35 research outputs found

    Leucémie aiguë myéloblastique et translocation (8;16) (p11;p13), premier cas marocain d’une entité clinico- biologique distinct

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    La cytogénétique constitue un outil indispensable pour le diagnostic et le pronostic de la leucémie aigue myéloïde (LAM). La t(8 ;16)(p11 ;p13) est rare au cours de cette pathologie. Nous décrivons le cas d'une patiente de 22 ans, admise pour un syndrome d'insuffisance médullaire complet associé à une altération de l'état général. L'examen clinique initial montrait un purpura ecchymotique diffus et des adénopathies latérocérvicales centimétriques bilatérales. L'hémogramme avait montré une anémie à 7,6g /dl normochrome normocytaire, des globules blancs à 87,8×109/L, 15% de polynucléaires neutrophiles , 60% de blastes, 24% de lymphocytes, 1% de Monocytes et 65×109/L de plaquettes. Le myélogramme avait objectivé une LAM1. Sur l'immunophenotypage les marqueurs positifs étaient le CD33 (99%), le CD15 (73%), le CD38 (95%) et l'HLA-DR (88%), les marqueurs monocytoïdes CD14 et CD64 étaient positifs, le CD34, les marqueurs lymphopïdes, la MPO (26%) et le CD13 (2%) étaient négatifs. Le caryotype avait montré: t(8,16)(p11 , p13) add16 (20/20). L'inversion du chromosome 16 recherchée par FISH était négative. Le traitement avait consisté en 2 cures d'induction et 2 cures de consolidation selon le protocole national de traitement des LAM (Cytarabine, daunorubicine, etoposide), la rémission complète avait été obtenue en fin d'induction I, maintenue 9 mois suivie d'une rechute; Vu l'absence de possibilité d'une allogreffe, un traitement palliatif a été instauré, la malade est décédée de sa maladie un mois après la rechute. Notre cas se présente comme les cas décrits dans la littérature avec des données clinico- biologiques particulières.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    A randomized sham-controlled study of pulmonary vein isolation in symptomatic atrial fibrillation (The SHAM-PVI study): Study design and rationale

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    INTRODUCTION: Pulmonary vein (PV) isolation has been shown to reduce atrial fibrillation (AF) burden and symptoms in patients. However, to date previous studies have been unblinded raising the possibility of a placebo effect to account for differences in outcomes. HYPOTHESIS & METHODS: The objective of this study is to compare PV isolation to a sham procedure in patients with symptomatic AF. The SHAM-PVI study is a double blind randomized controlled clinical trial. 140 patients with symptomatic paroxysmal or persistent AF will be randomized to either PV isolation (with cryoballoon ablation) or a sham procedure (with phrenic nerve pacing). All patients will receive an implantable loop recorder. The primary outcome is total AF burden at 6 months postrandomisation (excluding the 3 month blanking period). Key secondary outcomes include (1) time to symptomatic and asymptomatic atrial tachyarrhythmia (2) total atrial tachyarrhythmia episodes and (3) patient reported outcome measures. RESULTS: Enrollment was initiated in January 2020. Through April 2023 119 patients have been recruited. Results are expected to be disseminated in 2024. CONCLUSION: This study compares PV isolation using cryoablation to a sham procedure. The study will estimate the effect of PV isolation on AF burden

    Glossário básico atualizado de termos dentários em periodontologia e ortodontia, inglês-espanhol

