307 research outputs found

    Обґрунтування – припущення

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    Romantic relationship formation and the engagement in sexual behaviors are normative and salient developmental tasks for adolescents and young adults. These developmental tasks are increasingly viewed from an ecological perspective, thus as strongly embedded in different social contexts. This volume brings together seven recent empirical studies that investigated different aspects of adolescents’ and young adults’ romantic relationships and sexuality, and the linkages with various characteristics of relations with parents, peers, and partners. These studies were conducted in six Western countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and the USA. Three studies examined the formation of young people’s romantic relationships, and the other four studies focused on youth’s developing sexuality. Together, they employed a diverse range of state-of-the-art research methods, including online questionnaires, computer-assisted interviews, daily diary assessments, and observations of dyadic interactions. In the editorial chapter, these recent advances in empirical research are discussed and framed within two important changes in the theoretical perspectives on young people’s emerging romantic relationships and sexual activity: from risky behaviors to normative tasks, and from individual to contextualized processes. Throughout this volume, important directions for future research are suggested, specifically focusing on how to better incorporate the interrelational perspective into empirical research on these topics, and how to further bridge the gap between the research fields on romantic relationships and sexuality

    Are (pre)adolescents differentially susceptible to experimentally manipulated peer acceptance and rejection? A vignette-based experiment

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    The differential susceptibility model proposes that some children are more susceptible to both positive and negative peer relationships than others. However, experimental evidence supporting such a proposition is relatively scarce. The current experiment aimed to help address this gap, investigating whether Chinese (pre)adolescents who have higher levels of general sensitivity to the environment (i.e., higher levels of sensory processing sensitivity [SPS]) would be more strongly affected by peer acceptance and rejection. (Pre)adolescents aged 8.75–15.17 (N = 1,207, Mage = 11.19 years, 59.7% boys) randomly received four hypothetical vignettes describing either peer acceptance or peer rejection. Before and after this manipulation, they reported on their positive and negative mood. We assessed (pre)adolescents’ SPS using (pre)adolescent self-reports, as well as caregiver reports for a subset of (pre)adolescents (n = 480). Results supported differential susceptibility to peer rejection and acceptance for self-reported SPS, but not caregiver-reported SPS. (Pre)adolescents with higher levels of self-reported SPS not only had stronger increases in positive mood upon peer acceptance (susceptible “for better”; β = .09, p = .001) but also stronger increases in negative mood upon peer rejection (susceptible “for worse”; β = .09, p = .023). These findings illustrate the short-term dynamics that may underlie differences in children’s long-term susceptibility to acceptance or rejection by peers

    Predicting young children's externalizing problems:Interactions among effortful control, parenting, and child sex

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    This study investigated interactions between observed temperamental effortful control and observed parenting in the prediction of externalizing problems. Child gender effects on these relations were examined. The relations were examined concurrently when the child was 3 years old and longitudinally at 4.5 years. The sample included 89 two-parent families and their firstborn children. Children with a low level of effortful control were most at risk of displaying externalizing problems. However, more parental positive control seemed to buffer this risk. Boys were at risk of displaying externalizing problems, but again this was buffered by parental positive control. Effortful control was more strongly related to concurrent externalizing problems in boys than in girls, but girls’ effortful control had a greater long-term effect on externalizing problems

    Захист вітчизняного товаровиробника при здійсненні державних закупівель: зарубіжний досвід

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    Систематизовані знання щодо зарубіжного досвіду здійснення захисту вітчизняного товаровиробника при здійсненні державних закупівель. Проаналізовані основні елементи протекціонізму в США, Великобританії, Швейцарії, Італії, Ізраїлі. Висловлені пропозиції щодо особливостей впровадження їх у вітчизняних реаліях.Систематизированны знания относительно зарубежного опыта реализации защиты отечественного товаропроизводителя при осуществлении государственных закупок. Проанализированы основные элементы протекционизма в США, Великобритании, Швейцарии, Италии, Израиле. Сформулированы предложения относительно особенностей внедрения их в отечественных реалиях.In the articles systematized of knowledge in relation to foreign experience of realization of defence of domestic commodity producer during realization of the public purchasing. An analysis of basic elements of protectionism in the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Israel. Suggestions are expressed in relation to the features of introduction of them in domestic realities are detailed

    Державний фінансовий контроль є невід'ємною частиною державного управління

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    This multilevel study examined the relationships between moral climate factors and prosocial as well as antisocial behaviors inside and outside the school (school misconduct, delinquent behavior, and vandalism). The moral climate factors were punishment- and victim-based moral orientation, relationships among students, and teacher-student relationships. The analyses of data from 670 students in 69 classes showed that the classroom-level variables only had a significant impact on misconduct at school of students aged 12 to 20. For the other outcome variables, the student-level variables (student and teacher-student relationships, but especially students’ moral orientation) were significant. A novel finding was that a positive teacher-student relationship not only proved to be related to less misconduct inside the school but also to less delinquent behavior and vandalism outside the school. This indicates that the teacher is an important socializing agent for adolescent behavior in general