9 research outputs found

    Significance of the expression of minichromosome maintenance proteins 2, 5 and 7 in periocular basal cell carcinoma

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    најчешћи канцер коже периокуларне регије кога одликује локално инвазиван/деструктиван начин раста, склоност рецидивима, као и веома ниска инциденца метастазирања. Последњих година посебно се проучава улога једне нове групе једарних протеина који су названи протеини одржавања минихромозома (енгл. minichromosome maintenance proteins - МЦМ), чија је улога омогућавање правилне репликације ДНК током ћелијског циклуса - омогућавају започињање, одржавање репликације и процес транскрипције ДНК молекула. МЦМ протеини се испољавају у ћелијама у којима је ћелијски циклус у току, док се у ћелијама које су у стању мировања и диференцијације њихова експресија губи тако да представљају потенцијално корисне маркере ћелијске пролиферације, особито у туморима. Истраживања која се баве улогом и функцијом односно анализом експресије МЦМ протеина 2, 5 и 7 у BCC периокуларне регије нису до сада публикована, нити је било студија која су испитивале испољавање МЦМ протеина 2, 5 и 7 у односу на прогностичке параметре BCC коже као што су дубина инвазије и димензије, нити је вршена упоредна евалуација испољавања МЦМ молекула различитим методама (семиквантитативно, индекс обележавања, дистрибуција позитивних ћелија). Циљ Циљ ове дисертације је анализа испољавања МЦМ протеина 2, 5 и 7 у BCC коже периокуларне регије, поређење експресије МЦМ протеина 2, 5 и 7 и прогностичких параметара BCC коже периокуларне регије - хистолошки подтип, димензије (површина и највећи измерени пречник) тумора, дубина туморске инвазије, као и процена различитих начина евалуације имунохистохемијског бојења и експресије МЦМ протеина у односу на хистолошки подтип BCC коже периокуларне регије и остале прогностичке параметре...Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is by far the most common cancer of the periocular region which is characterized by locally invasive/destructive way of growth, high relapse rate and a very low incidence of metastasis. In recent years, the role of a new group of nuclear proteins which are called minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins have been studying, especially their role in the process of DNA replication during the cell cycle - initiation, replication maintainance and transcription process of the DNA molecule. MCM proteins are expressed in cells in which the cell cycle is in progress, while in cells that are quiescent, their expression is lost, so they represent potentially useful markers of cell proliferation, particularly in cancer. In the literature, papers that analyze the role and function of MCM 2, MCM 5 and MCM 7 proteins expression in the BCC of the periocular region have not yet been published, nor has there been studies that have examined the expression of MCM 2, MCM 5 and MCM 7 proteins in relation to the prognostic parameters of BCC such as the depth of invasion and dimensions, nor a comparative evaluation of the expression of MCM molecules with different methods (semi-quantitative, labeling index, distribution of positive cells). Aim The aim of this thesis is to analyze the manifestation of MCM proteins 2, 5 and 7 in the BCC of the periocular region, a comparison of MCM 2, 5 and 7 proteins expression and prognostic parameters of BCC of the periocular region - histological subtype, size of the tumour (area and largest diametar), depth of tumour invasion, and evaluation of different ways of immunohistochemical staining and MCM proteins expression compared to the histological subtypes of BCC and other prognostic parameters..

    Metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma presented as a tumor of the maxillary sinus and retrobulbar tumor

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    Introduction. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent primary malignant tumor of the liver. It is usually seen in the 6th and 7th decades of life and chronic hepatitis B is the most frequent cause. Extrahepatic metastasis of HCC is an indicator of a poor prognosis and the most common sites are lungs, bones, lymph nodes, kidneys and adrenal glands. We reported a case of isolated metastasis in the right maxilla, which had been found initially, before the tumor in the liver was diagnosed. Case report. A 70-year-old man underwent dental surgery of the upper right molar. Prolonged bleeding control was difficult for up to two weeks, so the biopsy was performed. Histopathological analysis revealed a metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma. Computerized tomography (CT) of the abdomen revealed a diffusely heterogeneous liver parenchyma with irregular borders and two foci of mass lesions. There were metastasis in the spleen and also two pathological retroperitoneal lymph nodes were detected, but no ascit, liver cirrhosis, cholestasis or portal vein thrombosis were seen. CT of the orbital and maxillary regions revealed a tumor mass in the right maxillary sinus, spreading to the alveolar sinus, nasal cavity and partially infratemporal space. A tumor mass was in the right orbit as well, infiltrating the surrounding bones and muscles. Clinically, there was proptosis of the right eye accompanied by amaurosis. The treatment started with chemotherapy based on 5-fluorouracil (sorafenib was not available). After three cycles, control CTs showed a stable disease in the liver, but progression in the right maxillary sinus and orbit. Enucleation of the right eye was performed and postoperative radiotherapy was planed. The patient deteriorated rapidly and died, about 6 months after the disease had been diagnosed. Conclusion. Extrahepatic metastasis of HCC represents a progressive phase of the disease with poor prognosis, so the main aim of the treatment should be palliation and care of symptoms

    Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days (FiEDAD) 2016

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    Significance of the expression of minichromosome maintenance proteins 2, 5 and 7 in periocular basal cell carcinoma

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    најчешћи канцер коже периокуларне регије кога одликује локално инвазиван/деструктиван начин раста, склоност рецидивима, као и веома ниска инциденца метастазирања. Последњих година посебно се проучава улога једне нове групе једарних протеина који су названи протеини одржавања минихромозома (енгл. minichromosome maintenance proteins - МЦМ), чија је улога омогућавање правилне репликације ДНК током ћелијског циклуса - омогућавају започињање, одржавање репликације и процес транскрипције ДНК молекула. МЦМ протеини се испољавају у ћелијама у којима је ћелијски циклус у току, док се у ћелијама које су у стању мировања и диференцијације њихова експресија губи тако да представљају потенцијално корисне маркере ћелијске пролиферације, особито у туморима. Истраживања која се баве улогом и функцијом односно анализом експресије МЦМ протеина 2, 5 и 7 у BCC периокуларне регије нису до сада публикована, нити је било студија која су испитивале испољавање МЦМ протеина 2, 5 и 7 у односу на прогностичке параметре BCC коже као што су дубина инвазије и димензије, нити је вршена упоредна евалуација испољавања МЦМ молекула различитим методама (семиквантитативно, индекс обележавања, дистрибуција позитивних ћелија). Циљ Циљ ове дисертације је анализа испољавања МЦМ протеина 2, 5 и 7 у BCC коже периокуларне регије, поређење експресије МЦМ протеина 2, 5 и 7 и прогностичких параметара BCC коже периокуларне регије - хистолошки подтип, димензије (површина и највећи измерени пречник) тумора, дубина туморске инвазије, као и процена различитих начина евалуације имунохистохемијског бојења и експресије МЦМ протеина у односу на хистолошки подтип BCC коже периокуларне регије и остале прогностичке параметре...Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is by far the most common cancer of the periocular region which is characterized by locally invasive/destructive way of growth, high relapse rate and a very low incidence of metastasis. In recent years, the role of a new group of nuclear proteins which are called minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins have been studying, especially their role in the process of DNA replication during the cell cycle - initiation, replication maintainance and transcription process of the DNA molecule. MCM proteins are expressed in cells in which the cell cycle is in progress, while in cells that are quiescent, their expression is lost, so they represent potentially useful markers of cell proliferation, particularly in cancer. In the literature, papers that analyze the role and function of MCM 2, MCM 5 and MCM 7 proteins expression in the BCC of the periocular region have not yet been published, nor has there been studies that have examined the expression of MCM 2, MCM 5 and MCM 7 proteins in relation to the prognostic parameters of BCC such as the depth of invasion and dimensions, nor a comparative evaluation of the expression of MCM molecules with different methods (semi-quantitative, labeling index, distribution of positive cells). Aim The aim of this thesis is to analyze the manifestation of MCM proteins 2, 5 and 7 in the BCC of the periocular region, a comparison of MCM 2, 5 and 7 proteins expression and prognostic parameters of BCC of the periocular region - histological subtype, size of the tumour (area and largest diametar), depth of tumour invasion, and evaluation of different ways of immunohistochemical staining and MCM proteins expression compared to the histological subtypes of BCC and other prognostic parameters..

