231 research outputs found

    Regional population expenditure for foodstuffs in the Russian Federation: componential and cluster analyses

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    The article describes the solving of the problem of conducting the component and cluster analyses of population expenditure on food as one of the most important components of the standard of living. The purpose of the analysis is to develop the regional clusters of the Russian Federation, which vary in the structure of household expenditure for foodstuffs. The foodstuffs are presented in absolute units taking into integral account the standard of living index. The methods of intellectual analysis such as component and cluster analyses are applied as the research methods. The procedure for the data intellectual analysis based on the interconnected performance of component and cluster analyses is proposed. The procedure of the data intellectual analysis considers the interrelation between the results received by different methods, and also the possibility to return to the previous method for the purpose of repeating the analysis to specify consistently the clusters composition. Few clusters of the wealthy regions characterized by the high and average levels of expenditure for foodstuffs are revealed as well as the quite many clusters of not enough wealthy and not wealthy regions characterized by the low level of expenditure for foodstuffs. It is shown that the growth of standard of living characterized by the size of a gross regional product per capita is followed by the growth of the Gini coefficient, which indicates both the inequality of income distribution and reduction in expenditure for low-value foodstuffs. The results of the analysis can be applied to the development of the decision-making support system intended for the analysis of the scenarios of macroeconomic regulation in the eld of income policy for the purpose of increasing the standard of living of population. The analysis of the population expenditure for foodstuffs has allowed to reveal the cluster structure of the regions of the Russian Federation, to show it according to the generalized indications, to formulate the specific characteristics of the clusters of the regions and important management decisions

    Structure stability in the simple element sodium under pressure

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    The simple alkali metal Na, that crystallizes in a body-centred cubic structure at ambient pressure, exhibits a wealth of complex phases at extreme conditions as found by experimental studies. The analysis of the mechanism of stabilization of some of these phases, namely, the low-temperature Sm-type phase and the high-pressure cI16 and oP8 phases, shows that they satisfy the criteria for the Hume-Rothery mechanism. These phases appear to be stabilized due to a formation of numerous planes in a Brillouin-Jones zone in the vicinity of the Fermi sphere of Na, which leads to the reduction of the overall electronic energy. For the oP8 phase, this mechanism seems to be working if one assumes that Na becomes divalent metal at this density. The oP8 phase of Na is analysed in comparison with the MnP-type oP8 phases known in binary compounds, as well as in relation to the hP4 structure of the NiAs-type

    Simple Metals at High Pressure

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    In this lecture we review high-pressure phase transition sequences exhibited by simple elements, looking at the examples of the main group I, II, IV, V, and VI elements. General trends are established by analyzing the changes in coordination number on compression. Experimentally found phase transitions and crystal structures are discussed with a brief description of the present theoretical picture.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, lecture notes for the lecture given at the Erice course on High-Pressure Crystallography in June 2009, Sicily, Ital


