528 research outputs found

    Aeroacoustic Design of an Abrasive Blasting Nozzle Using CFD

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    Current industrial abrasive blasting nozzles are often loud enough to negatively impact worker health and require employers to implement hearing conservation programs under OSHA noise exposure regulations. Significant opportunity exists for the use of modern computational fluid dynamics software (CFD) in the design of an abrasive blasting nozzle with a focus on reducing the acoustic intensity. Past work using CFD for abrasive blasting nozzle design has focused on improving productivity, ignoring aeroacoustic considerations. ANSYS Fluent software was used to investigate the effect of geometry changes to a commercially available No. 6 venturi nozzle, specifically the addition of a constant cross-section cylindrical nozzle extension at the end of the diverging portion of the nozzle. Two categories of steady-state, multi-phase simulations were run, those in which the blast media did not exchange energy with the air flowing through the nozzle (discrete phase interaction disabled), and those in which the blast media did exchange energy with the air flowing through the nozzle (discrete phase interaction enabled). The simulations were then compared to hand calculations of the fluid and media velocities to establish simulation accuracy, followed by collection of acoustic data from physical nozzles which were then compared directly to the simulation results to establish the accuracy of the trends predicted by the simulations. The simulations which accounted for the exchange of energy between the blast media and the air flowing through the nozzle were found to provide similar trends to the experimental results while the simulations which did not account for the exchange of energy between the blast media and the air flowing through the nozzle were found to provide similar trends to the theoretical calculations

    "If you don't vote VMRO you're not Macedonian" A study of Macedonian identity and national discourse in Skopjee

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    Abstract If you don't vote VMRO you're not Macedonian" In this thesis my aim has been to take a closer look at the connection between ethnicity, identity and political power in Macedonia. I have tried to achieve this by focusing on identifying some enabling structures and constraining factors for identity construction on three analytical levels of the Macedonian community in Skopje. I started out by focusing on the perception of history among my informants, just like my informants often started out by discussing perceptions of history in our conversations. I have tried to take a closer look at the different shifts in Macedonian history, which I have indicated by leaning on Todorova's are identity transformations. I have further indicated that such an identity transformation started in Skopje around 2006 and are still ongoing. I have also suggested that the identity issues with the surrounding countries are based on controversies going back at least a hundred years, making it easy for the political elite to make use of in contemporary identity construction. In addition I have attempted to show how the government through their dominant position in Macedonian politics is fronting poster campaigns drawing the Macedonian genealogy back to the antique Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great. I have divided the Macedonian population into three generations and referred to them as group A, B, and C. My aim was to show how the three generations interpreted the Macedonian history based on their own lived experience. One of my conclusions is that the Macedonian history narration as presented in Skopje by the official Macedonian historians, is legacy as perception and that the Macedonian government party is shaping this perception through its national discourse.I move on to explain how the political elite influences the perception of national history, by creating a national genealogy going back to the antique Macedonians' and by doing this influences the perception of Macedonian identity. I also try to show how this is restricted to the ethnic Macedonian population through juxtaposing history, descent and religion with ethnicity to create and maintain ethnic boundaries. In chapter three of the thesis I have chosen to focus on the national discourse analysed through a critical discourse analysis perspective. I chose to focus on the national discourse because I saw through my fieldwork that nationalism was an important aspect connecting nation-building with ethnicity and the ongoing identity discourse. I used Özkɩrɩmlɩ's theoretical approach to national discourse to identify four important dimensions within the Macedonian national discourse. These were identified as the spatial, temporal, symbolic and everyday dimensions. The four dimensions are important in the national discourse as enabling homogenisation of Macedonian identity.The conception of history and the national discourse in Macedonian nation-building has been in focus throughout this thesis. My aim has been to use history conception and national discourse to illuminate how ethnicity, identity and political power influence each other in Skopje. There are however many other variables that go beyond the scope of this thesis. One of the factors I was unable to discuss is the economic factor. Economy plays an important role in every political turmoil and according to Todorova (2004) also in identity transformations...

    Fysisk aktivitet i behandlingen av alvorlig psykisk syke i spesialisthelsetjenesten

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    Masteroppgave folkehelsevitenskap- Universitetet i Agder, 2014An increasing number of people are being treated for mental disorders in Norway. The sale of drugs, sick leave and the number of new disability pensions due to mental disorders increases. The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of adopting health measures, such as physical activity, to prevent a further negative development in terms of the individual patient. This study examines how physical activity is incorporated as a part of an overall treatment provided to mental health patients in Norwegian specialized health service. The study is analyzed by Kvale and Brinkmann`s guidelines for meaning analysis. The empirical material is conducted through several qualitative research interviews. Twenty-two different interviews are collected from professionals, connected to four division of mental emergencies, and two long-term mental divisions from three different health institutions in Norway. Findings show that physical activity is incorporated as part of an overall treatment in all posts. The conclusion is that the activities vary from individual walks to systematically high intensity training. None of the informants reported that they use an existing motivation technique to encourage participation in physical activity. Seventeen of the twenty-two informants state simultaneously that inability of motivation is a challenge when it comes to physical activity and mental disease. Even though informants emphasize both the lack of relevant locations, time and resources persons, may findings from this study indicate that the employees´ will, attitudes and the missing evidence-based knowledge, have a stronger explanation than what was provided from the informants regarding the reasons for why there is a less integrated set of physical activity. Keywords: physical activity, mental health, motivation, achievement, phenomenological hermeneutic, empowerment, salutogenesis, social cognitive theory

    Evaluation of a university hospital trauma team activation protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Admission with a multidisciplinary trauma team may be vital for the severely injured patient, as this facilitates rapid diagnosis and treatment. On the other hand, patients with minor injuries do not need the trauma team for adequate care. Correct triage is important for optimal resource utilization. The aim of the study was to evaluate our criteria for activating the trauma team, and identify suboptimal criteria that might be changed in the interest of precision.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study is an observational, retrospective cohort-study. All patients admitted with the trauma team (n = 382), all severely injured (Injury Severity Score (ISS) >15) (n = 161), and all undergoing an emergency procedure aimed at counteracting compromised airways, respiration or circulation at our hospital (n = 142) during 2006-2007 were included. Data were recorded from the admission records and the electronic patient records. The trauma team activation protocol was evaluated against the occurrence of severe injury and the occurrence of emergency procedures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 441 patients were included. The overtriage was 71% and undertriage 32% when evaluating against ISS >15 as the standard of reference. When occurrence of emergency procedures was held as the standard of standard of reference, the over- and undertriage was 71% and 21%, respectively. Mechanism of injury-criteria for trauma team activation contributed the most to overtriage. The emergency procedures performed were mostly endotracheal intubation and external fixation of fractures. Less than 3% needed haemostatic laparotomy or thoracotomy. Approximately 2/3 of the overtriage represented isolated head or cervical spine injuries, and/or interhospital transfers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The over- and undertriage of our protocol are both too high. To decrease overtriage we suggest omissions and modifications of some of the criteria. To decrease undertriage, transferred patients and patients with head injuries should be more thoroughly assessed against the trauma team activation criteria.</p

    Formell veiledning i barnehagen

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan benytter to pedagogiske ledere formell veiledning i barnehagen, og hvordan begrunner de sin egen veiledningspraksis?publishedVersio