9 research outputs found

    Dermatofitosis en la edad pediátrica en Málaga (1977-2006)

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    Estudio transversal retrospectivo incluyendo los pacientes de hasta 14 años que acudieron al Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Carlos Haya entre Enero 1977 y Diciembre 2006 en que se diagnosticó (confirmándose mediante examen directo y/o cultivo) una tiña, estudiándose diferentes variables clínicas, microbiológicas y epidemiológicas. Éste es el estudio nacional sobre epidemiología local de las tiñas que recoge mayor variedad y cantidad de datos, abarcando el segundo mayor periodo de tiempo estudiado, y suponiendo el primer gran estudio centrado en la infancia

    Incontinencia pigmenti. Estudio descriptivo de la experiencia en dos centros hospitalarios.

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    Incontinentia pigmenti is a rare genodermatosis of inheritance linked to the Xchromosome that affects tissues derived from ectoderm. The aim of the study is to review, as completely as possible, the cases diagnosed in paediatric patients in two hospitals. A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out, using the clinical, analytical, radiological, and genetic data of paediatric patients diagnosed with incontinentia pigmenti from 2004 to 2018. The data collected were analysed and evaluated at a multidisciplinary level. A total of thirteen patients diagnosed with incontinentia pigmenti were included in the study. All of them were female. A genetic study was performed on 11 patients, which confirmed findings compatible with incontinentia pigmenti in 10 of them. Extracutaneous involvement associated with the disease was observed at neurological level (radiological findings in 6 cases, and clinical expression in 3 of them), ophthalmological level (4 cases), dental level (7 cases), and haematological level (4 cases). A presentation is given of the most complete study published so far of incontinentia pigmenti in Spain. In this study, the results of the disease manifestations were similar to the largest case series published internationally, which reinforces the importance of a multidisciplinary study and follow-up

    Microcystic Lymphatic Malformation Successfully Treated With Topical Rapamycin

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    Microcystic lymphatic malformations (MLM) are low-flow vascular malformations composed of multiple small cysts. MLM usually affect deep lying structures, which makes their treatment even more difficult and complex. A novel and interesting treatment is rapamycin, a mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor that when orally administrated has offered favorable results. However, until recently, topical rapamycin had not been used in the treatment of MLM. Case 1 is a girl aged 13 years with extensive MLM affecting the muscles in the right buttock. The patient had received frequent cycles of cryotherapy, but they had failed to control the associated symptoms. In the previous 12 months, the patient had reported greater discomfort, swelling, exudate, and superinfection of the affected region. Because no specific treatment has yet been approved for MLM, and as a step before the use of aggressive systemic or intralesional treatments, it was decided to initiate treatment with 1% rapamycin ointment. After 4 months of treatment, the patient presented a marked improvement, with a significant reduction of associated complications and no major side effects. Case 2 is a boy aged 5 years who underwent surgery for an intergluteal lipoblastoma at 3 weeks of life and developed a MLM on the scar 6 months afterward. The lesion showed slow growth and continuous exudation with frequent episodes of superinfection. Treatments with laser multiplex and intralesionalbleomycin were performed unsuccessfully. In the previous 4 months, the patient had been treated with 1% rapamycin ointment with significant improvement and no side effects