850 research outputs found

    La calidad colaborativa: un nuevo concepto para la calidad turística

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    The technology 2.0, has transformed consumers into informed individuals, content generators and sources of feedback for companies, positioning themselves as key elements to managing quality. This article analyses the positioning, visualization, communication and interaction that current Spanish tourism systems for quality management: the Q mark for quality and SICTED [Complete System for Tourism Quality in Spanish Destinations] emblem, on websites and social media (Facebook & Twitter) in the Andalusian hotel industry. This investigation shows that current tourism QMSs have ignored factors that generate value for new consumers: positioning, visibility, communication and interaction. Their processes do not include marketing strategies associated with technology 2.0, to promote their brands as references of trust. They have removed consumers from the equation, essential pieces in any new business structure. This weakness has been utilized by “Influencer marks” in order to displace QMSs as references of trust. Tourism QMSs should transition from tools of correct business management to guarantors of continual improvement that is visible, communicated, receives feedback to new consumers. QMSs must adapt to the new era of quality management, the Collaborative Quality.La tecnología 2.0 ha transformando a los consumidores en fuentes de creación y retroali¬mentación para las empresas, situándolos como elementos clave para la gestión de la calidad. El presente artículo analiza los sistemas de gestión de calidad (SGC) turística española: la marca Q de calidad y el distintivo SICTED, en las web y las redes sociales (Facebook y Twiter) en la industria hotelera de Andalucía. La investigación demuestra que los actuales SGC turística han obviado los factores que generan valor en los nuevos consumidores: Posi¬cionamiento, visibilidad, comunicación e interactuación. Sus procesos no implementan las estrategias de marketing asociadas a la tecnología 2.0, para potenciar sus marcas como refe¬rente de confianza. Han eludido a los nuevos consumidores, piezas esenciales de las nuevas estructuras empresariales. Esta debilidad ha sido utilizada por los “sellos influencers”, para desplazarlos como referentes de confianza. Los SGC turística deben transitar de herramien¬tas de correcta gestión empresarial a garantes de una mejora continua; visible, comunicada y retroalimentada por los nuevos consumidores. Adaptándose a la nueva etapa de la gestión de calidad, la Calidad Colaborativa

    Influence of different organoclays on the curing, morphology, and dynamic mechanical properties of an epoxy adhesive

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    The thermal, mechanical, and adhesive properties of nanoclay-modified adhesives were investigated. Two organically modified montmorillonites: Cloisite 93A (C93A) and Nanomer I.30E (I.30E) were used as reinforcement of an epoxy adhesive. C93A and I.30E are modified with tertiary and primary alkyl ammonium cations, respectively. The aim was to study the influence of the organoclays on the curing, and on the mechanical and adhesive properties of the nanocomposites. A specific goal was to compare their behavior with that of Cloisite30B/epoxy and Cloisite15A/ epoxy nanocomposites that we have previously studied. Both C30B and C15A are modified with quaternary alkyl ammonium cations. Differential scanning calorimetry results showed that the clays accelerate the curing reaction, an effect that is related to the chemical structure of the ammonium cations. The three Cloisite/nanocomposites showed intercalated clay structures,the interlayer distance was independent of the clay content. The I.30E/epoxy nanocomposites presented exfoliated structure due to the catalytic effect of the organic modifier. Clay-epoxy nanocompo-sites showed lower glass transition temperature (Tg) and higher values of storage modulus than neat epoxy thermoset, with no significant differences between exfoliated or intercalated nanocom-posites. The shear strength of aluminum joints using clay/epoxy adhesives was lower than with the neat epoxy adhesive. The wáter aging was less damaging for joints with I.30E/epoxy adhesive

    Ternary nanocomposites: curing, morphology and mechanical properties of epoxy/thermoplastic/organoclay systems

