838 research outputs found

    Change in Land Use and Cropping Pattern in Assam: An Economic Analysis

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    The economy of Assam is predominantly agrarian in nature having 28.11 lakh hectares of net cultivated area. In the study, Location coefficient (L), Simpson Diversity Index and CGR were used as analytical tools. In the state, net area sown, total cropped area and area sown more than once had increased. On the other hand, significant negative growth was recorded for forest area, barren and unculturable land, permanent pastures and other grazing land, land under miscellaneous trees, groves and fellow land. Higher concentrations of forest area, area sown more than once and lands put to non-agricultural purposes were reported in the state. Rice is the major crop in Assam accounting 60.87 per cent of the total cropped area during 2015-16. North Bank Plain Zone, Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone and Hill Zone were reported to have higher crop diversification whereas, Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone, Lower Brahmaputra Valley Zone and Barak Valley Zone showed lower crop diversification

    A Review on Light Trapping Capacities of Different Photovoltaic Cells

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    As human beings mostly depend on fossil fuels for all of their daily energy USAges. But due to the exponential increase in the graph of the price of the fossil fuels, as well as the gradually decreasing graph of their availability on a large scale, makes the people to divert their attention towards a new source of sustainable energy which could fulfil their daily energy needs reliably, efficiently as well as cost-effectively. Among all renewable sources, the solar energy is an energy source whose availability is free and in an enormous amount; but the main thing is that steps should be undertaken in order to harness the solar energy properly. The following contents in the paper are based on the ways that how solar energy could be harnessed profitably

    Compliance, efficacy and quality of life for oral morphine versus transdermal fentanyl patch in management of cancer pain

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    Background: A randomized, open, two-period, crossover study was done on cancer patients requiring strong opioid analgesia (n=104, mean age 63.5, range18-83 years) recruited from State Cancer Institute, Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, comparing transdermal fentanyl with oral morphine.Methods: Patients received one treatment for 15 days followed immediately by the other for 15 days.Results: Transdermal fentanyl provided good pain relief and it was also was associated with less constipation when compared to oral morphine(p<0.05). Of those who were able to express a preference, significantly more preferred fentanyl patches.Conclusions: Transdermal fentanyl patch provided good pain relief, equivalent to that provided by oral morphine, required lesser rescue doses, improved quality of life and is associated with less constipation when compared to morphine, and was preferred more by patients.

    Karakterisasi Beberapa Galur Inbreed Generasi S5 Pada Fase Vegetatif Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

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    Jagung merupakan tanaman pangan strategis sebagai bahan pangan, sumber bio energi dan bahan baku industri. Jagung termasuk sumber utama karbohidrat dan protein.. Karakteristik tanaman jagung dapat dilihat berdasarkan ciri vegetatif maupun ciri generatif. Karakteristik sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan deskripsi dan klasifikasi tanaman jagung sehingga masyarakat dengan mudah dapat menentukan kultivar tanaman jagung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakter vegetatif dan mengetahui tingkat ke-seragaman pada beberapa galur jagung inbrida. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober–Desember 2013 di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya yang terletak di Desa Jatikerto, Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan 21 galur jagung dengan masing-masing galur terdiri dari 60 tanaman yang digunakan sebagai sampel. Berdasarkan analisis varian antar galur untuk 5 karakter kualitatif yang diamati memiliki keseragaman sehingga dilakukan deskripsi terhadap karakter warna koleoptil, karakter bentuk ujung daun, karakter sudut antara daun dan batang, arah helaian daun, dan bentuk tepi daun. Dilakukan juga pengamatan 5 karakter kuantitatif yaitu karakter tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, lebar daun, panjang daun dan diameter batang. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu adanya keseragaman pada karakter kualitatif dengan didominasi oleh warna koleoptil kemerahan, karakter bentuk ujung daun bulat, sudut antara daun dan batang pada kategori sedang ±50º, karakter arah helaian daun yaitu sedikit melengkung dan karakter bentuk tepi daun yaitu agak bergelombang. Kemudian terdapat keseragaman pada seluruh galur yang diuji pada karakter kuantitatif antara lain tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, lebar daun, panjang daun dan diameter batang

    Peer Group Support Decrease Depression Level in Menopause Woman

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    Introduction: Menopause woman has higher depression level than pre and postmenopause woman. Many woman who are getting menopause will feel lonely and don't have any friends to talk, if this situation continue it can cause menopausal depression. Peer group support is one of group therapy which gives opportunity to menopause woman to get mutual support and help them to face the problem. This aimed of this study was to analyze the effect of peer group support in the menopause woman depression level. Method: A quasy experimental pre-post test design was used in this study. There were 16 menopause women taken from Cepokomulyo Kepanjen. The independent variable was peer group support and the dependent variable was the depression level. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with the significance level α<0.05. Result: Result showed that there was an effect of peer group support in the menopause woman depression level with significance level p=0.011 (treatment group) and p=0.23 (controlled group) and the result of Mann Whitney U Test showed that p=0.02. Discussion: It can be concluded that peer group support can reduce the menopause woman depression level. It can be suggested to the institutional to practice peer group support to help menopause woman reduce their depression level