497 research outputs found

    Parental species and hybrid descendants of Bacillus (Insecta Phasmatodea) show different patterns of highly amplified, colocalized ribosomal and telomeric sequences

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    We investigated by dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 28S ribosomal and (TTAGG)n telomeric probes all species of the circum-Mediterranean genus Bacillus encompassing bisexual and parthenogenetic taxa, namely the three parental species (B. grandii, B. atticus, B. rossius) and the two derived hybrids (B. whitei, B. lynceorum). Specimens were collected in Italian mainland, Sardinia and Sicily. In all species the presence of colocalized, highly amplified ribosomal and telomeric sequences was demonstrated by the double labelling of the cytological satellites. These satellites varied in size, number and location both among and within species. In B. grandii and B. atticus a maximum of two FISH-labeled locations were observed, whereas in B. rossius and in the two hybrids up to 11 different positions were recorded. Moreover, our investigations showed a significant occurrence of chromosome breakages and rearrangements. The overall meaning of the ribosomal and telomeric sequence colocalization as well as the Nucleolar Organizer Region mobility and activity are discussed in both the ancestors and their hybrid descendants. It is noteworthy that the same trait has been shown in seven additional phasmid species belonging to distantly related genera. This trait could be a shared ancestral character in phasmids

    Dietary Nitrate: Effects on the health of weaning pigs and Antimicrobial activity on seven probiotic Bifidobacterium spp. strains

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    The potential role of nitrite as an antimicrobial substance in the stomach may be of some importance in the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract and in host physiology. It has been shown that nitrite, under the acidic conditions of the stomach, may kill gut pathogens like Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Yersinia enterocolitica, whereas acid alone has only a bacteriostatic effect. An in vivo study was conducted in order to assess the effects of dietary nitrate on microbiota and on the health of the gut (particularly in the stomach and small intestine). 96 weaning pigs were fed a diet containing high nitrate levels (15 mg and 150 mg) and then challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium. Differences in composition of the gut microbiota were assessed by analysing samples from the pigs: To date analysis of 48 pigs has been completed.. Preliminary results demonstrated no effect on the population densities of microbial groups either from the challenge or from nitrate intake. However, increasing the time from challenge decreased either the counts of LAB in the stomach and jejunum or of clostridia in the stomach. Bifidobacteria also decreased in the stomach contents as nitrate supplementation increased. Supplementing the feedstuff with high dietary nitrate intake and then challenging with Salmonella did not affect the gastric pH or the degree of ulceration in the pigs. The synergistic bactericidal effects of pH, nitrite and thiocyanate on seven probiotic Bifidobacterium spp. strains were also investigated in an in vitro study. The results of the in vitro study demonstrated that an inhibitory effect exists on the seven probiotic bifidobacteria investigated with an exposure longer than 2 hours and pH values < 5.0. Addition of thiocyanate also increased the susceptibility of the tested strains. In this in vitro study, the most resistant strains at all conditions were B. animalis subsp. lactis Ra 18 and P32 and B. choerinum Su 877, Su 837 and Su 891

    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): New poplar clones allow an environmentally sustainable cultivation

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    In Italy 72 poplar clones ( Populus spp.) are registered for commercialization. They were selected for fast growth, stem shape and disease resistance. The new selections (named MSA) includes genotypes with very high resistance to all the main diseases and to one insect, Phloeomizus passerinii (Sign.). Fast growth and disease resistance allow to produce wood with low environmental and economic costs; for this reason in some Italian Regions the introduction of a percentage of these clones in poplar stand is mandatory to obtain funding for their establishment (Rural Development Plan). To better understand the environmental advantages deriving from the use of these clones, in comparison with the old genotypes (particularly ‘I-214’), a ‘Life Cycle Assessment’ approach was applied considering as impact indicator the CO 2 equivalent emissions; from stoolbed to commercial stand, primary data were collected from an Italian experience. Firstly with the Inventory Analysis all the raw material, energy, wastes and emissions related were collected for each cultivation phase. The Analysis showed a reduction of 9% of CO 2 eq. ha -1 emitted, growing MSA instead of ‘I-214’. Considering the emissions per volume of wood, ‘I-214’ requests 47.5 kg CO 2 eq. per m 3 , compared with MSA that request 36.6 kg CO 2 eq. per m 3

