148 research outputs found


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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati koji su aspekti odnosa između roditeija i adolescenata važni za odnose njihove djece s vršnjacima. U istraživanju je suđjelovalo 508 obitelji. Ispitano je 969 roditelja (502 majke i 467 očeva) i 508 adolescenata (254 djevojke i 254 mladića) starih 12 do 18 godina. Roditelji su ispunjavali upitnike koji mjere njihove odnose prema djeci, a adolescenti su ispunjavali upitnike koji mjere njihove odnose s vršnjacima. Primijenjeno je više ijestvica procjena koje mjere različite oblike roditeljskih odgojnih postupaka: prihvaćanje, privrženost, uključenost u odgoj, razumijevanje, uskraćivanje ljubavi i nadzor. Indikatori odnosa adolescenata s vršnjacima bili su: učestalost druženja s vršnjacima, imaju li najboljeg prijatelja ili ne, percipirana prihvaćenost u društvu vršnjaka i privrženost prijateijima. Rezultati su pokazali da je važno razlikovati dva različita aspekta međusobnih odnosa adolescenata: uključenost u aktivnosti svršnjacima (definirana količinom zajedničkih aktivnosti i prijateijstvima koja su površne naravi) i kvaliteta odnosa s prijateljima (definiran osjećajem prihvaćenosti u društvu vršnjaka i privrženošću prijateijima). Među roditeijskim varijablama najvažnijima su se pokazale prihvaćanje djeteta i nadzor nad djecom. Različiti aspekti odnosa između roditelja i djece povezani su s intenzitetom i kvalitetom odnosa adolescenata s vršnjacima. Dok je na]ači prediktor uključenosti u aktivnosti s vršnjacima niska razina rodlteliskoqnaczora, kvalitetan odnos s vršnjacima može se najbolje predvidjeti na temeiju roditeljskog prihvaćanja djeteta. Rezultati također ukazuju da odgojni postupci očeva i majki imaju slično djelovanje.The aim of this study was to examine which aspects of parentadolescent relations contribute to the quality of adolescentpeer relations. Five hundred and eight families participated in the study. The sample consisted of 969 parents (502 mothers and 467 fathers) and 508 children (254 females and 254 males), 12 to 18 years old. Parents were administered questionnaires measuring parent-child relationship, while adolescents completed questionnaires measuring their relationship towards peers. Several aspects of the quality of parent-child relations were assessed: parental acceptance, attachment, involvement, responsiveness, love withdrawal and monitoring of the child. The indicators of the quality of peer relations were: degree of peer activity, having a best friend, perceived acceptance by peers and attachment to peers. The findings suggested that a distinction should be made between two aspects of adolescents\u27 relationship with peers: involvement with peers (defined as the degree of activities with peers and friendships which are more superficial in nature) and the quality of the relationship with peers (defined as perceived social acceptance and attachment to peers). Different aspects of the parent-adolescent relationship predicted involvement with peers and the quality of peer relations. Parental acceptance and monitoring of the child appeared to be the most important predictors of the adolescent- peer relations. Parental acceptance of the child was associated with a higher quality of the relationship with peers, while low monitoring of the adolescents\u27 activities was associated with a higher involvement with peers. Results also indicated that mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 child-rearing practices related in a similar way to the adolescent-peer relations.Ziel dieser Untersuchung war zu hinterfragen, welche Aspekte im Verhaltnis zwischen Eltern und Adoleszenten wichtig sind fur die gegenseitigen Beziehungen der Kinder zu ihren Altersgenossen. An der Untersuchung nahmen 508 Familien teil. Befragt wurden insgesamt 969 Eltern (502 MOtter und 467 Vater) sowie 508 Adoleszenten (254 Madchen und 254 Jungen) im Alter zwischen 12 und 18 Jahren. Die Eltern fUlIten Fragebogen aus, anhand deren ihr Verhaltnis zu den Kindern gem essen wurde; die Jugendlichen wiederum fOIlten Fragebogen aus, anhand deren man ihre Beziehungen zu denAltersgenossen ermittelte. Es wurden mehrere Beurteilungsskalen angewandt, um die verschiedenen elterlichen Erziehungsmar..nahmen zu ermitteln; diese umfassen: Akzeptieren, Innigkeit, Teilnahme an der Erziehung, Verstandnis, GefUhlskalte und Kontrolle. Die Indikatoren tur die Ermittlung der gegenseitigen Beziehungen der Jugendlichen untereinander lauten: Haufigkeit des Umgangs mit Gleichaltrigen, Bestehen eines besten Freundes bzw. einer besten Freundin, die . selbst wahrgenommene eigene Anerkennung unter Gleichaltrigen sowie ein inniges Verhaltnis zu Freunden. Die Umfrageergebnisse zeigten, dar.. in bezug auf die gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen den Adoleszenten zwei Aspekte unterschieden werden mussert zum einen die Teilnahme an Aktivitaten mitAltersgenossen (definiert durch die Zahl gemeinsamer Unternehmungen sowie oberflachliche Freundschaften), zum anderen die QuaIitat der Beziehungen zu Freunden (definiert durch das eigene Erlebnis der Anerkennung bei den Altersgenossen und ein inniges Verhaltnis zu Freunden). Auf elterlicher Seite erwiesen sich das Akzeptieren des Kindes und die Kontrolle Ober das Kind als die wichtigsten Variablen. Verschiedene Aspekte des Eltern-Kind- Verhaltnisses stehen in Bezug zur lntensitat und Oualitat des Umgangs der Adoleszenten miteinander. Wahrend eine schwach ausgepragte elterliche Kontrolle als starkster Pradiktor fur die Teilnahme an Aktivitaten mit Gleichaltrigen gilt, kann aufgrund der elterlichen Akzeptierung des Kindes am ehesten angenommen werden, dar.. dieses gute Beziehungen zu seinen Altersgenossen knOpfen wird. Dafš die elterlichen Erziehungsmal:?nahmen eine ahnliche Wirkung erzieien, ist aus den Ergebnissen ebenfalls einsichtig

