1,122 research outputs found

    Impact of global change on environmental hazards of different clays: A case study on Aliivibrio fischeri

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    The effects of global change in marine ecosystems are expected to lower pH from the current 8.1-7.5-7.0, which will have significant impacts on marine species. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the ecotoxicity of ten different natural clays change significantly in response to the acidification process and what factors are associated with the observed changes. In this study, the ecotoxicological response of a bacterium (Aliivibrio fischeri) was tested under current (pH= 8.1) and acidified (pH 7.5 and 7.0) conditions. The ecotoxicity detected in the solid phase test (SPT protocol) and in the contact water was affected by the pH, which increased the ecotoxicity from 2/10 clays (pH 8.10) to 7/10 clays (pH 7.00), also shifting the detected effects from low to high toxicity values. The analyses performed on the natural clays studied show that pH can affect the release of metals, metalloids and rare earths from the clays into the contact water phase, affecting the toxicity observed. This phenomenon depends on the type of clay and is closely related to its mineralogical composition. As consequence, in a globally changing scenario, ecotoxicity, even of natural materials such as clay, cannot be considered stable, but must be accurately revaluated depending on the mineralogical and chemical composition of the clay. Moreover, the mineralogical composition of clays showed different efficiency in absorbing bacteria on the surface of clay particles. It was found that live bacterial cells were absorbed on the clay surface in numbers that were dependent on both clay types and pH levels

    Variations in caffeine and chlorogenic acid contents of coffees: what are we drinking?

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    The effect of roasting of coffee beans and the extraction of ground coffee with different volumes of hot pressurised water on the caffeine and the total caffeoylquinic acids (CQAs) content of the resultant beverages was investigated. While caffeine was stable higher roasting temperatures resulted in a loss of CQAs so that the caffeine/CQA ratio was a good marker of the degree of roasting. The caffeine and CQA content and volume was determined for 104 espresso coffees obtained from coffee shops in Scotland, Italy and Spain, limited numbers of cappuccino coffees from commercial outlets and several instant coffees. The caffeine content ranged from 48–317 mg per serving and CQAs from 6–188 mg. It is evident that the ingestion of 200 mg of caffeine per day can be readily and unwittingly exceeded by regular coffee drinkers. This is the upper limit of caffeine intake from all sources recommended by US and UK health agencies for pregnant women. In view of the variable volume of serving sizes, it is also clear that the term “one cup of coffee” is not a reproducible measurement for consumption, yet it is the prevailing unit used in epidemiology to assess coffee consumption and to link the potential effects of the beverage and its components on the outcome of diseases. More accurate measurement of the intake of coffee and its potentially bioactive components are required if epidemiological studies are to produce more reliable information

    Colonic Metabolism of Polyphenols From Coffee, Green Tea, and Hazelnut Skins

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    Dietary polyphenolic compounds are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. The absorbed fraction follows the common metabolic pathway of drugs, undergoing phase II enzymatic detoxification with the conjugation of glucuronic acid, sulfate, and methyl groups. However, the unabsorbed fraction can reach the colon, becoming available for the wide array of enzymes produced by the local commensal microbiota. Gut bacteria can hydrolyze glycosides, glucuronides, sulfates, amides, esters, and lactones and are able to break down the polyphenolic skeleton and perform reactions of reduction, decarboxylation, demethylation, and dehydroxylation. These complex modifications generate several low–molecular-weight metabolites that can be efficiently absorbed in situ, subsequently undergoing further phase II metabolism, locally and/or at the liver level, before entering the systemic blood circulation and finally being excreted in urine in substantial quantities that exceed the excretion of phenolic metabolites formed in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This brief work focuses on the phenolic composition and colonic microbial transformation of 2 of the most polyphenol-rich dietary sources, namely, green tea and coffee, and a new interesting and innovative ingredient, hazelnut skin, recently evaluated as one of the richest edible sources of polyphenolic compounds

    Liability arising from restraint use in psychiatry [Responsabilità professionale derivante dall’uso della contenzione in psichiatria]