    Chromosomal mapping of ribosomal clusters and telomeric sequences (TTAGG)n in nine species of lobsters (Crustacea, Decapoda)

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    Lobsters are ubiquitous, economically important decapod crustaceans with apparently conflicting evolutionary relationships. Here, we describe the chromosomal location of the major (45S rDNA) and minor (5S rDNA) ribosomal gene families in four species of Astacidea and five of Achelata, using two-color FISH. The major ribosomal family is located in 4–16 sites per diploid chromosome set, with Nephrops norvegicus (Nephropidae) showing the highest number described so far in Decapoda. The 5S rDNA is located in two sites in eight species; only in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii the 5S FISH signals were detected in four sites together with additional weaker signals. Furthermore, in N. norvegicus the minor ribosomal genes are syntenic with one major ribosomal cluster. Moreover, we located by two-color FISH the pentanucleotide (TTAGG)n telomeric repeat in the Nephropidae studied, showing the occurrence of a colocalization with 45S ribosomal sequences in Homarus gammarus. The comparison of chromosomal locations of repetitive sequences in Mediterranean, Atlantic, and South African lobster species as well as in marine and freshwater ones provides information on chromosomal evolution and cytotaxonomy of Decapoda

    Could CMR Tissue-Tracking and Parametric Mapping Distinguish Between Takotsubo Syndrome and Acute Myocarditis? A Pilot Study

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    Rationale and Objective: Takotsubo syndrome (TS) is a transient and often misdiagnosed form of left ventricular dysfunction. Acute myocarditis (AM) is usually included in TS differential diagnosis. The aim of this study is to assess the role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging coupled with tissue-tracking technique (CMR-TT) and parametric mappings analysis in discriminating between TS and AM. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively enrolled three groups: patients with TS (n = 12), patients with AM (n = 14), and 10 healthy controls. All the patients had a comprehensive CMR examination, including the assessment of global and segmental longitudinal strain, circumferential strain, radial strain (RS), and parametric mapping. Results: The analysis of variance was used to compare the different groups. In TS patients, basal RS, global T1 mapping, global T2 mapping, mid T2 mapping, apical T1 and T2 mapping were statistically significantly different compared with the other groups. MANCOVA analysis confirmed that the association between myocardial strain data and parametric mapping was independent on age and sex. Apical T1 and T2 mapping proved to have a good performance in differentiating TS from AM (area under the curves of 0.908 and 0.879, respectively). Conclusion: Basal RS and apical tissue mapping analysis are the most advanced CMR-derived parameters in making a differential diagnosis between TS and AM

    Early impairment of contractility reserve in patients with insulin resistance in comparison with healthy subjects

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    Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is currently considered a crucial cardiovascular (CV) risk factor, which seems to play a dominant role in the evolution toward cardiac and vascular impairment. Early IR-induced cardiac dysfunction can be assessed by Doppler-derived myocardial systolic strain rate (SR) index, measured at baseline and after dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE).Methods: Thirty IR patients (HOMA-IR = 7 ± 5.2, age 52.6 ± 2.1 years), and 20 healthy, age and sex matched controls were studied. IR had been diagnosed in all patients in the 3 months preceding the study. Dobutamine echocardiography was performed in all subjects to exclude ischemic heart disease, and left ventricular contractile reserve (LVCR) was then assessed. LVCR was evaluated as an increase in the peak of an average longitudinal SR, measured in the basal and mid segments of 2 and 4 chamber ventricular walls.Results: No significant differences between the 2 groups were revealed by baseline echocardiography. In contrast, after DSE a significant decrease of Delta SR was found in the IR group in comparison to the controls (0.54 ± 0.31 s-1vs 1.14 ± 0.45 s-1; p < 0.0001).Conclusions: Our results show that IR, even if isolated and arising within a short time period, not only represents the initial phase of future diabetes, but may adversely affect heart function, as evidenced by the depressed LVCR. Our data strengthen the need for attention to be paid to IR state and for an early therapeutic approach

