894 research outputs found

    Heavy neutrino signals at large hadron colliders

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    We study the LHC discovery potential for heavy Majorana neutrino singlets in the process pp -> W+ -> l+ N -> l+ l+ jj (l=e,mu) plus its charge conjugate. With a fast detector simulation we show that backgrounds involving two like-sign charged leptons are not negligible and, moreover, they cannot be eliminated with simple sequential kinematical cuts. Using a likelihood analysis it is shown that, for heavy neutrinos coupling only to the muon, LHC has 5 sigma sensitivity for masses up to 200 GeV in the final state mu+- mu+- jj. This reduction in sensitivity, compared to previous parton-level estimates, is driven by the ~ 10^2-10^3 times larger background. Limits are also provided for e+- e+- jj and e+- mu+- jj final states, as well as for Tevatron. For heavy Dirac neutrinos the prospects are worse because backgrounds involving two opposite charge leptons are much larger. For this case, we study the observability of the lepton flavour violating signal e+- mu-+ jj. As a by-product of our analysis, heavy neutrino production has been implemented within the ALPGEN framework.Comment: Latex 36 pages, 49 PS figures. Major extension incorporating analysis for e+- e+-, e+- mu+- and e+- mu-+ final states. Final version to appear in JHE

    Tree FCNC and non-unitarity of CKM matrix

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    We discuss possible signatures of the tree level FCNC, which results from the non-unitarity of CKM matrix. We first define the unitaity step-by-step, and possible test of the non-unitaity through the 4-value-KM parametrization. We, then, show how the phase angle of the unitary triangle would change in case of the vector-like down quark model. As another example of tree FCNC, we investigate the leptophobic ZZ' model and its application to the recent BsB_s mixing measurements.Comment: Talk given at Neutrino Masses and Mixings 2006 (NMM2006), Shizuoka, Japan (December 2006

    Quark mixings and flavor changing interactions with singlet quarks

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    Aspects of the quark mixings and flavor changing interactions are investigated in electroweak models with singlet quarks. The effects on the ordinary quark mixing are determined in terms of the quark masses and the parameters describing the mixing between the ordinary quarks q and the singlet quarks Q (q-Q mixing). Some salient features arise in the flavor changing interactions through the q-Q mixing. The unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix within the ordinary quark sector is violated, and the flavor changing neutral currents (FCNC's) appear both in the gauge and scalar couplings. The flavor changing interactions are calculated appropriately in terms of the q-Q mixing parameters and the quark masses, which really exhibit specific flavor structures. It is found that there are reasonable ranges of the model parameters to reproduce the ordinary quark mass hierarchy and the actual CKM structure even in the presence of q-Q mixing. Some phenomenological effects of the singlet quarks are also discussed. In particular, the scalar FCNC's may be more important in some cases, if the singlet quarks as well as the extra scalar particles from the singlet Higgs fields have masses \sim 100 GeV -- 1 TeV.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, added reference

    Impact of right-handed interactions on the propagation of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos in matter

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    Dirac and Majorana neutrinos can be distinguished in relativistic neutrino oscillations if new right-handed interactions exist, due to their different propagation in matter. We review how these new interactions affect neutrino oscillation experiments and discuss the size of this eventually observable effect for different oscillation channels, baselines and neutrino energies.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    The Effective Lagrangian for Bulk Fermions in Models with Extra Dimensions

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    We compute the dimension 6 effective Lagrangian arising from the tree level integration of an arbitrary number of bulk fermions in models with warped extra dimensions. The coefficients of the effective operators are written in terms of simple integrals of the metric and are valid for arbitrary warp factors, with or without an infrared brane, and for a general Higgs profile. All relevant tree level fermion effects in electroweak and flavor observables can be computed using this effective Lagrangian.Comment: 22 pages. V2: typos corrected, matches published versio

    Identifying Unconventional E6_{\bf 6} Models at e+ee^+ e^- Colliders

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    Recently it was shown that, in the framework of superstring inspired \E models, the presence of generation dependent discrete symmetries allows us to construct a phenomenologically viable class of models in which the three generations of fermions do not have the same embedding within the fundamental {\bf 27} dimensional representation of E6_6. In this scenario, these different embeddings of the conventional fermions imply that the left-handed charged leptons and the right-handed dd-type quarks are coupled in a non--universal way to the new neutral gauge bosons (Zθ)(Z_\theta) present in these models. It was also shown that a unique signature for this scenario, would be a deviation from unity for the ratio of cross sections for the production of two different lepton species in e+ee^+e^- annihilation. However, several different scenarios are possible, depending on the particular assignment chosen for eLe_L, μL\mu_L and τL\tau_L and for the right-handed dd-type quarks, as well as on the type of ZθZ_\theta boson. Such scenarios can not be disentangled from one another by means of cross section measurements alone. In this paper we examine the possibility of identifying the pattern of embeddings through measurements of polarized and unpolarized asymmetries for fermion pair-production at the 500 GeV e+ee^+e^- Next Linear Collider (NLC). We show that it will be possible to identify the different patterns of unconventional assignments for the left-handed leptons and for the bRb_R quark, for ZθZ_\theta masses as large as 1.5\sim 1.5 TeV.Comment: Plain Tex, 15 pages, + 9 figure available upon request ([email protected] or [email protected]), UM-TH 93--1

    Antisymmetric tensor unparticle and the radiative lepton flavor violating decays

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    We study the contribution of the tensor unparticle mediation to the branching ratios of the radiative lepton flavor violating decays and predict a restriction region for free parameters of the scenario by using experimental upper limits. We observe that the branching ratios of the radiative lepton flavor violating decays are sensitive to the fundamental mass scales of the scenario and to the scale dimension of antisymmetric tensor unparticle. We obtain a more restricted set for the free parameters in the case of the \mu\rightarrow e \gamma decayComment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    The lepton flavor violating decays ZliljZ\to l_i l_j in the simplest little Higgs model

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    In the simplest little Higgs model the new flavor-changing interactions between heavy neutrinos and the Standard Model leptons can generate contributions to some lepton flavor violating decays of ZZ-boson at one-loop level, such as Zτ±μZ \to \tau^{\pm}\mu^{\mp}, Zτ±eZ\to \tau^{\pm}e^{\mp}, and Zμ±eZ \to \mu^{\pm}e^{\mp}. We examine the decay modes, and find that the branching ratios can reach 10710^{-7} for the three decays, which should be accessible at the GigaZZ option of the ILC.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Top effective operators at the ILC

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    We investigate the effect of top trilinear operators in t tbar production at the ILC. We find that the sensitivity to these operators largely surpasses the one achievable by the LHC either in neutral or charged current processes, allowing to probe new physics scales up to 4.5 TeV for a centre of mass energy of 500 GeV. We show how the use of beam polarisation and an eventual energy upgrade to 1 TeV allow to disentangle all effective operator contributions to the Ztt and gamma tt vertices.Comment: LaTeX 13 pages. Typos corrected. Final version in JHE

    Top effective operators at the ILC

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    We investigate the effect of top trilinear operators in t tbar production at the ILC. We find that the sensitivity to these operators largely surpasses the one achievable by the LHC either in neutral or charged current processes, allowing to probe new physics scales up to 4.5 TeV for a centre of mass energy of 500 GeV. We show how the use of beam polarisation and an eventual energy upgrade to 1 TeV allow to disentangle all effective operator contributions to the Ztt and gamma tt vertices.Comment: LaTeX 13 pages. Typos corrected. Final version in JHE