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    The influence of two organically modified montmorillonites on the curing, morphology and mechanical properties of epoxy/poly(vinyl acetate)/organoclay ternary nanocomposites was studied. The organoclays and poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) provoked contrary effects on the epoxy curing reaction. Ternary nanocomposites developed different morphologies depending on the PVAc content, that were similar to those observed in the epoxy/PVAc binary blends. The organoclays were only located in the epoxy phase independently of the morphology. All nanocomposites showed intercalated structures with similar clay interlayer distances. Both PVAC and organoclays lowered the Tg of the epoxy phase, the presence of clays did not influence the Tg of the PVAc phase. The addition of the organoclays to the epoxy improved stiffness but lowered ductility while the adition of PVAc improved toughness although reduced stiffness of epoxy thermoset. Ternary nanocomposites exhibited optimal properties that combine the favourable effects of the clay and the thermoplastic

    Determinación de arsénico y mercurio en agua superficial del lago de Atitlán

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    El lago de Atitlán, considerado uno de los lagos más bellos del mundo, tiene una superficie de 125.7 km2, una profundidad máxima de aproximadamente 350 m, y se encuentra en el departamento de Sololá, en el occidente de Guatemala. Desde 2009 se han observado floraciones extensivas de cianobacterias en el lago, reflejando la contaminación del agua en la cuenca. Se determinaron los niveles de arsénico (As) y mercurio (Hg) en agua superficial del lago de Atitlán, por espectrofotometrí­a de absorción atómica (EAA), en cuatro muestreos realizados en marzo, mayo, agosto y octubre de 2014 en 14 sitios. Diez sitios se encuentran localizados en el lago, habiendo sido definidos en estudios anteriores con base en su cercaní­a a poblaciones asentadas en la orillas del lago. Dos sitios corresponden a los principales rí­os tributarios, y los restantes dos sitios a la entrada y salida de la planta de tratamiento Los Cebollales, ubicada en Panajachel. Los niveles de As encontrados en el lago de Atitlán, tributarios y en la planta de tratamiento, fueron superiores a 20 μg/L. Los resultados indican que la contaminación del lago de Atitlán por As se debe principalmente a la geologí­a de la cuenca, al localizarse en una zona volcánica. Los niveles cuantificables de As, son superiores al nivel máximo permitido para agua potable en la Norma de Agua Potable (NGO 29001:99) de la Comisión Guatemalteca de Normas (COGUANOR), por lo que el agua del lago de Atitlán no se considera apta para el consumo humano

    Manual del Profesor como Complemento a la Asignatura Laboratorio Integrado de la Titulación Grado en Ingeniería de Materiales

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    El fin principal de este proyecto es la creación de un Manual del Profesor con inclusión de cuestionarios, gráficos, muestras-tipo, etc. La generación de estos recursos didácticos adicionales permitirá al profesorado del Departamento de Ingeniería Química y de Materiales, anteriormente denominado Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, una mejor preparación de las prácticas de la asignatura Laboratorio Integrado de tercer curso del grado Ingeniería de Materiales impartido en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas. Actualmente esta asignatura cuenta con un total de 24 prácticas, clasificadas en cuatro bloques, a saber: tratamientos térmicos de aceros, metalografía, corrosión y procesado. En este proyecto se abordarán las prácticas relativas a Anodizado, Niquelado y Cobreado correspondientes al bloque de Procesado de Materiales

    Cerebral palsy - lower limbs: rehabilitation

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    Este estudo revisou artigos nas bases de dados do MEDLINE (PubMed) e demais fontes de pesquisa, sem limite de tempo. Para tan-to, adotou-se a estratégia de busca baseada em perguntas estruturadas na forma (P.I.C.O.) das iniciais: "Paciente"; "Intervençao"; "Controle" e "Outcome". Com esses descritores efetivaram-se cruzamentos de acordo com o tema proposto em cada tópico das perguntas (P.I.C.O.). Analisado esse material, foram selecionados os artigos relativos às perguntas e, por meio do estudo dos mesmos, estabeleceram-se as evidências que fundamentaram às diretrizes do presente documento.This study revised articles from the MEDLINE (PubMed) databases and other research sources, with no time limit. To do so, the search strategy adopted was based on (P.I.C.O.) structured questions (from the initials "Patient"; "Intervention"; "Control" and "Outcome". With the above keywords crossings were performed according to the proposed theme in each topic of the (P.I.C.O.) questions. After analyzing this material, therapy narrow articles regarding the questions were selected and, by studying those, the evidences that fundamented the directives of this document were established