446 research outputs found

    Strain and dynamic measurements using fiber optic sensors embedded into graphite/epoxy tubes

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    Graphite/epoxy tubes were fabricated with embedded optical fibers to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring strains with a fiber optic technique. Resistance strain gauges were attached to the tubes to measure strain at four locations along the tube for comparison with the fiber optic sensors. Both static and dynamic strain measurements were made with excellent agreement between the embedded fiber optic strain sensor and the strain gauges. Strain measurements of 10(exp -7) can be detected with the optical phase locked loop (OPLL) system using optical fiber. Because of their light weight, compatibility with composites, immunity to electromagnetic interference, and based on the static and dynamic results obtained, fiber optic sensors embedded in composites may be useful as the sensing component of smart structures

    Institutional Responses to Self-Injurious Behavior among Inmates

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    To date, little research has systematically investigated perceptions of mental health professionals regarding perceived motivations for self-injury among prison inmates. To help fill this gap, descriptive techniques were used to examine self-injurious behavior among inmates from the perspective of correctional mental health professionals. A quantitative survey was used to assess perceptions of mental health staff regarding etiology, motivations, and manifestations of self-injury. A qualitative interview component was used to explicate responses from the survey. Findings indicate that inmate cutting, scratching, opening old wounds, and inserting objects were the most commonly witnessed behaviors. There were indications that self-injury occurred regularly and that a subset of inmates are responsible for recurrent events. Mental health professionals perceived the motivation for inmate self-injury to be both manipulative and a coping mechanism. Professionals described current management strategies and corresponding needs for training and resources

    On the origin of enstatite chondrite chondrules based on their petrography and comparison with experimentally produced chondrules

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    The recent discovery of several types 3 and 4 enstatite chondrites (EC) in the Antarctic collection increases greatly the ability to compare unaltered, naturally-formed EC chondrules with chondrules produced experimentally from melts of enstatitic chondrule composition. Because these discoveries are so recent we have undertaken the task of characterizing these chondrules for purposes of comparison. We have looked at several new Antarctic E3 chondrites and Qingzhen. They all have numerous chondrules with well defined outlines and readily identifiable textures. All have mostly porphyritic chondrules, but there are differences in the size and kinds of textures. Radial pyroxene, barred/dendritic px, and cryptocrystalline chondrules are present in differing amounts with one exception

    Vaudeville: A High Performance, Voice-Activated Teleconferencing Application

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    We present a voice-activated, hands-off, ATM-based video conferencing application. The application, called Vaudeville, features high quality NTSC video, voice-activated audio transmission, audio bridging of two audio streams, and voice-activated video switching. It supports multiple simultaneous multi-party conferences using a scalable multicast mechanism. We describe how Vaudeville was built using a component-based distributed programming environment. We also describe the algorithms used to contorl the audio and video of the applciation. Audio and video are encoded in hardware using an ATM hardware multimedia interface

    Progress on the Development of Future Airport Surface Wireless Communications Network

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    Continuing advances in airport surface management and improvements in airport surface safety are required to enable future growth in air traffic throughout the airspace, as airport arrival and departure delays create a major system bottleneck. These airport management and safety advances will be built upon improved communications, navigation, surveillance, and weather sensing, creating an information environment supporting system automation. The efficient movement of the digital data generated from these systems requires an underlying communications network infrastructure to connect data sources with the intended users with the required quality of service. Current airport surface communications consists primarily of buried copper or fiber cable. Safety related communications with mobile airport surface assets occurs over 25 kHz VHF voice and data channels. The available VHF spectrum, already congested in many areas, will be insufficient to support future data traffic requirements. Therefore, a broadband wireless airport surface communications network is considered a requirement for the future airport component of the air transportation system. Progress has been made on defining the technology and frequency spectrum for the airport surface wireless communications network. The development of a test and demonstration facility and the definition of required testing and standards development are now underway. This paper will review the progress and planned future work

    Damp-Heat Induced Degradation of Transparent Conducting Oxides for Thin Film Solar Cells

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    The objectives are: (1) To achieve a high long-term performance reliability for the thin-film CIGS PV modules with more stable materials, device structure designs, and moisture-resistant encapsulation materials and schemes; (2) to evaluate the DH stability of various transparent conducting oxides (TCOs); (3) to identify the degradation mechanisms and quantify degradation rates; (4) to seek chemical and/or physical mitigation methods, and explore new materials. It's important to note that direct exposure to DH represents an extreme condition that a well-encapsulated thin film PV module may never experience
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