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    The large volumes of scientific information generated daily require health professionals to be constantly updated. Most of this information comes from English-speaking countries or is published in that language; hence, the professional must learn that language to be able to appropriate and/or disseminate as much as possible all this scientific creation. In this context, glossaries of terms from different languages contribute to cover this need. This glossary is conceived as a quick and up-to-date search tool for English terms related to orthodontics and periodontics. It compiles more than 150 terms from these specialties and is intended for students and professionals who wish to consult the meaning of words specific to these fields efficiently. It is not intended to present all the words and phrases pertaining to these specialties, as that would be impossible. It should be clarified that terms with spelling similar to Spanish were excluded, except those whose meaning is not the same.Los grandes volúmenes de información científica que se generan a diario demandan del profesional de la salud una actualización constante. La mayoría de esa información proviene de países de habla inglesa o se publica en ese idioma; de ahí la imperante necesidad por parte del profesional de aprender dicho idioma para poder apropiarse y/o divulgar en lo posible toda esa creación científica. En ese contexto, los glosarios de términos de diferentes idiomas aportan a cubrir esa necesidad. El presente glosario está concebido como instrumento de búsqueda rápida y actual de términos en inglés relacionados con la ortodoncia y la periodoncia. Recopila más de 150 vocablos de dichas especialidades, y está dirigido tanto a estudiantes como profesionales que deseen consultar eficazmente el significado de palabras propias de dichas ramas. En el presente glosario, no se pretende exponer todos los vocablos y frases pertenecientes a las mismas, pues eso sería imposible. Cabe aclarar que se excluyeron los términos cuya escritura se asemeje al español, excepto aquellos que su significado no sea el mismo.Os grandes volumes de informação científica gerados diariamente exigem dos profissionais de saúde uma atualização constante. A maior parte desta informação provém de países anglófonos ou é publicada nessa língua; daí a necessidade imperiosa de o profissional aprender essa língua para poder apropriar-se e/ou difundir, na medida do possível, toda esta criação científica. Neste contexto, os glossários de termos de diferentes línguas ajudam a responder a esta necessidade. Este glossário foi concebido como uma ferramenta de pesquisa rápida e atualizada de termos ingleses relacionados com a ortodontia e a periodontia. Reúne mais de 150 termos destas especialidades e destina-se tanto a estudantes como a profissionais que pretendam consultar eficazmente o significado de palavras específicas destes domínios. Não se pretende apresentar todas as palavras e expressões pertencentes a estas especialidades, pois tal seria impossível. Convém esclarecer que foram excluídos os termos cuja grafia é semelhante à do espanhol, exceto aqueles cujo significado não é o mesmo

    Three-dimensional numerical simulation of quasi-static pebble flow

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    To investigate the influence of the drainage rate and the particle contact model on the main features of the pebble flow, a quasi-static pebble flow of full scale German HTR-MODUL pebble bed is performed with up to 360,000 frictional graphite spheres. The treatment of the sphere-wall boundary condition is analyzed to avoid underestimating the friction of pebble near the wall. The streamlines, diffusion of pebbles and velocity profiles of pebble flow are drawn and analyzed. It shows that the streamlines and diffusion of pebbles inside the pebble bed are barely affected by the drainage rate and the particle contact model used. However, it reveals that the drainage rate and the contact model obviously influence the pattern of velocity profiles. It demonstrates that the quasi-static pebble flow and the Hertzian model are optimal choices of the neutronic physical design of the pebble bed reactor when the residue time of pebbles is particularly concerned

    Binding of cyclic Di-AMP to the staphylococcus aureus sensor kinase KdpD occurs via the universal stress protein domain and downregulates the expression of the Kdp potassium transporter

