storing P. pedicellatum in the room for 4 WS. Cumulative in vitro gas production of the  grasses though similar (p&gt;0.05) increased over the incubation periods. The post incubation parameters of the hays were all  similar (p&gt;0.05), except the organic matter digestibility (OMD) values (p&lt;0.05).It is concluded that the CP contents of the three grasses fell below ruminant requirement and slightly declined with increase in storage period, thereby suggesting earlier harvesting before the onset of dry season and serious  lignification. Andropogongayanus and B. decumbens proved to be better hays vis-avis storage in the shed, higher crude protein and dry matter contents while P.pedicellatum possessed better ash contents. Conclusively, it is more economical to store grass hays in the shed as there was no distinct difference in the results  obtained in the two storage places.Keywords: Grasses; Hay; Nutritive quality; Storage

    Effect of manure type and season of harvest on the forage yield, quality and macro-elements of two Panicum maximum varieties

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    A two year study was carried out to evaluate the effect of manure type and season on forage yield, quality and macro elements of two Panicum maximum varieties. The manures used are those of cattle, swine and poultry, the two P. maximum varieties are Local and Ntchisi whereas the seasons are the rainy and dry seasons. The grass samples were harvested and yield measured from each plot, the samples harvested were used in the determination of the dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and macro-elements (P, Ca, K, Mg and Na). The grasses harvested in the rainy season (14.55 vs 15.76 tha-1 for 2010 and 2011 respectively) had better yield (P&lt;0.05) than those of the dry season (12.2 vs 13.32 tha-1 for 2010 and 2011 respectively) in both year of the study. Grasses fertilized with swine manure outweighed others in both years  (16.65 vs 18.51 tha-1 for 2010 and 2011 respectively) and P. maximum Ntchisi was  performed better than P. maximum Local. The crude protein (CP) content of grasses harvested in the rainy season (104.20 vs 110.30 g kg-1DM for 2010 and 2011  respectively) was higher than those of dry season, the CP content of grasses  fertilized with cattle dung was highest in the first year and grasses fertilized with swine manure had the highest CP content in the second year, though statistically similar to those fertilized with cattle dung. The neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of the grasses fertilized with poultry manure (594.01 vs 580.12 g kg-1DM for 2010 and 2011 respectively) was the least (P&lt;0.05) for both years and P. maximum Ntchisi had the least NDF  content. The grasses harvested in the dry season in both years recorded higher (P&lt;0.05) values for P (3.18 vs 3.21 g kg-1DM), Ca (5.99 vs 5.82 g kg-1DM) and Mg (2.23 vs 2.25 g kg-1DM) concentrations for 2010 and 2011  respectively, while the grasses harvested in the rainy season had higher (P&lt;0.05) values for K (8.79 vs 8.83 g kg-1DM) and Na (1.63 vs 1.52 g kg-1DM)    concentrations for 2010 and 2011 respectively. Grasses fertilized with swine manure had the highest P concentration, Ca   concentration in the first year was  recorded for unfertilized grasses. Grasses fertilized with cattle dung had the highest Mg (2.13 vs 2.18 g kg-1DM) concentration in 2010 and 2011 respectively whereas the K (8.87 vs 8.61 g kg-1DM) and Na (1.71 vs 1.90 g kg-1DM) concentrations for 2010 and 2011 respectively were recorded for grasses fertilized with swine manure and unfertilized ones respectively. Panicum maximum Ntchisi had higher values of Ca (5.63 vs 5.49 g kg-1DM), Mg (2.23 vs 2.01 g kg-1DM), K (8.38 vs 7.93 g kg-1DM) and Na (1.34 vs 1.29 g kg-1DM) concentration for 2010 and 2011 respectively. It could be concluded that manured P. maximum varieties are a very good source of macro minerals for ruminant livestock.Keywords: Mineral, grasses, ruminant, Guinea grass, concentration

    Residual effects of animal manures on physical and chemical characteristics of silage produced from Panicum maximum (Ntchisi) in Abeokuta south-west, Nigeria

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    This experiment was conducted to investigate effects of animal manures on chemical composition of silage produced from Panicum maximum (Ntchisi) two - years post application. The plots were established in June 2010 during this period, animal manures from cattle dung, swine waste, poultry droppings and small ruminant waste had been applied. In late July 2011, (i.e. after 8 weeks of re-growth) the forage materials were harvested at 25 cm above ground level from the plots where Panicum maximum (Ntchisi)[ P. maximum N ]fertilized with different animal manures were grown to produce silage. The silages were opened after 45 and 90 days of ensiling and sub samples were taken for determination of physical and chemical characteristics. The experiment consists of two factors namely; four manure types and control (i.e. without manure) and two lengths of ensiling (45 and 90 days).It was 5 x 2 factorial arrangements with 3 replicates. It was observed that all the parameters of physical characteristics of silage were significantly (P &lt; 0.05) influenced except moisture content. Also, proximate and fibre compositions parameters were significantly (P &lt; 0.05) different. The animal manures applied had positive effect on mouldiness of silage and, this was more pronounced in cattle manure at 90 days of ensiling. The silage produced from poultry–manure fertilized grass had desirable crude protein value, but at 90 days of ensiling, the best performance was observed with a considerable low ADF value. To ensure all yearround production of ruminants through adequate feeding with silage, Panicum maximum (Ntchisi) fertilized with poultry manure ensiled for 90 days is therefore recommended for the farmers.Key words: residual; organic manure; silage; Panicum maximum (Ntchisi

    Forage elemental concentrations and ratios of two groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) varieties: effect of fertilizer type

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    Forages are the main source of minerals needed for growth and maintenance of bone, osmotic balance, muscle and nerve function, body enzymes, hormones, body cells and general well being of animals. This study was carried out to evaluate effect of fertilizer type on the elemental concentrations and ratios of two groundnut fodders. The study was a 3 x 2 factorial experiment in a split-plot design with the fertilizer type (poultry droppings, NPK and the control) as the main plot and variety (SAMNUT 22 and Local) as the sub-plot which amounts to six treatments with three replicates. The Ca value has affected by fertilizer type ranged from 12.95 g/kg DM to 16.50 g/kg DM for the organicfertilized groundnut forage and the inorganic-fertilized, respectively. The two varieties that were inorganically-fertilized had the highest Ca contents. The phosphorus (2.65 g/kg DM) content of SAMNUT 22 variety was higher than that of the Local variety. A higher value of Fe was recorded for the Local variety, whereas the organic-fertilized forage had the highest Fe (229.46 mg/kg DM) content. The Ca:P ratio as influenced by varietal difference was significant with the Local variety having a higher ratio (8.09). The K:(Ca+Mg) ratio was affected by the fertilizer type, with the organic fertilized forage having a higher ratio. It can be concluded that the two varieties are a good source of calcium and could also help to combat grass tetany in cattle