38 research outputs found

    The philosophy of structuralism in language and linguistics

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    Structuralism underlies on the concepts that every system possesses a structure, that structure determines the position of every element of a whole, that structural rules deal with coexistence than changes, and that structures are the "real things" underlying the surface of meaning. In language and linguistic studies, structuralism includes collecting a corpus of utterances and then attempting to classify all of the elements of the corpus at their different linguistic level

    Metaphor translation in Edgar Allan Poes "Ligeia"

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    To express the fantastic picture the author uses a lot of stylistic devices and expressive meansye

    Translation peculiarities of idioms: cultural aspect, metaphorical grounds

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    Idioms are found in every language and learning them is an important aspect of mastering a language. The English language is no exception as it contains a large number of idioms, which are extensively used. Due to their rigid structure and quite unpredictable meaning, idioms are often considered difficult to learnyesBelgorod State Universit

    Time category in English and German language world views through mataphor translation analysis in "Momo" by M. Ende

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    This paper is devoted to the linguistic analysis o f the time metaphors translation based on the novel of the 20th century German writer. There presented groups of metaphors most occurring in the work and characterizing the author's view on time category. A number of characteristic features which time possesses in the representation of native English and German language speakers is listed her

    Trump’s image in a political cartoon: analysis of expressive potential

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    This study is an attempt to describe the expressive means used in American political cartoons covering the most prominent events before and during Donald Trump’s presidency. Political cartoon as a type of political text is widely adopted in political communication with the aim to manipulate people’s mind

    Complex correlation of two language systems: modern literary German of Germany and Austrian variant of German

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    The article presents a research of Austrian variant of German lexical variety. German language of Germany is a pluricentric language. It exists in some variants: standard variant of modern literary German of Germany and two variants of German in Austria and Switzerland. The relations between the standard form of the language in Germany and its variant in Austria are the main issue of the researc

    Morphological classification of dysphemisms in artistic discourse

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    This study pursued the following goal: to analyze the morphological features of dysphemisms within the framework of artistic discourse. The concept of dysphemism was described, and a classification of dysphemisms in contemporary linguistic

    "AHIMSA" principle in the religious and cultural practices of ancient and contemporary India

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    The paper is focused on the development of the ahimsa principle and its specifics in the ideology of ancient and contemporary India, in its religious and cultural practice

    Ethno-Cultural Code as a Value-Semantic Dominant of the Supply Chain Management in Media Industry

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    Abstract- The present article is devoted to the actual problem of identifying supply chain management position in real mass media discourses, as well as the question of determining intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic sources of the synergistic binomial of ethno-linguistic culture. This article examines the cultural code, which is the key to understanding ethno-culture, including the unique value-semantic topics of the people's living space, determining the dominant principles of the world perception. The purpose of the article is to analyze representation of the ethno-cultural code in the artistic and mass media discourses. The methodological basis of the research is interpretation of culture as a semiotic space. Used copyright methods include: value-semantic and lingvo-suggestive. The article presents results of the study of cultural code as a value-semantic dominant of artistic and mass-media texts through a communicative and pragmatic analysis of multi-genre texts for disclosure of features of mentality in a cultural code. The authors come to the conclusion that in the semantic structure of a word it is necessary to single out a special component, “cultural meaningâ€, which is formed not by a simple set of individual words, but in text space based on their interaction. The value-sense space created by the cultural code is the basis of entire ethnic community, and deconstruction of the value-sense dominant destroys it

    Дискурсивно-прагматическое моделирование языкового образа

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    The paper considers the problems of language modeling of the image of the world, allowing to recreate the basic concepts, topics of reality they represent. A special place is occupied among them by the modeling of the subjective image of a charismatic personality, which in one way or another personifies the life-sense of his era (Peter I, mother Theresa, Iron Lady, Theresa May, etc.). The focus is on the spiritual, physical and ideological modi of the created language image, its suggestive interaction and the development of society. The peculiarity of the linguistic image is that the person is synergistically recreated, he is not outside of the subjective attitude of the author of the text, whether it is mass media or artistic and historical texts. Though subjective, the linguistic image is created through the speech interpretation of realities. The linguistic image embodies the real world with the help of semantic dynamics of words, representing ideologemes, culturemes and concepts as cognitive-discursive constructs of a socially significant event.El artículo considera los problemas del modelado del lenguaje de la imagen del mundo, permitiendo recrear los conceptos básicos, temas de la realidad que representan. Un lugar especial está ocupado entre ellos por el modelado de la imagen subjetiva de una personalidad carismática, que de una u otra manera personifica el sentido de la vida de su época (Pedro I, madre Teresa, Hierro Dama, Teresa Mayo, etc.). La atención se centra en el modo espiritual, físico e ideológico de la imagen del lenguaje creado, su interacción sugerente y el desarrollo de la sociedad. La peculiaridad de la imagen lingüística es que la persona se recrea de forma sinérgica, no está fuera de la actitud subjetiva del autor del texto, ya sea en los medios de comunicación o en los textos artísticos e históricos. Aunque subjetiva, la imagen lingüística se crea a través de la interpretación del habla de las realidades. La imagen lingüística encarna el mundo real con la ayuda de dinámicas semánticas de palabras, representando ideologías, culturemas y conceptos como construcciones cognitivas-discursivas de un evento socialmente significativo.В статье рассматриваются проблемы языкового моделирования образа мира, позволяющие воссоздать основные понятия, темы реальности, которые они представляют. Особое место среди них занимает моделирование субъективного образа харизматической личности, которая так или иначе олицетворяет жизненный смысл его эпохи (Петр I, мать Тереза, Железная леди, Тереза Мэй и др.). Основное внимание уделяется духовным, физическим и идеологическим способам создаваемого языкового образа, его внушающему взаимодействию и развитию общества. Особенность языкового образа заключается в том, что человек синергетически воссоздан, он не находится вне субъективного отношения автора текста, будь то средства массовой информации или художественно-исторические тексты. Лингвистический образ, хотя и субъективный, создается посредством речевой интерпретации реалий. Лингвистический образ воплощает реальный мир с помощью семантической динамики слов, представляя идеологемы, культурмы и понятия как когнитивно-дискурсивные конструкции социально значимого события