19 research outputs found

    Enhancing Video Recommendation Using Multimedia Content

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    Video recordings are complex media types. When we watch a movie, we can effortlessly register a lot of details conveyed to us (by the author) through different multimedia channels, in particular, the audio and visual modalities. To date, majority of movie recommender systems use collaborative filtering (CF) models or content-based filtering (CBF) relying on metadata (e.g., editorial such as genre or wisdom of the crowd such as user-generated tags) at their core since they are human-generated and are assumed to cover the 'content semantics' of movies by a great degree. The information obtained from multimedia content and learning from muli-modal sources (e.g., audio, visual and metadata) on the other hand, offers the possibility of uncovering relationships between modalities and obtaining an in-depth understanding of natural phenomena occurring in a video. These discerning characteristics of heterogeneous feature sets meet users' differing information needs. In the context of this Ph.D. thesis [9], which is briefly summarized in the current extended abstract, approaches to automated extraction of multimedia information from videos and their integration with video recommender systems have been elaborated, implemented, and analyzed. Variety of tasks related to movie recommendation using multimedia content have been studied. The results of this thesis can motivate the fact that recommender system research can benefit from knowledge in multimedia signal processing and machine learning established over the last decades for solving various recommendation tasks

    How to combine visual features with tags to improve movie recommendation accuracy?

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    Previous works have shown the effectiveness of using stylistic visual features, indicative of the movie style, in content-based movie recommendation. However, they have mainly focused on a particular recommendation scenario, i.e., when a new movie is added to the catalogue and no information is available for that movie (New Item scenario). However, the stylistic visual features can be also used when other sources of information is available (Existing Item scenario). In this work, we address the second scenario and propose a hybrid technique that exploits not only the typical content available for the movies (e.g., tags), but also the stylistic visual content extracted form the movie files and fuse them by applying a fusion method called Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). Our experiments on a large catalogue of 13K movies have shown very promising results which indicates a considerable improvement of the recommendation quality by using a proper fusion of the stylistic visual features with other type of features

    Content-Based Multimedia Recommendation Systems: Definition and Application Domains

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    The goal of this work is to formally provide a general definition of a multimedia recommendation system (MMRS), in particular a content-based MMRS (CB-MMRS), and to shed light on different applications of multimedia content for solving a variety of tasks related to recommendation. We would like to disambiguate the fact that multimedia recommendation is not only about recommending a particular media type (e.g., music, video), rather there exists a variety of other applications in which the analysis of multimedia input can be usefully exploited to provide recommendations of various kinds of information

    Towards Multi-Modal Conversational Information Seeking

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    Recent research on conversational information seeking (CIS) mostly focuses on uni-modal interactions and information items. This perspective paper highlights the importance of moving towards developing and evaluating multi-modal conversational information seeking (MMCIS) systems as they enable us to leverage richer context, overcome errors, and increase accessibility. We bridge the gap between the multi-modal and CIS research and provide a formal definition for MMCIS.We discuss potential opportunities and research challenges in designing, implementing, and evaluating MMCIS systems. Based on this research, we propose and implement a practical open-source framework for facilitating MMCIS research

    Towards evaluating user profiling methods based on explicit ratings on item features

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    In order to improve the accuracy of recommendations, many recommender systems nowadays use side information beyond the user rating matrix, such as item content. These systems build user profiles as estimates of users' interest on content (e.g., movie genre, director or cast) and then evaluate the performance of the recommender system as a whole e.g., by their ability to recommend relevant and novel items to the target user. The user profile modelling stage, which is a key stage in content-driven RS is barely properly evaluated due to the lack of publicly available datasets that contain user preferences on content features of items. To raise awareness of this fact, we investigate differences between explicit user preferences and implicit user profiles. We create a dataset of explicit preferences towards content features of movies, which we release publicly. We then compare the collected explicit user feature preferences and implicit user profiles built via state-of-the-art user profiling models. Our results show a maximum average pairwise cosine similarity of 58.07% between the explicit feature preferences and the implicit user profiles modelled by the best investigated profiling method and considering movies' genres only. For actors and directors, this maximum similarity is only 9.13% and 17.24%, respectively. This low similarity between explicit and implicit preference models encourages a more in-depth study to investigate and improve this important user profile modelling step, which will eventually translate into better recommendations

    A unifying and general account of fairness measurement in recommender systems

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    Fairness is fundamental to all information access systems, including recommender systems. However, the landscape of fairness definition and measurement is quite scattered with many competing definitions that are partial and often incompatible. There is much work focusing on specific – and different – notions of fairness and there exist dozens of metrics of fairness in the literature, many of them redundant and most of them incompatible. In contrast, to our knowledge, there is no formal framework that covers all possible variants of fairness and allows developers to choose the most appropriate variant depending on the particular scenario. In this paper, we aim to define a general, flexible, and parameterizable framework that covers a whole range of fairness evaluation possibilities. Instead of modeling the metrics based on an abstract definition of fairness, the distinctive feature of this study compared to the current state of the art is that we start from the metrics applied in the literature to obtain a unified model by generalization. The framework is grounded on a general work hypothesis: interpreting the space of users and items as a probabilistic sample space, two fundamental measures in information theory (Kullback–Leibler Divergence and Mutual Information) can capture the majority of possible scenarios for measuring fairness on recommender system outputs. In addition, earlier research on fairness in recommender systems could be viewed as single-sided, trying to optimize some form of equity across either user groups or provider/procurer groups, without considering the user/item space in conjunction, thereby overlooking/disregarding the interplay between user and item groups. Instead, our framework includes the notion of statistical independence between user and item groups. We finally validate our approach experimentally on both synthetic and real data according to a wide range of state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms and real-world data sets, showing that with our framework we can measure fairness in a general, uniform, and meaningful way

    Hierarchical Clustering to Identify Emotional Human Behavior in Online Classes: The Teacher’s Point of View

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    Teacher and student emotions are a fundamental basis in the development of the teaching-learning process. In this paper, we aim to verify whether it is possible for the emotions that are registered on a teacher’s face to constitute emotional vectors and therefore be grouped hierarchically in order to obtain the teacher’s emotional behavior during a virtual class. The experimental process demonstrated that it is possible to obtain an emotional funnel whose result is reflected in a valid hierarchical cluster to identify the set of emotions of a teacher when dealing with a specific topic or in the course of a time window. The work is in progress, but the conclusions it offers are valid enough to be proposed as a basis for recommendations in the teaching-learning process. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Nudging Towards Health in a Conversational Food Recommender System Using Multi-Modal Interactions and Nutrition Labels

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    Humans engage with other humans and their surroundings through various modalities, most notably speech, sight, and touch. In a conversation, all these inputs provide an overview of how another person is feeling. When translating these modalities to a digital context, most of them are unfortunately lost. The majority of existing conversational recommender systems (CRSs) rely solely on natural language or basic click-based interactions. This work is one of the first studies to examine the influence of multi-modal interactions in a conversational food recommender system. In particular, we examined the effect of three distinct interaction modalities: pure textual, multi-modal (text plus visuals), and multi-modal supplemented with nutritional labeling. We conducted a user study (𝑁=195) to evaluate the three interaction modalities in terms of how effectively they supported users in selecting healthier foods. Structural equation modelling revealed that users engaged more extensively with the multi-modal system that was annotated with labels, compared to the system with a single modality, and in turn evaluated it as more effective