    Executive function deficits in preschool children with ADHD and DBD

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    Background: Impairments in executive functions (EF) are consistently associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and to a lesser extent, with disruptive behavior disorder (DBD), that is, oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder, in school-aged children. Recently, larger numbers of children with these disorders are diagnosed earlier in development, yet knowledge about impairments in clinically diagnosed preschool children and the role of comorbidity is limited. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to examine EF in clinically referred preschool children with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD, DBD and ADHD + DBD. Method: Participants were 202 children aged 3.5–5.5 years, 61 with ADHD only, 33 with DBD only, 52 with comorbid ADHD + DBD and 56 typically developing children. Five EF tasks were administered. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the two-factor model (inhibition and working memory) fit the data better than a one-factor model in this clinical sample. Preschoolers with ADHD displayed inhibition deficits, also after controlling for IQ. Likewise, preschoolers with DBD displayed impaired inhibition, but when IQ was controlled differences were carried mostly by the effect on the task where motivational demands were high (i.e. when tangible rewards were used). This pattern was also found in the interaction between ADHD and DBD; impaired inhibition in the comorbid group, however, was more severe than in the DBD group. Regarding working memory, few group differences were found. Conclusions: Clinically diagnosed preschool children with ADHD showed robust inhibition deficits, whereas preschool children with DBD showed impaired inhibition especially where motivational incentives were prominent. Severity of inhibition impairment in the comorbid group was similar to the ADHD group

    Executive function deficits in preschool children with ADHD and DBD

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    Background: Impairments in executive functions (EF) are consistently associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and to a lesser extent, with disruptive behavior disorder (DBD), that is, oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder, in school-aged children. Recently, larger numbers of children with these disorders are diagnosed earlier in development, yet knowledge about impairments in clinically diagnosed preschool children and the role of comorbidity is limited. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to examine EF in clinically referred preschool children with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD, DBD and ADHD + DBD. Method: Participants were 202 children aged 3.5–5.5 years, 61 with ADHD only, 33 with DBD only, 52 with comorbid ADHD + DBD and 56 typically developing children. Five EF tasks were administered. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the two-factor model (inhibition and working memory) fit the data better than a one-factor model in this clinical sample. Preschoolers with ADHD displayed inhibition deficits, also after controlling for IQ. Likewise, preschoolers with DBD displayed impaired inhibition, but when IQ was controlled differences were carried mostly by the effect on the task where motivational demands were high (i.e. when tangible rewards were used). This pattern was also found in the interaction between ADHD and DBD; impaired inhibition in the comorbid group, however, was more severe than in the DBD group. Regarding working memory, few group differences were found. Conclusions: Clinically diagnosed preschool children with ADHD showed robust inhibition deficits, whereas preschool children with DBD showed impaired inhibition especially where motivational incentives were prominent. Severity of inhibition impairment in the comorbid group was similar to the ADHD group

    The Dysregulation Profile in middle childhood and adolescence across reporters: factor structure, measurement invariance, and links with self-harm and suicidal ideation

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    Recently, a phenotype of severe dysregulation, the Dysregulation Profile (DP), has been identified. DP consists of elevated scores on the Anxious/Depressed (AD), Aggressive Behavior (AGG) and Attention Problems (AP) scales of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Teacher Report Form (TRF), or Youth Self Report (YSR). A drawback in current research is that DP has been conceptualized and operationalized in different manners and research on the factor structure of DP is lacking. Therefore, we examined the factor structure of DP across

    To excel and to be happy: Parenting behaviors, parenting stress, and sociocultural contexts in Dutch and urban Chinese families