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    Lo scopo del presente articolo è quello di valutare se e quando l'uso della contenzione può essere giustificato in psichiatria. Gli autori espongono i vari tipi di costrizione e i rischi che tali mezzi comportano per il benessere psicofisico del paziente, soffermandosi ad analizzare se tali pratiche costituiscano realmente forme di cura sanitaria. Infatti, una risposta negativa a tale domanda comporterebbe che la contenzione non è mai obbligatoria e può essere eseguita solo in stato di necessità. Una risposta affermativa, invece, significherebbe che condizioni straordinarie potrebbero rendere obbligatoria la contenzione. Di conseguenza, i medici possono essere ritenuti legalmente responsabili se non usano la contenzione quando necessario per impedire ai pazienti di compiere atti di autolesionismo o danni ad altri. Poiché la contenzione di per sé comporta pesanti limitazioni alla libertà personale (art. 13 Cost.) e gravi rischi per la salute (art. 32 Cost.) essa può considerarsi obbligatoria solo se sono rispettati i criteri dello stato di assoluta necessità (ex art. 54 Cost. della legge penale italiana). Tali parametri dovrebbero essere fissati a livello nazionale e non locale.This article aims to lay out an assessment of whether and when restraint use may be warranted in psychiatry. The authors lay out various types of restraints and the risks posed by such means for the patient’s psychophysical well-being, wondering whether such practices really constitute forms of health care treatment. A negative response to that question would entail that restraint is never compulsory and can only be performed under the state of necessity. An affirmative answer, on the other hand, would mean that extraordinary conditions could make restraint mandatory. As a consequence of that, doctors may be held legally liable whether they fail to use restraint when necessary to keep patients from engaging in self-harm or harm against others. Since restraint per se entails heavy limitations to personal freedom (art. 13 Cost.) and serious risks for health (art. 32 Cost.) it can only be considered compulsory if the standards of an absolute state of necessity are met (under article 54 of Italian criminal statutes). Such parameters should be set on a national, rather than local, level. © 2021 Author(s)

    811. Correction of Laminin-5 β3 Chain Deficiency in Human Epidermal Stem Cells by Transcriptionally Targeted Lentiviral Vectors

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    Mutations in any of the genes encoding the laminin 5 heterotrimer (|[alpha]|3, |[beta]|3 and |[gamma]|2) cause junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB), a severe and often fatal skin adhesion defect. We and others have shown that expression of a retrovirally transferred |[beta]|3-chain cDNA in keratinocytes from affected patients reconstitutes normal synthesis, assembly and secretion of laminin 5, and corrects the adhesion defect in vitro and in vivo. We have recently started a phase-I clinical trial of gene therapy of JEB based on transplantation of cultured skin derived from autologous epidermal stem cells transduced with a MLV-derived retroviral vector. Since gamma- retroviral vectors have raised safety concerns for the genotoxic risk associated with the insertion of LTR elements into the human genome, we developed an alternative gene transfer strategy based on LTR- modified, HIV-derived lentiviral vectors. Two self-inactivating (SIN) lentiviral vectors were built, in which expression of either GFP or a LAMB3 cDNA is under the control of either a constitutive promoter (PGK) or the keratinocyte-specific, 2.2-kb promoter-enhancer of keratin 14 (K14). In a third construct, expression of the transgene is under the control of the viral LTR, modified by replacing the U3 region with two K14 enhancer elements. Analysis in human keratinocyte cultures and in full-thickness human skin equivalents reconstituted onto immunodeficient mice showed that GFP expression directed by the K14 elements is tissue-specific and restricted to the basal layer of the epidermis. Expression of laminin5 from the three alternative vectors was evaluated in keratinocyte cultures derived from skin biopsies of JEB patients. Biochemical and cell kinetics assays demonstrated transduction of epidermal clonogenic stem/progenitor cells and full phenotypic correction of JEB keratinocytes with all vectors. Southern blot analysis of individual cell clones showed that LTR-modified lentiviral vectors are genetically stable and integrate in multiple copies in the human genome. This study shows that the use of lentiviral vectors transcriptionally targeted to the basal keratinocytes by the insertion of restricted enhancer elements is an effective, and potentially safer, alternative for gene therapy of JEB

    Compositional study and antioxidant potential of Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. and Lepidium sativum L. seeds

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    The present investigation has been carried out to find the proximate composition, amino acids, metal contents, oil composition as well as the antioxidant capacity of the seeds of Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. and Lepidium sativum L. Proximate composition indicated a great difference in oil (14.09\ub10.66, 28.03\ub11.05) and fibre (16.55\ub10.31, 6.75\ub11.20) contents for I. hederacea and L. sativum, respectively. Fatty acid profile indicated that oleic acid (19.50 \ub1 0.37, 30.50 \ub1 0.16) and linoleic acid (52.09 \ub1 0.48, 8.60 \ub1 0.38) are major fatty acids. \u3b3-Tocopheol and alfa-tocopheol (28.70 \ub1 0.14, 111.56 \ub1 0.37) were the most abundant in the seed oil of I. hederacea and L. sativum, respectively. Results of antioxidant assays like TEAC, FRAP and TRAP indicated that L. sativum has much greater antioxidant potential than I. hederacea

    Friedensförderung in Zeiten von COVID-19: Risikoadaptierte Strategien von Kooperations- und Entwicklungsprojekten

