33 research outputs found

    Couples that work full time and are happily married : myth or reality?

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    Este trabalho apresenta parte de uma pesquisa quantitativa cujo principal objetivo foi avaliar a satisfação no casamento de homens e mulheres que optaram por relacionamentos de duplo trabalho. Participaram do estudo 222 homens e 222 mulheres casados/as, funcionários/as em diversas instituições públicas de Brasília - DF. A maior concentração de respondentes de ambos os sexos está na faixa etária entre 31 a 40 anos. Os participantes responderam a um questionário demográfico e à Escala de Ajustamento Diádico - DAS. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos participantes está satisfeita com seus relacionamentos, sendo que as mulheres apresentaram média de satisfação inferior à dos homens. Quanto à percepção do futuro do relacionamento, ficou evidente o comprometimento de homens e mulheres em investirem na manutenção do casamento. Os resultados questionam a idéia vigente de falência do casamento e da família e apontam para uma transformação das relações. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper presents part of a quantitative research regarding marriages in which men and women are engaged in full time work. The main objective was to evaluate marital satisfaction in dual worker couples. Subjects were 222 married men and 222 married women that work in several public institutions in Brasilia - DF. The majority of the participants were between 31 to 40 years old. They answered a demographic questionnaire and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale - DAS. Results showed that the majority of participants were satisfied with their relationships although women presented lower satisfaction scores then men. Regarding the perception of the future of the relationship, the results showed that subjects were committed to preserve their marriage. These data question current ideas that marriages and families are outmoded and point in the direction of a transformation in interpersonal relationships

    TMJ response to mandibular advancement surgery: an overview of risk factors

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    Objective: In order to understand the conflicting information on temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathophysiologic responses after mandibular advancement surgery, an overview of the literature was proposed with a focus on certain risk factors. Methods: A literature search was carried out in the Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases in the period from January 1980 through March 2013. Various combinations of keywords related to TMJ changes [disc displacement, arthralgia, condylar resorption (CR)] and aspects of surgical intervention (fixation technique, amount of advancement) were used. A hand search of these papers was also carried out to identify additional articles. Results: A total of 148 articles were considered for this overview and, although methodological troubles were common, this review identified relevant findings which the practitioner can take into consideration during treatment planning: 1- Surgery was unable to influence TMJ with preexisting displaced disc and crepitus; 2- Clicking and arthralgia were not predictable after surgery, although there was greater likelihood of improvement rather than deterioration; 3- The amount of mandibular advancement and counterclockwise rotation, and the rigidity of the fixation technique seemed to influence TMJ position and health; 4- The risk of CR increased, especially in identified high-risk cases. Conclusions: Young adult females with mandibular retrognathism and increased mandibular plane angle are susceptible to painful TMJ, and are subject to less improvement after surgery and prone to CR. Furthermore, thorough evidenced-based studies are required to understand the response of the TMJ after mandibular advancement surgery

    Satisfação conjugal: revisão integrativa da literatura científica nacional

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    Este estudo tem por objetivo apresentar uma revisão integrativa acerca do construto 'satisfação conjugal'. A partir das bases de dados LILACS e SciELO (1970-2008), foram recuperados e analisados 10 trabalhos. A maioria trata da definição de conceitos (e.g., ajustamento, qualidade) relacionados ao tema. Encontram-se investigações em diferentes contextos de casais e de construção de instrumentos de mensuração. Os estudos revelam que o relacionamento conjugal está positivamente associado à saúde e à qualidade de vida, principalmente nos anos de maturidade e velhice, embora seja apontada a necessidade de um maior número de estudos sistemáticos no contexto brasileiro

    A AIDS de nossos dias: quem é o responsável? The AIDS of our days: who is responsible?

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    Investiga-se a problemática da AIDS, com apoio na teoria das perspectivas divergentes (Jones & Nisbett, 1972) e na crença no mundo justo (Lerner, 1975). Pretende-se demonstrar que a interpretação desse evento vitimador pode variar ao se considerar a pessoa infectada (o ator, que adota causas externas) ou o médico (o observador, que usa causas internas ao ator); que atores e observadores diferem quanto à crença no mundo justo; e que as respostas de combate à doença dependem da atribuição feita pelos pacientes. Participaram da pesquisa 191 portadores de HIV/AIDS e 200 médicos, que responderam ao questionário de atribuição de causalidade e à escala de crença no mundo justo. Os resultados evidenciaram diferenças nas atribuições de atores e observadores nas direções preconizadas e o importante papel mediador da atividade atributiva no enfrentamento do infortúnio. Discute-se a utilidade dos achados para a prática dos profissionais de saúde que lidam com os soropositivos.<br>The problem of AIDS is investigated with the support on the theory of divergent perspectives (Jones & Nisbett, 1972) and the belief in a just world (Lerner, 1975). It is intended to demonstrate that the interpretation of this victimizing event may vary when considering the infected person (the actor, who adopts outside causes) or the doctor (the observer, who uses internal causes to the actor); that actors and observers differ as to the belief in a just world; and that the coping responses to the disease depend on the attribution made by the patients. 191 HIV/AIDS patients and 200 doctors participated in the research, answering the questionnaire on causal attribution and the belief in a just world scale. The results put in evidence differences in the attribution of actors and observers in the expected directions and the important mediating role of the attributive activity in facing the affliction. The usefulness of these findings to a better understanding of the patients' reactions to the disease and to the treatment itself is discussed