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    Nucleotide signaling molecules are important intracellular messengers that regulate a wide range of biological functions. The human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus produces the signaling nucleotide cyclic di-AMP (c-di-AMP). This molecule is common among Gram-positive bacteria and in many organisms is essential for survival under standard laboratory growth conditions. In this study, we investigated the interaction of c-di-AMP with the S. aureus KdpD protein. The sensor kinase KdpD forms a two-component signaling system with the response regulator KdpE and regulates the expression of the kdpDE genes and the kdpFABC operon coding for the Kdp potassium transporter components. Here we show that the S. aureus KdpD protein binds c-di-AMP specifically and with an affinity in the micromolar range through its universal stress protein (USP) domain. This domain is located within the N-terminal cytoplasmic region of KdpD, and amino acids of a conserved SXS-X(20)-FTAXY motif are important for this binding. We further show that KdpD2, a second KdpD protein found in some S. aureus strains, also binds c-di-AMP, and our bioinformatics analysis indicates that a subclass of KdpD proteins in c-di-AMP-producing bacteria has evolved to bind this signaling nucleotide. Finally, we show that c-di-AMP binding to KdpD inhibits the upregulation of the kdpFABC operon under salt stress, thus indicating that c-di-AMP is a negative regulator of potassium uptake in S. aureus. IMPORTANCE Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen and a major cause of food poisoning in Western countries. A common method for food preservation is the use of salt to drive dehydration. This study sheds light on the regulation of potassium uptake in Staphylococcus aureus, an important aspect of this bacterium's ability to tolerate high levels of salt. We show that the signaling nucleotide c-di-AMP binds to a regulatory component of the Kdp potassium uptake system and that this binding has an inhibitory effect on the expression of the kdp genes encoding a potassium transporter. c-di-AMP binds to the USP domain of KdpD, thus providing for the first time evidence for the ability of such a domain to bind a cyclic dinucleotide


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    3D city and building models according to CityGML encode the geometry, represent the structure and model semantically relevant building parts such as doors, windows and balconies. Building information models support the building design, construction and the facility management. In contrast to CityGML, they include also objects which cannot be observed from the outside. The three dimensional indoor models characterize a missing link between both worlds. Their derivation, however, is expensive. The semantic automatic interpretation of 3D point clouds of indoor environments is a methodically demanding task. The data acquisition is costly and difficult. The laser scanners and image-based methods require the access to every room. Based on an approach which does not require an additional geometry acquisition of building indoors, we propose an attempt for filling the gaps between 3D building models and building information models. Based on sparse observations such as the building footprint and room areas, 3D indoor models are generated using combinatorial and stochastic reasoning. The derived models are expanded by a-priori not observable structures such as electric installation. Gaussian mixtures, linear and bi-linear constraints are used to represent the background knowledge and structural regularities. The derivation of hypothesised models is performed by stochastic reasoning using graphical models, Gauss-Markov models and MAP-estimators

    4-[(3-Hydroxyanilino)(phenyl)methylidene]-3-methyl-1-phenyl-1 H

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    A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study of the Effect of Beetroot Juice Containing Dietary Nitrate on Aortic and Brachial Blood Pressure Over 24 h

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    Dietary inorganic nitrate in beetroot can act as a source of nitric oxide and has been reported to lower brachial blood pressure (BP). This study examined the effect of inorganic nitrate in beetroot juice on aortic (central) BP acutely and over the subsequent 24-h period. A double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial was performed in fifteen healthy, normotensive men and women (age 22–40 years). Participants were randomized to receive beetroot juice containing nitrate (6.5–7.3 mmol) or placebo beetroot juice from which nitrate had been removed (<0.06 mmol nitrate). Effects on aortic systolic BP were measured at 30 min (primary endpoint), 60 min and over a subsequent 24 h period using an ambulatory BP monitor. Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) was also measured at 30 min. Following a washout period, the procedure was repeated within 7 days with crossover to the opposite arm of the trial. Compared with placebo, ingestion of beetroot juice containing nitrate lowered aortic systolic BP at 30 min by 5.2 (1.9–8.5) mmHg [mean (95% confidence interval); p < 0.01]. A smaller effect on aortic systolic BP was observed at 60 min. There were minimal effects on brachial BP or cfPWV. Effects on aortic systolic BP were not sustained over the subsequent 24 h and there were no effects on other hemodynamic parameters during ambulatory monitoring. A single dose of beetroot juice containing nitrate lowers aortic BP more effectively than brachial BP in the short term, but the effects are comparatively short-lived and do not persist over the course of the same day