    Clinical significance of routine lacrimal sac biopsy during dacryocystorhinostomy: A comprehensive review of literature

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    The main purpose of this paper is to provide the information about the incidence and types of pathology of secondary acquired obstructions of the lacrimal excretory outflow system caused by primary lacrimal sac non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions. After a thorough literature search, 17 case-control studies were found and selected, data were extracted and categorized, to evaluate specific lacrimal sac pathology mimicking inflammation. A total of 3865 histopathologically examined lacrimal sac wall biopsy specimens from 3662 patients, taken during dacryocystorhinostomy for clinically presumed primary chronic dacryocystitis, were analyzed. The most common reported histopathological finding was non-specific chronic inflammation with or without fibrosis (94.15% of cases). Lacrimal sac-specific pathologies were present in 226 (5.85%) cases. Unsuspected lacrimal sac-specific pathologies were present in 55/226 (24.34%) cases. Almost 45% of primary lacrimal sac malignant neoplasms were not suspected, preoperatively and intraoperatively. Tumor-like lesions of the lacrimal sac were the most common pathology found: (1) lacrimal stones-dacryoliths, (2) pyogenic granuloma, (3) granulation tissues, (4) reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, and (5) lacrimal sac-specific inflammation (Wegener’s granulomatosis and sarcoidosis). Neoplastic pathology was found in 55/3865 (1.42%) lacrimal sac wall biopsy specimens; of those, malignant cases were 2.24 times more frequent than benign. Lymphoma was the most common preoperatively unsuspected or intraoperatively unexpected neoplastic pathology. This analysis of the relevant literature highlights the value of routine lacrimal sac biopsy during surgery for clinically presumed primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction

    Primary Merkel cell carcinoma of the eyelid - clinical, histopathological, immunohistochemical and electron microscopical features: A case report

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    Introduction. Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare eyelid neoplasm which can cause significant diagnostic and especially therapeutic challenges. Case Outline. This is the first documented report of the case of primary MCC of the eyelid in Serbia. Conclusion. The optimal therapy must be individualized in any given patient and, early diagnosis and meticulous follow-up are mandatory to achieve a long-term cure

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Quality of Life following Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: A Prospective Analysis

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    Background and Objectives: Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that addresses both aesthetic and functional concerns, offering transformative potential for patients’ overall well-being. This study systematically evaluates the comprehensive impact of upper eyelid blepharoplasty on patients’ quality of life, employing rigorous methodologies and standardized assessment protocols. Materials and Methods: A prospective, randomized controlled trial was conducted, involving 348 patients aged 49 to 87 years. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either continuous or intradermal sutures following upper eyelid surgery. Validated FACE-Q questionnaires were used to assess various outcomes, including early-life impact, expectations, satisfaction with eyes, overall face satisfaction, satisfaction with the outcome, psychological function, social function, and adverse effects. Results: Results indicate significant improvements in multiple domains of patient-reported outcomes following upper eyelid blepharoplasty, including satisfaction with eyes, overall face satisfaction, satisfaction with the outcome, psychological function, and social function. Notably, no significant differences were observed between suturing techniques regarding patient satisfaction and well-being. Adverse effects were minimal and improved over time. Conclusions: The study underscores the transformative nature of upper eyelid blepharoplasty in enhancing patients’ quality of life, addressing both cosmetic and functional concerns. Utilizing standardized assessment tools like the FACE-Q questionnaire facilitates a comprehensive understanding of treatment outcomes and enables patient-centered care. Overall, this research contributes to the growing evidence supporting the positive impact of upper eyelid blepharoplasty on patients’ well-being, emphasizing the importance of continued research and standardized assessment protocols in advancing patient care in cosmetic surgery

    Reduced light exposure mitigates streptozotocin-induced vascular changes and gliosis in diabetic retina by an anti-inflammatory effect and increased retinal cholesterol turnover

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    Diabetic retinopathy is not cured efficiently and changes of lifestyle measures may delay early retinal injury indiabetes. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of reduced daily light exposure on retinal vascularchanges in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced model of DM with emphasis on inflammation, Aqp4 expression, visualcycle and cholesterol metabolism-related gene expression in rat retina and RPE. Male Wistar rats were dividedinto the following groups: 1. control; 2. diabetic group (DM) treated with streptozotocin (100 mg/kg); 3. groupexposed to light/dark cycle 6/18 h (6/18); 4. diabetic group exposed to light/dark cycle 6/18 h (DM+6/18).Retinal vascular abnormalities were estimated based on lectin staining, while the expression of genes involved inthe visual cycle, cholesterol metabolism, and inflammation was determined by qRT-PCR. Reduced light exposurealleviated vasculopathy, gliosis and the expression of IL-1 and TNF-α in the retina with increased perivascularAqp4 expression. The expression of genes involved in visual cycle and cholesterol metabolism was significantlyup-regulated in RPE in DM+6/18 vs. DM group. In the retina only the expression of APOE was significantlyhigher in DM+6/18 vs. DM group. Reduced light exposure mitigates vascular changes and gliosis in DM via itsanti-inflammatory effect, increased retinal cholesterol turnover and perivascular Aqp4 expression