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    The current research examined the similarities and differences in parenting behaviors between 1090 Dutch and 2339 urban Chinese mothers with 1- to 4-year olds and investigated to what extent group differences in parenting stress, proportions of only children, and maternal working hours explain cultural variations in parenting behaviors. Thirteen parenting behaviors were assessed using the Comprehensive Early Childhood Parenting Questionnaire. Parenting stress was measured by 10 items selected from the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form. Mothers also reported whether the child was an only child and how many hours they worked per week. Results showed that Dutch mothers and urban Chinese mothers had similar levels of sensitivity, affection, using toys, verbal punishment, and positive discipline. For the other 8 parenting behaviors on which cultural variations were found, a mediational model, examining whether parenting stress, the only-child status, and maternal working time could explain cultural differences in parenting behaviors, was investigated. Compared to Dutch mothers, urban Chinese mothers had higher parenting stress, worked longer hours, and were more likely to have an only child. The group differences in involvement in activities, exposure, over-reactivity, and physical punishment were fully explained by cultural differences in parenting stress and proportions of only children. These mediators, however, only explained a part of the cultural differences in responsiveness, psychological control, consistency, and laxness, showing that Dutch mothers were still more consistent in enforcing rules and less lax in parenting, whereas urban Chinese mothers were still slightly more responsive to children's signals, but also more psychologically controlling

    Long-Term Developmental Changes in Children's Lower-Order Big Five Personality Facets

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    __Objective:__ This study examined long-term developmental changes in mother-rated lower-order facets of children's Big Five dimensions. __Method:__ Two independent community samples covering early childhood (2-4.5 years; N=365, 39% girls) and middle childhood to the end of middle adolescence (6-17 years; N=579, 50% girls) were used. All children had the Belgian nationality. Developmental changes were examined using cohort-sequential latent growth modeling on the 18 facets of the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children. __Results:__ In early childhood, changes were mostly similar across child gender. Between 2 and 4.5 years, several facets showed mean-level stability; others changed in the direction of less Extraversion and Emotional Stability, and more Benevolence and Imagination. The lower-order facets of Conscientiousness showed opposite changes. Gender differences became more apparent from middle childhood onward for facets of all dimensions except Imagination, for which no gender differences were found. Between 6 and 17 years, same-dimension facets showed different shapes of growth. Facets that changed linearly changed mostly in the direction of less Extraversion, Benevolence, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Imagination. Changes in facets for which nonlinear growth was found generally moved in direction or magnitude during d

    Triangulation and child adjustment after parental divorce: Underlying mechanisms and risk factors.

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    Parental triangulation is a particular risk to healthy child adjustment after divorce. However, detailed knowledge is lacking on how triangulation predicts child adjustment, and whether some children are more vulnerable to triangulation’s effects. Therefore, the present study used a sample of 135 children (Mage = 11.76) and 130 parents from 77 recently divorced families to identify whether intrapersonal processes (loyalty conflicts, self-blame, and self-esteem) underlie the link between postdivorce triangulation and child adjustment over a period of 2 years. We also explored whether these direct and indirect effects were dependent on children’s environmental sensitivity and empathy. By means of path analysis in MPlus, the mediation analyses indicated that more triangulation was only indirectly associated with a relative increase in children’s internalizing problems, via experiencing more loyalty conflicts and lower self-esteem. Loyalty conflicts also explained the link between triangulation and children’s externalizing problems. Yet, there were no indirect effects via children’s self-blame attributions. Second, moderation analyses revealed that the effect of triangulation was dependent on children’s level of empathy, but not sensitivity. Children scoring high on empathy showed a stronger association between triangulation and child-reported adjustment problems, both directly and indirectly via loyalty conflicts and self-esteem. There were hardly any significant effects for parent-reported child adjustment. Overall, the present study calls for more awareness on the adversity of postdivorce triangulation for children, its working mechanisms, and the factors that make children more vulnerable to its detrimental effects

    Gaze and speech behavior in parent–child interactions: The role of conflict and cooperation

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    A primary mode of human social behavior is face-to-face interaction. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of gaze and its relation to speech behavior during video-mediated face-to-face interactions between parents and their preadolescent children. 81 parent–child dyads engaged in conversations about cooperative and conflictive family topics. We used a dual-eye tracking setup that is capable of concurrently recording eye movements, frontal video, and audio from two conversational partners. Our results show that children spoke more in the cooperation-scenario whereas parents spoke more in the conflict-scenario. Parents gazed slightly more at the eyes of their children in the conflict-scenario compared to the cooperation-scenario. Both parents and children looked more at the other's mouth region while listening compared to while speaking. Results are discussed in terms of the role that parents and children take during cooperative and conflictive interactions and how gaze behavior may support and coordinate such interactions

    The structure of emotion regulation strategies in adolescence: Differential links to internalizing and externalizing problems

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    Emotion regulation is a multi-modal construct, that includes both adaptive and maladaptive cognitive-behavioral processes. However, many classifications of regulation strategies do not take this multi-modality into account. In this study, two classification systems were integrated. Participants were 336 adolescents (56% boys, Mage = 15.41, SD = 1.45). Anger regulation strategies were measured with a questionnaire that assessed general strategies, and a vignette measure that assessed contextual strategies. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a 4-factor classification that consisted of cognitive maladaptive, behavioral maladaptive, cognitive adaptive, and behavioral adaptive strategies. The four categories of regulation strategies were differentially associated with age, and gender and psychological problem differences were found. Adolescents wit