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    The solution of the problems facing the modern Russian society largely depends on the beliefs, expectations, values and attitudes of people that determine their attitude to innovation, content, effectiveness and efficiency of various activities. Social adaptation (active inclusion in the social environment) of the individual assumes as a necessary condition the achievement of a certain level of social competence. The modern social environment has a significant impact on the process of personality formation, causing certain contradictions: on the one hand, socio-cultural modernization necessitates a new approach to the problem of social self-realization of the individual, requiring increased human activity as a subject of social life, taking responsibility for their activities and behavior, but, on the other hand, the instability of modern society increases the natural difficulties of growing up; the situation of uncertainty leads to deformation of personal development, disadaptation in society. Modernization of the education system has led to changes in the content, forms, methods and technologies of education, in connection with which there was a need to assess the results of the functioning of the education system. Analyzing the quality of a modern specialist training, researchers increasingly began to turn to the competencies formed during studying, among which an important place is occupied by social competence, estimated as the most important indicator of professional competence of a specialist in general, and in particular, in the field of economic, labor, social relations.A solução dos problemas enfrentados pela sociedade russa moderna depende em grande parte das crenças, expectativas, valores e atitudes das pessoas que determinam sua atitude em relação à inovação, conteúdo, eficácia e eficiência de várias atividades. A adaptação social (inclusão ativa no ambiente social) do indivíduo assume como condição necessária a conquista de um certo nível de competência social. O ambiente social moderno tem um impacto significativo no processo de formação da personalidade, causando certas contradições: por um lado, a modernização sociocultural requer uma nova abordagem para o problema da auto- realização social do indivíduo, exigindo maior atividade humana como sujeito da vida social, assumindo a responsabilidade por suas atividades e comportamentos, mas, por outro lado, a instabilidade da sociedade moderna aumenta as dificuldades naturais de crescer; a situação de incerteza leva à deformação do desenvolvimento pessoal, à desadaptação na sociedade. A modernização do sistema educacional levou a mudanças no conteúdo, formas, métodos e tecnologias da educação, em relação às quais havia a necessidade de avaliar os resultados do funcionamento do sistema educacional. Analisando a qualidade de um treinamento especializado moderno, os pesquisadores começaram a recorrer cada vez mais às competências formadas durante o estudo, entre as quais um lugar importante é ocupado pela competência social, estimado como o indicador mais importante da competência profissional de um especialista em geral e, em particular, , no campo das relações econômicas, trabalhistas e sociais.La solución de los problemas que enfrenta la sociedad rusa moderna depende en gran medida de las creencias, expectativas, valores y actitudes de las personas que determinan su actitud hacia la innovación, el contenido, la efectividad y la eficiencia de diversas actividades. La adaptación social (inclusión activa en el entorno social) del individuo supone como condición necesaria el logro de un cierto nivel de competencia social. El entorno social moderno tiene un impacto significativo en el proceso de formación de la personalidad, causando ciertas contradicciones: por un lado, la modernización sociocultural requiere un nuevo enfoque del problema de la autorrealización social del individuo, que requiere una mayor actividad humana como un sujeto de la vida social, asumiendo la responsabilidad de sus actividades y comportamiento, pero, por otro lado, la inestabilidad de la sociedad moderna aumenta las dificultades naturales de crecer; La situación de incertidumbre conduce a la deformación del desarrollo personal, la desadaptación en la sociedad. La modernización del sistema educativo ha llevado a cambios en el contenido, las formas, los métodos y las tecnologías de la educación, en relación con lo cual era necesario evaluar los resultados del funcionamiento del sistema educativo. Analizando la calidad de una formación especializada moderna, los investigadores comenzaron a recurrir cada vez más a las competencias formadas durante el estudio, entre las cuales un lugar importante está ocupado por la competencia social, estimado como el indicador más importante de la competencia profesional de un especialista en general, y en particular , en el campo de las relaciones económicas, laborales, sociales


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    The purpose of the article is to study the principles of managing staff working time to reduce costs and increase efficiency, optimize labor processes, manage and predict the workload of staff, and implement methods and tools to improve efficiency. The article describes the main prerequisites for the implementation of the Workforce Management system (WFM), which is a methodology for planning employees’ working hours, which is a component of the personnel management concept. As a metric for evaluating the effect of using WFM systems, the planned or actual number of employees` hours per month is used – a comparison of the planned schedules before and after using the system is made. The effect of implementing WFM is as follows: increased staff efficiency, improved service level, revenue growth as a result of lower costs and more competent traffic coverage, increased staff involvement and saving management time

    Effect of pressure on the Raman modes of antimony

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    The effect of pressure on the zone-center optical phonon modes of antimony in the A7 structure has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. The A_g and E_g frequencies exhibit a pronounced softening with increasing pressure, the effect being related to a gradual suppression of the Peierls-like distortion of the A7 phase relative to a cubic primitive lattice. Also, both Raman modes broaden significantly under pressure. Spectra taken at low temperature indicate that the broadening is at least partly caused by phonon-phonon interactions. We also report results of ab initio frozen-phonon calculations of the A_g and E_g mode frequencies. Presence of strong anharmonicity is clearly apparent in calculated total energy versus atom displacement relations. Pronounced nonlinearities in the force versus displacement relations are observed. Structural instabilities of the Sb-A7 phase are briefly addressed in the Appendix.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    The Role of Certain Species of Small Mammals in the Persistence of Natural Focality in the Territory of Forest-Steppe Zone of the Natural Tularemia Focus of the Stavropol Region

