53 research outputs found

    Трудности диагностики герпетического энцефалита в неврологической и нейрохирургической практике

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    Herpes encephalitis (HE) often proceeds in the form of focal inflammatory cerebral affection resembling an abscess or tumor of the corresponding localization. Differential diagnosis of HE may be difficult, forcing diagnostics with other processes bounding the space. Case histories of four patients, in whom encephalitis foci were similar to brain-growth, are presented. Two patients were operated for removal of necrotic formations. Difficulties of diagnostics and ways to overcome them are discussed.Герпетический энцефалит (ГЭ) часто протекает в виде очагового воспалительного поражения головного мозга, напоминающего абсцесс или опухоль соответствующей локализации. Дифференциальный диагноз ГЭ может представлять серьезные трудности, заставляя проводить диагностику с другими процессами, ограничивающими пространство. Представлены истории болезни четырех пациентов, у которых очаги энцефалита очень напоминали опухоль мозга. У двух пациентов были проведены операции с удалением некротических образований. Обсуждаются трудности диагностики и пути их разрешения

    Institutional Experience with Primary Interventional Radiology Sclerotherapy for Lymphatic Malformation

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    Interventional Radiology Sclerotherapy is effective for treatment of primary and recurrent lymphatic malformationshttps://knowledgeconnection.mainehealth.org/lambrew-retreat-2021/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Challenging the European southern refugium hypothesis: species-specific structures vs. general patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among small mammals

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    Aim: In this study, we conduct a quantitative meta-analysis to investigate broad patterns of genetic variation throughout large geographic regions in order to elucidate concordant geographical patterns across species and identify common historical processes to better inform the ‘cryptic refugia’ vs. the traditional ‘southern refugia’ hypothesis debate. Location: Europe Time period: Late Pleistocene to present day. Major taxa studied: small mammals (Rodentia, Eulipotyphla) Methods: A meta-analysis was performed on large scale patterns of genetic diversity for 19 species from 59 papers. For each species, haplotype and nucleotide diversity were calculated using the mitochondrial D-loop and compared to the species range. Results: No consistent patterns were observed between mtDNA diversity indices (nucleotide and haplotype diversity) and any of the indicators of distribution examined (latitude and longitude (max, min, centre, range)). The patterns of genetic diversity observed in all the 19 species studied appear to be species-specific. Main conclusion: In contrast to the traditional southern refugial hypotheses, we found no evidence for a consistent south-north post-glacial expansion. Instead individual species appear to respond to climate oscillations in niche-specific ways. This individual nature of each species’ phylogeographical history indicates a complex web of postglacial recolonisation dynamics across Europe

    Stress-Induced Hsp70 Gene Expression and Inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts by Chlorine-Based Oxidants▿

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    Our research on the mechanisms of action of chlorine-based oxidants on Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in water revealed a dual-phase effect: (i) response to oxidative stress, which was demonstrated by induced expression of the Hsp70 heat shock gene, and (ii) oocyst inactivation as a result of long-term exposure to oxidants. The relative biocidal effects of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and electrolytically generated mixed oxidant solution (MOS) on C. parvum oocysts were compared at identical free chlorine concentrations. Oocyst inactivation was determined by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR) amplification of the heat-induced Hsp70 mRNA and compared with tissue culture infectivity. According to both assays, within the range between 25 and 250 mg/liter free chlorine and with 4 h contact time, MOS exhibits a higher efficacy in oocyst inactivation than hypochlorite. Other RNA-based viability assays, aimed at monitoring the levels of β-tubulin mRNA and 18S rRNA, showed relatively slow decay rates of these molecules following disinfection by chlorine-based oxidants, rendering these molecular diagnostic viability markers inappropriate for disinfection efficacy assessment

    Progressive Course of Chronic Tick-Borne Encephalitis Manifesting as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-like Syndrome 35 Years after the Acute Disease

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    The chronic form of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is understudied and seems to be linked exclusively to Siberian and Far Eastern TBE virus (TBEV) subtypes. There are limited clinical descriptions demonstrating that chronic TBE can resemble an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-like disease. Here, we present a description of a clinical case of progressive chronic TBEV infection with a relapse 35 years after the initial acute infection following a tick bite. The disease manifested as an ALS-like syndrome with bulbar signs, progressive muscle weakness and atrophy, decreased reflexes, and eventual respiratory failure and death. There is no clear differentiation between chronic TBE and postencephalitic syndrome described in European sources. The reactivation of TBEV infection was supported by the presence of anti-TBEV antibodies in serum and antibodies to E protein and to the nonstructural protein NS1 in the CSF. These findings support the diagnosis of a relapse of chronic TBE in this patient


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    The work covers the hantavirus strains circulating in the natural infection foci, organs of the small mammals, sera and blood of the men. The aim is to study the genetic relationship of the hantaviruses and optimize the molecular-biological methods relatively to the hantaviruses. The new hants viral types circulating on the territory of the formet USSR have been discovered; the data on the systematics of the hantaviruses have been made accurate. The new method with application of the biothopic probes for detection and identification of the hantaviruses has been developed. Usage field: epidemiological and clinic-diagnostical investigations on base of virusological laboratories.Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio