6 research outputs found

    Compreensão de descrições definidas e de anáforas associativas

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    In this study, we observe how children and adults build thematic continuity when reading expositive texts of scientific diffusion. We deal with the interference of both reading experience and definite noun phrases organization in achieving reading comprehension. It is our intention to answer questions such as: to what extent do definite noun phrases and associative anaphora interfere in reading, making information processing a more complex activity? Following Marcuschi e Koch, 1998; Marcuschi, 1998; Koch, 1998; Koch, 2000 e 2002; Apothéloz e Reichler-Béguelin, 1995; Mondada e Dubois, 1995, we consider that the activity of constructing reference is a discursive one and that the referents of anaphoric expressions are built by the cognitive-discursive action of subjects in communicative situations


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    In this study, we observe how children and adults build thematic continuity when reading expositive texts of scientific diffusion. We deal with the interference of both reading experience and definite noun phrases organization in achieving reading comprehension. It is our intention to answer questions such as: to what extent do definite noun phrases and associative anaphora interfere in reading, making information processing a more complex activity? Following Marcuschi e Koch, 1998; Marcuschi, 1998; Koch, 1998; Koch, 2000 e 2002; Apothéloz e Reichler-Béguelin, 1995; Mondada e Dubois, 1995, we consider that the activity of constructing reference is a discursive one and that the referents of anaphoric expressions are built by the cognitive-discursive action of subjects in communicative situations

    Ensino de gramática: contribuições de livros didáticos de Língua Portuguesa/ Grammar teaching: contributions from Portuguese textbooks

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise do trabalho com o ensino de gramática proposto por coleções de livros didáticos de Língua Portuguesa, de modo a identificar as contribuições que as coleções têm trazido para o ensino. Apresentamos uma análise geral de 40 coleções, em uso em escolas de Ensino Fundamental do país nos períodos de 2010 a 2012 e de 2011 a 2013. Desenvolvemos essa análise com base no estudo dos livros didáticos, bem como nas resenhas dessas coleções, publicadas nos Guias de Livro Didático. Assumindo uma concepção discursiva da língua e da linguagem (ANTUNES, 2010), interessou-nos investigar: por meio de que tipos de atividades o trabalho com esse eixo é proposto? Como são abordados os fatos da língua? Até que ponto o ensino de gramática contribui para reflexão sobre o uso da língua? ABSTRACTThis paper presents an analysis of the work with grammar proposed in Portuguese textbook series, aiming at identifying contributions they offer for Portuguese teaching. We present a general analysis of 40 textbook series that are in use in primary schools for the periods 2010-2012 and 2011-2013.   We developed this analysis based on the study of their textbooks and also on the Reviews published in the Textbook Guides regarding two editions of the National Textbook Program. Assuming a discursive conception of language (ANTUNES, 2010), what interested us was to understand: how is the work with linguistic knowledge in these collections; through what types of activities it is proposed; how the facts of language are approached; if the treatment of grammatical content contributes to a reflection on language use