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    Epizootiological monitoring of the forest-steppe area of the natural tularemia focus in the Stavropol region has revealed that the role of particular species of small mammals in the persistence of natural tularemia focality is unequal. Epizootic activity of the focus in 1959-1970 was determined by the numerous species of rodents: Microtus arvalis , mice of Syvaemus genus and Mus musculus . In 1972-2010 there occurred significant changes in the grouping of the main tularemia agent carriers under the influence of strong anthropogenic pressure. Nowadays the leading role is played by the widely-spread and subsistent mice of Sylvaemus genus and C. suaveolens , the latter ones being responsible for 31.2 % of overall, isolated from small mammals, tularemia agent strains. In addition to this, epizootic significance of M. arvalis has greatly changed. Index of strains isolated from field vole has lowered from 55.3 up to 28.4. Numbers of M. arvalis and Mus musculus are continuously on the low level, which is due to the absence of favorable breeding conditions. It reduces their impact on the persistence of natural focality in the territory under surveillance significantly

    Structural and chemical embrittlement of grain boundaries by impurities: a general theory and first principles calculations for copper

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    First principles calculations of the Sigma 5 (310)[001] symmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu with Bi, Na, and Ag substitutional impurities provide evidence that in the phenomenon of Bi embrittlement of Cu grain boundaries electronic effects do not play a major role; on the contrary, the embrittlement is mostly a structural or "size" effect. Na is predicted to be nearly as good an embrittler as Bi, whereas Ag does not embrittle the boundary in agreement with experiment. While we reject the prevailing view that "electronic" effects (i.e., charge transfer) are responsible for embrittlement, we do not exclude the role of chemistry. However numerical results show a striking equivalence between the alkali metal Na and the semi metal Bi, small differences being accounted for by their contrasting "size" and "softness" (defined here). In order to separate structural and chemical effects unambiguously if not uniquely, we model the embrittlement process by taking the system of grain boundary and free surfaces through a sequence of precisely defined gedanken processes; each of these representing a putative mechanism. We thereby identify three mechanisms of embrittlement by substitutional impurities, two of which survive in the case of embrittlement or cohesion enhancement by interstitials. Two of the three are purely structural and the third contains both structural and chemical elements that by their very nature cannot be further unravelled. We are able to take the systems we study through each of these stages by explicit computer simulations and assess the contribution of each to the nett reduction in intergranular cohesion. The conclusion we reach is that embrittlement by both Bi and Na is almost exclusively structural in origin; that is, the embrittlement is a size effect.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Therapeutic effect of soluble factors of M2 phenotype macrophages in children with language impairments

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    The aim of the present study was to assess safety and clinical efficacy of inhalation immunotherapy based on intranasal administration of bioactive factors produced by the M2 phenotype macrophages in children with language impairments, as well as to study the effect of inhalation immunotherapy on the cytokine profile in the patients' blood serum. The study was carried out according to the NCT04689282 protocol (www.ClinicalTrials.gov) and included 14 children (9 boys / 5 girls), aged 3 to 8 years, with language impairments associated with perinatal or postnatal CNS lesions of various origin. The children recruited into the study were assessed by a neurologist and speech therapist before the therapy, at the end of the course (1 month), and 6 months later. Serum samples for cytokine analysis were obtained before and 1 month after therapy. The course of intranasal inhalations by the conditioned M2 media (2 ml one time per day for 28-30 days) was safe and well tolerated. None of the 14 treated children had significant adverse reactions and severe undesirable events. Intranasal immunotherapy led to a decrease in the severity of language problems, which manifested by improved speech understanding by 45%; the sensorimotor level of speech, by 51%; word formation skills, by 72%, as well as a twofold increase in general and fine motor skills. In children with signs of autism spectrum disorders, along with a language improvement, a decrease in the severity of autistic symptoms was registered, as evidenced by statistically significant decrease in the CARS score from 42.5 to 38.5 after 1 month, and to 33 points after 6 months (p < 0.05). The clinical effect was revealed rather soon, i.e., within a month after the first procedure, being maintained or intensified during a follow-up for 6 months. At the same time, two-thirds of the children showed a clear clinical improvement, with insignificant effect in the rest of patients. Comparative analysis of the serum cytokine levels in these subgroups showed that children with a pronounced positive response to inhaled immunotherapy differed in the following parameters: (1) initially higher level of VEGF and IGF-1, and (2) decrease the level of TNFα in response to intranasal immunotherapy. In summary, we first tested a fundamentally new approach based on the use of soluble factors from M2-type macrophages and intranasal route of their administration in order to treat the children with severe language impairments, demonstrating safety and obtained preliminary data on effectiveness of such approach