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    National and international cooperation and development projects (CDP) are fundamental for peacebuilding. However, unforeseen global crises, like COVID-19, can endanger such projects, requiring rapid adaption. In Colombia, the coronavirus outbreak threatens to slow the implementation of peace-related projects, while simultaneously violence over control and ownership of land increases. Although the mid- to long-term consequences for peacebuilding are unknown, exploring risk-adapted strategies of national and international CDP can help identify crucial aspects for future processes and implementations. This study explores the key challenges and coping strategies of implementing agencies and stakeholders to COVID-19, thus helping to derive and improve risk-adapted strategies. After reviewing academic and grey literature, and implementing a semi-structured survey, peacebuilding risked-adapted strategies to COVID-19 are explored with respect to conflict-affected and vulnerable areas of Colombia. Findings show that increasing complexity rooted in top down governmental measures, the rise of new local power relations (e.g. armed groups, illicit activities), and social alienation are negatively affecting peacebuilding in Colombia. Future CDP risk adapted strategies should build on local interests and needs through public-private and environmental cooperation.Nationale und internationale Kooperations- und Entwicklungsprojekte (CDP) sind für die Friedensförderung von grundlegender Bedeutung. Unvorhergesehene globale Krisen, wie COVID-19, können solche Projekte jedoch gefährden und erfordern eine rasche Anpassung. In Kolumbien droht der Ausbruch des Coronavirus die Durchführung friedensbezogener Projekte zu verlangsamen, während gleichzeitig die Gewalt über die Kontrolle und den Besitz von Land zunimmt. Obwohl die mittel- bis langfristigen Folgen für die Friedenskonsolidierung unbekannt sind, kann die Untersuchung risikoangepasster Strategien des nationalen und internationalen CDP dazu beitragen, entscheidende Aspekte für künftige Prozesse und Implementierungen zu ermitteln. Diese Studie untersucht die Herausforderungen und Bewältigungsstrategien der Durchführungsorganisationen und Interessengruppen im Kontext von COVID-19, umso risikoangepasste Strategien abzuleiten und zu verbessern. Basierend auf Literaturrecherche und der Durchführung semi-strukturierter Interviews werden risikoangepasste Strategien der Friedensförderung für COVID-19 in unterschiedlichen Teilen Kolumbiens untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die zunehmende Komplexität, die in den Maßnahmen der Regierung von oben nach unten, dem Entstehen neuer lokaler Machtverhältnisse (z. B. bewaffnete Gruppen, illegale Aktivitäten) und in zunehmend sozialer Entfremdung wurzelt, die Friedensförderung in Kolumbien negativ beeinflusst. Künftige risikoangepasste Strategien des CDP sollten auf lokalen Interessen und Bedürfnissen durch öffentlich-private und umweltpolitische Zusammenarbeit aufbauen.Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. (3493)Peer Reviewe

    Use of Dairy and Plant-Derived Lactobacilli as Starters for Cherry Juice Fermentation

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    BACKGROUND: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) exhibit a great biodiversity that can be exploited for different purposes, such as to enhance flavours or metabolize phenolic compounds. In the present study, the use of dairy and plant-derived LAB strains to perform cherry juice fermentation is reported. METHODS: The growth ability of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus was studied in cherry juice. Profiling of sugars, organic acids and volatile compounds was performed by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry), while the phenolic fraction was characterized using UHPLC (Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography) equipped with a linear ion trap-mass spectrometer. RESULTS: Sucrose significantly decreased in all fermented samples as well as malic acid, converted to lactic acid by malolactic fermentation. The total amount of volatile compounds increased. Specifically, propyl acetate, an ester with fruit notes, reached the highest concentration in L. rhamnosus and L. paracasei (dairy strains) fermented juices. Phenolics were extensively metabolized: caffeic acid was converted into dihydrocaffeic acid, p-coumaric acid into 4-ethylphenol and phenyllactic acid was produced. CONCLUSION: Lactic acid fermentation confer fruit notes to the juice and enhance phenyllactic acids, especially employing dairy strains (L. rhamnosus and L. paracasei). The level of dihydrocaffeic acid, a compound with putative biological activity was also increased (in particular with L. plantarum)

    Rapid and comprehensive evaluation of (poly)phenolic compounds in pomegranate (punica granatum L.) juice by UHPLC-MSn

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    The comprehensive identification of phenolic compounds in food and beverages is a crucial starting point for assessing their biological, nutritional, and technological properties. Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) has been described as a rich source of (poly)phenolic components, with a broad array of different structures (phenolic acids, flavonoids, and hydrolyzable tannins) and a quick, high throughput, and accurate screening of its complete profile is still lacking. In the present work, a method for UHPLC separation and linear ion trap mass spectrometric (MSn) characterization of pomegranate juice phenolic fraction was optimized by comparing several different analytical conditions. The best solutions for phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and ellagitannins have been delineated and more than 70 compounds have been identified and fully characterized in less than one hour total analysis time. Twenty-one compounds were tentatively detected for the first time in pomegranate juice. The proposed fingerprinting approach could be easily translated to other plant derived food extracts and beverages containing a wide array of phytochemical compounds
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