    Bifidobacteria Strain Typing by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, a technology traditionally used in chemistry to determine the molecular composition of a wide range of sample types, has gained growing interest in microbial typing. It is based on the different vibrational modes of the covalent bonds between atoms of a given sample, as bacterial cells, induced by the absorption of infrared radiation. This technique has been largely used for the study of pathogenic species, especially in the clinical field, and has been proposed also for the typing at different subspecies levels. The high throughput, speed, low cost, and simplicity make FTIR spectroscopy an attractive technique also for industrial applications, in particular, for probiotics. The aim of this study was to compare FTIR spectroscopy with established genotyping methods, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), whole-genome sequencing (WGS), and multilocus sequence typing (MLST), in order to highlight the FTIR spectroscopy potential discriminatory power at strain level. Our study focused on bifidobacteria, an important group of intestinal commensals generally recognized as probiotics. For their properties in promoting and maintaining health, bifidobacteria are largely marketed by the pharmaceutical, food, and dairy industries. Strains belonging to Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis were taken into consideration together with some additional type strains. For B. longum subsp. longum, it was possible to discriminate the strains with all the methods used. Although two isolates were shown to be strictly phylogenetically related, constituting a unique cluster, based on PFGE, WGS, and MLST, no clustering was observed with FTIR. For B. animalis subsp. lactis group, PFGE, WGS, and MLST were non-discriminatory, and only one strain was easily distinguished. On the other hand, FTIR discriminated all the isolates one by one, and no clustering was observed. According to these results, FTIR analysis is not only equivalent to PFGE, WGS, and MLST, but also for some strains, in particular, for B. animalis subsp. lactis group, more informative, being able to differentiate strains not discernible with the other two methods based on phenotypic variations likely deriving from certain genetic changes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has highlighted the possibility of using the cell surface as a kind of barcode making tracing strains possible, representing an important aspect in probiotic applications. Furthermore, this work constitutes the first investigation on bifidobacterial strain typing using FTIR spectroscopy

    From mining wastes to mineral sources - investigating the REE-bearing occurrences in the Arburèse District (SW Sardinia)

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    In recent years, the search for possible sources of REE minerals in Europe involved numerous old mine areas with high volumes of mining wastes that may offer significant amounts of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs). In some cases, strong evidence of CRMs anomalous concentrations arises from environmental characterization of wastes, so that an interesting problem is that of finding their sources, i.e., the original CRMs - rich mineral phases in the residual ore. An excellent example is provided by the Arburèse district of SW Sardinia, for about 150 years a major Pb-Zn source in Italy, now an area under study for remediation of its severe environmental problems, including &gt;10 Mt of waste deposits. The district exploited a large system (&gt;10 km) of low-temperature polymetallic veins hosted in Lower Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks belonging to the Variscan Nappe zone, arranged in two main geometrical trends relative to the late Variscan Arbus pluton: “peripheral” and “intersecting”. Recent investigations in the Montevecchio mine area discovered high Zn (up to 2.65 wt.%) and Pb (1.23 wt.%) grades in stratified tailing materials belonging to the Sanna old processing plant. Remarkably, ICP-MS analyses on the same materials revealed total REE+ Y contents attaining about 600 ppm. XRD studies confirmed a tailing composition essentially made of gangue minerals (quartz, siderite and micas) with goethite, baryte and traces of Zn carbonates and Pb sulfates. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns are coherent with the hydrothermal character of the source: however, both the REE mineralogical host(s) in tailings and in the Montevecchio ore are still undetermined. In the search of REE-bearing phases in the ores, some relevant insights are provided by studies on the southern branch of the Arburèse system, where the veins of “peripheral” system are hosted in late Ordovician-Silurian sedimentary sequences. In this part of the district the polymetallic veins assume the character of five-elements (Ni-Co-As-Bi-Ag) veins, with a rich Ni-Co-Fe arsenide – quartz association (1) overprinted by a Zn-Pb-Cu sulfide – siderite – quartz association (2), very similar to that dominating in Montevecchio. Investigations in the Pira Inferida mine sector highlighted the presence of LREE fluorocarbonates (synchysite-Ce and bastnaesite-Ce) and phosphates (monazite) associated with rutile and apatite. LREE minerals have been detected by SEM-EDS as tiny crystals in the quartz-sericitic gangue of the Montevecchio-type (2) mineral association. The same minerals are found in millimetric aggregates in the oxide zone of the veins, sporadically reported by mineral collectors in other mine sites of the same system. Overall, these occurrences, similar to those found in other low-temperature vein systems of Sardinia (e.g., Silius vein system), appear reliable mineral REE sources for Montevecchio mine wastes; they may be therefore used as proxies for REE exploration and assessment in the district