832 research outputs found

    Drop foot corrective device

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    A light weight, economical device to alleviate a plurality of difficulties encountered in walking by a victim suffering from a drop foot condition is discussed. A legband girdles the leg below the knee and above the calf providing an anchor point for the upper end of a ligament having its lower end attached to a toe of a shoe or a toe on the foot. The ligament is of such length that the foot is supported thereby and retained in a normal position during walking

    Focus Group Composition in Heterogeneous Populations

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    Often, groups of people behave differently than individuals. Influential members in a group can cause other members in the group to make irrational decisions. Focus groups are used within marketing to see how a group will react to a new idea or product. Focus group researchers will often create separate focus groups consisting of people who are alike so that influential members are less likely to occur. However, influence occurring in the population due to interactions consisting of heterogeneous people may not show up in these focus groups due to their homogeneity. In this paper I present a model of a population with two types of reactions to a new policy, non-dissenter and dissenter. Dissenters are against the new policy, and feel very strongly about their opinion. Non-dissenters are not against the policy, but their opinion is weak. If the policy is enacted, members of the population interact on a one-on-one basis, sharing their opinion of the policy until the population has reached a consensus on the policy. Modeling shows that even a small proportion of dissenters can cause large shifts in the average opinion in the population overtime. I then present a model of a focus group where members within the focus group share their opinion to all other members. I find that focus groups that consist of members from the targeted population can be used to estimate the population consensus, and that these focus groups can be composed of randomly chosen members of the population. I then go on to show that homogenous focus groups, or focus groups consisting of all non-dissenters or all dissenters, create a bias if used in the estimation.The Undergraduate Research OfficeNo embargoAcademic Major: Economic

    California's Answer: Mandatory Mediation of Child Custody and Visitation Disputes

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    Gross v. Gross: Ohio's First Step Toward Allowing Private Ordering of the Marital Relationship

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    Quality of life in automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator recipients

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    Electron beam loss assumptions for ELI-NPMEGa-ray radioprotection analysis

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    The ELI-NP project is now working on the design of their conventional facility. Dr. Gheorghe Cata-Danil recently requested that I provide them with information on the location and amount of electron-beam loss in the MEGa-ray source they have proposed for ELI-NP. This memo is intended to document that information, for transmission to ELI-NP. The ELI-NP MEGa-ray source, as presently proposed, consists of two x-band accelerator sections separated by a large chicane, as show in figure 1. The basic parameters of the machine that are pertinent for specifying the radiation source terms are shown in table 1. These are the parameters of the intentionall-produced photobeam. In addition to the photobeam, the electron gun and accelerator will produce 'dark current' that originates throughout the RF structures (that is, distributed along the accelerator axis) and therefore has a distribution of energy below the energy of the photobeam. Because it is emitted from surfaces inside the RF structures, much of it is not transported through the accelerator and is lost in the accelerator RF structures. A large fraction of the total dark current is produced in the photogun and lost at the entrance of the 1st accelerator RF structure. Important sources of radiation during operation are beam alignment screens that are used for observing the image of the electron beam, during adjustment of beam steering and for general diagnostic purposes. Each screen consists of a 1 mm thick Ce:YAG plate that is moved into the path of the beam when desired. This destroys the electron beam, spraying all beam current into the structures downstream of the screen. Only one screen is inserted at a time. These screens may be located after each accelerator RF structure, and after each set of bend magnets, as shown in figure 3. The photobeam energy and currents at each location are listed in table 2; for simplicity, the dark current energy is (conseratively) assumed to be the same as the photobeam energy. In normal operation, the locations of other beam losses and the estimated current and energy of the lost beam are listed in table 3. In addition to these 'normal' beam losses, it is assumed that the beam may be accidentally mis-steered by up to 1 degree at every steering magnet, so that it hits the surrounding beam tube and other structures. This loss can be modeled as occurring at the locations listed in table 2, numbers 1-7 and 16-21. Similarly, it is assumed that any of the dipole magnets, in chicanes or at the beam dump, may fail, resulting in total beam loss straight ahead. These locations can be assumed to be the same as listed in table 2, numbers 8-10, 12-14, 22-24, 26, and 27. The data provided above are estimates of the beam loss, for the purpose of calculating radiation source terms. Dark current estimates are conservative, until we acquire actual operational data. Neither the estimated currents nor the estimated energies listed above contain any intentional margin. when they have performed similar calculations for their own purposes, they have typitally added approximately 10% to the beam energy to provide some overall margin in the analysis

    The Effect of Socratic Circles Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Eleventh Grade of SMKI Al Khoirat Kabupaten Tangerang in Academic Year 2020/2021

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was determine whether there was a significant influence using Socratic Circles Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Eleventh Grade of SMKI AL KHOIRAT Kabupaten Tangerang in academic year 2020/2021. The method of the research used quantitative research with quasi-experimental research. In this research design consists of experimental class without random selection. The students was tested by using pre-test and post-test. And the result of this research was statistical calculation by kolmogorov-smirnova test, based on testing of hypothesis, it was known that the sig (0.000) was similar than 0.05. There for it can be conclude that there is a positive effect of Socratic Circles Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Eleventh Grade of SMKI AL KHOIRAT KabupatenTangerang

    Traveling sealer for contoured table Patent

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    Sealing apparatus for joining two pieces of frangible material

    Collecting to the Core: Evolution for Everyone

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